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Journal of Cleaner Production 276 (2020) 123096

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Land as a sustainable resource in city planning: The use of open spaces

and drainage systems to structure environmental and urban needs
Ianic Bigate Lourenço a, *, Luciana Fernandes Guimara
~es a, Marina Barroso Alves b,
Marcelo Gomes Miguez c
Programa de Engenharia Civil/COPPE, Universidade Federal Do Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ, Av Athos da Silveira Ramos, 149, Centro de Tecnologia - Bloco I, Sala I-
206 e Cidade Universita ria, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, CEP 21941-909, Brazil
Escola Polit
ecnica, Universidade Federal Do Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ Av. Athos da Silveira Ramos, 149, Centro de Tecnologia - Bloco I, Sala I-206 e Cidade
ria, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, CEP 21941-909, Brazil
Programa de Engenharia Civil/COPPE, Programa de Engenharia Urbana-PEU/Escola Polit ecnica, Programa de Engenharia Ambiental-PEA/Escola Polit ecnica
& Escola de Química, Universidade Federal Do Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ, Av. Athos da Silveira Ramos, 149, Centro de Tecnologia - Bloco I, Sala I-206 e Cidade
ria, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, CEP 21941-909, Brazil

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The lack of open spaces in urban areas, associated with degraded river environments aggravates one of
Received 1 December 2019 the main problems faced by cities nowadays: flood risk. This study aims to contribute to the sustainable
Received in revised form management of cities by recognizing land as an important finite resource and emphasizing the impor-
22 June 2020
tance of land use planning in designing resilient cities. The combination of an open space system with
Accepted 27 June 2020
Available online 18 July 2020
urban drainage solutions in multifunctional arrangements can provide a safer setting, better able to
structure urban growth. This discussion is supported by an assessment framework that comprises his-
^ as de
Handling editor: Cecilia Maria Villas Bo torical analysis, mathematical modeling and estimation of the expected annual damage, in a case study
Almeida applied to the Canal do Mangue (Mangue Channel) watershed in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Three scenarios
were built to support the analyses. The first scenario refers to the current situation while the second
Keywords: corresponds to an official proposal of the municipal government to mitigate floods. Finally, the third
Urban landscape planning scenario corresponds to a hypothetical alternative historic growth, from the start of the nineteenth
Land use planning century, assuming that urbanization was based on orderly land use planning, driven by the drainage
Sustainable urban drainage
network interacting with the urban open spaces as a planning structure axis. The results indicate that
Multifunctional open spaces
planning land use and urban development in advance while recognizing water dynamics and natural
Flood risk
Expected annual damage limitations, can produce better responses in terms of avoiding flood damages than adopting mitigation
actions after development of water spaces and stressing land resources. The possible structural miti-
gation measures face limited space constraints. Therefore, the actions represented in Scenario 3 can
configure a set of guidelines that can help growing cities to develop more sustainably.
© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction ecosystem services (European Commission Environment, 2016).

More than 75% of the Earth’s land has been impacted by human
Land resources are the basis for human survival and develop- development, which imposes an expanding footprint on natural
ment. Land is a non-renewable resource that provides an important resources, especially water (Ellis and Ramankutty, 2008). Both
material foundation and space guarantee for human development freshwater quality and availability are deteriorating due to popu-
(Sun et al., 2018). It is greatly affected by city growth and conse- lation growth and changes in standards of living (Marousek et al.,
quent human activities, leading to degradation and loss of 2019). In more critical situations, land pressures can evolve to a
point where the natural systems are unable to continue supporting
human activities. Therefore, the built environment sheltered in
natural watersheds tends to degrade in a spiral of losses, while rural
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses:, (I.B. Lourenço), areas lose their environmental value. (L.F. Guimara~es), (M.B. Alves), The challenges faced by the population are the increasing (M.G. Miguez).
0959-6526/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 I.B. Lourenço et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 276 (2020) 123096

demands on limited and already depleted resources by diverse disciplines in reference to human-environment sustainability
actors, land degradation, biodiversity loss and climate change, all of (Zhou et al., 2019). Economic development cannot exceed the
which require a rational approach to resource use that sustains and maximum amount that the environment can support, as well as,
enhances productivity and maintains ecosystem resilience (FAO- atmospheric environmental policy should be formulated based on
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2019). the scientific assessment of regional atmospheric environmental
Land resource planning (also called land-use planning) is a tool for carrying capacity (Su and Yu, 2020). Ma (2017) explains that the
achieving sustainable and efficient resource use, taking into ac- land carrying capacity is an important measure to evaluate land
count biophysical and socioeconomic dimensions. The purpose of resources and to guide regional plans, while promoting sustainable
land resource planning is to support decision-makers and land development. Therefore, this threshold defines the acceptable
users in selecting and putting into practice the uses that best meet limits of human activities, related with population growth, land use
the needs of people while safeguarding natural resources and change and physical development.
ecosystem services for current and future generations. This defi- One of the serious impacts of urbanization is the increase of
nition meets the well-known concept of sustainable development. flood risks (Vitale et al., 2020), which affects millions of people and
Urban areas are key to sustainability, and understanding het- causes substantial economic losses. Failures of urban drainage
erogeneity in urban landscapes is important for linking develop- systems can cause large losses to people, properties and infra-
ment patterns to ecological, economic, and social health (Stokes structure, affecting public services, aggravating public health
and Seto, 2019). While cities concentrate and enhance physical, problems, and immobilizing the city, with negative consequences
intellectual and creative energy, they are harmful to the environ- on the circulation of goods and people. Globally, flooding is the
ment, to the point of representing a threat to human survival. Thus, most prevalent natural hazard faced by cities (Dewan, 2013). The
urban agglomerations are recognized more for their conflicts and International Disasters Database (EM-DAT) shows that flooding
problems than for their potentials, and the future of civilization will caused the majority of natural disasters between 1994 and 2013,
be determined by cities and within cities (Rogers, 2001). Harvey accounting for 43% of all recorded events and affecting nearly 2.5
(2008) stressed that the freedom to make and remake cities is billion people (Wahlstrom and Guha-Sapir, 2015).
one of the most precious but neglected human rights. In this context, Debbage and Shepherd (2018) highlight the
There is increasing demand for settlement areas worldwide in a overall importance of considering the extent, configuration and
trend toward urbanization. As cities expand globally, it is increas- expansion trends of urban development when devising land use
ingly important to understand how biodiversity is shaped by hu- policies in order to reduce runoff generation and flooding. In a
man decisions, institutions, and environments, and it is through the broad sense, urban drainage systems should be integrated with
urban biodiversity that the majority of humans experience nature urban land use planning and urban landscape design (Kozak et al.,
on a daily basis (Kuras et al., 2020). However, the physical expan- 2020) and key lessons for sustainable solutions include the inte-
sion of urban areas lead to lasting impacts on landscapes and gration of urban water management and landscape design (Liu
livelihoods, while the proactive management of urban land et al., 2019). These are important aims, since floods can be aggra-
expansion is responsible for creating equitable and affordable ur- vated by urbanization and generate large losses on their way
ban landscapes (Güneralp et al., 2020). Irregular and/or unplanned through the exposed city.
urban occupation degrades land, which is a global issue that re- Besides that, Liao et al. (2019) affirm that flood prevention is a
ceives much attention currently (Xie et al., 2020). Thus, land use is a predominant practice in flood hazard mitigation and often carried
powerful determinant of sustainable cities and can be a strategic out through flood control infrastructure, commonly perceived as a
target to protect the environment for future generations (Cox et al., technical exercise. However, flood prevention can lead to envi-
2018). ronmental injustice since the measures do not eliminate but only
Urban planning has to address many objectives that are often redistribute floodwater, often imposing new flood risks on people

