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Terms of Reference

“Detailed Engineering Design and Procurement Support Consultancy for
Khagrachari, Cluster Towns, Rangamati and BEZA”

1.1. Project Background
Urban water supply and sanitation (WSS) is a priority sector in the development
agenda of Government of Bangladesh (GoB) as reflected in its Eighth Five Year
Plan documents. The commitment of GoB to achieve UN Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs) by 2030 also indicates its commitment to the sector and recognition
of the needs of its population. In line with this, the country has made good progress
in the sector during last 15-20 years. The access of the population to safe water is
now 72% and the sanitation coverage is 74%. Piped water supply is now available
in 106 Pourashavas out of 306 Pourashavas, though the duration of supply is quite
Despite above progress, urban water supply faces many challenges like limited
duration (2-12 hours) of water supply, low production and storage, high unaccounted
for water (UFW) of 30% and more and high non-revenue water (about 35%), In
addition, unscientific water tariff setting coupled with non-metering and low bill
collection efficiencies are hampering the sustainability of WS systems. This requires
subsidies to meet O&M costs and thus reduces allocations for planned expenditure
on development/improvement of water supply systems. The situation of sanitation
improvement in the country also has similar limitations. Urban population growth
continuously outpaces gains in improved sanitation access. However, Citywide
Inclusive Sanitation (CWIS) bolsters the envisioned urban transformation, by
operating the kind of sanitation services each city requires. CWIS-FSM Support Cell,
DPHE is working to create an enabling environment across the community,
municipality, and national level facilitating CWIS, which includes a mix of diverse
technical solutions and incorporates resource recovery and reuse where feasible.
In parallel, developing quality services (including WSS) to urban areas, industrial
development is equally essential for the economic growth of the country. By enacting
Export Processing Zone (EPZ) Act, 1980 Government of Bangladesh initiated
development of EPZs in the country. To streamline the activity, Bangladesh Export
Processing Zone Authority (BEPZA) was constituted and the first EPZ was
established in 1983 in Chittagong. However, besides export, country needed rapid
industrialization and industries were facing challenges in land acquisition as well as
in getting adequate water, power, gas, access roads, communication, waste
disposal etc. To provide such facilities in a coordinated and economic manner,
Government of Bangladesh enacted Bangladesh Economic Zone Act (BEZA) in
2010. The authority is in the process of developing various Economic Zones in the
country and providing land and other basic services (water, power, gas, access to
roads, communication connectivity etc.) besides protection from natural calamities
(especially floods). In line with this, the biggest economic zone is under development
at Mirsarai with an area of about 136.86 sq. km. Although, it is situated within the
banks of Karnaphuli river near Chattogram, but assured availability of water is a
major challenge due to health risks associated with river water. Therefore, water
supply to the Mirsharai Economic Zone (popularly known as Bangabandhu Sheikh
Mujib Shilpa Nagar or BSMSN) is a big challenge.
DPHE is the foremost institution amongst various sector institutions engaged in
WSS services in the country. It is in the process of addressing various policy,
institutional and organizational issues to fulfil the sector needs. Secondly,
Pourashavas (as new entrants) to manage these services need technical, financial
and community support for sustainability of services. These Pourasahavs generally
lack technical, financial and other capacities besides autonomy to set tariffs and
collect it. DPHE possesses the technical capabilities and can support Pourshavas
but doesn’t have adequate pool of resources to support Pourashavas on financial
and community mobilization front. As LGD approves all important decisions on
planning, staffing and tariff, the area specificity is mostly not addressed in the
A substantial progress has been made in provision of WSS services to the urban
sector and more specifically to major cities and towns. Some of the major cities like
Dhaka, Chittagong, Khulna etc. have established WASAs to manage such services.
However, provision of sustainable WSS services in secondary towns still remains a
major challenge. Addressing the sanitation value chain of Sanitation is one step
forward toward the institutionalization of the CWIS approach in those secondary
towns to achieve safely managed sanitation for all. Better health and well-being, and
safe sanitation choices are essential for human rights and dignity. To improve the
WSS (water supply and sanitation including solid waste management) situation in
some secondary hill towns, DPHE, GoB has approached ADB for financial support.
As an initial support, ADB has provided a loan of about US$ 11 million towards
project readiness financing (PRF) to support project preparation for ensuring loans
under Urban Infrastructure Improvement Facility Project (UIIFP). The major portion
of this funding has been allocated for hiring a PRF Consultant for undertaking
a. Feasibility and detailed engineering design consultancy for WSS services for
three hill towns of Rangamati, Bandarban and Lama besides required
procurement support;
b. Feasibility Study for WSS services for eight secondary towns using cluster
approach. It included towns of Ishwardi, Pabna, Natore and Lalpur/Gopalpur
under Ishwardi cluster and towns of Cumilla, Haziganj, Chandpur and Laksam
under Cumilla cluster
The PRF Consultants have made substantial progress and have undertaken most
of works under “a” and shall be completing all tasks by end of September 2022 a
sequel to this Technical Assistance, a project entitled Chattogram Hill Tracts-
Inclusive and Resilient Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Project (CHT-
IRUWSSP) has been conceived and developed by DPHE for financing by ADB.

