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The true func�on of Educa�on

is to cul�vate in you the intelligence

which will try to find the answer to what
life is all about! Intelligence
is the capacity to think freely, without fear,
without a formula, so that you begin to
discover for yourself what is real, what is true;

Indo-Bri�sh Global School empowers

children to be intelligent.
rich Indian values and the Futuris�c
Bri�sh Vision.
A school with integrated global approach and
infinite perspec�ves to learning.
The need of an hour is to bring essen�al changes in the present educa�onal and social structure
which should help the individuals towards freedom and integra�on; The parents are at all in earnest
and desire that the child shall grow to his/her fullest integral capacity. At IBGS, we have begun to alter
the influence of the home and crea�ng the schools with the right kind of educators. The influence of
the home and that of the school complements each other, we educate teachers and parents for the
collabora�on. We learned and educate to be compassionate, to be content and to seek the supreme.
Welcome to Indo-Bri�sh Global School, a global K-12 school catering to ages 3 to 18 years
(Grade Nursery to 12), with an offering of CBSE, IGCSE and ICSE with integrated global curricula.
Indo-Bri�sh Global School, an ini�a�ve of Vaishvik Shodh Pvt. Ltd.
brings global curriculum for developing happy and future ready global ci�zens.
Experience Ma�ers
GLOBAL DISCOVERY IN EDUCATION Founded on the convic�on of discovering the true poten�al in every
child with the philosophy of Ecolier Infinity; A Life Long Learner! Indo-Bri�sh Global School is unique in
its child centric learning approach with infinite possibili�es & perspec�ves to learn.

We have few school's already opera�onal and few are expected to commence the opera�on from upcoming
academic session. Indo-Bri�sh Global School has been conceptualized in 2009 a�er the Educa�on Veteran
Mr. Shivgir and Cambridge Interna�onal School Pune chairman Dr. Dhananjay Varnekar envisioned the need
of integrated and global educa�on to every Indian. Shiv has been the founder key management of Mount
Litera Zee School, Bellwether Interna�onal School chain in their past s�nt and Dhananjay is a founder of
Cambridge Interna�onal School, Jet India Hospitality and IIBM Management college. Vaishvik Shodh Pvt. Ltd.
is an endeavor of educa�on veteran Shiv / Dhananjay with over 34 years of experience in K12 schooling and
in educa�on space. EXPERIENCE MATTERS The strength of Indo-Bri�sh Global School brand is the key
management. Founded and guided by a veteran team of promoters and professionals from the field of
educa�on and with an experience of 34 years in the educa�on space. The Indo-Bri�sh Global School has a team
of experienced professionals.
Dr. Dhananjay Varnekar
Co-Founder & Director

Dr Dhananjay Varnekar is the Chairman of IIBM Group and Founder of Varnekar Universal Founda�on.
Dr. Varnekar is a seasoned educator and Business owner with over 34 years of experience in the field
of educa�on and Hospitality Business. An extra ordinary human being with a humble persona. With
its Global Affilia�on, the Pune based IIBM group has PAN INDIA presence by way of JETINDIA AVIATION
and a group of Hotel Management Colleges. The Group is established in 1996 with the
vision to create dynamic leaders and responsible ci�zens. He is a qualified Mechanical engineering graduate

Dr Dhananjay is a dis�nguished eduprenuer. He is sincerely delivering the Educa�on Services to 1000’s of pupil
in India. He is associated with few government projects like Skill development for youth implemented in
various Tribal and rural areas in Maharashtra. His ability to overcome impediment into opportuni�es by
expanding the business with new ventures is his Forte. His efforts have validated by THE INTERNATIONAL
UNICEF COUNCIL with the GLOBAL ACHIEVER AWARD for his uncondi�onal and selfless
efforts in Educa�on space. He is a patron of many charitable organiza�ons and won pres�gious na�onal/
interna�onal accolades. Few of them are Interna�onal school award, Dubai, Na�onal educa�on leadership award,
Innova�on in educa�on award, Recipient of Subhadra Sur Sangam Musical award, Rajyastariya Udyogratn
Puraskar Mavla Trust.
Mr. Shivgir Gir
Founder MD & CEO