conflicting. García-Alvarez and Moreno (2018) affirms that in the elsewhere. Considering that, these authors (ibid.) argue for a
last decades, the European Union has developed a set of environ- paradigm shift towards flood adaptation in flood hazard mitigation.
mental policies whose main objectives have been to protect natural Therefore, one of the great challenges nowadays is to organize ur-
capital and to develop a resource-efficient and green economy. ban expansion in order to minimize flood impacts on both natural
These issues are essential to secure the sustainability in the long- and built environments, by consciously considering and using land
term. Although green policies have been gradually adopted in as a resource in a sustainable way.
recent years and providing better solutions for urban areas that are According to Grizzetti et al. (2016), Europe faces a situation in
increasing in an unprecedented speed (Xia et al., 2019), they are still which territorial planning for water management is needed, and
an utmost challenge in urban development. the multifunctionality of water systems and the benefits of
According to Wu et al. (2020), China suffers from different approximation with nature are positively recognized. These au-
overlapping and conflicting plans. To resolve these problems, China thors also mentioned that the European Commission (European
has made serious efforts to explore the methods for coordinating Commission Environment, 2016) indicated that natural measures
various planning from theory to practice. The urban sprawl in this for water retention could greatly contribute to reduce the negative
country has resulted in a series of ecological and environmental effects of floods and droughts, providing ecosystem services in
problems. Urban planners have been committed to promoting favor of those aims. Planning in advance and avoiding confronting
compact development through high-density and mixed land use. nature can be a pathway to more sustainable solutions. However,
However, a problem brought by such compact urban form is the nature-based adaptation planning is still a challenging endeavor
mismatch between physical spaces and socio-economic activities that requires transdisciplinary approaches (Wamsler et al., 2019).
(Xia et al., 2020). Within this framework, proper urban drainage solutions could
More recently, the challenges posed by the increasing urbani- be assured by a structured system of landscape planning, where
zation have raised societal demands for more efficient and sus- water would find the necessary storage capacity to reorganize flood
tainable urban services preserving land resources, which, in a flows. Consequently, the use of a system of multifunctional open
digital revolution environment, originate and enhance the concept spaces could order land uses and promote the preservation of
of the sustainable city (Guedes et al., 2018). In this context, the environmental attributes. Besides this, by defining land uses and
concept of “carrying capacity has been widely used in various constructive types according to environmental, social, cultural and
I.B. Lourenço et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 276 (2020) 123096 3