1.2. Overall Project Objectives and Coverage

The CHT-IRUWSS Project is in line with sector based approach of ADB and GoB.
The development (broader) objectives of the project are:
 To improve living conditions and health of the people of the participating project
 To support provision of enhanced economic opportunities in the project area
and its surroundings
Whereas the specific project objectives are:
 To increase water supply coverage to 90% or more in the selected towns
 To increase the sanitation coverage to more than 98% in selected towns,
conforming to Commitment of GOB (towards attainment of UN SDG by 2030)
 To improve capacity of secondary towns to implement, operate, maintain and
manage WSS services
 To support capacity building of both DPHE and Local bodies to plan, supervise
and monitor the implementation of such projects
 To undertake policy and institutional reforms to support sustainability of WSS
systems at local level
 To develop detailed designs for future improvement of WSS in other selected
secondary towns (Khagrachari, eight cluster towns, 22 coastal towns) and for
provision of water supply in identified industrial area (BSMSN, BEZA located
at Mirsharai) and two (depends on alignment) en-route towns to improve
economic activities and living conditions in these areas.

The coverage of investments under the project is on Rangamati, Bandarban and Lama
Hill Towns, whereas coverage of Technical Assistance is on WSS improvements of
Khagrachari Hill Town, 8 cluster towns and 22 coastal towns besides treated water
supply to BSMSN, BEZA and en-route towns (possibly two) and sanitation services to
Rangamati Hill town.
1.3. Project Components
As indicated earlier, PRF Consultants were engaged by DPHE under UIIFP, with
financial support from ADB, to develop investment proposals for development of water
supply and sanitation (mainly fecal sludge management) of three secondary hill towns
(Rangamati, Bandarban and Lama) as well as to undertake feasibility study of water
supply and sanitation (WSS) improvements in eight towns of Ishwardi and Cumilla
clusters. The PRF Consultants are also providing required procurement support.
The developed investment proposals for implementation of WS infrastructure in three
hill towns and sanitation infrastructure for Bandarban and Lama have been included for
financing by ADB under Chattogram Hill Tracts Inclusive and Resilient Urban Water
Supply and Sanitation Project (CHT-IRUWSSP). As per existing proposal, ADB shall
fund USD 130 million out of a total project cost of USD 160 million.
Under the overall scope of project, it is proposed to undertake the following major
project components:
COMPONENT A: A major portion of ADB financing under the project is for supporting
the investments in WSS infrastructure in three hill towns involving procurement of works
(WSS infrastructure), goods and services. The services are proposed for project
management, construction supervision, design review, capacity building, governance
and encouraging behavioural change amongst local communities. The investment
includes provision for social and environment safeguards as per ADB Safeguards
Policy Statement (SPS) (2009). The land acquisition etc. shall be paid from the
contributions made by Government of Bangladesh. The project plans to focus on
investments in infrastructure that maximizes the efficiency, effectiveness and utility of
infrastructure and services planned under the Project and will prioritize the underserved
areas and the poor sections of population in these towns. The project plans to support
and further consolidate the continuing efforts of the GoB and ADB in institutional
development, capacity building and improved governance in the urban sector.
The developed investment proposals include WS infrastructure in three hill towns
(Rangamati, Bandarban and Lama) and sanitation infrastructure for Bandarban and
Lama towns.
COMPONENT B: ADB is also extending financial support towards Technical
Assistance for
a. Detailed Engineering Design of WSS infrastructure (excluding sanitation
infrastructure in Cumilla - which is under a different financing) in two cluster
regions of Cumilla and Ishwardi involving eight towns. These designs shall focus
on establishment and expansion of water supply network for improving hours of
water supply, reduction of non-revenue water (NRW), rehabilitation and
expansion of sanitation network, modernization and new construction of water
supply system, fecal sludge and solid waste management systems in the project
towns (included in Table 1). However, feasibility study for WS and Fecal Sludge
Management for these towns are being finalized by PRF Consultants under
b. Feasibility study and Detailed Engineering Design for provision of water supply
and sanitation (FSM and SWM) services for Khagrachhari Hill Town;
c. Feasibility study and Detailed Engineering Design for sanitation (FSM and SWM)
services for Rangamati Hill Town;
d. Feasibility study and detailed engineering design for provision of water supply to
BSMSN, BEZA and en-route towns (possibly two towns based on present
e. Feasibility Study and Engineering design of WSS services for 22 coastal towns
of Bangladesh.
The above works (a, b, c, d and e) are planned to be undertaken through two
consultancies: One involving works under “a”, “b” “c” and “d” and another consultancy
for works under “e” focusing solely on coastal towns. The Terms of Reference for these
consultancies also include provision of procurement support, capacity building and
encouragement to behavioural change at community level. The present TOR is for
works under “a”, “b” and “c” and ‘d”.
Overall, the CHT-IRUWSSP has both Infrastructure investments as well as
Technical Assistance (mainly consultancies) for development of investment
proposals for near future.
The current and projected population for the proposed secondary towns for potential
future investments through Technical Assistance is presented in Table 1.
Table 1: Present and Projected Population of Khagrachhari, Cluster Towns and
Rangamati under Technical Assistance Component of CHT-IRUWSSP

Name of Town/ Local Cluster/Hill District Present Population Projected Population

