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ᬶনиͻᄾᮥԣᮕ฾ ᬶন ௄ঊ
ᝍౢ ᜽ᮠ ᮕ฾ ఻ፃ



1. ambitious ᬵॷ‫ܥ‬ঃᄊnj᧙ॷҺҺᄊ
2. adaptability ᤠऄভ
3. adapt oneself to Ā ΎᒭࣂᤠऄĀ
4. prosperity ጓᕦ
5. be disadvantageous to Ā ࠫĀˀѾ
6. Àow of personnel ̡੦ืү
7. mechanism of personnel Àow ̡੦ืү఻҄
8. survival of the ¿ttest ᤠᏨၷߛ
9. a sense of accomplishment ੇࡃਖ
10. potentiality ໸ᑟ
11. learn to cooperate and compromise ߦ˸Ռͻ֗‫ݰ‬ө
12. be deeply impressed with Ā ࠫĀӿ៶ॢງ
13. company philosophy ͍ˊ஡ӑ
14. Àexibility ༧ำভ
15. competitive ቤ̂༏ཊᄊ
16. arena ᓂԼ
17. team-work spirit ‫ڄ‬᫳Ռͻድᇸ
18. treasure opportunity ဣ৹఻͘
19. a fat salary ஆКᮘ˘
20. a harmonious interpersonal relationship ֗ៈᄊ̡ᬅТጇ
21. a sense of responsibility ᠊͊ਖ
22. material gains ྭ᠏ॠ᥅
23. promising future А௚ᄊҒ᤭
24. bright prospect А௚ᄊҒఀ
25. a challenging job ʷ͋Цద્੍ভᄊࢺͻ
26. turning point ᣁઉག

௄ঊ ᬶন ᬶনиͻᄾᮥԣᮕ฾
఻ፃ ᮕ฾ ᜽ᮠ ᝍౢ

27. be closely related to Ā ˁĀৌৌᄱТ

28. get advanced in the society ѣ̡݀‫ڡ‬
29. a decent job ʷ͋ʹ᭧ᄊࢺͻ
30. chance of promotion Ӥ᣻఻͘
31. stability and satisfaction ሷࠀਖ֗໘ᡜਖ
32. keep skills fresh and up-to-date Ύ੿ᑟԻ̿ˀலఞழ
33. expand one’s horizon न᫫᜽᧙
34. balance work and life ࣱᛦࢺͻ֗ၷำ
35. from-nine-to-¿ve య˵௹̋ʷீ
36. shoulder/undertake oneýs responsibility ੾ઞᡑᒭࣂᄊ᠊͊
37. upgrade oneself ଢӤᒭੈ
38. a well-paid job ᰴஆКࢺͻ
39. creative work ѹᤵভࢺͻ
40. stand up to / meet the challenge ᤁଌ્੍
41. realize the value of life ࠄဘ̡ၷ͉ϙ
42. enrich one’s social experience ˘ࠝʷ˔̡ᄊᇫ͘᫞ԋ
43. cultivate one’s independence and toughness ۲Щᒭࣂᄊ࿘ቡভ֗‫ڲ‬᭽ভ
44. seek for personal development ᤝර˔̡ԧ࡙
45. display one’s talent ࡙ᇨ੦ᑟ
46. a sense of self-ful¿llment ᒭੈࠄဘਖ
47. promotion opportunity ଢӤ఻͘
48. meet one’s personalized needs ໘ᡜ౽̡˔ভӑᭊර
49. de¿ne one’s role ᆸࠀᒭࣂᄊᝈᓤ
50. social recognition ᇫ͘ᝣԻ
51. accumulate experience ᖍԩፃᰎ
52. inspiring ᴂᓂ̡ॷᄊ
53. motivation ү఻
54. workaholic ࢺͻ࿉
55. working environment ࢺͻဗ‫ܒ‬
56. work overtime ҫိ
57. improve one’s capabilities ଢᰴ౽̡ᑟҧ

