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7. SECONDARY socialization takes place in the family.

The child learns many social rules simply by copying
1. Article 11, Section 14 of the "1989" (NINETEEN its parents. false - primary
EIGHTY- NINE) Philippine Constitution states that it
recognizes the role of women in nation- building, and 8. MALLEABLE is the system of symbols that allows
shall ensure the fundamental equality before the law people to give meaning to experience. false -
of women and men. false - 1987 culture

2. SEXISM is the unfair treatment of people based on 9. Turn the word "HUSBAND / WIFE" into a gender-
their sex or gender. true neutral term: spouse

3. COMMUNITY work are activities undertaken 10. PRIMARY socialization takes place outside the
primarily by women at the community level as an family, including education system, peer group, the
extension of their reproductive role. true media etc. false - secondary

4. "CEDAW"- is also known as the Global Goals 11. Turn the word "MANKIND" into a gender- neutral
adopted by all United Nations Members. false - term: humanity
Sustainable Development Goals of the United
Nations 12. Clifford GERTRUDE, coined the frame of
understanding as culture. false - geerts
5. REPRODUCTIVE work - is associated with the
private sphere and involves anything that people 13. MICROAGGRESSION is a statement, indirect,
have to do for themselves that is not for the purpose subtle or unintentional discrimination against
of receiving a wage / salary. true members of the marginalized groups such as racial ,
ethnic, etc. true
6. According to the first video. In MOST parts of the
world, women are looked as as less worth than men. 14. Turn the word "FIRE MAN" into a gender- neutral
true term: fire fighter

7. Galang Philippines is an NGO working with the 15. Turn the word "POLICEMAN" into a gender- neutral
Filipino lesbians, bisexual women and transmen. term: police officer
16. SEXISM is discrimination or prejudice based on sex.
8. HORIZONTAL segregation refers to the extent to It can be a belief that men and women are different.
which men and women occupy different hierarchal true
positions within the same occupational sector. false
- Vertical 17. Turn the word "CHAIRMAN" into a gender- neutral
term: chairperson
9. The expanded MATERNITY leaves law states from
60 days, it became 105 days of paid leaves. true 18. SEXISM is hatred for women or girls. It also includes
the rejection of feminine qualities. false - misogyny
10. According to Bandila News, Philippines ranked
TENTH (10TH) in the Gender Equality according to 19. INSTINCT is considered as a potent tool for how
the Global Gender Gap Report as of 2015. false - humans understand and participate in this world.
7th false - language

QUIZ 2 20. Turn the word "FRESHMEN" into a gender- neutral

term: first year students
1. Turn the word "FLIGHT STEWARD / FLIGHT
STEWARDESS" into a gender- neutral term: flight
attendant LE 1
1. Following the constitutional provisions and the
2. SEXIST language is a form of a biased language. subsequent efforts to broaden its principles,
true numerous legislations were enacted: day care center
for every village. Barangay Day Care Center Law
3. MICROASSAULT is a type of microaggression that
is very similar to old-fashioned racism. true 2. Developed when different institutions reinforce a
biased perception of a certain gender’s role:
4. CULTURE it is the way people or animals naturally Assumptions regarding a person’s sexuality that
react or behave, without having to think or learn reinforce dominant views. Example: all men are
about. false - instinct sexually dominant. Sexual Stereotypes

5. SYSTEM OF MEANING, is what humans possess 3. The State recognizes the role of women in
that tells them what is right or wrong, good or evil. nation-building, and shall ensure the fundamental
true equality before the law of women and men.” Article
II, Section 14 of the 1987 Constitution
6. MICROINSULT, is a type of microaggression that
invalidates the race, identity and self-esteem of the 4. Adopted by all United Nations Member designed to
minority. false - microinvalidation bring the world to several life-changing ‘zeros’,

Page 1
including zero poverty, hunger, AIDS and Generalized view of traits that should be possessed
discrimination against women and girls. The by men and women, specifically physical and
Sustainable Development Goals of the United emotional role. Sex Stereotypes
18. Following the constitutional provisions and the
5. is the process through which children learn about the subsequent efforts to broaden its principles,
social expectations, attitudes and behaviors typically numerous legislations were enacted: Women can
associated with boys and girls. Gender enter the military and police schools and providing
Socialization facilities for them. Military Training Equality

