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Senior Experten Service (SES)

Stiftung der Deutschen Wirtschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH Non-profit Corporation

SES PO Box 22 62 53012 Bonn Buschstr. 2, 53113 Bonn

+49 (0)228 260 90-0
Fax +49 (0)228 260 90-77

Your Request for Assignment

Dear Sir or Madam,

We are glad that you have contacted us and that you are seeking the assistance of an SES Expert.

On the following pages we ask you for some details which will help us to process your request.

These details form the basis for our selection. The more precisely you describe your needs,
expectations, questions and targets, the more satisfied you will be with the Expert we suggest for

We need information on:

1. your company/your institution

2. the tasks the SES Expert shall carry out
3. the conditions at the assignment location

Please send us the following form by e-mail, fax or post. We are looking forward to a successful
cooperation and we will contact you as soon as possible.

Yours sincerely,

Senior Experten Service (SES)

Executive Director: Dr. Susanne Nonnen Magistrates Court Bonn HRB 3983

Commerzbank Bonn IBAN: DE54 3804 0007 0259 5353 00 BIC: COBADEFF380

Sparkasse KölnBonn IBAN: DE97 3705 0198 1902 0065 82 BIC: COLSDE33
Request for Assignment
1. Information on your company/your institution
Informasi tentang institusi anda

Name: Telephone:

Alamat E-mail:
Person responsible/Director: Website:
Nama Direktur:
Contact person for correspondence with SES

Name: Telephone:

Function/position within your company/your
institution/Jabatan: E-mail:

Legal form/Bentuk usaha/lembaga:

Ownership structure/ Struktur kepemilikan:

public institution/public enterprise/
Lembaga publik / perusahaan publik
private institution/private enterprise:
percentage of private capital in %:
participation of foreign capital

Year of establishment:
Tahun pendirian

Total number of staff:

Total jumlah staf:

of which are trained: of which are semi-skilled: of which are unskilled:

yang terampil/ahli yang semi-terampil yang tidak terampil
Have you already collaborated with other international expert organisations?
Apakah institusi anda sudah pernah bekerjasama dengan organisasi expert international lainnya?

If so, with which organisation, in which area, and what kind of tasks?
Jika ya, dengan organisasi apa, jenis kerjasamanya dan tugas-tugas yang dilakukan?

Is your company/your institution financially no

supported by other institutions?
Apakah perusahaan Anda secara finansial didukung oleh yes, by:
lembaga lain?

Size of firm at national level:

Ukuran perusahaan/lembaga anda di tingkat nasional: small medium large

Request for Assignment
Average sales volume of the last three business below 50,000 US-$
years: 50,000 – 1 M US-$
(if applicable)
more than 1 M US-$
Results of the last three business years Net profit
(if applicable) high medium low
Volume penjualan rata-rata dari tiga tahun bisnis terakhir:
(jika pertanyaan relevan) Net loss
Balanced accounts
trend: ↗ ↘ →
Cost structure Average annual personnel costs:
Struktur biaya

Average annual material costs:

Sales markets (if applicable) Mainly domestic market

Volume penjualan (jika relevan) Market share in %:

Mainly foreign market

Export share in %:
Type and country of origin of raw materials/primary products (if applicable)
Jenis dan negara asal dari bahan baku / produk utama (jika ada)

Which are your main products/services/tasks?

Apakah produk / layanan / tugas utama lembaga/perusahaan anda?

Who are your customers/your main target group?

Siapa pelanggan Anda / kelompok sasaran utama layanana lembaga anda?

Which technical equipment do you own?

Peralatan teknis yang dimiliki lembaga anda?

Please add photos of the premises, machines and equipment which are relevant for the assignment.
Harap tambahkan foto bangunan, mesin, dan peralatan yang relevan untuk tugas SES expert.

Type of machines/equipment Model/producer Year of

Jenis mesin/peralatan Model / produser manu-

Request for Assignment

2. Information on the SES Expert’s tasks/ Informasi tentang tugas Pakar SES

Please answer the following questions as detailed as possible, if necessary on a supplementary

sheet. The questions are particularly important in order to determine the most suitable SES Expert.
Jawablah pertanyaan berikut sedetail mungkin. Pertanyaannya paling penting untuk menentukan Pakar SES yang
paling sesuai.

