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“Love your Enemy”

Submitted by: Dominic D. Cadorna ETH- N1

Submitted to: Mr. Johnny Bolongaita

“Love your Enemy - is an Irony to the reality

Loving your enemy is like playing safe to the game. Enemies can blessing in
"You've heard it stated, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy,' but I say to
you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be
children of your Father in heaven." He sends rain on the righteous and the unjust and
makes his sun to rise on the evil and the good. What will you gain if you love those who
love you? Isn't it something even the tax collectors do? And what are you doing
differently than others if you simply welcome your own people? Isn't it something even
pagans do? Therefore, strive to be as flawless as your heavenly Father." Matthew 5:43-
48. It’s not an easy way to live because you often act or even speak before you act.
Several people often do things without thinking. It’s human nature. For example if
Eudora were to clout person ‘Layla’, person ‘Layla’ would automatically strike back.
This is unquestionably not what Jesus would do. There is only very few people who
would actually just turn the other cheek or walk away. Instead everyone else would
probably do the same or even worse than what the other person did.

Another way we can follow this philosophy is by, as Jesus said, “Do unto others
as you would have done unto you.” Think about this, no one would want someone to
harm them, emotionally or physically, and the other person probably feels the same
way.One of life's greatest blessings is the reciprocal closeness we experience with our
bestfriends, yet it is not necessarily provided when we name someone a friend.
Friendship doesn't have to be reciprocal. How about Friends of Our Local Library?
Elephants and other endangered creatures have friends? Friendship may range in
intensity and take many different forms. What it always entails is active support of
persons we befriend and involvement in helping them achieve their objectives. Loving
our enemies will not be as irony to reality but it is a great way to have better
relationship with peers and collegues in our reality. It's the exact opposite with enemies.
After all, the word "enemy" is derived from the Latin "inimicus," which simply means
"not a friend." Of course, not everyone who isn't a friend is an adversary. Enemies are
adversaries not in the sense that they compete with us in sports or games, but in the
sense that they oppose us in things of great importance. Their objectives are
diametrically opposite to our own. As a result, we must actively endeavor to prevent
them from achieving their objectives.
We may either do it affectionately or not and therefore we are presented with
the option of loving enemies. “In the United States few public figures have spoken
more plainly and powerfully about Jesus’ teaching to love our enemies than the
Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. This was not an abstract theological question
for Dr. King. He wrestled practically and at great cost with how to love his enemies,
both through prayer and through nonviolent direct action. This passage is an excerpt
from King’s sermon “Loving Your Enemies.”
Thus, loving your enemies is just like loving yourself. There is nothing special
or unusual there even evil people love those who love them. The ability to forgive must
be developed and maintained. He who lacks the ability to forgive also lacks the ability
to love. It is difficult to begin the task of loving one's adversaries without first accepting
the necessity of forgiving those who inflict evil and pain on us again and over again. It's
also important to remember that the act of forgiveness must always be begun by the
person who has been mistreated, the victim of some awful wrongdoing, the recipient of
some tortured injustice, the bearer of some dreadful oppressive deed. The offender may
ask for forgiveness. He could realize who he is and, like the prodigal son, go up a dusty
path, his heart racing with yearning. Forgiveness does not imply disregarding
wrongdoing or assigning a misleading label to a criminal conduct. It simply implies that
the wicked conduct is no longer a barrier to the connection. Forgiveness acts as a
catalyst, helping to create the conditions for a new beginning. It is the removal of a
financial burden or the cancellation of a debt. "I will forgive you, but I will never forget
what you've done" never really describes the true nature of forgiveness. One can never
forget, even if it means completely deleting it from one's consciousness. When we
forgive, however, we forget in the sense that the wrongdoing is no longer a mental
impediment to forming a new connection. But there is another side that we must never
overlook. Hate is just as injurious to the person who hates it. Like unchecked cancer,
hate corrodes the personality and eats away its vital unity. Hate destroys a man's sense
of values and his objectivity. It causes him to describe the beautiful as ugly and the ugly
as beautiful, and to confuse the true with the false and the false with the true.
Let us learn to live in our beautiful world with no hate with each other. This
coould lead to a great chaos. However, if we learn to love our enemies and set a side
our hate with each other like is what relevant to what is happing to the world. Love can
be a powerful tool in maintaining what kind of peace or total peaceful living we tend to
think of as part of our individual dreams.

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