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Let’s talk about climate change.

People are calling it the crisis of our time, and it is. But it’s easy to get lost in this story. The
science is dense, and politics get in the way. World leaders are meeting in Madrid to talk
about the climate crisis and how to slow it down. And they’re under pressure from millions of
people around the world calling for concrete action.

The empty promises are the same, and the in action is the same.

So what exactly are we doing wrong and how do we fix it?

We’re going to kick this off with some basic science. So bear with me, because this is
Look at this graph. These are the levels of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere over hundreds of
thousands of years. But this spike in carbon dioxide at the very end? That took off during the
industrial revolution. We started breaking CO2 records in 1950, and we haven’t stopped
since. why?
Well, scientists say there’s a 95% chance that human activity is the cause. We’ve been
burning more and more fossil fuels like oil and coal, which release CO2, to power our homes,
factories, airplanes and cars.
There’s also a lot more of us. The global population has tripled in the past 70 years.
We’re consuming more products from animals that release another pollutant called Methane.
So all those gases are in the air, and when sunlight gets into the earth’s atmosphere, some of
the heat gets trapped, and the planet gets warmer. That’s why they call it the “Greenhouse
But the concern is not that the earth is getting warmer. Its that happening for quickly.
It’s actually the warmest temperature on Earth since the last ice age since 10 thousand years
The UN says that right now, our world is about 1 degree hotter than pre-industrial times.
That’s around the year 1800. Which is okay. In fact, the UN says if we warm by 1.5 degrees
before the end of the century we should be fine. The UN says even 2 degrees would
'probably' be alright. But again, the problem is speed. Because right now, we are on track to
hit 1.5 degrees in only ten years.
And If we don't slow that warming down, it could mean catastrophe within my lifetime, and
maybe yours too. And we’re already getting a taste.

“Climate change is here. Climate change is happening. We are well into the 6th mass
extinction event.”
”Europe is currently colder than the Artic.”
“More than a thousand people being rescued just in the early morning hours of Sunday.”
“Millions of people are likely to suffer worsening food and water shortages. The drought
that’s now in its tenth year is a phenomena that’s here to stay.’ “We’ve never seen a year’s
worth of rain in less than seven days.”

Sea levels are rising about 3 millimetres a year because seawater expands as temperatures get
Melting ice sheets and glaciers also add trillions of tons of freshwater into our oceans.
People around the world are already losing their homes. And if things carry on, millions more
of us will have to pack up too. Entire coastal cities could be underwater within 80 years. Like
Miami in the US or Osaka in Japan.
Entire island nations in the pacific could completely disappear.
“Natural disasters becoming more and more intense, more frequent with devastating
consequences. The dramatic impacts of droughts in different parts of the world, all of this is
creating a situation that is a real threat to humankind. And we are not doing enough.” “If 99%
of doctors said to you, ‘take this medicine, or you will get really sick and probably die’ you
would take it , who wouldn’t take it? the problem is, at the moment, we don’t have any

Now, there is a plan to slow all this down.Back in 2016, world leaders signed the so-called
‘Paris Agreement’. And the big pledge is to cap temperatures rising by 1.5 degrees or a
maximum of 2, before the year 2100.
So countries set their own targets on how much CO2 they emit. But here’s the thing Three
years after the agreement, global CO2 levels are still going up.
“CO2 emissions have been going up the last year by two per centso that's actually above the
average of the last ten years. So it's started to increase again and it doesn't look too good.In
some ways,”

we’re going backwards.

"The United States will cease all implementation of the nonbinding Paris accord and the
draconian financial and economic burdens the agreement imposes on our country."

The US, one of the world’s biggest polluters, has pulled out of the Paris deal. Russia and
China are accused of not giving themselves ambitious targets in the first place. ambitious
targets in the first place. Turkey and Poland want to build more power plants that use coal.
And then there’s the sceptics.

It’s a political decision, that it’s man-made global warming. We forced the computer models
to say AHA! Human influence, CO2 and other stuff. “The ground base temperature data has
been massaged to show an increase but the satellite data shows no increase.”