6. The social and behavioral norms which are widely 19. Is a general term used for a variety of conditions in
considered to be socially appropriate for individuals which a person is born with a reproductive or sexual
of a specific sex, within a particular culture”. Process anatomy that doesn't seem to fit the typical
of learning and internalizing culturally approves ways definitions of female or male. Intersex
of thinking, feeling and behaving. Gender
Socialization / Gender Role 20. The state shall protect working women by providing
safe and healthful working conditions taking into
7. Following the constitutional provisions and the account their maternal functions, and such facilities
subsequent efforts to broaden its principles, and opportunities that will enhance their welfare and
numerous legislations were enacted: Allocation of enable them to realize their full potential in the
budget for women from development funds from service of the nation. Article XIII - Labor: Section
foreign governments and multilateral institutions. 14
Women in Nation-Building Law
21. It is prejudice or discrimination based on sex. It is
8. Is a process in gender socialization: familiarizing the unfair treatment of people based on their sex or
children with gender – appropriate tasks. Activity gender. Sexism
22. Refers to people who have sexual or romantic
9. Can causes a person to police himself or herself feelings mostly for the opposite gender only.
according to society’s standards and norms. Heterosexual
Resulting in the policing of others, expanding and
perpetuating this regulation. Internalized 23. Following the constitutional provisions and the
Self-Control subsequent efforts to broaden its principles,
numerous legislations were enacted: Women as a
10. Various institutions dictating what is proper and particular sector for representation in the legislature
normal based on one’s identity. It can happen through party-list elections. Party-List Law
through censorship to some forms of sexuality.
External Regulation 24. Differentiated roles, behaviors, capacities and
intellectual, emotional and social characteristics
11. According to the 2015 Global Survey on Gender attributed by a given culture to women and men.
Equality, Philippines is number ___ out of 145 Gender
countries. 7
25. Women who are attracted to other women.
12. Is defined as a lack of sexual attraction; is someone Lesbians
who is not sexually attracted to anyone. Asexual
26. External appearance of one’s gender identity,
13. Following the constitutional provisions and the usually expressed through behavior, clothing, haircut
subsequent efforts to broaden its principles, or voice, and which may or may not conform to
numerous legislations were enacted: women socially defined behaviors and characteristics
protection in hiring and pay. Non-Discrimination typically associated with being either masculine or
Law in Labor Code feminine. Gender Expression

14. The allocation of differential tasks, roles, 27. Assumptions about a specific group belonging to a
responsibilities and activities to women and men gender. Example of groups subject to compounded
according to what is considered socially and stereotypes: young women, old men, single men or
culturally appropriate. Gender Division of Labor women. Compounded Stereotypes

15. Following the constitutional provisions and the 28. The process by which some people strive to more
subsequent efforts to broaden its principles, closely align their internal knowledge of gender with
numerous legislations were enacted: Defining its outward appearance. Gender Transition
Sexual Harassment and providing mechanisms.
Anti-Sexual Harassment Law 29. Is associated with the private sphere and involves
anything that people have to do for themselves that
16. Is a process in gender socialization: directing is not for the purposes of receiving a wage.
children’s attention to gender – appropriate objects. Reproductive work
30. One’s innermost concept of self as male, female, a
17. Developed when different institutions reinforce a blend of both or neither – how individuals perceive
biased perception of a certain gender’s role:

Page 2
themselves and what they call themselves. Gender 47. Developed when different institutions reinforce a
Identity biased perception of a certain gender’s role:
Encompass the roles that men and women are
31. Following the constitutional provisions and the assigned based on their sex and what behaviors
subsequent efforts to broaden its principles, they must possess to fulfill these roles. Sex-Role
numerous legislations were enacted: making the Stereotypes
practice of online bride unlawful. Anti Mail-Order
Bride Law 48. Following the constitutional provisions and the
subsequent efforts to broaden its principles,
32. Men who are attracted to other men. Gays numerous legislations were enacted: repatriation of
Filipinas who lost citizenship by marriage in case of
33. A person who is attracted to both genders. need. Repatriation Law
49. What is the meaning of CEDAW? Convention on
34. Undertaken primarily by men often within the the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination
framework of national politics. Usually paid work, Against Women
either directly or indirectly, through status or power.
Community Politics 50. Following the constitutional provisions and the
subsequent efforts to broaden its principles,
35. Is a process in gender socialization: handling girls numerous legislations were enacted: equal rights for
and boys differently. Manipulation women to be recipients of land. Comprehensive
Agrarian Reform Law
36. Work that is done by both men and women, involves
anything that people have to do for themselves for
wa ko’y copy sa midterm exam, kamo na bahala
the purposes of receiving a wage. Productive work

