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S.Sanjay Sai Krishna

Class 9B
Coronavirus, which was ignored at first, now has
become a pandemic. First, it started on a scale in
Wuhan and later spread to the entire world.

2 years ago, in 2020, if we go to someone and tell

them that, we all would have taken a new year
resolution, but then our plans and our life would
get destroyed, and we would have had a unique
lifestyle no one would have believed it.
Coronavirus started on 2019's end
and later got spread from china to all countries in
the world on 2020 February

Corona mainly hits and damages the lungs. While

coming, it gives some symptoms including fatigue,
body ache, cough, sore throat, difficulty in
breathing, etc. Then these may become severe.

It made a Very Drastic impact on Society, health,

education, economy, Lifestyle. There are 336
million confirmed corona cases, which is more
than the population of America.

There are many methods to prevent this virus

from spreading.

1. Vaccinating - getting vaccinated is a very

great idea as it makes your body prepare
against the virus.

2. Hand Washing kills the virus and blocks the

pathway to our nose via hand. An average
human rubs his noses 16 times an hour, you
3. Wear Mask whenever you make it outside- You
would have heard it and seen it everywhere but
still, know that they are just reminding you to do
it whenever you don't do it. Even wear Mask
inside your car!!

Remember that there is NO cure for COVID19

There are only ways to prevent it
Stay alert. Always stay safe!!

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