Vaishvik Shodh is backed by a veteran in the field of school educa�on. He is a qualified

engineering graduate B.E. - Electronics & Telecommunica�on) from a reputed ins�tute. Shiv, with over 16 years
of experience has shown dynamic leadership and insight in leading school business in preschool, school and
school solu�on categories.
In his tenure, he has established 100+ K12 schools across India. In the past, he has donned the role of
Business Head – K12 franchisee expansion in the reputed educa�on MNC’s in India. He is an ever hungry
professional with huge passion for Educa�on Industry. He has led many successful projects with the help of his
lovable personality and deep analy�cal and logical capabili�es. He has remarkably envisioned, planned and
executed new business for the organic and inorganic growth of the organiza�on. He has successfully turned
around exis�ng businesses towards stable expansion and exceeded the expected top line.
He has a long list of notable achievements to his credit and inspires everyone he meets in the journey of
a�aining excellence. He has also effec�vely set up teams in line with the expansion and growth plan of the
business. Shiv has always ac�vely nurtured and mentored the teams for mee�ng business and
professional growth. A true professional, he also secretly nurture a dream of touching lives of the future of our
country, the next gen tudents and what be�er way to achieve than assis�ng schools in establishing a world
class quality systems and processes by recrui�ng right people at right place and capturing markets which are
most feasible. Thus, he conceived Vaishvik Shodh mentor...
A Futuristic Philosophy

Écolière means a Pupil: ‘A Life Long Learner’

A PHILOSOPHY WITH GLOBAL APPROACH. Indo-Bri�sh Global School has an Integrated Global Curriculum
which gives every child a fair chance to excel his / her mental horizons to the infinity. The core of “ Ecoliere
Infinity” is Nurturing Personal Values ( Integrity, Resilience, Excellence, Mindfulness, Caring; Mo�va�ng to
communicate, collaborate & Lead ); Offering Space and Scope for Experimen�ng ( Failing, Retrying, Risk
taking, Celebra�ng efforts & achievements); Modeling & Scaffolding by Adults; Transferring Gamut of Tools
( for Thinking, Feeling & Taking Ac�on for sustainable existence ).

ECOLIERE INFINITY ( A lifelong learner )

Indo-Bri�sh Global School focusses on 'whole child' and create life long learners, who are Equipped to face
challenges of the present world and create innova�ve solu�ons. The trademark of Indo-Bri�sh Global
School is 'Ecolier Infinity'. Ecolier Infinity is designed to Develop four significant personality quo�ents in
every learner - Intelligence Quo�ents (IQ), Emo�onal-Social Quo�ent (ESQ), Happiness Quo�ent (HQ) and
Spiritual Quo�ent (SQ). Ecolier Infinity Provide learners with the opportuni�es for ac�ve, interac�ve and
experien�al learning in collabora�ve and open minded environment. It empower learners with ci�zenship
principles. Strengthen learners with transfer of Life Skills and the skill of Learning to Learn, Nurture a culture
of learning by involving parents, teachers and the community, who act as role models and facilitate the
process of children becoming aware, responsible, happy and mindful global ci�zens.


IBGS has equipped with the most advance and user friendly tools for teaching - learning. Experien�al
learning through virtual reality equipment's, interac�ve e-content, IT enabled projects for understanding
the real �me experience of AI, IOT, Robo�cs, etc. Interdisciplinary connec�ons with S.T.R.E.A.M. & Cam-
bridge Extension are the unique features of IBGS which gives infinite avenues and equipment's to learn the
concepts with ease. Ecolier Infinity helps realize the unique poten�al in every child and help them to
develop the IQ, ESQ, HQ, SQ, Psycho-motor skills, building habits of mind and fostering 21st century skills.
IBGS Programme
Indo- Bri�sh is all about holis�c and Balanced learning.
The School hosts State-of -the-art Pedagogical facili�es and sophis�cated tools for morden educa�on.
At IBGS, Learning is engaging and meaningful.

Our unique infrastructure with wide, Spacious beau�fully designed Corridors known as the ‘Path Of Happiness’
greet students as they approch their classrooms. This is a lively, natural, expressive hence happy environment.