37. Is a process in gender socialization: telling children QUIZ 3 (POST-MIDTERM QUIZ 1)

what they are and what expectations others have of
1. How many waves of feminism has there been? 5
them. Verbal Appellation

2. The main goal of feminism is to: Change the

38. People who have sexual and romantic feelings for
patriarchal nature of society
the same gender. Homosexual

3. Radical feminists advocate revolution because

39. Activities undertaken primarily by women at the
institutions such as the state perpetuate male
community level, as an extension of their
dominance and the subjugation of women.
reproductive role. Voluntary unpaid work, undertaken
in “free time.” Community Management
4. Feminists argue that women’s values are baed
primarily on: prescribed social roles.
40. An umbrella term for people whose gender identity
and/or expression is different from cultural
5. Liberal feminism really began with: first wave
expectations based on the sex they were assigned
at birth. Transgender

6. What is Feminism? The belief that women and

41. Biological characteristics of women and men that
men should be equal.
includes primary sex characteristics like
chromosomes, gonads and genitals. Sex
7. Who is a Feminist?
● Any person who believes in feminism.
42. Following the constitutional provisions and the
● Any person who believes in gender
subsequent efforts to broaden its principles,
numerous legislations were enacted: 5% of
government agencies' budget is for gender
8. What is a Wave of Feminism? A big movement
concerns. Gender and Development Law
that affected feminism in a positive way.
43. Clinically significant distress caused when a
9. What was the main objective of the First and Second
person’s assigned birth gender is not the same as
Wave of Feminism? To have equal rights.
the one with which they identify. Gender Dysphoria

10. While first-wave feminism focused on voting and

44. Peoples’ interest in or attraction to others, as well as
property rights, Second Wave Feminism addressed
their capacity to have erotic experiences and
which aspects of women’s lives? Reproductive
responses. Sexuality
45. This refers to doing unpaid work in the home, paid
11. While first and second wave feminism focused on
work as a member of a workforce, and volunteer
women’s rights and the women in society, what is
work in the community. Multiple Burden
the main focus of third-wave feminism? Gender
(including transgender)
46. An inherent or immutable enduring emotional,
romantic or sexual attraction to other people. Sexual
12. TRUE OR FALSE: Women in the US armed forces
are allowed to serve in combat.

Page 3
13. is a wave of feminism that began around 2012 and is deemed as the root of all sufferings, original sin.”
characterized by a focus on the empowerment of Adam and Eve
women and the use of internet tools, and is centered
on intersectionality. Fourth Wave 15. The goal of feminism is to remove the
PATRIARCHAL society. True
14. This wave of feminism focus on sexual harrassment,
body shaming, and rape culture, among other
issues. A key component was the use of social
media to highlight and address these concerns. 1. A monarchical system of government was already
Fourth Wave established before the arrival of the Western
colonizers. True

QUIZ 4 (POST-MIDTERM QUIZ 2) 2. Our limited knowledge of our Pre-Colonial past was
1. The FOURTH wave of feminism began around 2012 due to the absence of a system of writing. False
and focus on the empowerment of women and the
use of internet tools and is centered on 3. The Timawa was the lowest social class during the
intersectionality. True Pre-Colonial period. False

2. Identify which theory of women’s oppression is this? 4. Gold artifacts dating to 10th century AD strengthens
“Women were perceived as the cause of the our claim that we had a rich and sophisticated
downfall of mankind because of their weakness culture. True
(foolish and idle).” Pandora
5. Individuals who can mediate with the spirit world,
3. Identify which theory of women’s oppression is this? have spirit guides, and given gifts of healing,
Women were merely the receptive vessel of life in foretelling and insight. Babaylan
which the seed of man developed. The source of life
was the penis and not the womb. Phallus Cult 6. Women in Pre-Colonial Philippines were highly
discriminated. False
4. Identify which theory of women’s oppression is this?
Women are laborer producers to feed the world. A 7. Which of the following notable women contributed to
Shift of Production the Philippine Revolution? All of the choices

5. Liberal feminism really began with. First Wave 8. The Pre-Colonial period was characterized by
Feminism shared lifestyle, values and belief system. True

