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Of Greek Origin:

a-, an- Lacking, without Amorphous = shapeless

Aenemic, aenemia, anarchy, asocial, amoral, atypical, ahistoric, atheist,
asexual, apolitical
Analgesic = removes pain (Aspirin)
Arythmia = without rhythmic movements. (in medicine for heart-beats)

ana- Back, throughout, against, up, Anagram = write over again, change the order of letters (but – tub)
upwards Analysis = loosen up
Anachronism = chronos = Greek God of time. Against time, placing
historical events in a wrong time, out of date.
Anatomy = “tom” = cut. Cutting up
Anaphor = whirlpool --- “phor” (Bosporus) means pass, passage.
Anahtar = into the house

anti- Against, opposing Antipathy = dislike “pathy” = feeling

Antithesis = set against, put against
“thesis” = setting, doing
Antisocial = against social norms, standards.
Antisocial = people who refuse to have any contact with others.
Antibiotic = killing life, against life
Antibody = fighting against the body
Antitoxin = agent preventing a disease.
Antipersonnel = “Antipersonnel weapons”
Weapons destroying only human-beings, against human-beings.
Anti-aircraft = gunfire against enemy craft
Anti-Semitism = against Jews.
Antinovel = style in fiction developed in France.
Anticlimax = falling action
Antidote = given against something.
Antarctic(a) =opposite of the North Pole
Anti-Christ = Against Christ, an imaginary biblical figure.
Antonym = opposite name

apo- From, formed from, away, off Apology = from speech.

Apologia = apologize, apology from poetry = to defend an attitude. A
defense of a system that is not popular.
Apologetic = offered in defense by a way of excuse
Apostate = stand away, stand from. One who abandons his faith,
country or party
Apoplexy = from strike, loss of ability to move. Sudden loss of
Apostle = send off. friends of Jesus: “The 12Apostles”
Apostrophe = turned away “strophe” = turn
Apocalypse = uncover, unfold, release, make public. To uncover secret,
prophetic things. Telling what is behind mysterious events.
Apocalyptic literature = mysterious literature
Apocalypse = 1) vahiy
2) destruction of the world
Apotheosis = make a God of.
Apotheosize = Tanrılaştırma
cata- Down, downwards, low, away, by, Catalyst = loosen down
thoroughly, completely Cataclysm = wash down. Violent geological incident
Catastrophe = turn upside down, overturn. Disaster, great ruin caused
by war, famine, earthquake.
Catarrh = flowing down “rrh” = flowing.
Catarrhal = adj.
Cataract = rushing down. Large waterfall. Eye disease. “ract” = strike.
Catalogue = gather thoroughly, speak thoroughly. Gives you all the
details. “logue” = gather, speak
Catholic = by whole, general, universal, widespread, wide ranging,
Catholic Church = Universal Church
Catacomb = underground thumb
Catafalque and scaffold = "falque” uncertain origin.
Catafalcum = Coffin stand platform

dia- Through, throughout, across, apart, Diameter = measure across

each other Diagnose = know completely
Diagonal = through angle (from one angle to the other)
Diarrhea = flowing through/completely
Dialogue = speak across (to each other)
Dialect =--
Diatonic = throughout the tones
Diachronic = extending through time
Diapason = throughout all the strings. A harmonous combination of
en- em- In, inside, within, among Endemic
Endorse =
Embody =
Ensign =
epi- On, over, upon, among, outside, Epigram
besides, in addition, after, towards Epidermis = outer part of the skin
Epitome = cut down, reduced
Epicenter = upon the centre.
Epigone = born after
Epigones of Socrates = Epigonism
Epilogue = words put after
Epithet = put on
Epitaph = on the tomb
Epigraph = write on (a significant saying)
Epistle = send to
Episcopacy = watch, inspect
Epidemic = affecting upon
Epiphenomenon = Added to the phenomenon

