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Floor of tools

Welcome to the first floor of “Study with me”, the floor of available tools and techniques. Here,
you will be able to make use of popular and trustworthy tools such as timers and countdowns
to balance out work and rest in your daily lives.

But what distinguishes “Study with me” from other websites is that it groups all those tools into
one place. So, you don’t have to spend time individually installing each tool or switching tabs.

Floor of Pomodoro Clocks

Welcome to the second floor of “Study with me”, where you will be introduced and get
accustomed to the Pomodoro technique. By using this technique, we assure you that your
productivity and efficiency will go through the roof.

Unlike other applications, “Study with me” includes numerous features to aid you in your
studies, as well as a manual guide and pro-tips.

What is Pomodoro?
Pomofocus is a timer or countdown which is customizable, works on desktop browsers and
mobile devices. The purpose of this application is to help you focus on whatever task you are
doing, such as studying, writing etc... This app is inspired by the Pomodoro Technique, a time
management method developed by Francesco Cirillo.

Floor of Spaced Repetition

Welcome to the third floor of “Study with me”, the floor dedicated to Spaced Repetition in
order to best assist you in education by spacing lessons, having a well-thought-out revision plan
and avoiding forgetting new knowledge.

Like the second floor, "Study with me" brings you many features of the Spaced Repetition
method. The intervals between Revision sessions can last for weeks or months, so "Study with
me" will save your data so that you can remind them when you come to the class schedule
through Gmail.

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