6. THIRD wave of feminism includes the needs of 9. Women were regarded highly during the
women from developing countries in light of the Pre-Colonial period. True
effect of globalization and neliberal economic
policies. False - First 10. Trading among neighbors was limited to the
Southeast Asian region during this period. False
7. Up to the present time there are only 3 waves of
feminism. False - 5 11. The sultanate government adhered to Islamic
practices and traditions during the Pre-Colonial
8. RADICAL feminists advocate revolution because period. True
institutions such as the state perpetuate male
dominance and the subjugation of women. 12. The Philippines was already a single political unit
during the Pre-Colonial period. False
9. FEMINISTS argue that women’s values are based
primarily on prescribe social roles. True 13. The trial by ordeal as a judicial system was a test of
faith of the accused instead of evidence. True
10. The SECOND wave feminism addressed or focues
on the aspect of sexual harassment and body
shaming. False - fourth

11. The main objective of the first and second wave of

feminism is for women to have EQUAL rights with
men. True

12. The challenge for feminists in the THIRD wave was

to be conscious of how one could express his or her
gender identity in a menner that truly represented
him or her. True

13. The goal of FEMINISM is liberating women through

gender equality. True

14. Identify which theory of women’s oppression is this:

“Women are sinners because they got deceived, she
was taken from a rib of a man and created second
thus she is viewed lesser value than men, and
Page 4
Gender and Society Long Exam 2
1. is widespread and according to UNICEF, the 9. Which of the following is a harmful traditional
country is the number one source of child pornography practice that targets young girls?
and “epicenter of the live-stream abuse trade.” a. Female Circumcision or Female Genital Mutilation
a. Extreme Poverty b. Infant Mortality
b. Prostitution c. Acid attacks
c. Child Abuse d. Domestic violence

2. Which wave of feminism talks more about the 10. Wave of feminism addressed the reproductive rights of
marginalized group of Black, homosexual and Latina women, and the lacked of representation of women in
women? the public sphere.
a. First wave a. 1st wave
b. second wave b. 2nd wave
c. third wave c. 4th wave
d. 5th wave
3. Based on our mini reporting about the different e. 6th wave
religions. Identify which religion is this: f. 3rd wave

The role of women in this religion is determined by the 11. This religion comprises 95% of the population in India.
Hebrew Bible, the Oral Law (the corpus of rabbinic Third-largest religion also known as the oldest religion
literature, including the Talmud), by custom, and by according to many scholars, with roots and customs
non-religious cultural factors. dating back more than 4, 000 years
a. Christianity a. Hinduism
b. Judaism b. Buddhism
c. Hinduism c. Skihism
d. Jainism d. Jainism

4. She was a French feminist writer and political activist 12. This book describes the growing discontent of white and
who strongly believed in justice and equality for all. She middle-class housewives during the post - World War II
published the "Declaration of Rights of Woman and of period.
the Female Citizen". a. The Feminine Mystique
a. Olympia de Gouges b. The Second Sex
b. Vona Sebastian c. The Dialectic of Sex
c. Henrietta Toulouse d. Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of
d. Judith Butler Identity

5. Prior to Hispanic colonization, there was already 13. True or False:

discrimination between sons and daughters. What is considered masculine or feminine traits are
a. True heavily influenced by culture
b. False a. True
b. False
6. Based on our mini reporting about the different
religions. Identify which religion is this: 14. According to our discussion. At present time, in this
pandemic period how many waves of feminism are
Is a monotheistic religion that was founded in the early there already?
seventh century by the prophet "men kept the a. 1
dominant position and women were required to be b. 2
obedient to their husbands, fathers, and sons". c. 3
a. Islam d. 4
b. Hinduism e. 5
c. Taoism
d. Jainism 15. During the Spanish Era, the role of women was reduced
to housekeeping and child bearing.
7. Identify which theory of women's oppression is this: a. True
"Women are sinners because they got deceived, she b. False
was taken from a rib of a man and created second thus
she is viewed lesser value than men, and deemed as the 16. The Babaylan tradition is still alive in the Philippines.
root of all sufferings, original sin" a. True
a. Adam and Eve b. False
b. Pandora
c. Phallus cult 17. Identify which statement is false:
d. Mother centric cults Statement A: There are 2 types of Procedural Knowing,
they are Connected Knowing and
8. True or False: Constructed Knowing
According to the 2017 National Demographic and Health Statement B: Subjective Knowledge is also known as The
Survey conducted by the Philippine Statistics Authority, Inner Voice
one in four Filipino women age 15-49 has experienced Statement C: Listening to the voice of others is also
physical, emotional or sexual violence by their husband considered as Received Knowledge
or partner. a. A
a. True b. B
b. False c. C