economic specificities, it is possible to adjust (or re-adjust) urban understanding human “needs” and the relations between humans
spaces, seeking a better interaction between local communities and and nature, planners, managers and scientists perceived the need
the natural environment, revitalizing the city and enhancing resi- to develop a different approach to manage social-ecological sys-
dents’ quality of life. This approach seeks to use resources sus- tems. This new approach aims at better interaction between man
tainably, by softening human interventions in resource cycles. and nature (Patten, 2016). It is necessary to establish a more
Recognizing land as a valuable resource is crucial in order to harmonious relationship between the natural and built environ-
reduce the gap between land demand and resource availability, ments, generating a landscape that is more sensitive to the pres-
particularly in the context of global challenges. In this context, this ence of nature inside cities.
article addresses the need to promote more sustainable and flood- Therefore, the discussion of sustainable cities and land use
resilient cities by recognizing land as a key resource, balancing the planning is gaining space in the technical and scientific areas.
built environment and the natural environment, reducing flood Xiaoling and Huan (2018) indicated that rational urban develop-
damage and land degradation. In addition, it aims to increase the ment can be achieved only with resilience and sustainability. Sus-
visibility of mutual relations between resource use and social tainable and resilient development must include discussions of the
outcomes, to encourage the exchange of perspectives, experiences approaches in diversification of Flood Risk Management Strategies.
and ideas from research and practices related to sustainable use of In most countries, the practical on the ground implementation of
land resources, more specifically the consequences of using land diversified strategies is lagging behind intentions as laid down in
and related water resources, while helping policymakers to make discussions and policy plans, and to enhance societal resilience to
more scientific decisions. flooding, diversification of flood risk management strategies is both
From this preliminary discussion, and considering the literature necessary and important. (Hegger et al., 2018). Holden et al. (2014)
review, the authors examine the following hypothesis: stated that the concepts of sustainable development have been
increasingly reflecting socially desirable attributes of solutions to
 It is possible to conduct a process of urban development without local and project-level problems, but ignoring the global challenges
compromising land resources severely regarding hydrological that the concept was meant to address. Besides this, Zaccai (2012)
functions, offering safe spaces for city growth. An alternative outlined major evolutions of environmental problems in the
model of urbanization, involving more compact built areas but period from the Brundtland Report (1987) to the preparation of the
offering proper open spaces for preserving natural water dy- “Rioþ20” Conference (2012), in an attempt to sketch the limitations
namics, would be able to support urban growth while reducing that sustainable development investigation has progressively
flood risks and consequent economic losses. revealed. In general, this debate is often highly subjective, so it is
 Assuming this hypothesis, it is proposed a framework that difficult to assess the dimensions of sustainability.
combines the application of sustainable urban drainage con- Pioneer works on the sustainability of urban landscaping and
cepts, using urban open space systems to accommodate the planning tended to propose a static conception, in which sustain-
rainwater dynamics in multifunctional arrangements, while ability was seen as a durable or stable urban condition, sometimes
enhancing environmental connections through green infra- treated as a “fail-safe formula”, i.e., a condition that once achieved
structure. This framework is mathematically modeled and the could persist (Ahern, 2011). More recently, however, sustainability
losses are computed to support the proposed hypothesis has been described as an ongoing process, without any specific
assessment and validation. endpoint. Thus, sustainability is a multifaceted objective,
constantly moving ahead, and cities can follow different paths in
To test this hypothesis, it was established a comparison pro- the process towards this target (Childers et al., 2014). General
cedure using three scenarios for the Canal do Mangue watershed, guidelines may be defined to drive this process, but retro-feeding,
located in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. reassessing and continuously adapting the system are part of the
The comparison among them highlights the importance of sustainability challenge. This approach resembles the resilience
proper planning to recognize the natural aspects of drainage arti- discussion.
culated with socio-cultural-economic needs. Mitigating proposals Urban resilience, on the other hand, is also a dynamic concept,
are able to alleviate problems and threats related to urban floods, depending on the time scale and the systemic adaptability, instead
but they cannot solve all the problems, due to limited space in of a specific one-time adaptation (Meerow et al., 2016). Resilience is
urban areas, and they also have significant costs. However, when thus classified as an explicitly desirable state, which acts as a
considering the urban growth within the limits imposed by nature, reference to be reached, so it must be negotiated among those that
there are few negative consequences. The results are valuable to are involved in (and in the final analysis determine) the state of the
draw lessons that can be replicated in other developing cities. system’s resilience. Sustainability and resilience are related con-
cepts. Aspects like ordering land use and urban occupation, the size
2. Background e city growth and water dynamic interactions and shape of buildings, population density, infrastructure systems
and systematic arrangement of open and green spaces are funda-
The industrialization in the nineteenth century modeled most mental aspects that can substantially influence a city’s future result
cities. This process, with an anthropocentric point of view, was in terms of sustainability and resilience.
underpinned by the belief that nature could (and should) be subject Researchers have started to urge strategies to contain urban
to the needs of economic growth, considering that nature could sprawl, based on the idea of a compact city. Compact urban form
indefinitely assimilate the imposed changes. Even today, it is not has been widely suggested as a more sustainable development
unusual to observe land use planning being conducted without pattern, capable to enhance different aspects of social livability
considering the natural dynamics, imposing a rigid grid-like such as social exchange, collective interaction, and outdoor activity,
outline, disregarding the specific natural conditioning features using a high-density, mixed-use city with clear (i.e. non-sprawling)
(Southon et al., 2018). According to Hoyle et al. (2017), there is an boundaries. The ‘compact city’ has been one of the most prominent
urgent need for greater understanding of the complex relationships concepts that emerged in the global urban policy debate; however,
between human aesthetic experience, wellbeing and actual or it is difficult to ascertain to what extent its theorized positive
perceived biodiversity. outcomes can be substantiated by evidence (Ahlfeldt and
However, by using an ever-increasing database and Pietrostefani, 2017). . There are different physical forms and
4 I.B. Lourenço et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 276 (2020) 123096

