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Correct answers are marked 

in green.
User-chosen answers are marked with an arrow like this «
Question 1:
Who are the parents of the walker siblings?
Mr. Jake Walker and Mrs. Bellamy Walker
Mr. Joshua Walker and Mrs. Amy Walker
Mr. Jacob Walker and Mrs. Bellamy Walker   « your answer
Question 2:
Who among the siblings like to read books?
Cordelia   « your answer
Question 3:
Who built the House?
Dr. Hayes
Denver Kristoff   « your answer
The old crone
Question 4:
When was the house built?
1908   « your answer
Question 5:
Why did the Wind Witch cursed the siblings? (Choose the best)
Because Cordelia stole a book from the library
Because Brendan angered her before
The Walkers owned the house   « your answer
Question 6:
What is the first book that the siblings was trapped into?
The Book of Doom and Desire
The Fighting Ace
The Savage Warriors   « your answer
The Book of Heart and Helm
Question 7:
What is the second book that they were trapped into?
The Fighting Ace   « your answer
The Savage Warriors
The Book of Heart and Helm
Question 8:
Who is Will Draper?
One of the warriors of Slayne
A young British soldier, Wing Commander   « your answer
Co-captain of the pirate ship
Question 9:
Why did Will Draper didn't fell in love with Cordelia? (though she kissed him already)
He thought he's too old for Cordelia
Because he's just a fictional character   « your answer
Because he's a war freak
Question 10:
Who was the first tempted to open the Book of Doom and Desire?
Will   « your answer
Question 11:
What did they thought/called the Colossi?
Fat Jagger   « your answer
Michael Jackson
Question 12:
who is Penelope Hope in the Book?
a brilliant girl   « your answer
Question 13:
what did Dhalia Kristoff used to call the knight statue?
Dr. Hayes
Arisdotle   « your answer
Question 14:
Who fought with the Wind Witch at the end?
Denver Kristoff   « your answer
Will Draper
Slayne and his men
Storm King
Question 15:
How did they beat the Wind Witch?
They wrote a wish that will save them and the world to the Book of Doom and Desire   « your answer
Slayne and his men tortured her
She was killed by the Storm King
Question 16:
what happened next when they were saved? (Choose the best)
Will Draper was alive again
They went to the night that all had started   « your answer
They had 10 million dollars as Eleanor wished

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