1. According to your opinion what shall be improved?

Menurut pendapat anda apa yang harus diperbaiki?

What would you like to change?

Apa yang anda ingin diubah?
What do you want to achieve for your company/your institution?
Apa yang ingin dicapai oleh lembaga anda dengan keberadaan SES Expert?

What should your staff be able to do better after the assignment?

Apa yang harus staf Anda dapat lakukan lebih baik setelah kehadiran SES expert?

2. Have you already taken actions in this context? If so, please specify:
Apakah anda telah melakukan tindakan untuk mencapai tujuan ini? Jika ya, mohon dijelaskan apa yang telah
Have you achieved concrete results by doing this? If so, please specify:
Apakah telah dicapai hasil konkret dari kegiatan tersebut? Jika ya, mohon dijelaskan lebih detail:

3. What could the SES Expert do for you?

Tugas-tugas apa saja yang akan dilakukan oleh SES Expert di lembaga anda?
In what area(s) should the SES Expert be particularly skilled?
Jenis keahlian dan kriteria SES expert yang diinginkan?

4. In which languages, except your national language, can you and your staff communicate
with the SES Expert?
Dalam bahasa apa anda dapat berkomunikasi dengan Pakar SES (kecuali Bahasa nasional anda)?

If you contract an interpreter, which language and technical skills does this person have?
Jika Anda menggunakan penerjemah, bahasa dan keterampilan teknis apa yang dia miliki?

Request for Assignment
5. How many of your employees will collaborate with the SES Expert?
Berapa banyak karyawan/staf yang akan mengikuti training dari Pakar SES?

in total: of which are trained: of which are semi-skilled: of which are unskilled:
Total: jumlah staf dianggap ahli jumlah yang semi terampil yang tidak memiliki keterampilan

6. Please provide us with an organigram of your company/your institution.

Mohon gambarkan profil organigram perusahaan / institusi Anda

7. Is there anything else you would like to tell us in addition?

Jika ada tambahan informasi penting lainnya, silakan isi disini?

Expected impact of the SES assignment on the company/institution

Dampak yang diharapkan dari penugasan SES Expert pada perusahaan / institusi

Training and instruction of technical and executive staff /Pelatihan bagi staf eksekutif dan teknis
Increase in productivity and performance /Peningkatan produktivitas dan kinerja
Safeguarding/creation of jobs /Menjaga dan menciptakan lapangan kerja
Planning/safeguarding of investments already made/Perencanaan dan pengamanan investasi
Increase in sales / Peningkatan penjualan
Improvement of competitiveness /Peningkatan daya saing
Contribution to social standards and labour protection
Kontribusi terhadap standar sosial dan perlindungan buruh
Contribution to environmental protection and resource conservation
Kontribusi terhadap perlindungan lingkungan dan konservasi sumber daya
Other impacts, please specify/ Dampak lainnya, sebutkan:

3. Information on the conditions at the assignment location

Informasi tentang kondisi di lokasi penugasan

1. Where does the assignment of the SES Expert take place? (town, province/state, region)
Lokasi penugasan SES expert? (kota, provinsi )

2. Where will be the SES Expert’s accommodation? What kind of accommodation will it be?
Dimana dan Jenis akomodasi untuk SES expert?

3. How will the transport between the accommodation and the assignment location be
Request for Assignment
Jenis kendaran yang digunakan untuk transportasi antara tempat penginapan dan lokasi tempat bertugas?

4. What kind of technical equipment will be available for the SES Expert?
Harap beri tanda silang jenis peralatan dibawah ini yang tersedia yang dapat digunakan oleh SES Expert
selama bertugas di tempat anda?

computer workstation Internet/Wi-Fi tel/fax printer/copier flip


5. When shall the assignment take place?

Kapan diinginkan SES Expert bertugas ditempat anda (Bulan, tahun)?

6. How long shall the SES Expert stay at your location?

Berapa lama SES Expert diinginkan bertugas ditempat anda?