cultural contexts to consider and trade-offs to be made (Orum and 3. Materials and methods
Jenks, 2020). Some findings challenge part of dominant assump-
tions attributed to the compact urban form orthodoxy: a compact The method developed in this study comprises two parallel
neighborhood can be perceived as safe, offer acceptable home and paths. First, considering the hypothesis stated and the supporting
neighborhood satisfaction, and, at the same time, suffer from low literature review, a set of basic guidelines are established to drive
social networking and community engagement (Shirazi, 2020). urban growth planning, ordering land use to save adequate spaces
To support a promotion of social networking and community to accommodate water dynamics, while incorporating natural
engagement, in addition to provide a better quality of life, multi- needs in the city routine. On the other hand, following the parallel
functional green public spaces well planned and easy to access path to support the proposed guidelines, a case study is carried out
should be proposed. Beyond that, some authors argue that the to prove their efficacy. The case study is based on the current
expansion of green infrastructure (GI) is the best strategy for flooding situation of a consolidated urban watershed. This situation
enhancing the sustainability and resilience of cities. Green infra- is taken as reference for comparisons. Then, two additional sce-
structure has the potential to provide multiple ecosystem services narios are simulated: (i) a implementation of a mitigation project to
to benefit the urban population (du Toit et al., 2018), and are reduce current flooding consequences; and (ii) a hypothetical sce-
increasingly linked to urban water management (Liu and Jensen, nario to represent an alternative reality, where, going back to a past
2018). reference, the city is envisioned as having developed according to
Green spaces if properly planned can provide several benefits, the proposed guidelines. This third scenario is compared with the
offering important services, such as environmental protection, current situation and with the mitigation proposal. All the simu-
leisure and recreation (Bell et al., 2017), and reducing impervi- lations are performed with the aid of a hydrodynamic model and
ousness, while open spaces, in general, can provide room to store the flood damages are assessed in all situations. If the third scenario
rainwater (Miguez et al., 2018). Besides that, urban green spaces are is able to keep the city safe from flooding and from consequent
associated with various well-being aspects (Coldwell and Evans, losses, the hypothesis will be confirmed and the proposed guide-
2018) as an important part of sustainable, healthy and socially lines can be used to support urban planning in growing cities.
equal urban environment. Urban planning and green space man- The method is structured in five steps, as shown in Fig. 1 and
agement benefit from information about green space use and described in more detail in the next paragraphs.
values, but such data are often scarce and laborious to collect
(Heikinheimo et al., 2020).
3.1. Step 1. Flood planning
Flooding problems are directly related to water space allocation
in cities. This aspect points to the conception of a system of open
3.1.1. Definition of basic guidelines
spaces to guide land use planning and favor the maintenance of
The following guidelines are basic recommendations for urban
environmental services associated with natural hydrological func-
planning proposals, in order to balance urban and environmental
tions (Bertilsson et al., 2018). More sensitive ecological approaches
needs and contribute to more resilient and sustainable cities:
have appeared in recent years, encouraging flood hazard mitigation
by working with nature (Barbedo et al., 2014), reordering spaces
 The lowlands and the valley bottoms should not be occupied;
and consequently flood flow patterns. According to Schuch et al.
 Flood plains should be preserved;
(2017) planning of green open spaces in particular can play an
 New developments should avoid urban sprawl, optimizing
important role in water resources management, as they support
infrastructure systems, but respecting the carrying capacity of
important ecosystem services, including those that assist in flood
the watershed;
 The hydrological modifications in the water cycle, mainly
Therefore, the drainage system can occupy a key position in the
referring to loss of infiltration and retention, should be
spatial analysis, acting at the interface between the natural de-
compensated using on-site retention and infiltration measures,
mands, while providing passage to rainwater, and the built envi-
on the local scale, and search for storage opportunities in the
ronment’s needs, related to providing safe places for city activities.
open space system, at the watershed scale;
In this context, solutions to the drainage system respond to urban
 Fluvial parks can compose a multifunctional green infrastruc-
demands for sanitation, within the carrying capacity of the water-
ture system, offering storage volume, environmental connec-
shed, but should also consider the use of the spaces necessary to
tions, leisure, wildlife habitat, etc.
recompose the water cycle functions. To minimize the conflicting
demands, multifunctional spaces can optimize the landscape
design. The idea that multifunctional open spaces can support 3.2. Step 2. Problematization
sustainable urban development has been widely accepted in theory
and intensively used in practice of urban planning and design. It is The construction of Scenario 1 is based on a diagnosis of the
based on the assumption that multifunctional spaces bring a wider current situation, which allows identifying conflicts and potential
spectrum of environmental, social and economic benefits to urban for development of the watershed. Scenario 1 is the base scenario
areas (Zivkovic et al., 2019). for analysis.
Sustainable urban drainage measures introduce opportunities Scenario 1 (C1) - Current situation
for multifunctionality in the urban environment, providing not only The main aspects to be observed are:
the support to avoid undesired floods, but also fostering ecosystem
benefits, such as microclimate regulation, leisure, erosion control  Historical background e identification of historical facts
and habitat provision (La €hde et al., 2019). Therefore, the drainage fostering urban changes, correlating the flooding events with
system can be seen as a catalyst for this change, when flood miti- the hydraulic works and urban sprawl aspects;
gation is needed, or a driver for ordering urban spaces, when  Environmental aspects e observation of the main biophysical
working to prevent flood risks. This second role should take place aspects, including vegetation, hydrography and terrain eleva-
before urban growth, within the urban planning process. tion; and
 Urban aspects e analysis of urban densities, open space avail-
ability and flooding patterns.
I.B. Lourenço et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 276 (2020) 123096 5

Fig. 1. Methodological flowchart.

This scenario represents the current flooding situation and the simulates the physical situation through a set of flow cells, which
impacts caused by urban expansion according to current city are homogeneous compartments able to represent average char-
patterns. acteristics of the urban surfaces and structures, to store water and
Finally, a compilation of the gathered information is done, to communicate with other cells through hydraulic links,
identifying the main problems and potentialities associated with composing an active flow network of ponds and flood paths.
the current watershed situation. Therefore, MODCEL is able to describe natural or artificial water-
courses, elements of the urban fabric (streets, squares, roofs, etc.),
3.3. Step 3. Alternatives the flow in the storm drains, and the mutual interactions.
MODCEL is considered a quasi-2D model, since it represents the
3.3.1. Scenario construction two-dimensional characteristics of the watershed, but only uses
From the analysis of the current situation characterized in Sce- traditional 1D hydraulic equations.
nario 1, two additional scenarios are built, representing a mitiga- The modeling phase was performed for the three proposed
tion alternative and a (hypothetical) development alternative. scenarios in order to obtain flood maps and compare the im-
Scenario 2 (C2) e Public policies for urban water management provements obtained from each proposal in relation to the current
The second scenario refers to implementation of the municipal situation. More information about the modeling phase is presented
government’s plan for managing rainwater, called the Stormwater in Annex 1.
Management Master Plan of the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro
(PDMAP in the Portuguese abbreviation). This scenario represents 3.4.2. Economic losses
the solution effectively proposed and implemented in an initial A key performance measure for urban drainage management is
phase by managers in 2013. Objectively, this is what was possible to the estimation of the reduction of flood risks (Delelegn et al., 2011).
do, in face of the past uncontrolled urban growth. The PDMAP This can be done by calculating the expected annual damage (EAD),
prioritizes the use of large underground reservoirs to temporarily which is done by integrating the flood risk density curve over all
store floodwaters. probabilities (Olsen et al., 2015). Since it is not feasible to simulate
Scenario 3 (C3) - Hypothetical alternative growth the damages of all possible events, there are different approaches to
Starting from the early nineteenth century, when the Portu- simplify and estimate the EAD. The numerical integration method
guese royal family arrived in Brazil during the Napoleonic Wars, is one of these procedures and is widely accepted in the literature
this scenario assumes that urbanization could have been based on (e.g., Tariq, 2013; Yu et al., 2013; Hellmers et al., 2018).
ordered land use planning, driven by drainage restrictions. The In the numerical integration method, the EAD can be calculated
drainage system would be able to interact with the open space by multiplying the mean damage by the increase in the probability
system and act as an urban structuring axis. It characterizes a hy- of exceedance, according to Equations (1)e(3):
pothetical situation that presents planned urban growth as a so-
lution to avoid flood risk. DPi ¼ jPi  Pi1 j (1)
This hypothetical growth considers that the city has reached the
same total population and territorial extension as today, as well as DPi1 þ DPi
the same urban development milestones (port facilities, main Di ¼ (2)
roads, centralities etc.). The expected result is that the adoption of
planning measures through the sustainable management of urban X
growth, using the guidelines proposed in Step 1, brings huge ben- EAD ¼ Di  DPi (3)
efits, more efficient than mitigation measures. i¼1

