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处理浓度 10mg/L
处理时间:稻苗 1~1.5 叶期
效果: 防止老化,提高成活率
Product: 6-Benzylaminopurine (6-BA)
Dosage: 10mg/l
Usage: When the rice seedlings at the stage of 1~1.5 leaf, spray 10mg/l 6-BA, can prevent aging,
improve the survival rate;

用 0.15mg/l 药液对水稻浸种,可明显提高幼苗素质,出苗整齐,叶色深绿,茎基宽,带蘖
Product: Brassinolide (BR)
Dosage: 0.15mg/l
Usage: Soaking rice seeds with 0.15mg/l brassinolide solution, it can improve the quality of
seedlings obviously, make the seedlings come out evenly, the leaves are dark green, and the stem
base is wide, the seedlings with tiller are much more, so do white-rooted;

播前用浓度为 0.01mg/L 药液浸泡水稻种子 24h, 1KG 药液浸种 0.8~1kg 种子;或苗期用

0.01mg/l 药液喷雾,用药液量为 750l/hm2, 均可增加分蘖,增强秧苗抗逆性;
Dosage: 0.01mg/l
Usage: Soaking the rice seeds with 0.01mg/l brassinolide solution about 24h pre sowing, you can
put 0.8~1kg seeds into 1KG 0.01mg/l brassinolide solution;
Or spray with 0.01mg/l brassinolide solution during the stage of seedling, 750l/hm2.
Both methods can increase tillering, enhance resistance of seedling

秧苗移栽前后喷施 0.15mg/l 药液,可使已在秧苗新根生长快,迅速返青不败苗,秧苗健壮,

Dosage: 0.15mg/l
Usage: Spray with 0.15mg/l brassinolide solution before & after transplanting seedlings, can make
the new roots of seedling transplanting grow fast, turned green quickly & unbeaten seedling, the
seedling is strong, increase tiller freely.

水稻秧苗分蘖期每亩用 0.01~0.05mg/l 药液 50kg 叶面喷洒,可是秧苗返青快;

Dosage: 0.01~0.05mg/l
Usage: Foliar spray with 0.01~0.05mg/l brassinolide solution 50KG during the stage of seedling
tillering, make the seedlings turn green fast.

开花期用浓度为 0.01~0.05mg/l 药液叶面喷洒 1 次,可早抽穗,早扬花,一般比对照早扬花

Dosage: 0.01~0.05mg/l
Usage: Foliar spray with 0.01~0.05mg/l brassinolide solution 1 time during the stage of flowering,
it can make the rice head out early, bloom early, it will be earlier 3~5 days than contrast.
水稻开花期喷洒 0.01mg/l 药液 750kg/hm2,可促进籽粒灌浆,增加粒重与产量;
Dosage: 0.01mg/l
Usage: Spray with 0.01mg/l brassinolide solution during the stage of flowering, 750kg/hm2, can
promote grain grouting, increase grain weight and field.

赤霉素与芸苔素内酯混用提高水稻结实率。在杂交水稻开花时以 5~40mg/l 的赤霉酸 4 与

0.01~0.1mg/l 的芸苔素内酯混合喷洒水稻花序,可以明显提高水稻结实率,增加产量。
Product: Gibberellic Acid (GA) & Brassinolide (Hybrid rice)
Dosage: 5~40mg/l GA & 0.01~0.1mg/l Brassinolide
Usage: Spray rice inflorescence with 5~40mg/l GA & 0.01~0.1mg/l Brassinolide during the stage
of flowering, can increase rice seed setting obviously, and increase fields.

赤霉素: 10~30mg/l,在始穗期至齐穗期喷洒,促进穗下节伸长,抽穗早,提高异交结实

Product: Gibberellic Acid (GA) (Hybrid rice)

Dosage: 10~30mg/l
Usage: Spray with 10~30mg/l GA solution during the stage of ear period beginning to full heading
time, improve vision into setting and increase grain weight.

0.5~1.0mg/l 在幼穗分化至齐穗期,叶面喷洒,增产
0.5~1.0mg/l 1 叶 1 心或者 2 叶 1 心期, 喷洒,提高秧苗素质

Product: Triacontanol
Dosage: 0.5~1.0mg/l
Usage: Foliar spray with 0.5~1.0mg/l Triacontanol solution during the stage of young ear
differentiation to full heading time, can increase fields.

Dosage: 0.1 formulations

Usage: Soaking seeds with 0.1% Triacontanol formulation before sowing, enhance resistance.

Dosage: 0.5~1.0mg/l
Usage: Spray 0.5~1.0mg/l Triacontanol solution during the stage of 1 leaf 1 heart or 2 leaves 1
heart, can raise the quality of seedlings.

Product: Daminozide
To prevent the rice lodging
Occurrence of excessive growth of rice, can be sprayed Daminozide jointing solution can
reduce plant height and internode, organization thick, sturdy stem. To prevent lodging.
Usage: spray concentration 3000PPm, the use of jointing in the beginning of rice. 1000
square meters per 75 kg of liquid spraying, spray again a week later.
Note: drugs are crossing the existing service should be used, with a small amount of hot
water before dissolving Daminozide powder. Add water to the desired concentration;
avoid mixed with Copper Products, if the use of Bordeaux mixture, have an interval of 5
days; in the liquid by adding 01% neutral detergent. Favorable liquid adhesion and by leaf
absorption, and enhanced efficacy.

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