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A. Why is it good idea to research of models of Critical Thinking

 Research involves analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.

According to Beyer Critical Thinking Involves:
1. Distinguishing between verifiable facts and value claims
2. Distinguishing relevant from irrelevant information, claims, or reasons
3. Determining the factual accuracy of a source.
4. Determining the credibility of a source.
5. Identifying ambiguous claims or arguments.
6. Identifying unstated assumptions
7. Detecting Bias
8. Recognizing logical fallacies
9. Recognizing logical inconsistencies in a line of reasoning
10. Determining the strength of an argument or claim.

This means critical thinking approach emphasizes the reasoning process, which analyses our
assumptions, ideas, claims, or conclusions that are not founded on evidence or proof, and focuses on
plausibility and veracity. As a result, some models show critical thinking as a converging or narrowing
process of making decisions or judging things in order to obtain conclusions. They agree that critical
thinking encourages analytic and scientific thinking in people. This approach may regard critical thinking
as a divergent process that is used to generate new ideas and issue solutions (how things may be
otherwise), as well as to evaluate those that have already been proposed. They see it as a means of
exploring new ideas and seeking for alternatives to what they are used to hearing from people who have
already heard or read.


B. Access the Internet to identify four resources from which you can gather information
about useful models of Critical Thinking. Provide the names of the resources and their
web address

1. Google Scholar


2. Eric (Educational Resources Information Center)



4. Google Books


C. Briefly explain what creative thinking is.

- Critical Thinking is the application of clear and rational thought processes when seeking
analysing information. It supports decision making, problem solving, deucing consequences and
understanding the logical connections between ideas. Critical Thinkers are observant, reflective
and capable of analysis, interpretation, evaluations and inference.

D. Access the Internet to identify Four Resources from which you gather information
about techniques that are used for thinking. Provide the names of the resources, their
web addresses and why you choose each one.

1. Google Scholar

 This one was chosen because it is straightforward to use, and Google Scholar gives a
quick way to search for scholarly material. And assist me in locating a relevant universe
of intellectual research.

2. Eric (Educational Resources Information Center)

 Eric has been quite helpful in locating articles and materials pertaining to my study


 I chose these resources because they assist me much when I need to create a journal
scientific government article. They also assist me in searching for science technical

4. Google Books

 Google Books may help you locate the book you're searching for by allowing you to
browse through pages, read online reviews, and learn where you can acquire a physical

Question 1.2
a. What questions could you ask to help identify skill gasp?

1. What is evidence?
2. What is the role of evidence?
3. What is an argument?
4. How will do arguments support theories, claims, suggestion, or problem solutions?
5. What should critical thinking skills be used?
6. What is an assumption?
7. What is a fact?
8. What is analysis?
9. What is the role of analysis?
10. Why should you ask questions about work, problems, issues, possible
11. What is bias?
12. How can you overcome bias?
13. How do you evaluate assumptions or claims?
14. How do you identify useful information?
15. How do you determine whether information is reliable relevant and accurate?
16. Under what circumstances do you use critical or creative thinking skills?
17. Give you examples of the way in which you have used critical and creative thinking
18. What do you consider to be your strengthens and your weaknesses regarding to use
of critical or creative thinking?
19. Are there barriers or constraints that you need to overcome in order to developed
critical or creative thinking skills?
20. What is the barrier or constraints and how do you think they can be overcome?


- We may construct hypothetical "what if" questions or scenarios to which members

can answer. We could create a poll with scores ranging from 1 to 10 so that people
may assess their own skill levels. Members can fill out the survey from their own
perspectives, and team leaders can fill it out based on their observations of individual
performance. These questions determine their critical thinking comprehension and
b. Critical thinking skills should be assed in terms of observed performance why is it
important to identify individual performance gaps, when helping develop critical
thinking skills on others?

- It is important to identify skills gaps leaders can observe the ways in which team
members approach their work, solve problems and contribute to the development of
effective team processes. Critical and creative thinking will be applied particular
circumstances and will not necessary apply in all circumstances. When observing
Performance trying to identify knowledge gaps tis must be taken into consideration. The
skills of the individuals in a team must be observed, analysed and, where necessary,
improved, in order to contribute to an efficient, high performing team that utilises critical
and creative thinking. If you wish to improve skills of team members the processes of
thinking must be addressed, not the accumulated knowledge of team members.