eu- Good, well Eugenics = good genes

Eugene/Eugenia = good genes
Eulogy = poem, praising an event
Euphemism = good speech
Euthanasia = good death
Euphony = good, pleasant sound
Euphrates = flowing well (water or spring)
hemi- half Hemisphere =half of the brain
Hemistich = Stop in a poem
Hemiplegia = half strike
Hemialgia = one side of the body

hyper- Excessive, over, above Hypercritical, hypertension , hypersensitive, hyperactivity,

hypervitaminosis, Hypermarket
Hyperbole = throw above
Hyberbola = curve
Hyperglycemia = deficiency in blood

hypo- Under, beneath, less Hypodermis = beneath the skin

Hypothesis = under thesis (
Hypocrite = double faced (Hypocrites = an actor who acts in a play, but
as somebody else.)
Hypothermia = abnormally low body temperature
Hypotension, hypoglycemia
Hypotenuse = line stretched under
Hypochondria = the area of the abdomen beneath the ribs. (ıt also
means thinking to be ill = hastalık hastası)

-mesos- In the middle Mesopotamia = area in the middle of Euphrates and Tigris.
Mezzosoprano, intermezzo =
Mesentery = between the intestines

meta- Change of, over, beyond, differently, Metabolism= throw along (chemical processes of living organisms)
after, along, among, with completely Metamorphosis = complete change
Metaphor = pass differently
Metaphysics = beyond physics
Metastasis = change of position
Metastasize = disease tissues change position in the body
Metastatic = change of an act
Metalanguage = Language describing the natural language
Metafiction = A new kind of fiction. The main character is the author
himself. He reviews himself; He explains how he wrote the book. (üst

para- Beside, across, resembling, contrary Parallel = beside each other

Paradox = opposite of believe
Paraphrase = resembling the phrase
Parenthesis = set beside
Paragraph = write onside
Parapsychology = resembling psychology
Parasite = sitting beside (food)
Parameters = across measures (establishing upper, lower limits)
Parable = throw beside (short story, teaching a moral religious lesson)
Parabola = throw beside. Kind of curve in geometry
Paradigm = seen beside. Theory to understand reflected things.
Paramilitary = resembling military (military force organized illegally
mostly helping a regular army)
Paratroops = giving help to troops. parachute
peri- Around, near Periscope = Technical instrument used underwater.
Perimeter = The border around an area. Parameter of a rectangle.
Peripatetic = around food (Walking up and down. refers to Aristotle
and his method of lecturing. Peripatetic teachers = part-time member
of the university
Periphery = 1. Carry around. Outside the edge of an area. A factory
built on the periphery of the city.
2. Meaning, social group not at the centre of power.
Period = going around, around the way
Periphrasis = Used in unclear expressions
Pericardium = around the heart (cardia = heart)

pro- Before, forward, forth, for Prophesy = speak for

Prognosis = known before (A doctor's opinion on the development of
the disease beforehand)
Program = write before
Project = throw forward
Progress = go forward
Promise = send forth
Prologue = word placed before
Produce = lead forth
Proclaim = say forth, call forth
Prospect = look forward
Prostitute = placed in front of a station, modern meaning = A woman or
man who sells his or her body in return of money.
Problem = thrown forward

syn- sym-syl- Together, same, with Synchronise = chronos = time, happening at the same time.
sys- Synchronic = X diachronic.

Synopsis = see together (simple description of a story)

Symmetry, synthesis, symphony, synonym (same … )
Sympathy = feel together, same emotions, sharing feelings.
Syllogism = reasoned together, used in logic. Deduction method of a
formal argument.
System = cause to stand together
Syntax = arrange words together, word order
Symbiosis/symbiotic = same life, state of living together.
Syndrome = run together (hippodrome)
Symptom = fall together, happen at the same time.
Synod = same journey (A serious council that makes serious decisions,
new pope, bishop etc.)
Syllable = grasp together

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