3.4. Step 4. Evaluation
DPi ¼ damages due to the flood event i;
Pi ¼ probability of occurrence of event i in a year.
3.4.1. Hydrodynamic modeling
The mathematical hydrodynamic model chosen to represent the
proposed scenarios is particularly useful in urban environments 3.5. Step 5. Proposals
without detailed topographic data. The hydrodynamic model called
Urban Flow-Cell Model-MODCEL (Miguez and Vero l, 2017) The main goal of this work is to establish conceptual guidelines
6 I.B. Lourenço et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 276 (2020) 123096

for planning and to propose sustainable design alternatives capable Aspects of urban evolution. The periods of large hydraulic
of controlling floods, improving environment quality and revital- interventions in the watershed are collated with the flood events
izing urban spaces. and increase of population in the form of a timeline (Fig. 3).
This timeline shows that the occurrence of floods in the
4. Results and discussion watershed increased proportionally to the population growth. It
also shows that the drainage projects implemented between 1850
4.1. Problematization and 1950 entirely channelized the rivers of the watershed, but they
were not enough to solve the flood problems. In the past 60 years, a
4.1.1. Scenario (C1) e current situation larger number of severe floods occurred. The demographic pres-
The Canal do Mangue watershed is located in the metropolitan sures, forcing the occupation of unsuitable areas involving the
region of the city of Rio de Janeiro, in southeastern Brazil, as shown suppression of natural ecosystems, were preponderant for the
in Fig. 2. It is an emblematic area of the city, presenting charac- present high-risk situation.
teristics of consolidated urban growth, where part of its develop-
ment was marked by informal settlements. It has natural fragilities, Canal do mangue diagnosis. This section provides informa-
marked by lowlands and landfills over wetlands, implemented tion about the current diagnosis of the Canal do Mangue watershed
according to unsustainable parameters. The watershed area suffers so that it can support the flood mitigation proposals. Table 1, for
from frequent floods, affecting a large number of people and instance, presents a summary of the main environmental aspects of
generating significant and recurring economic losses. the basin.
The Canal do Mangue watershed contains landfilled areas Important urban aspects are highlighted in Table 2.
reclaimed from Guanabara Bay and original wetlands; irregularly Finally, Table 3 presents a summary of the diagnosis phase,
occupied areas on hillsides and along river banks; and canalization indicating the main potentials and problems/conflicts of the Canal
and rectification of rivers, among other features, which combined do Mangue watershed.
with a natural condition of foothill-coastal plains has made it prone
to flooding. The urban expansion, without proper land use guide- 4.2. Alternatives
lines, contributed to the current critical risk situation.
According to the Rio de Janeiro State Secretariat of the Envi- 4.2.1. Scenario 2 (C2) e public policies for urban water
ronment and Sustainable Development (SEMADS - Secretaria de management
Estado de Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento Sustenta vel, 2001), Stormwater Management Master Plan of the Municipality of
after the diversion of the Joana River to the Maracan~ a River, aiming Rio de Janeiro (PDMAP). As stated before, Scenario 2 involves one of
to concentrate the local drainage network into the Mangue Channel the most important studies developed by the municipal govern-
outlet, severe floods started to occur more often, also aggravated by ment to mitigate flood problems in the Canal do Mangue water-
urban occupation of the tributary basins. shed. The PDMAP proposal (depicted in Fig. 4) envisions
Besides this, irregular housing in the higher watershed areas introducing four large reservoirs along the Joana and Trapicheiros
favored soil erosion and deposition of solid waste and sediments in rivers, plus diversion of the Maracana~ River into the Joana River and
the lowland channels. This is an ongoing process, dating from the subsequent diversion of the latter into Guanabara Bay. The reser-
start of the twentieth century, which intensified in the 1960s. The voirs along the Joana River would hold volumes of 143,000 m3 and
local public infrastructure and services were insufficient to meet 50,000 m3, and reduce the peak flow of a 25-year event by
the demands of urban growth. approximately 50% and 67%, respectively. The reservoirs along the

Fig. 2. Canal do Mangue watershed.

I.B. Lourenço et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 276 (2020) 123096 7

Fig. 3. Timeline. Source: adapted from MAPLU/FINEP/UFRJ (2015).

Table 1
Description of environmental aspects.

VEGETATION Vegetation is basically concentrated on the slopes and is under pressure from urban growth. At present, there are two main conservation units, one under
state auspices (Grajaú Park) and the other federal (Tijuca Forest National Park).

DRAINAGE The Canal do Mangue watershed is mainly a wetland region that drains the water from an area of around 43 km2, with five main rivers: Maracana ~, Joana,
Trapicheiro, Comprido and Papa-Couve. The wetlands originally functioned as a natural filter and a buffer to the water from these rivers.
Now, all the rivers in the basin are totally or partially channelized and degraded in the urban area, and their environmental value is generally unknown to
TERRAIN It has the form of an amphitheater, with two structures: the hillsides and rocky formations of the Tijuca Massif, and the central plains. The lowest points
receive the confluence of the water that descends from the hillsides. The urban development reaches an elevation of 50 m, with most part of it occurring up
to 25 m. This is the region naturally most subject to flooding.

Table 2
Description of urban aspects.

POPULATION The areas of greatest density are mainly in the central region of the watershed. However, it has heterogeneous typological characteristics, with some
DENSITY dense districts, like Tijuca, and others more sparsely populated, like Grajaú.

PUBLIC OPEN The watershed has some important public open spaces, such as Quinta da Boa Vista Park, Trovador Park and some small public squares distributed
SPACES throughout the basin. It also has two conservation units: Tijuca Forest National Park and Grajaú Park.
FLOODING The watershed frequently suffers serious flooding problems.
8 I.B. Lourenço et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 276 (2020) 123096

Table 3
Potentials and problems - diagnosis of the current scenario.

Main Problems Environmental Vegetation Vegetation removal mainly due to irregular urban expansion.
and Conflicts Degradation
Water Resources Pollution: trash disposal and release of raw sewage; traditional drainage interventions; superficial and
underground river canalization; devaluation by the population.

Inefficient Recurring floods, disordered occupation; lack of connections between open spaces; sidewalks and paths with problems of size and
Infrastructure conservation; mobility flaws, with local streets receiving heavy traffic.

