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Project 3 (4th) – Unit3 vzorový test

I. What were these people doing at six o´clock yesterday evening?


Lucy was brushing her teeth.

1. Mary _________________________________________

2. Nigel _________________________________________

3. Celine and Jane ________________________________

4. Bob _________________________________________

5. Gary and Alice_________________________________

6. My family_____________________________________

II. Make questions about the people in exercise 1. Write the answers.

Lucy / brush her teeth
Was Lucy brushing her teeth?
Yes, she was.____________

1. Mary / shower

2. What / Nigel / do

3. Celine and Jane / send an email


4. What / Bob / do

5. Gary and Alice / watch TV


6. What / my family / do

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Project 3 (4th) – Unit3 vzorový test

III. Complete the sentences with words from the box.

an earthquake a flood lightning an avalanche

an explosion a tornado

1. I couldn´t go skiing because there was __________________ on the mountain.

2. _____________ brings very strong winds.
3. _____________ is on the sky when it rains.
4. It brakes down the buildings. It´s ___________________ .
5. If there is ______________ , the people have to travel by boat.
6. There was a loud _____________ in a car park yesterday and everyone ran away.

IV. Correct these sentences. You have to change one word.

She took on her best clothes.
She put on her best clothes.

1. I made a photograph of my family.


2. Peter is making his homework now.


3. I always wash my teeth before I go to bed.


4. They look TV in the evening.


5. I do the bus to school.


6. He put an email.

V. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

When I was waiting for the school bus, my friend saw me. (wait, see)

1. While I _____________ with my friend yesterday, we ______________ an accident.

(shop, see)
2. The girl _____________ and she ____________ the woman.
(not look, hit)
3. While I _____________ to the radio, I _____________ a news report about the accident.
(listen, hear)

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Project 3 (4th) – Unit3 vzorový test

VI. Read the story. Number the events in the order they happened.

My name´s Melvina. Last month I was at the beach with Michael, Sarah and Kate. Michael was
swimming and I was sunbathing. Sarah and Kate were buying an ice cream in a café.
Suddenly we heard a very loud noise. We looked up and saw this object in the sky. It was very long
and it was a sort of green colour. It was moving very slowly.
Michael ran out of the sea. We were looking at the object when it suddenly changed to red. Sarah
and Kate came and stood next to us. We were all looking at it. The object changed to blue and it
started to move very fast. In a few seconds it was invisible.
We talked to a lot of people on the beach, but they didn´t have any explanation.

____ She heard a very loud noise.

____ The object changed to blue.
____ The object disappeared.
____ She saw a long object in the sky.
1 Megan was sunbathing.
____ The object changed to red.

VII. Read the text again and answer the questionnaire.

a) Where were Melvina and her friends last month?


b) What was Melvina doing?


c) Why did they look up?


d) What was Michael´s reaction?


e) Did the object change colours?


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Project 3 (4th) – Unit3 vzorový test

I. 1. Mary was having a bath.
2. Nigel was taking a photograph.
3. Celine and Jane were reading.
4. Bob was playing tennis.
5. Gary and Alice were watching TV.
6. My family was having dinner.

1. Was Mary having a shower? No, she wasn´t.
2. What was Nigel doing? He was taking a photograph.
3. Were Celine and Jane reading? Yes, they were.
4. What was Bob doing? He was playing tennis.
5. Were Gary and Alice watching TV? Yes, they were.
6. What was my family doing? It was having dinner.

III. 1. an avalanche
2. a tornado
3. lightning
4. an earthquake
5. a flood
6. explosion

IV. 1. I took a photograph of my family.

2. Peter is doing his homework now.
3. I always brush my teeth before I go to bed.
4. They watch TV in the evening.
5. I take the bus to school.
6. He sent an email.

V. 1. While I was shopping with my friend yesterday, we saw an accident.

2. The girl wasn´t looking and she hit the woman.
3. While I was listening to the radio, I heard a news report about the accident.

_2__ She heard a very loud noise.
_5__ The object changed to blue.
_6__ The object disappeared.
_3__ She saw a long object in the sky.
1 Megan was sunbathing.
_4__ The object changed to red.

VII. a) They were at the beach.

b) She was sunbathing.
c) They heard a very loud noise.
d) He ran out of the sae.
e) Yes, it did.

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