Sl No.
Government Institution Council (HDC) Estimated (2020) (2045)
1 Khagrachhari Khagrachari HDC 47278 (2011) 93,582
2 Cumilla CC 463746 1,230,340
3 Laksam PS 81335 120,360
4 Chandpur PS 168419 197,540
5 Haziganj PS 71323 96,819
6 Ishwardi PS 75554 108,818
7 Pabna PS 174602 295,738
8 Natore PS 90124 119,650
9 Lalpur PS (Gopalpur) 23468 31,779
10 Rangamati Rangamati HDC 102805 180186
The outcome of CHT-IRUWSSP shall be
(a) Improved water supply service delivery in three hill towns (Rangamati, Bandarban
and Lama) and sanitation service delivery in Bandarban and Lama Pourashava areas;
(b) Preparation of investment proposals for WSS improvements in Khagrachari, Eight
cluster towns (except sanitation component of Cumilla), and WSS improvements of 22
coastal towns and
(c) Preparation of investment proposal for water supply to support economic and
industrial activities in the BSMSN, BEZA area. It is conceived that water supply to BEZA
industrial area and en-route towns shall not only support economic activities but shall
also contribute in improving living conditions in these areas, thus benefitting a
substantial population of these towns.
As per design, the CHT- IRUWSSP will have following outputs:
The project plans to have the following outputs: adequate, safe, and affordable basic
services including water, sanitation, and waste management ensured. The project will
have the following outcome: access to safely managed, sustainable and inclusive
drinking water supply, sanitation, and SWM services improved in the project area.
Output 1: Climate-resilient and inclusive drinking water supply, sanitation, and
solid waste management infrastructure developed and/or upgraded. The project
will develop full surface-based drinking water supply systems with household
connections to provide inclusive, resilient, safely managed and continuous (24/7) water
supply services in Bandarban, Lama, and Rangamati towns. This shall include (i)
New/rehabilitated water treatment plants, (ii) water distribution networks with metered
connections (including 90% of vulnerable households),1 and (iii) smart water
management and district metered area approaches to improve capacity for sustainable
water management and climate-resilience. The project plans to establish end-to-end
systems adopting a city-wide inclusive sanitation framework to provide safely managed
sanitation and SWM services in the towns of Bandarban and Lama. This shall include
(i) improved toilets containment (90% vulnerable households), (ii) equipment (e.g.,
trucks and bins) for safe fecal sludge collection and emptying and solid waste collection
and transportation, (iii) facilities for FS and SW treatment and resource recovery
(including community collection centers), and (iv) facilities for safe disposal of non-
recyclable waste and treated sludge.
Output 2: Capacity, governance, and awareness of institutions and local
communities in climate-resilient, sustainable, and inclusive urban services
strengthened. To improve sustainability and quality of urban service delivery, the