Main Potentials Environmental Vegetation Large vegetated areas; history of reforestation in the region; environmental protection areas.
Hydrographic Rivers and streams with underused ecological and recreational potentials.
Urban Open Spaces e Public open spaces e squares and parks.
good supply Private open spaces e parking lots, among others.
History Strong historical identity.

Trapicheiros River would contain smaller volumes of 70,000 m3 is possible to conduct a process of urban development without
and 18,000 m3, due to limited urban spaces. The former would compromising natural needs regarding hydrological functions, of-
reduce the peak flow of a 25-year event by approximately 36%, fering safe spaces for city growth in a sustained land use scenario.
while the latter would have no impact on the hydrodynamics of the The lessons learned from this case study can be conceptually
river, offering its storage volume to the local minor drainage sys- generalized for the planning of cities still in the initial urbanization
tem, in the most critical area of the basin. The plan would promote a phase.
large reduction of the flood heights of this critical region (around
Praça da Bandeira). The diversion of the Maracan~ a River would have Urban evolution and historical maps. The city of Rio de
a significant impact on the reduction of its outflow. The peak of the Janeiro became the seat of the Portuguese Empire in the early
diverted flow would exceed 50 m3/s, reducing the peak flow of the eighteenth century, starting a period of substantial changes in its
Maracana ~ River by 72%. Finally, the diversion of the Joana River to urban patterns. Between the end of the nineteenth century and the
Guanabara Bay is one of the most important interventions planned start of the twentieth century, after the proclamation of Brazil as a
for the watershed, with a significant impact on the hydraulics of the republic (1889), the urbanization process of the Canal do Mangue
whole system. This “new” outfall, in fact, would restore the original region became more intense.
situation, when the Joana River discharged directly into Guanabara From this period, we found two reference maps, besides two
Bay. figures that show the natural conditions (Fig. 5a) contrasting with
present conditions (Fig. 5d). The first map, in Fig. 5b, dates from
4.2.2. Scenario 3 (C3) - hypothetical scenario 1877 and shows the natural courses of the rivers. The second, dated
The hypothetical scenario of ordered urban growth states that it from 1911 (Fig. 5c), depicts the final course of the Canal do Mangue

Fig. 4. PDMAP proposal.

I.B. Lourenço et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 276 (2020) 123096 9

already implemented and the courses of its tributaries with the 4.3. Evaluation
downstream stretches modified.
The construction of the hypothetical scenario (C3) was carried 4.3.1. Hydrodynamic mathematical modeling
out through a critical review of the available information, involving The hydrodynamic modeling provides the flood depths over the
the following procedures: watershed surface, which can be compared in order to evaluate the
improvements obtained with each proposal in relation to the cur-
 Compilation of: rent situation. The events with return period equal to 1, 2, 5, 10, 25,
o historical data and maps of the city of Rio de Janeiro dating 50, 100 and 500 years were simulated, and to illustrate these re-
from the early 1800s, focusing on identifying the original sults, Fig. 7 presents the flood heights for a 25-year event. It is
hydrography and dating the main hydraulic works in the noteworthy that C3 has significantly better results than C2 when
watershed; compared to the current situation (C1). With this visual analysis, it
o key elements of the city’s identity, regarding its current is already possible to observe the potential of planning measures in
infrastructure, assuming maintenance of the current Port of comparison with the flood mitigation actions. After disordered
Rio de Janeiro, the main railway lines and highways, as well as urbanization occurs, few open spaces remain, limiting the imple-
the historical buildings; mentation and performance of structural interventions. Neverthe-
 Based on the minimum recommended constraints given by the less, a quantitative evaluation is important to corroborate the
Brazilian environmental legislation (Brasil, 2012), the original analysis of the flood maps, which leads to the next step.
watercourses and adjacent floodplains were preserved by defi- The modeling of scenarios C1 and C2 were originally developed
nition for laying out green floodable parks and pathways (of- and previously presented in Rezende (2018), Rezende et al. (2019),
fering adequate storage capacity to prevent floods), and Rezende et al. (2019b) and Rezende et al. (2019c). Scenario C3 was
interconnecting environmental spots. defined and completely developed for this study, based on the
 Socioeconomic and demographic data were gathered and historical survey and the design exercise of a more compact city
analyzed according to the Brazilian official census conducted by following the proposed methodological guidelines of Step 1. In all
the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE, 2010). these scenarios, major drainage was modeled jointly with the
 Open spaces were identified and spatialized using Google Earth fluvial network and watershed surfaces. Minor drainage was not
and GIS tools for configuring the open space system according to included in these simulations.
the guidelines established in Step 1. After configuring the open It is important to note that there are always limitations in any
space system, the same population found today was redis- mathematical modeling process. In the particular approach of this
tributed in the remaining space, increasing the built density of work, the mathematical model used has the advantage to using
the remnant areas, defining more compact built-up spaces. fewer data, but it highly depends on the physical interpretation of
 All these data were used to construct the mathematical model of the urban watershed and its interactions with the fluvial and
scenario 3. drainage systems to work properly. Because MODCEL has an
interpretative phase, when the available data are analyzed and
Based on those procedures, the hypothetical scenario can be translated to the mathematical format, it is important to under-
visually summarized in Fig. 6. stand how the watershed works. If this phase is not properly con-
ducted, results can be mistaken. However, when using comparative
scenarios, the relative results can communicate the message with
minor doubts.
An important aspect in the mathematical modeling of the cur-
rent situation refers to the choice of only using major drainage data,
due to the maintenance gap observed in the minor drainage
network. The model was calibrated and it is representative of the
current situation (C1). However, scenarios C2 and C3 may show
residual (probably non-existing) flooding at low water depths.
Since micro-drainage may fail in more extreme events (the ones
that threaten the major drainage network), the modeling approach
is close to reality regarding flood peaks, but may be exaggerated in
places where low water depths were calculated.