ᬶনиͻᄾᮥԣᮕ฾ ᬶন ௄ঊ
ᝍౢ ᜽ᮠ ᮕ฾ ఻ፃ

58. develop one’s talents ۲Щ੦అ

59. ideal workplace ေਇࢺͻ‫ڤ‬ਫ਼
60. master interpersonal skills ଂଧ̡ᬅ̔ड़੿ᑟ


1. automobile industry ුᢼࢺˊ

2. boost the economic development Ψᤉፃเԧ࡙
3. levy the tax ढ़ሰ
4. modernization ဘ̽ӑ
5. be viewed as Ā ᜂ᜽˞௧Ā
6. be concerned about Ā ࠫĀઞঊ / ТฌĀ
7. pollution-free fuel ௄්ಀ྇ந
8. luxury ‫ݗ‬Αֶ
9. chronic lead poisoning ਥভᨥ˗ඉ
10. ¿llĀ with Ā ΎĀЍமᅌ
11. popularization of cars ුᢼ௿ԣ
12. lay more emphasis onĀ ં᧘ॷஊ‫ښ‬Ā
13. observe traf¿c regulations ᥖ߶̔ᤰ᜻ѷ
14. break traf¿c regulations ᤋԦ̔ᤰ᜻ѷ
15. get struck in traf¿c ᥅ʽ‫܄‬ᢼ
16. rush hour ʽʾိᰴ࢏௑ᫎ
17. ease the traf¿c pressure ᎁᝍ̔ᤰԍҧ
18. pedestrian ᛡ̡
19. pavement ̡ᛡ᥋
20. zebra crossing ஥ᯱጳ
21. over speed ᡔᤴᛡ᯺
22. bottleneck ̔ᤰ‫ڡ܋܄‬ӝ
23. settle down effective laws ҄ࠀѣሥౝద஍ᄊข॥
24. impose restrictions on Ā ࠫĀࠄஷᬍ҄
25. short-sighted ᄬАᆁูᄊ

௄ঊ ᬶন ᬶনиͻᄾᮥԣᮕ฾
఻ፃ ᮕ฾ ᜽ᮠ ᝍౢ

26. non-renewable resources ˀԻгၷᠫູ

27. carbon dioxide ̄තӑᇏ
28. a pillar industry ஃಏ̗ˊ
29. make full use of Ā ЍѬѾၹ
30. road networks Н᡹Ꭺ
31. speed limits ᬍᤴ
32. enhance the quality of life ଢᰴၷำ᠏᧚
33. pay a heavy price ̷ѣ৿჌ᄊ͉̽
34. promote the development of relative industries ΨᤉᄱТ̗ˊԧ࡙
35. traf¿c engineering ̔ᤰᤂᣥࢺሮ
36. the number of car ownership ුᢼવద᧚
37. call for Ā ᭊ᜶Ā
38. overcrowded ᣿एવ૘ᄊ
39. violator ᤋ᜻Ꮸ
40. headache ̡̾݀჌ᄊ̃
41. traf¿c accidents ̔ᤰ̃஌
42. head-way ᤉ࡙
43. conÀict with Ā ˁĀᄱфቊ
44. major cause ˟᜶Ԕ‫ڂ‬
45. be replaced by Ā ᜂĀਫ਼ԩ̽
46. provide convenience for Ā ˞ĀଢΙΧѾ
47. curbĀ ᬍ҄Ā
48. dilemma ᤉᤞːᬲ
49. encourage somebody to do something ᴂҵ౽̡ԝϢ౽̃ ᓬᑟᄊ