‘Path Of Happiness’
Classrooms For Collabra�ve Learning
The school building has natural air conditioning by long and
scattered trees, birds humming and spacious, intuitively
designed low density classrooms. The classroom seating
strategy makes the learning environment vibrant and
interactive. The advanced digital resources available in the
classrooms and tech-savvy teachers provides students an
emerging way of collaborative learning, thus fostering
sharing of idea-sand teamwork.
The Library in IBGS is a place to develop students IQ with the help of
infinite books and learning resources. It is a learning hub for students
and teachers. The library at IBGS is recognized as "Island Of Knowl-
edge" where students and teachers can get the treasury of books. The
Iceland of knowledge is built age appropriately thus we have a sepa-
rate library specifically designed for Pre-Primary & Primary students.
Middle and Senior level library caters to the different need of higher
age students. The infrastructure arrangement is made unique and
indulging for students of different age group.
“ Island Of Knowledge”
Discovery Labs

Fully equipped Labs for physics, Chemistry and Biology provide individual access to lab equuip-
ment and apparatus. The best way to learn science is through ac�ons and this is most vibrant
place at Indo-Bri�sh Global School. Right from visualising the experiments to conduc�ng them,
from seeing to understanding forms and structures, our IBGS learners are inculcated with the
scien�fic a�tude that is utmost importance in today's world.

Innova�on Lab

Our innova�on lab consists of Robo�cs, AI, IOT and VR. Future literally comes alive in our Innova�on
Lab, where innova�ve thinking is the name of the game. In projects and compe��ons, students learn
to merge computer programming, science, mathema�cs and engineering seamlessly to create
magical results. Virtual Reality lab enables IBGS Learners to experience every concept virtually, like
solar system, blood cells, organs, etc.
Smart Learning

Adding several different dimensions to mainstream learning is

‘Smart Learning’. It is all about sharing and collabora�ng, which
fosters teamwork as well as civic sensibili�es. Learning is thus
maximised, enhanced and made more relevant with our smart
learning spaces.


We believe that student group work enhances communica�on,

collabora�ve learning and other professional development skills.
This is why in addi�on to main classrooms, there are also
extra add-on rooms called ‘Collaboratories’ for special group study
'sessions or any kind of group work. These collaboratories are
also used for brainstorm sessions for teams to think out of the
box and come up with interes�ng ideas. This rou�ne improves
cri�cal thinking and problem solving skills as an individual and a

Student Lounge

Want to finish some homework or share some quick notes?

Or simply take a few minutes out to hang out with friends?
You can enjoy the pleasant ambiance of the Student Lounge.
Colour Me Happy Studio

Young children have a voracious appe�te for variety.

Mainstream learning alone cannot fulfill this crucial need.
That is why we have a free-form facility to allow them to
dabble in various art forms and cra�s, which helps in
s�mula�ng right-brain ac�vi�es and thus go a long way
towards adding new dimensions of crea�vity to the
personality of a growing young mind.

Happy Tunes Studio

The ‘Happy Tunes Studio’ has a wide range of musical

instruments for students to learn within the school
program, and atso facilitates them to pursue music
a�er school.

Food for Thought Lab

Our ‘Food for Thought’ kitchen lab is devoted to teaching

the basic science and techniques of cooking, nutri�on
and dining e�que�e. Students can also pursue culinary
classes as an extra-curricular ac�vity if they want to excel
in this space.
Healthy Heart Cafeteria

The student cafeteria known as the ‘Healthy Heart

Cafeteria’ is spacious and decorated with artwork
promo�ng a healthy ea�ng lifestyle. The large windows
allow for plenty of natural light to come in.


The spacious, full-featured auditorium is used for

invi�ng guest speakers for lectures and hos�ng
seminars with student par�cipa�on. These rich gamut
of ac�vi�es provide extended and blended learning.

Crystal Room — Inner Well-being

Our Crystal Room is a tranquil environment emana�ng

posi�ve energy — a unique facility to strengthen and
energize the mind, heart and soul - for greater
concentra�on, elevated imagina�on and enhanced
knowledge reten�on by children. Students can also
come here to relax and unwind to relieve any kinds
of stress, so that they go back home much calmer and
happier at the end of the day. The studio is
mul�-purpose in nature, where students can learn yoga
and laughter yoga or even take dance lessons.
Indoor & Outdoor Sports

There is a plethora of indoor ac�vi�es that students can indulge in, like Gym,
Table Tennis, Chess, Basket Ball, etc. Outdoor sports include Football, Cricket,
Basketball Swimming, Running Tracks, and more.
STREAM Exploratory Lab

STREAM explora�on is an integral part of IBGS program where our research team has integrated the
interdisciplinary connec�ons from every concept that our students are studying and prepared the
projects based on it. Students enjoy this space as it helps them to connect with the real �me world.
This lab provides students the infinite perspec�ves, possibili�es and resources to learn/explore. It
also helps students to connect languages with arts & maths, science with research, engineering and
technology etc. IBGS learners enjoy this space the most!
This space provides IBGS learners with the infinite opportuni�es to become a global ci�zen!

