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SAT Vocabulary Lesson and Practice: Lesson 4

Word List with Definitions

1. aboveboard (adj) honest and unconcealed; forthright

2. alcove (n) a recess or partially enclosed area connected to a larger room

3. aroma (n) a typically pleasant scent or smell

4. boisterous (adj) active and happy; full of energy

5. clandestine (adj) secretive or covert

6. contrite (adj) sorry for past actions; desiring forgiveness

7. decipher (v) to discover the meaning of a cipher or encryption; to understand a coded or hidden meaning

8. diaphanous (adj) sheer and filmy; transparent

9. embroil (v) to entangle in disagreement, argument, or conflict

10. finite (adj) having an end or limit; not infinite

11. hustle (v) to rush; to act with urgency

12. indigent (adj) poor; lacking sufficient money

13. luminous (adj) giving off light

14. misapprehend (v) to misinterpret; to understand incorrectly

15. oblivion (n) lack of consciousness, knowledge, or memory; being completely forgotten

16. outcry (n) a loud noise or exclamation, particularly of disapproval

17. peerless (adj) without equivalent; better than or above all others

18. plenteous (adj) found in ample supply

19. prudence (n) wise caution; the quality of being careful and judicious

20. recur (v) to happen for a second time, or to happen repeatedly at intervals

21. sapient (adj) wise

22. stupendous (adj) immense in size or magnitude

23. toilsome (adj) difficult; requiring great labor

24. unctuous (adj) smarmy or greasy

25. virtuoso (n) a person who is supremely skilled in a fine art

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SAT Vocabulary Lesson and Practice: Lesson 4 (cont’d)

In the space provided, write the word from the list above that means the same or about the
same as the word given.

1. niche 6. hurry

2. glowing 7. huge

3. see-through 8. impoverished

4. unequaled 9. straightforward

5. regretful 10. decode

In the space provided, write the word from the list above that means opposite of the word

11. upfront 16. comprehend

12. lacking 17. foolish

13. novice 18. stench

14. limitless 19. wealthy

15. foolhardiness 20. easy

Choose the word from the list that best completes the analogy, creating the same
relationship between the second set of words as exists between the first set of words.

21. minuscule : small :: : large

22. vacuum : matter :: : consciousness

23. melody : ear :: : nose

24. squirming : uneasy :: : happy

25. parse : sentence :: : code

26. repeat : say :: : occur

27. engross : topic :: : dissension

28. dry : powder :: : oil

29. notes : chord :: : commotion

30. quiver : shake :: : move

Copyright 2007 InstructorWeb

Name__________________________ Date_________________

SAT Vocabulary Lesson and Practice: Lesson 4 (cont’d)

In the space provided, write the word from the list above that best completes each given

31. The little girl felt for stealing the pack of gum.

32. He was a at playing the violin, exhibiting exceptional skill.

33. Wayne Gretzky is among hockey players; no one rivals him.

34. She wasn't sure if everything about the deal was ; it seemed suspicious to her.

35. A judge should be both knowledgeable and , since knowledge must be tempered
with wisdom.

36. Sightings of Halley's Comet approximately once every 76 years.

37. The aura of the moon created a play of light on the surrounding clouds.

38. Her when the thief snatched her purse attracted the attention of bystanders.

39. The of freshly baked bread always makes me hungry!

40. In our society, food is , but many people are starving around the world.

41. The elephant seemed to the three-year-old, bigger than anything she'd ever seen.

42. Georgia found her job , almost too much work for her small paycheck.

43. Computers can be used to complex codes.

44. Use in choosing your investments; security is more important than quick gains.

45. His hair, greased back against his head, repulsed her.

46. Their meeting was because they didn't want anyone to know about it.

47. A statue stood in the on the other side of the room.

48. Making alliances with one faction may us in difficulties with an opposing faction.

49. He knew that he'd have to to get to the store before it closed.

50. Is the universe or does it go on forever?

51. After a long, hard day's work, she sank into the of sleep.

52. Her top was made of soft layers of material, through which one could see a deep
red camisole.

53. The boys were on Christmas morning, running around the house and shouting.

54. The soup kitchen serves an annual Thanksgiving meal to people.

55. I am afraid he might my meaning, and it's important that he understand me.

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SAT Vocabulary Lesson and Practice: Lesson 4 Answer Key

Synonyms 27. embroil 55. misapprehend

1. alcove 28. unctuous

2. luminous 29. outcry

3. diaphanous 30. hustle

4. peerless
Sentence Usage
5. contrite 31. contrite
6. hustle 32. virtuoso
7. stupendous 33. peerless
8. indigent 34. aboveboard
9. aboveboard 35. sapient
10. decipher 36. recur

Antonyms 37. luminous

11. clandestine 38. outcry

12. plenteous 39. aroma

13. virtuoso 40. plenteous

14. finite 41. stupendous

15. prudence 42. toilsome

16. misapprehend 43. decipher

17. sapient 44. prudence

18. aroma 45. unctuous

19. indigent 46. clandestine

20. toilsome 47. alcove

48. embroil
21. stupendous 49. hustle

22. oblivion 50. finite

23. aroma 51. oblivion

24. boisterous 52. diaphanous

25. decipher 53. boisterous

26. recur 54. indigent

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