Gender and Society Long Exam 2
18. Based on our mini reporting about the different b. 2nd wave
religions. Identify which religion is this: c. 3rd wave
d. 4th wave
Women in this religion is regarded as opposite or e. 5th wave
complimentary just like the Yin and Yang symbol. f. 6th wave
a. Taoism
b. Buddhism 27. What does BPfA stand for?
c. Hinduism a. Beijing Platform for Action
d. Jainism b. Bureau of Plan of Action
c. Beijing and Philippines Agreement
19. Based on our mini reporting about the different d. Bureau of Philippine Atmospheric Agency
religions. Identify which religion is this: Leadership roles
in the modern organized churches and sects are often 28. True or false: There are estimated more than 4,300
restricted to males. Only men may serve as priests or religions in the world.
deacons; only males serve in senior leadership positions a. True
such as pope, patriarch, and bishop. b. False
a. Christianity
b. Sikhism 29. Wave of feminism began around 2012 and focus on the
c. Jainism empowerment of women and the use of internet tools
d. Judaism and is centered on intersectionality, sexual harassment,
body shaming and rape culture.
20. True or False: The essentialist reason regarding women's a. 1st wave
oppression is due to the nature of their gender or their b. 2nd wave
socially - constructed roles. c. 3rd wave
a. True d. 4th wave
b. False e. 5th wave
f. 6th wave
21. True or False: Women were highly regarded during the
ancient times. 30. What indicates an absence of thought or reflection?
a. True a. Silence
b. False b. Anger
c. Shame
22. Women who learn through learn to trust what is d. Regret
called their “inner voice and infallible gut”.
a. Subjective knowledge 31. What is suffrage?
b. Procedural knowers a. Equality
c. constructed knowledge b. Freedom
d. received knowledge c. Vote
d. Institutionalize
23. What is the meaning of WCD approach, which builds the
possibilities of women as agents of change in a holistic 32. Identify which theory of women's oppression is this:
perspective that is based on women's culture, system of "women were merely the receptive vessel of life in
values and understanding, as well as economic which the seed of man developed. The source of life
structures and social systems. was the penis and not the womb."
a. The Women, Culture, and Development a. Adam and Eve
b. The Wonderful Culture and Development b. Pandora
c. The Women, Communication and Development c. Phallus cults
d. To a Wonderful Country and Development d. A shift of production

24. In what year did Filipino women get the right to vote? 33. Based on our mini reporting about the different
a. 1935 religions. Identify which religion is this:
b. 1937
c. 1921 "only way to attain enlightenment is to be reborn as a
male, and in the Vinaya, the monastic code of conduct,
25. true or false: Women in Hispanic period were treated women have more vows than men"
highly and equal with men. a. Hinduism
a. True b. Buddhism
b. False c. Jainism
d. Sikhism
26. Wave of feminism that has flipped the entire
sustainable development equation to give power back 34. Based on our mini reporting about the different
to the (terribly labeled) ‘bottom-of-the-pyramid’. religions. Identify which religion is this:
Women make up 70% of frontline health workers in
rural communities responding to the pandemic. Women "men and women are two sides of the same coin. There
small-scale farmers make up two-thirds of agricultural is a system of inter-relation and inter-dependence
labor chains that will be critical to food security during where man is born of woman, and woman is born of
phases of recovery. Women laid off from the garment man's seed. A man can not feel secure and complete
factories I mentioned earlier have mostly switched to during his life without a woman, and a man's success is
making masks and other protective gear related to the love and support of the woman who
a. 1st wave shares her life with him, and vice versa."