1. paparazzi ࿑̳᫳
2. mass media ܸ͕޵ʹ
3. entertainment ‫˭ޡ‬

ᬶনиͻᄾᮥԣᮕ฾ ᬶন ௄ঊ
ᝍౢ ᜽ᮠ ᮕ฾ ఻ፃ

4. journalism ழ᫕ˊ
5. journal రѯ
6. the latest news తழ๗ৌ
7. exclusive news ࿘ࠒழ᫕
8. news agency ழ᫕ᇫ
9. news blockout ழ᫕࠰ᩚ
10. news censorship ழ᫕ࠆಊ
11. freedom of the press ழ᫕ᒭႀ
12. coverage ழ᫕ઑ᥋
13. do reportage on Ā ઑ࠮Ā
14. hit the headlines ʽ݀౎
15. issue ѣྠnjԧᛡ
16. newsstand ઑ୏
17. free-lancer writer ᒭႀ୩ሽ̡
18. chief editor ঴ᎄ
19. editorial ᇫ᝷
20. newsworthy ϙ४ઑ᥋ᄊ
21. barometer ంᭁ᛫
22. the barometer of public opinion ᒺ᝷ᄊంᭁ᛫
23. live broadcast ᄰ୧
24. quiz show అҧቤ̂ᓬᄬ
25. game show ຤੆ᓬᄬ
26. variety show ፬Ռᓬᄬ
27. talk show ᑲ԰ሒ
28. sitcom ৱఀ‫؞‬қ
29. soap opera ᐪᄉқ
30. movie star ႃॖ௚௡
31. movie king ॖࣛ
32. movie queen ॖՑ
33. affair ፠᫕
34. celebrity Ր̡

௄ঊ ᬶন ᬶনиͻᄾᮥԣᮕ฾
఻ፃ ᮕ฾ ᜽ᮠ ᝍౢ

35. fame Ր‫ܦ‬

36. rise to fame ‫ܦ‬ՐᲽᡑ
37. fan ዠˍ
38. invade one’s privacy Φ੸̀Āᄊᬥሓ
39. misleading ឨ࠮ভᄊ
40. cheating ൛ᰕভᄊ
41. popularity ᅼՐए
42. scandal ˃᫕
43. sensational ᣅүᄊ
44. prevalent ௿᥆ᄊnjืᛡᄊ
45. imperative ᧘᜶ᄊnjॹ᜶ᄊ
46. audience ratings ஆ᜽ဋ
47. propaganda ࠈ͜
48. be abducted by ԪĀឪ࠮
49. purify one’s soul ьӑॷ༧
50. live in virtual would ၷำ‫ښ‬ʷ˔ᘿલˇႍ˗
51. be a great comfort to somebody ࠫĀ౏ឭ௧ʷ˔ࢽܸ߷ਨ
52. meet different tastes ໘ᡜˀՏ԰֊
53. provide somebody with something ፌĀଢΙĀ
54. follow the fashion blindly ᄯᄬᤝᤪ௑࠻
55. commit crimes ࿁Ꮅ
56. be inconceivable to somebody ࠫĀ౏ឭ௧ᬲ̿ਇ៶ᄊ
57. impressive ፌ̡ӿ៶ງ҉ᄊ
58. right to know ᅼৱి
59. in the disguise of Ā ੪ᅌĀᄊࣩߕ
60. endanger social stability and safety Ԁࠏᇫ͘ሷࠀ֗߷Л


1. information era ηৌ௑̽

2. keep one informed about something Ύ̡̓̀ᝍĀ

ᬶনиͻᄾᮥԣᮕ฾ ᬶন ௄ঊ
ᝍౢ ᜽ᮠ ᮕ฾ ఻ፃ

3. audience/viewers ᜺͕
4. have unhealthy and harmful effects onĀ ࠫĀదˀᓢॖ‫־‬
5. information-explosion society ηৌྐཁᄊᇫ͘
6. inÀuential దॖ‫־‬ᄊ
7. revolutionize the way we acquire information ग़अஈԫ̀ੈ̓ᖍԩηৌᄊவर
8. blessing ሉ
9. curse ሂ
10. various thrilling programs ՊመՊನ༏ү̡ॷᄊᓬᄬ
11. poor-quality programs Ͱ᠏᧚ᓬᄬ
12. ever-accelerated ˀலԧ࡙ᄊ
13. exaggerate ݂स
14. enjoyable ̡̾̚Ԫᄊ
15. fashionable ௑࠻ᄊ
16. electromagnetic radiation ႃᇓᣣ࠱
17. psychological illnesses ॷေႽჁ
18. isolated ߤЂᄊ
19. unimaginative Ꭵˬਇ៶ҧᄊ
20. unsociable ˀ‫ݞ‬ᇫ̔ᄊ
21. deprive somebody of one’s imagination and creativity ΎĀ˒ܿ̀ਇ៶ҧ֗ѹᤵ
22. jeopardize one’s health ԀࠏϤक
23. be exposed toĀ ̀ᝍ҂Āଌᝏ҂Ā
24. ¿nd its way into every family ᤉКӢࠒʺਗ਼
25. global village ‫ేုڡ‬
26. be indulged inĀ ො໇̆Ā
27. be addicted to Ā ࠫĀʽჸ
28. be fascinated by Ā ᜂĀਫ਼ծळ
29. be dependent on Ā ΚᠻĀ
30. second-hand information ̄੤ηৌ
31. go astray ឨК൨᤭
32. embark on the criminal road ᡌʽ࿁Ꮅ᥋᡹