Question 1.3

A. Although there is no industry best practice model there are practices and learning
systems that can be helpful to trainers or systems that can be helpful to trainers
or Team leaders who work with learners to develop their critical and creative
thinking skills and address identified gaps. What approaches to facilitation of
critical and creative thinking methods (both formal and informal) might be useful?

- Team leaders should encourage new learning and make sure that team members have
the resources and time they need to properly participate in coaching or training activities.
Team members may learn to examine problems, challenges, and ideas from several
angles. Gather information that is relevant to the problems, issues, or ideas they are
studying, sort through and examine information and ideas to identify the central
questions, issues, and challenges, develop their own ideas, theories, and arguments,
and use critical thinking to challenge any preconceived notions or assumptions that
might affect the analysis and evaluation of ideas, claims, arguments, or conclusions.

B. What are the things that distinguish a sound organisational learning

- An organisation that embraces the lessons that can be learned from failure and studies
its own processes will be an organisation that contains more knowledge about best
practices, and will be much more able to adapt.

Characteristics of an effective organisational learning environment are:

 There is a collaborative learning culture, supported by efficient and effective

communication and information sharing systems.
 Employees understand that the organisation is made up of the series of units,
processes and systems that make up the whole systems thinking.
 Differing viewpoints are encouraged, other people’s ideas are respected and learners
are employees are encouraged to test new theories and approaches.
 The concept of lifelong learning is accepted and valued.
 Employees are given growth opportunities that focus on the development of knowledge
as well as a practical skills team and individual mastery.
 Leaders in the organisation set the example
 Everyone has the chance to make mistake and learn for them.
 Knowledge is shared so that everyone benefits new ground breaking ideas and profit
building opportunities are supported shared vision.
Question 1.4

A. To whom would you communicate the key features of critical and creative
thinking concepts and models and why would you do this?
- As a student, I want to emphasize the significance of critical and creative thinking skills
in our life. Vital and creative thinking abilities are critical for students who wish to work
and achieve in the workplace. The purpose of the effort described in this article was to
define critical and creative thinking in a way that classroom teachers might utilize to help
their pupils develop these abilities. If one of the key goals of schooling is to prepare
students for the workplace, "we need to be worried about whether schooling needs and
fosters creative thinking, because it is and will be important for [students] to stay
competitive in most occupations."

Question 1.5

A. Evaluation criteria commonly used to assess emotional strength and weakness

includes the four key concepts of:
 Self- Awareness
- To identify own emotions and the emotions of others and an awareness of how those
emotions impact on behaviour. When people understand their own emotions they are
better at not letting their feelings rule them. People with this ability pick up on emotional
cues such as body language and facial expressions. The ability to accurately perceive
emotions in some tone of voice or in their gestures or facial expressions is the starting
point for more advanced understanding emotions.
 Self-Management
- The ability to regulate emotions and behave appropriately in given situations and to
control impulsive feelings.
 Social Awareness
- To identify own emotions and the emotions of others and an awareness of how those
emotions impact on behaviour. When people understand their own emotions they are
better at not letting their feelings rule them. People with this ability pick up on emotional
cues such as body language and facial expressions. The ability to accurately perceive
emotions in some tone of voice or in their gestures or facial expressions is the starting
point for more advanced understanding emotions.
 Relationship management
- This is the ability to develop maintain good relationships, communicate clearly, inspires
and influence others. People will often characterise people with this skills as easy to talk.

Explain these concepts and how you might use them to develop evaluation criteria.

Question 1.6

A. Why is it important for those in leadership roles to identify their own emotional
strength and weaknesses?
- When emotional state that most workers will experience. The important roles leaders
need to observe behavioural signs of emotions and to react appropriately. It is critical
that leaders do not wait until employees reach a crisis point. They need to tune into
workers emotional states and identify early emotions cues that something is going on.
Check in the employees regularly. This can be done at the end of one- on- one meeting
and can be as simple as asking, “How are you managing at work?” Are there issues that
I can help you with “This invites employees to open up; something they might otherwise
be reluctant to do as they have perception that talking about their emotions is
unprofessional or sign of weakness.