Please bear in mind, that the first SES assignment should not be shorter than three weeks and
not longer than six months. Follow-up assignments could be shortened to two weeks under
specific conditions.
Harap diingat, bahwa untuk penugasan untuk pertama kali dalam proyek yang sama, SES Expert tidak boleh
bertugas kurang dari tiga minggu dan maksimal enam bulan. Selanjutnya untuk penugasan kedua dan
seterusnya dengan proyek yang sama dapat dipersingkat menjadi dua minggu dalam kondisi tertentu.

General conditions for SES assignments / Syarat-syarat umum pengiriman SES Expert

1. SES assignments aim at training technical staff. They are fundamentally carried out on a
voluntary basis and according to the principle “help towards self-help” - as a general rule -
through suggestions for the solution of acute problems.
Tugas SES bertujuan melatih staf teknis. Mereka pada dasarnya dilakukan secara sukarela dan sesuai dengan
prinsip "keberlanjutan”.

2. Requests for assistance through an SES Expert are to be directed to SES together with a
project description indicating the assignment target. In doing so, SES expects that similar
requests are not directed to other organisations at the same time.
Permintaan bantuan melalui pakar SES diarahkan ke SES bersama dengan deskripsi proyek. Dengan
demikian, SES mengharapkan bahwa permintaan serupa tidak diajukan ke organisasi lain pada saat yang

3. The duration of an SES assignment should not be shorter than three weeks and not longer
than six months. Follow-up assignments are possible.
Durasi penugasan tidak boleh lebih pendek dari tiga minggu dan tidak lebih dari enam bulan. Penugasan
kedua pada proyek yang sama dimungkinkan.

4. Also, voluntary assignments like those of SES incur costs. Costs incur for the organisation
of the assignment, the preparation of the Expert and the international travel (Economy

Request for Assignment
Class). In addition, costs arise for the accommodation at the assignment location, food, local
transport and a daily allowance in local currency for the Expert.
Pengiriman SES membutuhkan biaya. Biaya yag dimaskud diantaranya managemen organisasi pengiriman,
persiapan ahli dan perjalanan internasional (kelas ekonomi). Selain itu, biaya yang timbul di lokasi
penugasan seperti makan, transportasi lokal dan uang saku (10 USD atau sekitar Rp. 145.000 per hari).

5. The Client bears these costs in total or partially. If the Client is not able to bear the costs,
SES examines the possibility of assuming the costs partially. Funds from the Federal
Republic of Germany are available for the Client to cover costs. These funds can not be used
to cover local costs. It is generally up to the Client to bear these costs.
Klien menanggung biaya total atau sebagian. Jika klien tidak dapat menanggung biaya seperti tersebut pada
point 4 diatas, pihak, SES akan menilai, apakah pihak SES dapat membiayai proyek tersebut dengan dana
bantuan dari Republik Federal Jerman. Namun biaya local tetap harus menjadi tanggungjawab pihak client.

6. After precise definition of the tasks and targets of the assignment as well as the mutual
agreement on the SES Expert to be assigned, an assignment agreement, which includes the
project description will be concluded between SES and the Client
Setelah definisi tugas dan target penugasan yang tepat serta kesepakatan bersama Pakar SES untuk
ditugaskan, sebuah perjanjian penugasan, yang mencakup deskripsi proyek akan dibuat antara SES dan Klien

7. Consequently, SES concludes an assignment authorisation, which also includes the project
description, with the respective SES Expert.
SES memberi otorisasi penugasan kepada pakar SES yang bersangkutan, dimana didalamnya mencakup
deskripsi proyek

8. An assignment agreement between the Client and the SES Expert is excluded.
Tidak ada kontrak secara langsung antara SES Expert dan Klien. Yang ada hanya kontrak antara SES dan

9. SES does not assume any liability for the SES Expert’s activities.
SES tidak bertanggung jawab atas kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh SES Expert

How did you find out about SES/ Darimana anda mengetahui tentang SES?

SES Representative, name:

media other, please specify/lainnya, sebutkan:

This request is subject to the general SES assignment conditions, which are hereby accepted by the
Kami dengan ini menyatakan bahwa bersedia mengikuti syarat dan ketentuan pengiriman SES expert sesuai yang
tercantum pada “General conditions for SES assignments”
ALD rfa e 1507

Location/date: Name in block letters Signature/stamp

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