௄ঊ ᬶন ᬶনиͻᄾᮥԣᮕ฾
఻ፃ ᮕ฾ ᜽ᮠ ᝍౢ

33. irresistible ௄ขખ҄ᄊ

34. hallmark ಖঃ
35. create topics of discussion ҄ᤵ̔េភᮥ
36. critical thinking ੻Ѽভন፥
37. powerful means of communication దҧᄊ̔ืࢺЦ
38. main cause ˟‫ڂ‬
39. tempting దឪ৵ҧᄊ
40. reliable Ի᭥ᄊ
41. family attachment ࠒऑॆ࡛ਖ
42. mutual understanding ᄱ̉̀ᝍ
43. alienation of affection ਖৱႠᤊ
44. be sick of Ā ࠫĀԎϑ
45. generation gap ̽෤
46. exchanges of feelings ਖৱ̔ื
47. emotional bond ਖৱጱࣜ
48. strengthen family ties ҫूࠒऑጱࣜТጇ
49. be detached from reality ˁဘࠄᬦፐ
50. distinguish right from wrong ௚ᣲ௧᭤
51. edifying దஔᐲਓ˧ᄊ
52. couch potato ႃ᜽ᤚ
53. be harmful to Ā ࠫĀదࠏ
54. imitate വ͌
55. inexpressible ᬲ̿ॎࠔᄊ
56. physical and mental health ᢶॷϤक
57. stimulate one’s imagination and creativity ༏ԧ౽̡ਇ៶ҧ֗ѹᤵҧ
58. unwholesome lifestyle. ˀϤकᄊၷำவर
59. a great deal of information ܸ᧚ᄊηৌ
60. disinteresting ̡̾ጊཀྵ௄֊ᄊ


1. urbanization ۢ࣊ӑ

ᬶনиͻᄾᮥԣᮕ฾ ᬶন ௄ঊ
ᝍౢ ᜽ᮠ ᮕ฾ ఻ፃ

2. centralization ᬷ˗ӑ
3. imbalance ˀࣱᛦ
4. in the long run ̰᫂ᤊᝈएᏫᝓ
5. infrastructure ۳ᆩ᝺ஷ
6. booming ጓᕦԧ࡙ᄊ
7. tertiary industry ኄʼ̗ˊ
8. tranquility ߱᭢
9. revenue ሰஆ
10. commercialization ‫ˊ׸‬ӑ
11. traf¿c congestion ̔ᤰવ૘
12. water scarcity ඵᆁᎥ
13. the environmental pollution ဗ‫්ܒ‬ಀ
14. over-industrialization ᣿एࢺˊӑ
15. over-crowdedness ᣿एવ૘
16. unemployment ܿˊ
17. wealth distribution ᠉ࠝѬᦡ
18. social instability ᇫ͘үᕥ
19. urban construction ۢ࣊थ᝺
20. population explosion ̡԰༏‫ܙ‬
21. a rising crime rate ࿁ᎵဋʽӤ
22. drain of energy and resources ᑟູ֗ᠫູ๗Ᏺ
23. offer more job opportunities ଢΙఞܳᄊࡃˊ఻͘
24. a rapid pace of life ঌᓬ‫ݎ‬ၷำ
25. stress-related illnesses ˁԍҧదТᄊႽჁ
26. high cost of living ᰴᮩၷำᠠၹ
27. pastoral life ၿ‫ڇ‬ၷำ
28. class polarization ᫽ጟːౝѬӑ
29. social welfare ᇫ͘ሉѾ
30. give special care to Ā ፌ́Āྲ൴Тི
31. urban sprawl ۢ࣊ੱस
32. convenient transportation means Χૹᄊ̔ᤰࢺЦ