On the other hand, there is positive momentum. There’s more awareness and some countries
are making progress. India, Morocco, and The Gambia have massive renewable energy

There are different countries doing different things really successfully some countries are, for
example, making all public transport free in the cities. What a great way to encourage people
out of their cars.

But experts say what’s needed now is an even bigger push to change everything about the
way we run our world. Business as usual has got to change. Politics as usual has got to
change In order to combat that we have to change the system that has allowed it to happen.
You can’t have infinite growth on a finite planet. And everyone can do that by shifting to
renewable energy, reducing the use of cars, use trains more, cycle more, eat less meat
consume a bit more carefully. So where does that leave us? Well there’s only so much bike-
riding and light-bulb replacing you and I can do everyday. But the truth is that it’s those
everyday things that are going to change anyway. Even coffee could run out if farmers can’t
grow it. So the expert advice? Is that it’s down to all of us, to change our ways and shake
things up, or climate change is going to do it for us.
Mari kita bicara tentang perubahan iklim.
Orang-orang menyebutnya krisis zaman kita, dan memang begitu. Tapi mudah tersesat dalam
pembahasan ini. Ilmu pengetahuan itu padat, dan politik menghalangi. Para pemimpin dunia
bertemu di Madrid untuk membicarakan krisis iklim dan bagaimana cara memperlambatnya.

Dan mereka berada di bawah tekanan dari jutaan orang di seluruh dunia yang menyerukan
Tindakan yang nyata.

Janji-janji kosong itu sama, dan tindakannya sama.

Jadi apa sebenarnya yang kita lakukan salah dan bagaimana kita memperbaikinya?
Kami akan memulai ini dengan beberapa ilmu dasar. Jadi bersabarlah, karena ini penting.
Lihat grafik ini. Ini adalah tingkat karbon dioksida di atmosfer kita selama ratusan ribu tahun.
Tapi lonjakan karbon dioksida ini pada akhirnya? Itu lepas landas selama revolusi industri.
Kami mulai memecahkan rekor CO2(karbondioksida) pada tahun 1950, dan kami tidak
berhenti sejak saat itu.
para ilmuwan mengatakan ada 95% kemungkinan bahwa aktivitas manusia adalah
penyebabnya. Kami telah membakar lebih banyak bahan bakar fosil seperti minyak dan batu
bara, yang melepaskan CO2, untuk memberi daya pada rumah, pabrik, pesawat terbang, dan
mobil kami.
Ada juga lebih banyak dari kita. Seperti Populasi global telah meningkat tiga kali lipat dalam
70 tahun terakhir.
Dan Kami mengonsumsi lebih banyak produk dari hewan, yang melepaskan polutan lain
yang disebut Metana. Jadi semua gas itu ada di udara, dan ketika sinar matahari masuk ke
atmosfer bumi, sebagian panasnya terperangkap, dan planet ini menjadi lebih hangat. Itu
sebabnya mereka menyebutnya "Efek Rumah Kaca".
Namun kekhawatirannya bukanlah bahwa bumi semakin panas. Itu terjadi dengan cepat.
Ini sebenarnya suhu terpanas di Bumi sejak zaman es terakhir sejak 10 ribu tahun yang lalu.
PBB mengatakan bahwa saat ini, dunia kita sekitar 1 derajat lebih panas daripada masa pra-
industri. Itu sekitar tahun 1800. Tidak apa-apa. Faktanya, PBB mengatakan jika kita
menghangatkan 1,5 derajat sebelum akhir abad ini, kita akan baik-baik saja. PBB mengatakan
bahkan 2 derajat 'mungkin' akan baik-baik saja. Tapi sekali lagi, masalahnya adalah
kecepatan. Karena saat ini, kita berada di jalur untuk mencapai 1,5 derajat hanya dalam
sepuluh tahun.
Dan jika kita tidak memperlambat pemanasan itu, itu bisa berarti malapetaka dalam hidup
saya, dan mungkin Anda juga. Dan kami sudah merasakannya.

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