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School: Primary School

Course: 6° B

1. Teacher´s purposes

I expect to:

 Create a good learning atmosphere.

 Involve children with English language in an enjoyable way.
 Encourage student´s participation using different strategies.
 Help and guide the students in order to understand the topic, identify
vocabulary and complete the tasks.

2. Objectives

Students will be able to:

 Identify key words.

 Recognize the planets and describe them using the superlative form.
 Practise their listening abilities and listening comprehension.
 Identify the main ideas of the audio and classify the planets according to their
composition by moving their bodies when the planets are mentioned.
 Choose the correct answer of the superlative form.

3. Content

a) Context: School content

b) Topic: The Solar System

c) Genre and text type: Informative texts (oral and written)

d) Target language item

 Lexical content
- New: planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune);
adjectives (large, rocky, Terrestrial, Jovian)
- Recycled: big, small, hot, close, red

 Linguistic content
- New: Superlative adjectives: “Jupiter is the biggest planet of the Solar System”
“Venus is the hottest planet”
“Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun”
- Recycled: Simple Present: “Saturn has rings”; verb to be: “Mars is red”

e) Tasks

1. Review about planets and their characteristics. (pre-task)

2. Listen to the audio file, move different parts of their bodies when they listen to
a planet and classify the planets. (core-task)
3. Read a short text and identify the superlatives. (core-task)
4. Complete the sentences (Put the verb in the correct form). (follow-up)

4. Development

To begin with, the teacher introduces herself.

Teacher: Hello, everyone! How are you? My name is Florencia and I will be your
teacher today. I´m very happy to be here with you. (Smiling and pointing out at them
when she says “you”).

The Teacher tells the students to remember they were at the Planetarium (as they have
been talking with Silvina).

Warm up:

She writes on the blackboard: “The Solar System” and asks the students what they
remember about the topic.

(Depending on the way in which Silvina ends her class I will continue with the game she
proposed in her lesson plan as the follow-up, or I will give the students some
characteristics about the planets trying to make them guess which planet I am thinking
about (E.g.: “The planet is red”, “The planet has rings”, “We live in this planet”)

Core tasks:

T: So, as you were talking with Silvina, imagine we are at the Planetarium, and we are
going to listen to the guide, what do you think she will say? ¿Qué creen que nos dirá la
guía? What do you think she will say?

S1: Talk about planets

S2: Planetas

S3: The Solar System

T: What do you think_______? Do you agree?

S4: Yes.

T: What else? ¿Qué más? What else?

S5: Las estrellas

The teacher copies on the board what the students say to her.

Teacher: Good! Let´s start! Please, you have to be in silence. ¿Se acuerdan de las reglas
que hablaron con Silvi? (They repeat the rules together: 1. Prestar atención a la
profesora y los compañeros; 2. Levantar la mano si quiero participar. La profesora
decide quién habla, aunque no haya levantado la mano; 3. No levantar la voz). Por
favor, hacemos silencio así todos podemos escuchar.

The T tells the SS that planets are divided into 2 categories: Terrestrial and Jovian. She
says that terrestrial planets are small and made of rock and Jovian planets are really
big and made of gas or ice.

Then the T plays the audio. First, SS check the predictions they have made.

Activity 1

Then the T shows the SS some pictures of children and asks the SS to tell her what the
children are doing in those pictures.

S1: Levantan la mano

S2: ¡Se tocan la cabeza!

The T sticks the images on the BB.

The T explains the SS they will work in 2 groups. The SS of the first group have to raise
their hands when they listen to the terrestrial planets in a row (one after the other).
The SS of the second group have to touch their heads when they listen to each

terrestrial planet during the description of those planets. (The T explains the activity in
English and in Spanish.)

The SS do the same activity with the Jovian planets, but this time the SS of the second
group raise their hands in the first part of the audio and the SS of the first group touch
their heads in the second part of the audio.

The T shows them an example and makes the movements they are expected to do.

Once the finish the activity the T asks the SS if they can help her to write the planets on
the BB, and she writes:


1 1

2 2

3 3

4 4

T: Do you remember which planets are terrestrial?

S1: Mercury, Earth, Mars

S2: Venus

T: Do you agree ______?

S3: Yes

T: And the Jovian planets?

SS: Jupiter

T: What else?

S4: Saturno

S5: Uranus and Neptune

T: What do you think ________?