௄ঊ ᬶন ᬶনиͻᄾᮥԣᮕ฾
఻ፃ ᮕ฾ ᜽ᮠ ᝍౢ

33. better medical services ఞ‫ݞ‬ᄊӞႥ఩Ҭ

34. pressure of modern life in city ۢ࣊ၷำԍҧ
35. be vulnerable to Ā ௜̆৤ʽĀ
36. melting pot ཽ༯
37. on the brink of Ā ‫̆ܫ‬Ā᣸ᎆ
38. pollutant ්ಀভྭ᠏
39. waste disposal ऌྭ‫ܫ‬ေ
40. put the blame on Ā ॆ֘̆Ā
41. be attributable to Ā ॆ‫˞ڂ‬Ā
42. ways of consumption ๗ᠠவर
43. suffer heavy losses ᥓԪ᧘ܸ૯ܿ
44. citizen ࡐඟ
45. be confronted withĀ ᭧˚ᅌĀ
46. breed crimes ໍၷ࿁Ꮅ
47. vicious cycle ৏ভ॰ဗ
48. a feasible measure ʷመԻᛡᄊଐஷ
49. give priority to Ā ͖ЏᏦᘽĀ planners ۢ࣊᜻ѳᏨ


1. vivisection ำʹᝍҖ
2. perform. experiments on animals ‫ښ‬үྭᢶʽϢតᰎ
3. test animals ၹ̆ࠄᰎᄊүྭ
4. be subjected to experiments ᜂᤕଌԪតᰎ
5. animal rights үྭిѾ
6. clinical research ˚ࣾᆑቃ
7. cruel ൵ॽᄊ
8. extremist ౝቫ˟˧Ꮸ
9. medical research Ӟߦᆑቃ
10. origin of species ྭመᡑູ

ᬶনиͻᄾᮥԣᮕ฾ ᬶন ௄ঊ
ᝍౢ ᜽ᮠ ᮕ฾ ఻ፃ

11. alternative method ణ̽ᄊவข

12. biological diversity ၷྭܳನভ
13. natural balance ᒭཀྵࣱᛦ
14. equilibrium of ecosystem ၷগࣱᛦ
15. coexistence Сߛ
16. endangered animals ༓Ԁүྭ
17. diversity of species ྭመܳನভ
18. shameless ̡̾Ꮓਛᄊ
19. barbaric ᧙ᙺᄊ
20. live and let live ำᅌࡃ௧ˁʺྭСߛ
21. meaningless ෥దਓ˧ᄊ
22. dominant species ͖ҹྭመ
23. laboratory ࠄᰎࠉ
24. vaccine Ⴏᔠ
25. infringement ᡻ᢆ
26. right to live ၷߛి
27. torture ઉᇜ
28. anti-science Ԧሙߦᄊ
29. life-threatening diseases Ԁԣၷ֑ᄊႽჁ
30. scienti¿c gains ሙߦੇ౧
31. an ever-lasting theme ʷ˔භঽᄊ˟ᮥ
32. evolution ᤉӑ
33. computer simulation ႃᑨവલ
34. groundless ෥దေႀᄊ
35. humane ̡᥋ᄊ
36. medical technology ӞႥ੿ష
37. anatomy ᝍҖ
38. equal Нࣱᄊ
39. unreliable ˀԻηᠻᄊ
40.valid ద஍ᄊnj൤ेᄊ