Math Lab

Mathema�cs is a way of life and IBGS believe that it should be learned through experience. The
math lab is a perfect place to experience the world of mathema�cs. Students are exposed to many
wonders of mathema�cs and its myriad real life uses.

Audio-Visual Room

Modern learning requires a mul�-pronged approach. An aesthe�cally designed, well-equipped

Audio-Visual facility provides a great way to learn subjects such as history and nature effortlessly
and in a deeply engaging way.
Par Excellence
There is a great deal of thought and execu�on behind every aspect of Indo-Bri�sh Global School
from classrooms to the Crystal Room.
At Indo-Bri�sh Global School, leveraging innova�ve methodologies for impar�ng premium
learning creates a winning lead for the child, synchronizing with the various stages
of human brain development so as to enable them to reach their pinnacle of glory.
Indeed, all our innova�ve approaches converge to impart premium learning to enable
students to become successful, responsible and happy global ci�zens.

Key Management
Dr. Leena Pimpley - Academic Mentor
Dr. Leena holds 30 years of experience in the field of educa�on. She has set up
K-12 schools affiliated with IB, Cambridge, CBSE and ICSE boards across India. She
has also led renowned interna�onal schools in Mumbai as Principal and
Programme Head. She has been associated with na�onal and interna�onal
networks of schools such as Aga Khan Educa�on Service as Global Leader, Zee
Learn Ltd as Head of Academics. She has designed curricula aimed at holis�c
development of every child. She is a NABET empaneled school quality auditor and
Bri�sh Council empaneled consultant.

Dr. Ritu Uppal - Academic Excellence

Over 30 years of academic experience form K-12 to post gradua�on level.
PhD in Educa�onal Technology.
Qualified Instruc�onal designer with over 15 years experience in Curriculum
design, development ,implementa�on and teacher training.
Expert in of face to face, Blended and online content development and delivery.
Working as consultant, mentor and visi�ng faculty in various na�onal and
interna�onal organiza�on.
Director - Academics MAF Technologies(Mafatlal Group)

Dr. Namrata Majhail - General Manager Academics

Dr Namrata Majhail ,a TEDx speaker, bears an excep�onally posi�ve and pleasing
persona. She believes in learning along with our 21st century learners . She has
been conferred with a Doctorate in the field of Educa�on Management for her
whole hearted engagement in this field .She has Master's Degree both in English
and Educa�on. She has completed a programme in “Strategic Leadership for
Schools in a Changing Environment” from IIM Ahmedabad .Besides being a
cer�fied Six Sigma White belt inEduca�on field she is also a cer�fied Master
Trainer at Na�onal and Interna�onal level. She has the experience of being a
Consultant Grader and Content Developer with a leading Publica�on House.

Mr. Kiran Mugal - Opera�on Head

Kiran, a civil engineering graduate with over 11+ years of experience in Infrastruc-
ture Project Execu�on at reputed organiza�ons across India & other Asian
countries. Mr. Kiran Mugal is the incharge of crea�ve controlling of the civil
and interiors of school Projects, Ensuring quality control and �me line with the
team of effec�ve professionals. He has Pursued the designing and implementa-
�on of many educa�onal infrastructure projects domes�cally and interna�onally.
Kiran has worked as an Opera�on Manger in Zee Learn Ltd since 2017 to 2020. At
IBGS, Kiran is responsible for business development, project planning, execu�on
and quality control. He is the key personal for IBGS opera�on.

Assistance in developing infrastructure and integra�ng resources

Support in enrollment via marke�ng
Turnkey consultancy in se�ng up the opera�on in school
Comprehensive training package


India’s first chain of school with integrated global curriculum
On ground marke�ng support to ensure the best in class IRR
Proprietary pedagogy to ensure infinite learning for every child
Technology enabled content for experien�al learning
User friendly ERP to take care of every stakeholders need
Unique infrastructure planning and execu�on by world class architect


Statutory requirements for star�ng a school
Architectural and Interior Design of the school
Board related requirements
Recommended fee structure
Business Modeling 10 years
Phase wise Infrastructure development plan
Staff requirement and Job Roles
SOPs/ POLICIES for Administra�on
Capacity Planning
170, Dnyaneshwar Colony, Opp. N.D Tower's, Behind PCMC Hospital,
Akurdi, Pune, Maharashtra, India - 411035 | | + 91 7755 99 0720 / 21

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