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Amanda Leake

EDU 214

Professor Saladino



The year is 2066, and the Earth has been plagued with a horrendous virus. Forty-four

years before a lounge of radioactive lizards broke out of Area 51 and went on a rampage. They

infected our water supply and the virus started to spread in a matter of days. In two weeks' time,

three-quarters of the world's population was infected with the virus, “Lizarscosis-66”. Once

infected, your body starts to take on the form of a humanoid lizard. Your skin turns green and

scaly, and your tongue becomes long and pointed. Despite all the physical changes, the virus

does not affect your mental state; you’ll still have full function of your brain.

It didn’t take long for things to go from bad to worse. Scientists worked tirelessly for

weeks to find a cure, and it seemed like it was almost within our grasp. After administering a

sample cure to the public, the reptilian people didn’t return back to their normal bodies. Instead,

their bodies started to decay as if they were dead, and they developed a taste for human flesh.

Weeks turned to months and months turned to years. What was left of the human population

disappeared completely and was overtaken by the decaying lizard people.

Eventually, the world adapted to this new normal. One man didn’t want Lizarscosis-66 to

mean the end of the world altogether, he wanted to continue with his passion. Mr. Saladino had a

big passion for teaching, and he wasn’t about to let his hunger for flies and flesh get in his way.

Mr. Saladino set out to adapt his classrooms to the new world. He made his classrooms warmer

and more humid to accommodate his students. He also kept sewing kits on hand to help students
Leake 2

reattach their limbs if needed. Intent on keeping records of all the goings-on in the world, Mr.

Saladino teamed up with other educators and historians to help write updated history books.

Despite all his accomplishments Mr. Saladino still wasn’t finished. He started his own

public college, “Dead Lizards University” which became the leading institution in researching

regenerating limbs. Eventually, this University grows even bigger and goes on to employ some

of the best dead lizard scientists in the world, including Mr. Saladino himself. Mr. Saladino

continued to work continuously, both as a teacher and a scientist. He was determined to keep his

community happy and thriving and would do anything to keep it that way.

Mr. Saladino had a philosophy: Life changes, and we must change with it. He firmly

believed that the world didn’t have to end forever just because humanity was gone. Hope for a

new life still existed, and he wanted to pursue it. Mr. Saladino brought the world into the future

and we wanted to keep moving forward. Yes, we all had become lizard zombies, and humanity

was forever gone. However Mr. Saladino, a dedicated educator, never gave up. He believed that

there was no reason that a dead lizard person should be uneducated. With his help, the world

moved passed Lizarscosis-66 in its own way. Education prevails over all.

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