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Políticas de Ambiente Laboral

Anyeli Martínez Domínguez


Dolly Astrid Beltrán

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje

Tecnología en Gestión de Mercados
1. Ingrese al vídeo luego escriba un párrafo de mínimo 10 líneas, expresando las ideas
principales contenidas en él.
As the workplace revolution gathers pace, we are witnessing a renewal of what it means for
companies to be flexible. The conversation is no longer solely about telecommuting or even
hybrid working. Due to generational demand and changing overtime hours, flexibility is
being transformed. From unlimited vacation policies to asynchronous schedules, businesses
and their employees are adapting at a rapid pace. With these seismic shifts, it is imperative
that organizations rethink how success is measured and implement an employee
performance model that focuses on results, not "time spent in their chairs." One of the
biggest misconceptions is that time spent at a desk equals success and that people are less
effective when not working in the office. Performance and success can no longer be
thought of in terms of face time or number of hours worked. Instead, the focus should be on
how well an employee aligns with the clear expectations set by the manager from the start.
Although the process is important, the end result is what really drives an organization.

2. Descargue y lea los textos contenido “Knowing my team”. Realice la actividad de

comprensión lectora del documento "Activity". Agregue las capturas en el
3. Basado en la administración de recursos humanos, escriba una presentación donde
señale las políticas para su propio proyecto, con el objetivo de promover un
ambiente laboral adecuado en su compañía.

- PERFECCION CAPILAR and its servers promote labor and personal growth,
organizational values, welfare and labor standards.
- The company will promote good relationships, good treatment and tolerance among
employees through the implementation of occupational health programs.
- Use meetings to listen to workers’ ideas and results
- Motivating workers with positive messages and personal rewards

4. En el documento “Vocabulary”, relacione cada palabra con el concepto que

corresponda. Tome capturas y agréguelas al documento.

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