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(AC-S15) Week 15 - Task: Assignment -

Things he/she likes and he/she doesn’t like

Nombres de los integrantes:

Luis Gianfranco Niño Falla y Jheferson Stif
Caballero Carbajal
Nombre del docente:
Gabriela Montoya
Nombre del curso:
Fecha de entrega:
Nombre del trabajo:
Assignment - Things he/she likes and
h he/she doesn’t like
Luis Gianfranco Niño Falla
Hi! My name is Gianfranco. I am eighteen years old. I study systems engineer. In my
free time I like watch movie, (specially movie of comedy), watching series on Netflix,
play soccer, play video game, touch the flute, listen music, play basketball and
watching anime. My favorite anime is Dragon Ball and Naruto. I also like eating ice
cream, do training, I lover sing, to learn new idiom ( specially English).

Jheferson Stif Caballero Carbajal

Hi! My name is Jheferson. I am twenty years old. I study civil engineering. In my free
time I like watch movie (specially movie of terror), watching series on Netflix, play video
game, listen music, play basketball, reading books, (specially comedy books) and
watching anime. My favorite anime is Dragon Ball and One piece. I also like eating
pizza, I lover do cake, to learn new idiom ( specially Frances).

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