S6: Está bien

Once they finish with the activity (TPR) the T asks for 2 volunteers to hand out some
copies (the script of the audio they listened before).

T: Ok, so, remember we were at the Planetarium. We already listened to the guide.
And now she gives us some information about the planets on paper so we can take it
home and show it to our family and friends, and tell them what we have learned about
the planets.

So, we will read a text now, that has the same information that you have just listened.

We will read and check what it says about Terrestrial and Jovian planets and we will
read about the characteristics of some planets. Let’s read the text in silence.

1) Read the text.


Revolving around the sun are eight planets. The planets are divided into two categories based on
their composition: Terrestrial and Jovian.

Terrestrial planets are primarily made of rocky material and they are relatively small.

The smallest planet of the Solar Venus is the hottest planet with temperatures of
System is Mercury. It is the closest up to 866° F (463°C).
planet to the Sun.

Next is the Earth which is the Mars is the last of the terrestrial planets and is a
only planet in which life exists. red planet.

The Jovian planets are big and made of gas or ice.

Jupiter is the largest Saturn has very big rings.

planet in the Solar System.

Uranus is famous for rotating on

its side. It is the coldest planet Next is Neptune, the last planet of the Solar
of the Solar System. System. It is cold and blue.

Activity 2

The SS read the text and they check what they did with the division of the planets in
terrestrial and Jovian.

After that, the T asks the SS some questions about the text and the
characteristics of some planets in order to make them infer the meaning
of the superlative form. She also shows them a picture of the Solar
System. She speaks in Spanish.

T: ¿Qué dice el texto acerca de Mercurio?

S1: Que es chiquito.

S2: Que está cerca del sol.

T: ¿Y que me puede decir ustedes de Mercurio? ¿Cómo es? Miren la imagen. (She
shows them the picture).

S3: Es más chico que otros.

T: ¿Más chico que cuáles?

S4: Es el más chico de todos.

T: Very good! Es EL MAS CHICO de los planetas. ¿Y como dice el texto ______?

S4: Mercury is the smallest planet.

The T writes on the BB “Mercury is the smallest planet” and underlines the word “the”
and “est” with a different colour.

T: Entonces si queremos decir que Mercurio es chico/pequeño, decimos “Mercury is

small”, pero para decir que es el más pequeño de todos los planetas decimos… (and
she looks at them so they can read the sentence together).

SS: Mercury is the smallest planet!

T: ¡Perfecto! ¿Y qué otra característica tiene Mercurio? ¿Se acuerdan?

Nobody answers.
T: Si miramos al sol y a todos los demás planetas… ¿qué podemos decir?
S1: ¡Que es el que esta mas cerca del sol!
T: ¡Muy bien! ¿Y como dice el texto?
S2: Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun.
The T writes the sentence on the BB and she tells the SS that they are discussing what is
called “the superlative form” and those are called superlative adjectives.
T: Entonces, ¿me pueden decir que tenemos que hacer para formar el superlative?

S3: Tenemos que agregarle “est” al final.

T: ¿Y qué más?

S4: Poner “the” antes.

T: Very good!

Once they finish discussing about superlative adjectives they will think together of
another examples (one or two) to write them on the BB.


The Teacher says the students they have to help the Planetarium guide to complete
some descriptions about the planet. She will give the SS some copies with an activity.

T: Let´s read the copy. What do you have to do here?

SS: Completar

T: How do you know?

S1: Porque faltan palabras

T: __________, do you agree?

S2: Yes.

T: Ok, let´s read the first one.

They read the first sentence which is already done, and it will be helpful for them to
have a model of what they have to do.

Activity 3:

1) Put the verb in the correct form.

1- Venus is the hottest planet of the Solar System.
2- The Sun is the ____________ star in our Solar System. (big)
3- Mercury is the first planet of the Solar System. It is the _________ planet to the sun.
4- Jupiter is the ____________ planet in our Solar System. (large)
5- Mercury is the ____________ planet. (small)
6- Uranus is the ___________ planet of the Solar System. (cold)

While the SS work, the T walks around the room and helps the SS if they need it.

They check the activity all together. (If they have time, SS will write the correct answer
on the BB, if not, they will check the activity orally).

Teacher: Well, it was a pleasure to share this time with you. Me encantó compartir
este tiempo (o esta clase) con ustedes. You all did a great job! See you soon!

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