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She´s been influenced by the experiences she had during her trips.

By way of illustration, she

travelled to Pakistan in 1997 where she started to write the novel The Breadwinner, which is
about an 11-year old girl who lives in Kabul during the Taliban´s regime, this was an Islamic and
authority government established in Afghanistan in 1996, hence, their thought regarding the
women role in society were archaic and as a result women´s life was tough. When she was in
the refugee camps of Pakistan she had the opportunity to talk to a lot of kids including children
who had survived various kinds of war in Afghanistan, and the sort of stories that they told her,
impact in a way that she wanted to share this with kids all over the world. It can be said that
most of her novels have a similar plot in which there are kids in a thorny situation and as the
story continues they find a way to get through it. This can be seen in the novel I mentioned at
the beginning, The Breadwinner. Moreover, it can be seen in the prison runner, which is the
book that we´re next to read.

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