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Algae as future food

Advantages and
Disadvantages of
growing and eating algae
Taniska Sandilya
Class -7 A


- Introduction
- What is algae?
- Algae Facts
- Advantages and Disadvantages of growing Algae
- Advantages and Disadvantages of eating Algae
We need food for the future , that too which is free of
fossil resources as there are errors in fossil foods.
1. Constantly price rising due to fuel price.
2. 80% of fresh water goes to Agriculture. (1 ton of
grains consumes 1000 tons of water)
3. Soil erosion and degradation
4. Crop failure, environmental damage
5. Heavy dependency on fossil foods

Food needed between now and 2050 > the food needed
for the last 8,000 years

What is Algae?
Algae are a diverse group of aquatic organisms that
have the ability to conduct photosynthesis. Certain
algae are familiar to most people; for instance,
seaweeds (such as kelp or phytoplankton), pond
scum or the algal blooms in lakes

The benefits of seaweed are many. It is very

nutritious as it has lots of good minerals and vitamins
for the body.
Algae facts

• Algae is the most important organism on earth as it

provides nearly all of earth's oxygen which we need
to breathe!
• Algae is eaten by everything from the tiniest shrimp
to the largest living animal, the blue whale.
• The first plants on earth evolved from shallow
freshwater algae some 400 million years ago
• Fuels used in cars and aeroplanes may be
powered by algae in the future.
• Algae can also be grown as feed for animals and
as fertilizer to spread on soil and help crops grow.

Advantages and Disadvantages of growing

Algae are emerging to be one of the most promising long-term,
sustainable sources of biomass and oils for fuel, food, feed,
and other co-products. What makes them so attractive are the
large number and wide variety of benefits associated with how
and where they grow.
Advantages :
1. Algae grow fast. (Algae can double their numbers every few hours, can be harvested
2. Algae Can Have High Biofuel Yields
3. Algae Consume CO2
4. Algae Do Not Compete With Agriculture
5. Microalgal Biomass Can Be Used for Fuel, Feed and Food
6. Macroalgae Can Be Grown in the Sea
7. Algae Can Purify Wastewaters
8. Algal Biomass Can Be Used as an Energy Source
9. Algae Can Be Used to Produce Many Useful Products
Advantages and Disadvantages of growing
Disadvantages :
1. Algae has the same concerns of monoculture that the agriculture
industry experiences.
2. Algae growth may create quality variations during the refinement
3. Algae biofuel doesn’t always meet its energy efficiency targets.
4. Algae growth creates regional sustainability problems.
5. Algae might grow quickly, but it still needs time to produce viable oils.
6. Algae biofuels come with higher production costs.
7. Algae growth requires high levels of fertilizer to maximize production.
8. Algae requires significant water resources to produce oil for
9. Algae contamination occurs more often with large-scale production

Advantages and Disadvantages of eating

Advantage :
Algae contains high levels of calcium, iron, vitamins A, C, and K, potassium,
selenium, and magnesium. Most importantly, it is one of the best natural
sources of iodine, a nutrient that is missing from most other foods.
Algae refers to a variety of plantlike organisms that live in water, including
the blue-green algae spirulina, seaweeds like kelp and wakame, and
brown algae like laminaria, or kombu. These sea vegetables provide some
essential nutrients and may have some health benefits, but there are also
some potential risks, especially if you consume them in large amounts.

Spirulina – Richest source of protein, Vitamins, amino acids, beta

carotene, minerals etc.
- 26 times more calcium than milk
- 1 Kg spirulina = 1000 KG of assorted vegetables
- 6 times more protein than egg
Advantages and Disadvantages of eating
Disadvantages :
Some people may be allergic to algae and experience the symptoms
of an allergic reaction, such as rash, difficulty breathing, swelling and
anaphylaxis. Other potential side effects include goiter, skin reactions
and gastrointestinal effects. Some types of dried seaweed are high in
iodine, which could cause an increase in the amount of thyroid-
stimulating hormone in your body and give your skin a yellow tint or
cause a skin outbreak that looks like acne if you consume them in
large amounts.

Some types of algae are toxic and could cause:

numbness, weakness, diarrhea, nausea, tingling etc.


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