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EYE SPY VIDEO SURVEILLANCE: HOW DOES IT AFFECT YOU? ‘We find video camoras thoso daye in almost every public place; the Underground, shopping centres, car parks, banks, football stadia, ‘ich houses, hospitals, as ‘traffic onteoleteete. These ere all ‘public! video ‘Samaras, wich have some legitmare se, Dut ‘ul abo beregurded as securty measures ater potential ‘criminals, and inal a healthy ‘sense ef pacanola‘lyouhuve nothing to hide, you have noting to fear, “ais, sare Werching You. such places a3 wupetmackets and Tube stations is mainly prevertative, tough they Occasionally ara used evidentially. For fzample, i: 1008s penniloss Nigerian ehidert Krailed t0 death an omerican banker ma ‘Tho purpose of camorao in “Mayfair street ‘because he looked re arder waa viewod and recorded by one of the many video cameras that fesioon tich areas and embrasies. He was convicted, We mist be aware of the areas where video Survellance is used, for however innocousa ‘purpese, and relate thelr irporance to our actions, VIDEO AND THE POLICE ‘Those days the police are attaching a great deal of importance to video, and they have Created special video tearrs, whose Desic ‘Durpose is to monitor demos, pickets, riots, murehes, raids, ete in order to to provide evideace of crimes béing 'and. 10, be abla to. identi individuals and the groups to which they belong, Yoa wil no langer be able t go 12 a demo, march or mass picket without being: ecorded. nhs way they bildup apictae of aiatons, and they hope to spot reubo ‘ringleaders’ eic, At a demo or picket {Tis common prastes for ho Police to poee as newsteama and interview those tana. - Dest Toy enn bospetiod by tho fot that thot Gsrreras do rot eazy the logos ofany ofthe ‘ogitiate tv compas, ia doubx you can always as lo ooo tole brass cart VIDEO AND THE PRIVATE SECTOR 2ecun tte elle cn te at ice have actos sou propery upper classon pelt of ew, thase rm tm mest serous cxea, et individvala ond compenior wre tesortng ‘heavily fopzivate secuntty firms. This applies particsslary to companiae tat oafler from expersive vandalism, For example Barclays, sequesuaters, erms companies, the nuclear production and waste industry, fur farmers, Butchore, viviseotionists, ate. HOW TO DEAL WITH VIDEO SURVEILLANCE Obviously the most unportant thing isto be tunrecognisable, For the most part this Involves keeping your masies and balaclavas handy, but In siuations where this may look to suspicions, ruck esa march or a dayiioht ‘lela, hats and glasses can be worn, Try 0

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