Gender and Society Long Exam 2
a. Sikhism "The religious status of women is a very important
b. Buddhism aspect of the history of the religion and one of the most
c. Taoism critical issues between the oldest religious divisions of
d. Jainism the religion, Svetambar and Digambar. The major
distinction between these two divisions is the position
35. Identify which statement is false: of women in their societies. "
Statement A: Pregnancy and childbirth are still the main a. Jainism
health concerns of women aged 16−29. b. Sikhism
Statement B: The World Health Organization (WHO) c. Hinduism
labels a healthcare system as “well d. Buddhism
Statement C: Abortion is now legalized in the 45. True or False: an example of an essentialist reason or
Philippines. argument regarding women - women are considered
a. A lesser sec because of their biological traits. Their minds
b. B are being perceived as weak.
c. C a. True
b. False
36. True or False: The Republic Act No. 3210 is also known
as Special Protection of Children against Child Abuse, 46. True or False: BPfA is a new model of empowering
Exploitation, and Discrimination Act women
a. True a. True
b. False (Should be RA 7610) b. False (Should be Women, Culture, and
37. Which type of feminism believe that women are
oppressed in all aspects of their lives, not only in the 47. Identify which statement is false:
economic aspect. Statement A:− There is a higher percentage of
a. Aristotlian feminism women whose needs for modern contraception are
b. Einstein Feminism met than those women who were not met.
c. Aquianian feminism Statement B: − There are more female employees
d. Marxist Feminism (Socialist jod unta to answer than males in the Philippine government
but wala sa choices >.<) bureaucracy.
Statement C: − − Honor killings are frequently
38. True or False: Betty Friedan wrote "The Feminine reported crimes. (1 Point)
Mystique" a. A
a. True b. B
b. False c. C

39. What is a way of looking at the world through a 48. Commonly refers to individuals who have special
woman's perspective? knowledge or can converse with spirits.
a. Gay a. Babaylans
b. Feminism b. Datu
c. Liberation c. Sultan
d. Woman d. Alipin sagigilid

40. The Spanish conquerors developed a women who was 49. One of the insights about women's movements from
very active in social situations. the American period until Martial Law activism state
a. True that "these movements were begun and dominated by
b. False women".
a. True
41. The mahinhing dalaga stereotype was brought to us by b. False
the .
a. Americans 50. Identify which statement is false:
b. Japanese Statement A: Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive
c. Spaniards Health Act of 2012 is also known as
R.A. 10355
42. Convention on the Rights of the Child is a summary of Statement B: The WHO refers to the Filipino Healthcare
rights that seek to protect the basic human rights of System as “fragmented.”
children and ensure their holistic development Statement C: Healthcare in the Philippines does not meet
a. True the healthcare system set standards
b. False by the World Health Organization.
a. A
43. True or False: The root of women’s oppression is the b. B
lower status given to them and the pervading gender c. C
inequality in society
a. True
b. False

44. Based on our mini reporting about the different

religions. Identify which religion is this:

1. In what year did Filipino women get the right to vote? - 1937
2. This book describes the growing discontent of white and middle-class housewives during
the post world war II period - the feminine mystique
3. True or False: BPfA is a new model empowering women - False
4. True or False: an example of an essentialist reason or argument regarding women -
women are considered lesser sec because of their biological traits - True
5. Wave of feminism began around 2012 and focus on the emliwerment if women and the
use of internet tools and is centered on intersectionality, suxual harassment, body
shaming and rape culture - 4th wave
6. Based on our mini reporting about the different religions. Identify which religion is this:
“only way to attain enlightenment is to be reborn as a male, and in the Vinaya, the
monastic code of conduct, women have more vows that men” - Buddhism
7. True or False: women in hispanic period were treated highly and equal with men. - False
8. Based on our mini reporting about the different religions. Identify which religion is this: “
Women in this religion is regarded as opposite or complimentary just like the Yin and
Yang symbol. - Taoism
9. Identify which statement is false:
Statement A: pregnancy and childbirth are still the main health concerns if women aged
Statement B: the World health organization (WHO) labels a healthcare system as
“well functioning”
Statement C: Abortion is now legalized in the Philippines
Answer: Statement C
10. Wave of feminism that has filipped the entire sustainable development equation to give
power back to the (terribly labeled) ‘bottom of the pyramid…. - 5th wave
11. Based on our mini reporting about the different religions. Identify which religion is this:
the role of women in this religion is determined by the Hebrew bible, the Oral law (the
corpus od rabbinic literature, including the Talmud) by custom and by non religious
cultural factors - Judaism
12. She was a fench feminist writer and poltical activist who strongly believed in justice and
equality for all. She published the “Declaration of Rights of Women and of the Female
Citizen” - Olympia de Gouges
13. Convention on the Rights of the child is a summary of rights that seek to protect the
basic human rights of children and ensure their holistic development - True
14. Which type of feminism believe that women are oppressed in all aspects of their lives,
not only in the economic aspect. - Marxist Feminism
15. The Babaylan tradition is still alive in the Philippines - true
16. True or False: Women were highly regarded during the ancient times - True
17. True or False: According to the 2017 National Demographic and Health Survey
conducted by the Philippine statistics authority, one in four filipino women aged 15-49
has experienced physical, emotional or sexual violence by their husband or partner -
18. What indicates an absence of thought or reflection - Silence
19. Based on our mini reporting about the different religions. Identify which religion is this: Is
a monotheistic religion that was founded in the early seventh century by the prophet
“men kept the dominant position and women were required to be obedient to their
husbands, fathers and sons” - Islam
20. During the spanish era, the role of women was reduced to housekeeping and
childbearing - True
21. The spanish conquerors developed a women who was very active in social situations -
22. Identify which theory of women oppression is this: women are sinners because they got
deceived, she was taken from a rib of a man and created a second thus she is viewed
lesser value than men, and deemed as the root of all sufferings, original sin” - Adam and
23. True or False: the essentialist reason regarding women’s oppression is due to the nature
of their gender or their socially constructed roles - True
24. is a widespread and according to the UNICEF, the country is the number one
source of child pornography and ”epicenter of the live stream abuse trade” - Child
25. The mahinhing dalaga stereotype was brought to us by the - Spaniards
26. True or False: the root of women’s oppression is the the lower status given to them and
the pervading gender inequality in society - True
27. True or False: There are estimated more than 4,300 religions in the world - False
28. What is the meaning of WCD approach, which builds the possibilities of women as
agents of change in holistic perspective that is based on women’s culture, system of
values ahe understanding, as well as economic structures and social systems - The
Women, Culture and Development
29. One of the insights about women’s movements form the American period until Martial
Law activism state that “these movements were begun and dominated by women” -
30. Which wave of feminsims talks more ablut the marginalized group of Black, homosexual,
and Latine women? - third wave
31. Identify which statement is false
Statement A: there is a higher percentage of women whose needs for modern
contraception are met than those women who are not met.
Statement B : there are more female employees than males in the Philippine
government bureaucracy
Statement C: Honor killings are frequently reported crimes.
Answer: Statement B
32. Based on our mini reporting about the different religions. Identify which religion is this:
“men and women are two sides of the same coin. There is a system of inter-relation and
interdependence where man is born of woman, and woman is born of man’s seed… -
33. Prior to hispanic colonization, there was already discrimination between sons and
daughters - False
34. What is suffrage? - vote
35. Identify which theory of women’s oppression is this: women were merely the receptive
vessel of life in which the seed of man developed. The source of life was the penis and
not the womb” - Phallus cults
36. Commonly refers to individuals who have special knowledge or can converse with spirits
- Babaylans
37. True or False: Betty Friedan wrote “The Feminism Mystique” - True
38. Women who learn through learn to trust what is called their “inner voice and infallible
gut” - Subjective knowledge
39. Based on our mini reporting about the different religions. Identify which religion is this:
the religious status of women is a very important aspect of the history of the religion and
one of the most critical issues between the oldest religious divisions of the religion… -
40. According to our discussion, at present time, in this pandemic period how many waves of
feminism are there already? - 5
41. Which of the following is a harmful traditional practice that targets young girls? - Female
circumcision orbfemale genital mutilation
42. Identify which statement is false:
Statement A : Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012 is also
known as R.A. 10355
Statement B: The WHO refers to the filipino healthcare system as “fragmented”
Statement C: healthcare in the Philippines does not meet the healthcare system
standards by the WHO
Answer: Statement A
43. This religion comprises 95% of the population in India. Third largest religion also known
as the oldest religion according to many scholars, with roots and customs dating back
more than 4,000 years - Hinduism
44. True or False: The Republic Act No. 3210 is also known as Speical Protection of
Children against Child abuse, exploitation, and discrimination act - False
45. Based on our mini reporting about the different religions. Identify which religion is this:
Leadership roles in the modern organized churches and sects are often restricted to
males… - Christianity
46. What is a way of looking at the world through a woman's perspective - Feminism
47. True or False: what is considered masculine or feminine traits are heavily influenced by
culture - True
48. What does BPfA stand for - Beijing Platform for Action
49. Identify which statement is false:
Statement A : there are 2 types or procedural knowing, they are connected knowing and
constructed knowing
Statement B: subjective knowledge is also known as the inner voice
Statement C: listening to the voice of others is also considered received knowledge
Answer: Statement A
50. Wave of feminism addressed the reproductive rights of women, and the lack of
representation of women in the public sphere - 2nd wave

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