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Zunaira Arshad

The Spine: Exercise and Manipulation Interventions

CHP 16


1.In chronic stage of tissue healing, the phase of rehabilitation and protection level include

(a) Early training phase Maximum protection

(b) Intermediate to advanced training/return to function phase Minimal to no protection

(c) Basic training/controlled motion phase Moderate protection

(d) all of above

2.The position of symptom relief is called

a) Bias
b) Resting position
c) None
d) Option a and b

3. the picture elaborates:

a) stretching of the scalenus muscles

b) Stretching the short suboccipital muscle
c) cervical traction:
d) stretching of pectoralis major
4. the figures shows:

a) Cervical Flexion Manipulation—prone

b) Cervical extension manipulation __prone
c) Cervical traction prone
d) Cervical traction with mobilization

5.spinal manipulation grade 3 defines:

a) small-amplitude oscillations
b) small-amplitude oscillations that go through the restrictive joint barrier
c) large-amplitude oscillations that go up to the restrictive joint barrier
d) high-velocity and low-amplitude thrust applied

6.contraindication for spinal manipulation include:

a) history of corticosteroid
b) Unhealed fracture
c) Vertebral artery disease or occlusion
d) Acute joint inflammation/irritation
e) All except option a
7. this technique shows?

a) Cervical 1st rib manipulation

b) Cervical stretching
c) Cervical muscle flexibility
d) None of these
8. Manipulation to Increase Thoracic Spine Rotation the finger placement follows
a) “Rule of the Lower Finger”
b) Rule of grasping
c) Placing hypothenar
d) Only option a

9.a person with the history of osteoporosis/osteopenia can you apply HVT on
a) Yes, to some extent
b) No, HVT is contraindicated
10.HVT is ______
a) a low-amplitude, high-velocity technique
b) high amplitude, low velocity technique
c) is applied with one repetition only
d) Option a and c

11. To Increase Craniocervical Rotation after how much seconds the patient needs to hold
a) 4-7 secs
b) 4-5secs
c) 2-3secs
d) 3-5secs

12. the goal of Kinesthetic awareness

a) Move, stretch, manipulate restricting tissues

b) Body mechanics
c) Proprioception training of safe movement and posture
d) None

13. In general, stretching is contraindicated in the region of inflamed tissues. Exceptions

a) Fluid stasis
b) Acute nerve root impingement
c) Only a
d) Option a and b

14.which grade of manipulation is designed to solely improve range of motion

a) Grade 5
b) Grade 3
c) Grade 4
d) None

15.grade 5 of manipulation is also known as

a) HVT
b) HAT
c) LVT
d) SVT

16. For functional activities, intermediate to advance training phase of rehabilitation include except:

a) High-intensity functional activities.

b) Endurance and strengthening activities that replicate return to desired activities
c) Dynamic maintenance of pain-free position with activities
d) Practice prevention

17. If the patient cannot maintain control or the symptoms are made worse, he or she requires

a) Moral support
b) Amputation
c) passive support or passive positioning when initiating the stabilization exercises
d) no need to continue further intervention , take a break

18.stretching is contraindicated in

a) decrease mobility
b) inflamed region
c) tightened and short muscles
d) none physio department, a patient came 2 days ago he has a history of hypomobile facet joint capsule
with ROM restricted . on examination there was no inflammation and bony spur

What interventions you recommend :

a) I don’t know
b) Joint manipulation techniques
c) High velocity thrust techniques
d) Both option b and c to stretch the joint

20. A patient with came to physio opd his neuromuscular relationship is not proper functioning,
impaired circulation, restricted ROM and myofascial restriction and muscular imbalance . you were
asked to apply intervention techniques what will you do to normalize this patient.

a) Muscle energy techniques

b) Unconscious the patient and apply PROM
c) Referred to seniors
d) He will normalize with time

21. Increase repetitions to improve holding capacity is

a) Strengthening
b) Balance
c) Endurance
d) Dynamic stabilization

22.running is not tolerated by ____ individuals

a) Intervertebral disc lesion

b) Degenerative joint conditions
c) Both a and b
d) None

23.for SI Joint, Anterior glide manipulation force:

a) To increase Sacral Counternutation

b) to Increase Sacral Nutation
c) to Increase Lumbar Intervertebral Side Bending
d) to Innominate

24. Acute nerve root impingement may be relieved with

a) stretching
b) mobilization
c) traction
d) manipulation
25. what is pt doing

a) HVT prone
b) Mobilization
c) MFR
d) All

26. placing pillow under any region act as

a) Reduce excessive pressure

b) Counteract the force for pt
c) Physical barrier
d) To comfort the patient

Manipulation force :

a) Exert a progressive oscillation or HVT force posterior through the hand contact at the
b) Exert a grade 2 oscillation posterior through the hand contact as the innominate
c) Push with your hypothenar eminence in an anterior-inferior direction.
d) Exert the manipulation force or HVT through the rib in a caudal and medial direction
during patient exhalation

28. important stabilizer of the spine in the frontal and transverse planes is

a) Rhomboid major
b) Trapezius
c) Latissimus dorsi
d) Quadratus lumborum

29.pain modulation in acute phase manipulation grade will be

a) Grade 1
b) Grade 3
c) Grade 2
d) Hvt

30.HVT is performed for

a) Only one time

b) 1-2 mint
c) Improve rom
d) all

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