4.3.2. Economic losses

Damage estimation was performed using an adaptation and
update of the study conducted by Nagem (2008), who plotted
depth-damage curves for a region of the metropolitan area of Rio de
Janeiro based on the earlier work of Salgado (1995). In this analysis,
only damage to residential properties (building structures and
contents) were considered. Since the main focus of this work in not
on damage evaluation, details about the method are not presented
here. More information can be found in Guimara ~es and Miguez
Using the damage evaluation results, it is possible to estimate
the expected annual damage, using Equations (1)e(3). The results
Fig. 5. (a) Canal do Mangue Region: Natural condition. (b and c) Historical maps from of the EAD calculation of the different scenarios are presented in
1808 to 1911. (d) Canal do Mangue Region: Present condition. Sources: (a and d) http:// (b) (c) http://
Table 4. The estimated value of the current situation demonstrates the criticality of the flood problem in the Canal do Mangue
jpgConsulted: June 2020. watershed. With the works proposed by the municipal government
10 I.B. Lourenço et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 276 (2020) 123096

Fig. 6. Overview of the system of open spaces.

Fig. 7. Flood heights for a 25-year event.

I.B. Lourenço et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 276 (2020) 123096 11

Table 4 the systemic recognition of physical, historical, social and envi-

EAD estimation for the case study scenarios. ronmental relationships. This is a general contribution to urban
SCENARIO EAD (thousand US$) planning in developing cities.
C1 e Current situation 36,601.00
C2 e PDMAP proposal 20,172.00 6. Conclusions
C3 e Planning situation 182.00

Sustainable and resilient urban development depends on

adequately planning and ordering the territory to mitigate the
(C2), the damage reduction would be significant (almost 45%), impact of human interventions on land resources. The open spaces
although the EAD value would remain high. In contrast, the hypo- system is a crucial resource in this discussion, and urban drainage
thetical scenario (C3) presents a much lower residual risk, with an can act jointly with these open spaces, structuring urban growth
EAD reduction of around 99.5% when compared to C1. These results towards flood resistance and resilience, supporting compact cities
demonstrate the importance of land use planning and the feasi- aligned with the natural carrying capacity of the watershed. The
bility of the proposed planning guidelines. drainage system intermediates natural demands for conveying
rainwater as well as preserves the urban environment from flood-
5. Summary of flood-resilient planning guidelines ing and consequent damages.
This discussion was validated by the application of a framework
As a practical result, the hypothesis formulated in the beginning combining hydrodynamic mathematical modeling and systemic
of this work was confirmed. Complementarily, it is possible to analysis of flood damages. This framework considered the current
highlight the following recommendations: diagnosis of a floodable urban watershed as a starting point. Unlike
usual approaches, which often only seek to compare mitigation
 Flood flows need space (and storage volumes), which can be actions in different future scenarios in order to choose the best
associated with the urban open space system, especially in configuration within the urban constraints, this work tried to look
multifunctional parks and green areas. to the past and assess how the city could have evolved if adequately
 Preserving the bottom valleys and immediate riverine areas driven through a planning process oriented to ordered land use,
from occupation is one of the easiest ways to avoid negative while considering the watershed’s natural limits and the water
urban flooding consequences and damages, by not exposing the dynamics.
population to a natural (potentially hazardous) process. Therefore, the choice to go back to the past was intentionally
 Compact cities can be useful in providing urban solutions for defined, considering that the comparison of a present (critical and
sustainable challenges, but open spaces should be included in well-known) situation with an alternative (hypothetical) non-
landscape planning and assume multifunctional roles, imper- flooding situation would cause a greater impact than just projec-
viousness rates should be controlled, and the carrying capacity ting a future modified situation.
of the watershed should be respected. A case study was developed in the Canal do Mangue watershed,
considering the current situation, the future situation with the
Table 5 formalizes and summarizes the main findings. implementation of a municipal mitigation project (usual approach)
The purpose of this study is to support sustainable management and an alternative and hypothetical current situation, sustainably
of cities. In view of its complexity, this study was structured in an evolving from a past city reference. These hypothetical scenario
interdisciplinary way, incorporating aspects of urbanism, land- results showed that the proposed alternative historical evolution of
scaping and engineering, aiming to give responses to flood risks the Canal do Mangue urban development could have led to an
and flood resilience. This approach made it possible to assess the almost flood-free situation in the present, with expected annual
impacts of current urbanization and the impact of mitigation ac- damage reduced to less than 1% when compared to the real current
tions proposed by the government in comparison with a hypo- situation.
thetical scenario of sustainable urban growth that would have been Therefore, with the method developed in this work, it was
possible if carried out in advance. As a product, a set of flood- possible to prove that adequate guidelines for urban growth can
resilient planning guidelines is presented, aiming at urban and avoid urban flooding problems and provide a more sustainable
environmental qualification in the urban growth process, based on urban growth pathway. In addition, the set of guidelines proposed

Table 5
Land use planning guidelines for flood resilient cities.

Environmental protection and enhancement Preserving existing key environmental areas and restoring hydrological functions is crucial to support resilient cities. The
preservation of riparian areas and the provision of floodable areas are basic elements in designing a more balanced urban
landscape and reducing the risk of flooding. When acting in advance, these are simple and low-cost measures.

Urban environmental connections The urban planning directives should promote restoration of the riverine vegetation and conservation of public green
areas, enhancing environmental connections. New forms of urban settlement and building patterns should be conceived
to respect the water cycle.
Sustainable urban drainage Sustainable urban drainage requires solutions integrated with urban growth, creating conditions to revitalize the urban
landscape and to recover natural environmental values. River restoration concepts should be incorporated in this
Design of the open space system observing The land uses should be based on the conception of a system of multifunctional open spaces, in line with landscape
water dynamic aspects planning that recognizes that urban drainage systems can assume a structuring role in the development process.
Multifunctionality of open spaces The open space system should be based on the idea of multifunctionality, achieved through landscaping actions. This
multifunctionality should encompass aspects of urban infrastructure, naturalness, leisure and well-being.
Population density Starting from definition of the areas that should remain open, the other areas are ordered to receive the expected
This involves working with the concept of densification, typical of compact cities, but not exceeding the carrying capacity
of the environment.
12 I.B. Lourenço et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 276 (2020) 123096