௄ঊ ᬶন ᬶনиͻᄾᮥԣᮕ฾
఻ፃ ᮕ฾ ᜽ᮠ ᝍౢ


1. advanced science ࠹ቫሙߦ

2. scienti¿c invention ሙߦԧ௚
3. exert a far-reaching impact onĀ ࠫĀ̗ၷʷመງᤊᄊॖ‫־‬
4. double-edged sword ԥѫҔ
5. earth-shaking changes Ꮲܹ᜸‫ڡ‬ᄊஈԫ
6. pay the way for the future development ˞ళ౏ᄊԧ࡙ᩔࣱ᥋᡹
7. lay a solid foundation forĀ ˞Ā੪ʾᓢ‫ݞ‬ᄊ۳ᆩ
8. energy crisis ᑟູԀ఻
9. depletion of resources ᑟູ๗Ᏺ
10. milestone ᧗ሮᇀ
11. sophisticated equipment ࠹ቫ᝺‫ܬ‬
12. technical innovation ሙ੿ѹழ
13. expediency ిࠂ˨ᝠ
14. antithetical ˁĀᑀ᥋Ꮻ᯵ᄊ
15. over-commercialized ᣿ບ‫ˊ׸‬ӑᄊ
16. a heated discussion བྷཊᄊᝧ᝷
17. exhaust gas ऌඡ
18. disastrous ༫ᬲভᄊ
19. overshadow ΎĀᄱॎ᜹ፀ
20. compared to/withĀ ˁĀᄱඋ
21. usher in ळᮗ
22. speedy and comfortable ௅ঌૹԡᒾᤠ
23. opposite forces ᠇᭧ॖ‫־‬
24. a fatal breakdown ᒱ֑஌ᬪ
25. potential hazards ໸‫ښ‬Ԁᬗ
26. pose a threat toĀ ࠫĀదʷመ‫ޏ‬ᐻ
27. promote relative industries ΨᤉᄱТ̗ˊԧ࡙
28. accelerate ҫᤴĀ
29. means of transportation ̔ᤰவर

ᬶনиͻᄾᮥԣᮕ฾ ᬶন ௄ঊ
ᝍౢ ᜽ᮠ ᮕ฾ ఻ፃ

30. transportation tools ̔ᤰࢺЦ

31. social status ᇫ͘‫ͯڡ‬
32. environmentally-friendly resources ဗδᄊᑟູ
33. make people’s life easier Ύ̡̓ၷำఞவΧ
34. alternative fuel Իణ̽྇ந
35. sustainable development Իે፞ভԧ࡙
36. scienti¿c exploration ሙߦଊጊ
37. air travel ᓈቇ஻ᛡ
38. ridiculous Իቷᄊ
39. absurd ᕝ‫ס‬ᄊ
40. substitute ԩ̽
41. overcome dif¿culties Б఩‫ڈ‬ᬲ
42. make progress ԩ४ᤉ൦
43. a sense of national pride ඟீᒭ៸ਖ
44. unprecedented Ғਫ਼ళదᄊ
45. soaring ˀலʽӤᄊ
46. give a great push to the economic growth ౝܸ‫ڡ‬଎ү̀ፃเԧ࡙
47. see dramatic breakthroughs ԩ४ቊᆡভᤉ࡙
48. aggravate Ύ৏ӑ
49. optimize ͖ӑ
50. cure-all solution ʺᑟᓢᕲ


1. cultural insights ஡ӑ᜽ᝈ

2. learn about the would ̀ᝍˇႍ
3. a thrilling experience ʷመ̡̾༏үᄊፃԋ
4. abstract ચ៶ᄊ
5. concrete Цʹᄊ
6. move somebody to tears ΎĀਖүᗀญ
7. get relaxed and entertained ४҂ஊ౛֗‫˭ޡ‬

