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Hours studies Exam grade

8 82
11 94
3 70
6 75
14 98 dependent Variable
9 80 Independent Variable
2 68
0 76
7 53 Hours studies
13 87 Hours studies
10 89 Exam grade
4 83
9 72
10 86
11 93 There is positive correlation between studies h
5 88
6 78
15 99
Exam grade

Exam Grade f(x) = 1.81758652946679 x + 67.28250701590
Hours studies 80 R² = 0.422547874650503
Axis Title
Hours studiesExam grade
1 20
0.650036826 1 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Axis Title

ositive correlation between studies hour and exam grades. As student study more they will get higher grades
xam grade

2946679 x + 67.2825070159027
Exam grade
Linear (Exam grade)

8 10 12 14 16

Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.650037
R Square 0.422548
Adjusted R 0.386457
Standard E 9.153617
Observatio 18

df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 1 980.9918 980.9918 11.70792 0.003496
Residual 16 1340.619 83.7887
Total 17 2321.611

Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95%Upper 95%Lower 95.0%
Upper 95.0%
Intercept 67.28251 4.739603 14.19581 1.741E-10 57.235 77.33002 57.235 77.33002
Hours stud 1.817587 0.531196 3.421684 0.003496 0.6915 2.943673 0.6915 2.943673


Predicted Exam grade
1 81.8232 0.176801
2 87.27596 6.724041
3 72.73527 -2.735267
4 78.18803 -3.188026
5 92.72872 5.271282
6 83.64079 -3.640786
7 70.91768 -2.91768
8 67.28251 8.717493
9 80.00561 -27.00561
10 90.91113 -3.911132
11 85.45837 3.541628
12 74.55285 8.447147
13 83.64079 -11.64079
14 85.45837 0.541628
15 87.27596 5.724041
16 76.37044 11.62956
17 78.18803 -0.188026
18 94.5463 4.453695
1) 5)
Sipmple Regression Cofficient of determination is 0.4225 that’s mean
model is not good fit

2) 6)
Sample size = 18 Independent variable have significant impact on
dependent variable because if student studies mor
hour they get higher grades as compare to thoes
students who studies few hour

3) 7)
DF = 17 Y= a + bX

4) 8)
F value is greater than F criticale value soo the model Y= a + bX
is valid. It shows that studies hour significantly have y = 1.8176(20) + 67.283
impact on exam grades Y= 103.635
nation is 0.4225 that’s mean

e have significant impact on

because if student studies more
grades as compare to thoes
s few hour


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