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GLASS TRACES Definitely one of the most: Jpronsics for Tike us to know about. Every timo that glare i amached tiny shards Sf the stuf Dy everywhere, For practical ‘purposes it Is wisest to assume that anyone oven remotely near fo breaking giass 1s ‘Coverad in the etull Hicks to things Ice shit to a Blanket, exyecially loose Sibred cloth, ‘such aa woolen hats. Tae only way 10 get rid ff it a to ducow away anything Chal You may have been wouring. Clase alto likes to get ‘embedded in the soles of shoes. The police Gan identity diferent makes and types of ‘Glass, and therefore can pal you et a Certain Fince at t cermin tims. Fine, broken glass pomder Wil suck to the smooth surfaces of ‘Gols, and Sbres irom your cothing wil stick {jo tho sharp edges of brokan glass. The best way to brosk glass without covering yourself {in traces js from a very long distance, using 2 powerful slingshot and mazbles, or for toughased banie windows, steel bal Bearings. Both ball bosringo and matbles ressin your Drinte welll Or why nottry glass etching Suid? Fou ean gat it in erat shops, and with it you can sate 4 massage on a window tal can hever be rersoved, bar replacing the whole ‘thing. NB. fn certain herd hit towns you havo fosiga forefchung £uld, and in some Instances shopkeepers report sales to the pele. DUST TRACES For the police to convict you on the bess of ‘Gust cages tensa great doe of work on their part, Involving painetsking wor, with ‘pawernl microscopes. The composition of Gast in your clothes can tell hem where you tray hava been (e.g. 8 metal foundry) and. at Gehat time of the Year (oy Idantifying the Spores of seasonal plants). By fost washing Your clothes thoroughly you can get rid of Frost of these tacos, bul ex always, the safest thing ste dich ther. fis mmusual though ot Unknowa for the police to ure dust traces to Convict These taces ars more usofalas «last Feaomt for ches, when other averues have ‘iled. Thay aro chiefly used fo ind out where and for how long something bas been: pegs oles, sole goede ‘biel, the invesigation ofthese anes is areas of ‘only Izely to come up ina serious case, and ‘Should yox start to wamry about races thistiny, then paranols is king over scorn sensible ‘Precaution. Ifthe police threaten te use them ‘Sgainet you, then it indicates thal they most Iikely have nothing beter to go on. ‘WOOD TRACES ‘Wood wall yield some infomation 10 the Tarerslc,invertignton. It is possible. for fi/er/tig maven species of rood to each bihar, even hom sarnpes as amallas servant Srapliners, Ifsomeono has been introducing our local fascias hoad to « Pisce of 2 be 4. {ron amatch can be nade tthe pleas from fwhicait was ouvsawed, When they re11oFe Sul imp from your fascists hend. it wil be Checked for foreign bodies auch as texte fibres, paint fakes, airs, and other {ncriminating evidence [fa baseball Dat were Jobe uned tneead, sndlis not disposed of, fon ican be Eskod to the ‘crime’ by Comparison wih the spntersithasleftin he Srulas wellas taresol varush or resin and the det Steel ll cay traces of dn. bait blood, oto menson matching dental Th { ao potrl in Reaping such weapons once thoy have bean SOIL AND PLANT TRACES ‘A forensic scientist can tel roughly where you have been fram the composition of the dirt sand eoll that you wil have ploked up on your travels. 1, late say, you've been keeping Warm by steading next to a baring ‘pertacabin on a Iaings building site, then acesof sand, cement, ‘gravel, ime, tte, will have ecllacted on your shoe! and Clothes, By the same teen, f you hava been. watching Lord Anthony Wedgewood Bonn ately ancesral home bum lo the ground, then faces of aarth trom hig garden will be upon you, ta will races of plant life, such as olen from the raze gladiolse that you may Rave brushed against, Once again, it fa beat ‘to dispose of an? clothing. re "These traces are aeed to put youatacertain place, nd in sere stances, a «cortan Hime. is with cust races, don't let the police bluff ‘confession ont of you By saying that those faces are cast iron evidence, they are Gerainy not and can be disputed in court, HAIR TRACES Weal sea hae, and washed all te, we stayin one place for any length ot time, than it's certain hate willleave samnples ot ‘oar hair n the vicinity. tis roost lkely to be Todged in the clothing o! someone with whom ‘yo lave had clone coxtact (Le. the Bishop you Jas Cuotled), Hair wil to the forensic expert

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