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Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)

Coronavirus (CoV) is a large family of virus that cause illness ranging from the common
cold to more severe diseases. The COVID-19 epidemic was declared by the WHO as a
public health emergency of international concern on January 30, 2020. The Director-
General of the World Health Organization (WHO), Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus,
announced on 11 March 2020 that the new coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) can be
characterized as a pandemic. Describing the situation as a pandemic means that the
epidemic has spread to several countries, continents or throughout the world, and that it
affects large numbers of people.

What is COVID-19?
COVID-19 is the most recently discovered infectious
disease caused by the coronavirus. This new virus and the
disease it causes were unknown before the outbreak broke
out in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. Currently,
COVID-19 is a pandemic that affects many countries around
the world.

How is COVID-19 transmitted?

1. A person can contract COVID-19 from (handrails, tables, pens, among others)
contact with another who is infected and be touched by the hands.
with the virus.

4. The virus enters our body when we

touch our eyes, nose, and mouth with
unwashed hands.

2. It is transmitted from person to person

through droplets that a sick person
expels when talking, coughing or

3. The droplets can be inhaled by people

who are close to the patient and can also
remain on any type of surface
Most vulnerable groups for COVID-19
They are those that due to their health condition are at greater risk of serious complications
in their health and even death, if they are infected with COVID-19.
In this group are considered people who present:
 Arterial hypertension.

 Diabetes.  Chronic renal insufficiency.

 Pregnant

 Cancer.
 Cardiovascular diseases.

 Adults over 60 years old.

 Obesity.

 Chronic respiratory diseases

Why do some Peruvians not understand the importance of staying
home due to quarantine? We explain you from psychology
“Man is an “animal” of customs and people have become used to living disorderly and
that is why they do not follow the instructions of the president.” A psychologist talks about
human behavior in times of coronavirus.
“Please, let's avoid going out! It is the secret to beating COVID-19”. With these words
almost every day, President Martín Vizcarra appears on national television asking you to
stay home and not get the coronavirus. The result: in our country there are more than 52
thousand detainees for violating the quarantine since March 16 and this happened in all
places and in all social classes.

We know that with social isolation we can stop this virus but, why do some people ignore
the restrictions?

In our reality, when we collide with a “confinement” that is necessary, citizens, despite
knowing what is correct, out of fear or tension of not having what others can acquire,
despair and go out into the streets in an uproar and crowd markets, which have become
sources of infection for COVID-19.

“So, if you don't follow orders and leave, mass hysteria occurs. For fear of not getting
what someone else has: food, water, people imitate behaviors, but reproduce them out
of anxiety and fear. Logically, this coronavirus situation has caused fear, anguish, anxiety
and that is why people let themselves be carried away by their emotions”, continues the
But there are also people who continue to go out on the street without just cause (to see the
lover, to be in meetings, to exercise, etc.), Ola Banda points out: “They are moved by
selfishness, as immortals believe, the 'living' of the neighborhood and that nothing
will happen to them, do not see beyond what they can cause, that is, cause the damage
of infecting others. These subjects don't have empathy and they don't have a life plan,
they just want the pleasure of the moment”.
"If we were disciplined, we could govern our thoughts, therefore, emotions and reactions,
so we would abide by orders so that this virus does not spread further, but as we are not
disciplined, we have not developed self-control.

“In our societies there is a lack of re-education and now with this we see the urgency of
how permissive we are in many aspects of life. Our habits are not going to change
overnight, but what happens is a precedent to be able to think well about what we are
failing as an individual

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