௄ঊ ᬶন ᬶনиͻᄾᮥԣᮕ฾
఻ፃ ᮕ฾ ᜽ᮠ ᝍౢ

8. venue ‫ڤ‬ਫ਼
9. has its value దХᒭࣂ͉ϙ
10. inspiration ༧ਖ
11. scope of knowledge ᅼគ᭧
12. spread knowledge ͜୧ᅼគ
13. lasting artistic works භঽᄊᓨషͻֶ
14. abstruse ງ‫ݘ‬ᄊ
15. break with old customs ઋफ͜ፒ
16. carry down from generation to generation ̽̽ᄱ͜
17. advocate the new lifestyle. Ϗ࠮ழᄊၷำவर
18. entertainment ‫˭ޡ‬
19. be different from Ā ˁĀˀՏ
20. direct experience ᄰଌፃᰎ
21. echo Сគ
22. satiate people’s psychological demands ໘ᡜॷေᭊර
23. attach more importance to Ā ఞ᧘᜽Ā
24. spiritual enhancement ድᇸӤӨ
25. a mirror of Ā ௧Āᄊʷ᭧᪫ߕ
26. determinant хࠀভ‫ڂ‬ጉ
27. eclipse ΎĀᄱॎ᜹ፀ
28. contribute to Ā దҰ̆Ā
29. a sense of cool and satisfaction ʷመਂਓᄊਖᝀ
30. pastimes ๗ᥐவर
31. nurture imagination ۲Щਇ៶ҧ
32. meditation ොন
33. an essence of immortality භঽᄊድᰳ
34. instructive దթԧভᄊ
35. edi¿cation ོᬝ
36. arouse one’s curiosity about something ळԧ౽̡ࠫ౽̃ᄊ‫ॷ݉ݞ‬
37. enrich one’s knowledge ˘ࠝ౽̡ᅼគ
38. value of knowledge ᅼគᄊ͉ϙ

ᬶনиͻᄾᮥԣᮕ฾ ᬶন ௄ঊ
ᝍౢ ᜽ᮠ ᮕ฾ ఻ፃ

39. cultural differences ஡ӑࣀपভ

40. time is Àeeting and art is long ௑АᮻᤲὊᓨషභঽ


1. cultural diversity ஡ӑܳЋӑ

2. cultural treasures ஡ӑࠃᘩ
3. cross-cultural communication ᡵ஡ӑ̔ื
4. cultural reconstruction ஡ӑ᧘थ
5. spiritual civilization ድᇸ஡௚
6. heritage ᥌̗
7. achievements of art ᓨషੇࡃ
8. tear down ટᬔ
9. humane historical sites ̡஡ԋԾ᥌‫ڧ‬
10. preserve the cultural relics δઐ஡ӑ᥌̗
11. blueprint ᗰ‫ڏ‬
12. skyscraper ୕ܹܸഎ
13. high-rise of¿ce buildings ᰴࡏиߚഎ
14. city construction ۢ࣊थ᝺
15. well-structured ፇ౞ᓢ‫ݞ‬ᄊ
16. crystallization ፇః
17. visual enjoyment ᜽ᝀ̚Ԫ
18. driving force ᯶үҧ
19. reconstruct ᧘थ
20. destruct ᆡ‫ڮ‬
21. architectural industry थናࢺˊ
22. map out ҄ࠀѣ
23. city designing ۢ࣊᝺ᝠ
24. beautify our life Ꮏӑੈ̓ᄊၷำ
25. human civilization ̡ዝ஡௚
26. cradle of culture ஡ӑ୍ወ

௄ঊ ᬶন ᬶনиͻᄾᮥԣᮕ฾
఻ፃ ᮕ฾ ᜽ᮠ ᝍౢ

27. mainstream culture ˟ื஡ӑ

28. cultural traditions ஡ӑ͜ፒ
29. national pride ඟீᒭ៸
30. local customs and practices ᮳‫̡ژ‬ৱ
31. attract people’s eyes ծळ̡̓ᄊᅋု
32. artistic taste ᓨషֶ֊
33. cornerstone ۳ᆃ
34. be closely interrelated withĀ ˁĀదࠛѭТጇ
35. adhere to the tradition ‫͜ેڲ‬ፒ
36. architectural vandalism ᆡ‫ڮ‬थናᛡ˞
37. carry forward Ā वੴĀ
38. cultural needs ஡ӑᭊර
39. reputation ‫ܦ‬మ
40. maintain the world peace ፥ઐˇࣱႍ֗
41. artistic reÀection ᓨషԦ௢
42. give publicity toĀ ࠈ͜Ā
43. burden ᠇ઞ
44. cause irreversible damage ᤵੇˀԻᤤᣁᄊ૯ܿ
45. national identity and value ඟீྲভ͉֗ϙ᜺
46. remove prejudice and misunderstanding ๗ᬔϠ᜹֗ឨᝍ
47. symbol ៶ढ़
48. artistic standards ᓨషඵю
49. enjoy great popularity ࣹԪൔᤁ
50.cultural devolution ஡ӑᤞӑ


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