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An Extension of Gratitude

Farming is a tedious process. It requires determination, patience and hardwork. Also,

there should be sufficient knowledge about the proper ways of sowing and the conditions of the
external aspects.

I have experienced a bit of what farmers do for their living, and it was exhausting. What
we did was just a small part of the land they sow and given that we are more or less fifty (50),
the weariness can still be seen from our faces. This is one of the reasons why it is indeed
amazing on how farmers are capable of doing such on a daily basis and how they are able to
produce all those crops. We should be extremely grateful for all their hard work and we should
not let any of it to be wasted, especially now that there is a law that is threatening their

Without farmers, we will not be able to enjoy healthy and organic food. Rice (our staple),
vegetables, and fruits, literally almost everything we eat will cease to exist if they stopped
farming. They obviously get less than they deserve, so other than being grateful, buying directly
to our local farmers will be of help.

What is Outreach?

Outreach, as discussed in our class, is about reaching out to others, and to the
community. It is extending a helping hand to those in need. But before that, one must know how
s/he can help by assessing the situation of the place and its residents.

Reaching out involves openness in experiencing new things and willingness to step out
of one’s comfort zone. Easier said than done, of course, but once a person is committed to
responding to the needs of others, s/he will be able to really reach out to people. Other than
that, for an outreach to be successful, there should be enough knowledge and understanding on
the situation of the community to identify their needs. This could be achieved by observing and
assessing but asking people in the chosen area would be more helpful. Afterwards, deciding
how these needs can be addressed through planning out activities and implementing them is
done to provide them assistance and establishing genuine connection with them in the process.

An outreach is in fact, a two-way process of giving. The community is given what they
need. But those conducting the outreach receives the gift of experience and growth. It is also a
way to connect with people and gain awareness about our society.

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