can provide environmentally oriented urban planning, which can flows and open channels.
be used by developing cities to sustain flood resilient results. Topographic and hydraulic representations of are two funda-
In the next stages of this research, we expect to develop another mental components in MODCEL. The physical interpretation pre-
scenario, (C4), which will represent an alternative mitigation pro- cedes the computation and this information is within the
posal for the current situation (C1), introducing (as far as possible) responsibility of the modeler. Therefore, the task to interpret
the proposed guidelines in the design process to mitigate the cur- terrain features and understand how the real system works and
rent problems of an already consolidated urban watershed. In this how can each component be represented to simulate system
new scenario, the flood-resilient planning guidelines will be functioning is a prerequisite of this kind of modeling concept. In a
adapted, trying to improve the results obtained in scenario (C2), first moment, on the one hand, this feature can be seen as a weak
which was able to reduce, but not to solve, urban flooding in the point, since the preliminary interpretation can affect results. On the
watershed. More attention will also be paid to the minor drainage other hand, however, this process allows the modeler to under-
modeling and to on-source control measures to reduce runoff standing the watershed functioning. In this way, this turns into a
generation. This kind of measure is related with minor drainage practical strength.
scale. Different patterns may be constructed and pre-defined in
Promoting sustainable urbanization is one of the main chal- MODCEL, accounting for different characteristics of neighborhoods
lenges facing urban planners and policymakers at present. In light in the urban tissue, like, for example, different runoff coefficients,
of this concern, the main theoretical gains presented by the hy- the presence of structures on the floodway (like walls or even
pothesis tested here and the consequent proposed premises can be buildings), and different sidewalks and building levels, which can
applied in developing cities as a tool to support the process of land influence storage availability. For the Canal do Mangue watershed,
use planning, with the inclusion of an integrated system of multi- it was considered that sidewalks are 0.15 m above the street level,
functional open spaces to achieve a flood resilient and functional and building, 0.50 m above this same reference (two stair steps over
city. sidewalks).
In this model, the entire watershed and its different elements
Sample credit author statement are represented by a combination of cells types and cell links. The
cells act as the storage elements of the model, representing terrain
Ianic Bigate Lourenço: Conceptualization, Methodology, Project elevation and land occupation characteristics, while the links
administration, Supervision, Writing - Original Draft, Writing - activate the flows between each pair of cells.
Review & Editing, Visualization. For the current situation (C1) of the Canal do Mangue water-
Marcelo Gomes Miguez: Conceptualization, Methodology, shed, there are 1035 cells in the model. Scenario 2 (C2) e Public
Project administration, Supervision, Writing - Review & Editing. policies for urban water management e has 1073 cells, since it
Luciana Fernandes Guimara ~es: Formal analysis, Resources, includes the proposed interventions of the PDMAP (Stormwater
Writing - Review & Editing, mathematical Modeling review, esti- Management Master Plan of the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro). On
mation of the expected annual damage. the other hand, Scenario 3 (C3) e the Hypothetical scenario e has
Marina Barroso Alves: Formal analysis, Resources, mathematical 811 cells due to the incorporation of the new planning proposals.
Modeling. The cell types used in each scenario are presented in Figure A-1. It is
important to highlight that all models have river/channel cells.
Declaration of competing interest However, these are more evident in Scenario 3, since the planning
measures consider a preservation area along the river, without
The authors declare that they have no known competing burying them below the streets.
financial interests or personal relationships that could have Cells are arranged in a topological scheme, which is numerically
appeared to influence the work reported in this paper. solved by a double sweep method. In MODCEL, a cell can only be
hydraulically linked to its immediate adjacent neighbors, which
means that a cell located in the topology line “n”, for instance, can
only be linked to other cells located in the topology “n-1”, “n” or
“nþ1”. Figure A-2 exemplifies the topological organization of the
The authors wish to acknowledge the financial support provided
model for the current situation (C1). For the other scenarios, the
by the Coordenaça ~o de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Su-
topology is similar with the inclusion and/or exclusion of some
perior- Brasil (CAPES) [Finance Code 001], the Conselho Nacional de
Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnolo gico (CNPq) and the Fundaça~o
The mass balance is applied to all cells, which means that, at
Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo a  Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de
each step, the stored amount of water in one cell depends on the
Janeiro (FAPERJ).
discharges exchanged between this cell and its neighbors, as well as
on the rainfall contribution added through a rainfall run-off
A. ANNEX 1. e URBAN FLOW CELL MODEL transformation. Therefore, the rainfall distribution and the run-off
values are important inputs to the model. For all scenarios simu-
The Urban Flow-Cell Model e MODCEL is a hydrological- lated, the same rainfall distribution was considered and it is rep-
hydrodynamic model proposed to represent a complex flow resented in Figure A-3. The run-off coefficients of urban areas, as
network, with a set of relatively simple information, using average presented in Figure A-4, are quite similar in the scenarios, consid-
values to represent urban landscape through the flow-cell concept ering that the proposals maintain the same population with similar
l, 2017). MODCEL is a quasi-
(Zanobetti et al., 1970; Miguez and Vero urban occupation rate in the region. However, white spots can be
2D model, since it represents the two-dimensional characteristics seen more evident in the Scenario C3, since river/channel cells are
of the watershed while using only 1D equations. However, MODCEL not considered in this representation.
also represents the storm drains and connect them with superficial
I.B. Lourenço et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 276 (2020) 123096 13

Fig. A1. Cell types in each scenario.

14 I.B. Lourenço et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 276 (2020) 123096

Fig. A2. Topology scheme represented as a map.

I.B. Lourenço et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 276 (2020) 123096 15

Fig. A3. Rainfall distribution related with 6 different Rainfall Gauges.

16 I.B. Lourenço et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 276 (2020) 123096

Fig. A4. Run-off coefficients.

I.B. Lourenço et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 276 (2020) 123096 17

The discharge link between cells can be expressed through and Verol (2017).
known hydraulic laws, enabling the introduction of different Finally, MODCEL allows to obtain the flood heights in each cell at
mathematical relations to properly represent the system func- each simulated time step, as well as the flow exchanged between
tioning (to a certain extent). The types of links considered in the each two linked cells. Figure A-5 presents the maximum flood
current situation of Canal do Mangue watershed are river/channel height in each cell of the modeled scenarios considering a 25-year
link, surface flow link, storm drain link, entrance and outfall links, event, which refers to the return period defined for major drainage
broad crested weir link, flap gate link, inlet link and pumping link. projects in Brazil.
Details about link types and their equations can be found in Miguez

Fig. A5. Flood heights for a 25-year event.

18 I.B. Lourenço et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 276 (2020) 123096

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