Question 1.7

A. What emotional stressors and how can you learn to be aware of emotional
stressors. How might you identify which will best suit your needs?
- For me my emotional stressors are triggered or anger issues, because often I can no
longer control my emotions I went through my stress with anger , but now I have learn to
be aware of emotion especially stress that that not everyone should go through anger
with everything. Calmness help me to control my emotion and express myself in
acceptable manner. The skills of self-awareness will be the first step to managing and
controlling my anger. As a person we need to be aware that re angry losing controls. We
need to manage those emotions. This involves rethinking automatic responses and
taking responsibility for action.

Question 1.8

A. There are many methods available to help respond to emotional stressors. How
might you identify which will best suit your needs?
- I choose stress management because they teach me how to maintain my emotion when
situations, people or events make many request or demands on you. Having been self-
aware enough to identify stressors. A person who has this type of stress response
should look for stress relief strategies that the calm down. This one can help me to
practice my stress management focus my attention and become more aware. We can
learn to feel the physical changes in our body that happen in response to your changing
emotions. Understanding this mind body connection is the first step in learning how to be
better manages your stress and how emotions affect your body. If you can figure what
helps you feel more calm and relaxed in that moment, you know you’ve figure out one of
your stress triggers and what works to manage it.

Question 1.9

A. Suggest ten emotional responses which could indicate stress in co-workers.

1. Feeling heroic, euphoric or invulnerable

2. Denial
3. Anxiety Fear
4. Worry about safety or self or others
5. Irritability Anger
6. Restlessness
7. Sadness, moodiness, grief of depression
8. Vivid or distressing dreams
9. Guilt
10. Feeling overwhelmed, helpless or hopeless

Question 1.10

A. When confronted with an emotional employee, many leaders feel uncomfortable.

Suggest six ways in which leader might plan to respond well to this situation.
What should be avoided?
1. Promoting open communication and encourage workers to share their concerns about
work- related stressors at an early stage they should be feel comfortable with discussing
any issues that may arise.
2. Being aware of non-worked related stressors that might be present in workers live (for
example looking after an elderly or disabled relative) and allowing flexible work
arrangements where predictable.
3. Taking the time to talk through problems with workers.
4. Dealing sensitively with workers who are experiencing problems.
5. Paying attention to team members who is behaving out character.

- We should avoid saying anything critical, anything that fails to appreciate their situation
or asks the person to disguise or reject feelings.

Question 1.11

Why do leaders need to demonstrate flexibility and adaptability when dealing with others?

- Leadership should identify their own in strict leadership style and determine when it
might be necessary to step outside of their automatic responds and deliver leadership in
a style that suits individual or teams. Goods leaders are strong leader. They are also
flexible and adaptable. It is commonly accepted that the most efficient and effective
leadership style is situational leadership. Situational leadership styles are situational
leadership. Situational leadership styles build trust based relationship with employees
and workers.

Question 1.12

At time, when making decisions, you will need to take into account the emotions of others.
What emotional principles and strategies might you use?

- If I was a leader I need to balance emotion with reasons and make decisions that will
benefit with my employees, customers etc. This particularly important when making
decisions that involve change, anxiety, stress. I actively listen to the thoughts, feelings or
emotions with employees, team members paraphrasing and retreating the spoken words
will help me as a leader to interpret the underlying feeling of employees. I observe their
body language, facial expression, and tone of voice used by employees when talking
about making decisions. Taking the time validates the feelings of the employees and lets
them know their concerns, with regard to the specific matter under discussion, are

Question 1.13

What are the major positives and negatives of consulting stakeholders? How does this
identify areas for personal improvement?

- The most important reasons to identify stakeholders in early stages of project is to allow
them to become an effective participation of stakeholders may help to bring more ideas
on table and will include different prospective from different stakeholders.

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