project will strengthen capacity of staff (at least 90% women staff) from DPHE,
Pourashavas and HDC, in climate-resilient, inclusive and sustainable water supply,
sanitation, and SWM service delivery. It will develop GESI-responsive service
sustainability plans, with clear responsibilities, financing mechanisms and revenue
improvement for O&M. Pourashavas and HDCs will also develop water and sanitation
safety plans supported by the project. Digital applications for customers’ records and
revenue collection, non-revenue water control, and assets and complaints
management will strengthen the service provision capacity of local institutions. The
project will conduct community awareness and behavior change campaigns (at least
60% women and girls, and vulnerable people) on water, sanitation and hygiene,
climate-resilience, and sustainable SWM (including reduce, reuse, recycle) to
maximize the health and economic impact of the infrastructure investments. Since,
DPHE is committed to facilitate the CWIS approach that demonstrates three functions:
a Responsible authority with procedures for Managing and Planning Resourcing,
including funding, assets, and human resources, as well as a clear, inclusive mandate
for service delivery and a way to assure Accountability for performance against this
mandate. To make progress approaching CWIS functions, urban development
professionals, stakeholders, and the city authorities need to better understand how
sanitation impacts the functions and form of the city and how it supports economic
development and promotes equity through safe management of excreta and solid
waste for the whole city. This output will also support an institutional reform agenda to
improve governance, sustainability, and service quality and citizens’ inclusion in urban
service provision.
Output 3: Quality, readiness, and resilience of water supply and sanitation
projects in Khagrachari, eight cluster towns of Ishwardi and Cumilla (except
sanitation of Cumilla town), 22 Coastal towns and water supply to BEZA
improved. The project will support high quality design preparation and readiness for
water supply and sanitation investments for above readiness activities. The above
towns are facing similar service challenges related to urban service provision and shall
be taken up for future ADB financing. The designs will include preparation of disaster,
climate-resilient and inclusive plans and detailed designs, bidding documents based on
the feasibility studies (mainly for cluster towns) prepared under the readiness financing
facility and bid evaluation reports. The project shall also develop and propose optimal
institutional arrangements for sustainable O&M in cluster-based water supply systems,
which is an innovative approach for Bangladesh.
1.4. Project Management
Department of Public Health Engineering (DPHE), GoB is the Executing Agency for
CHT-IRUWSSP and is also responsible for project management and implementation.
A state-level Project Management Unit (PMU), headed by Project Director (PD) under
DPHE shall manage the project. All the proposed consultancies will work under the
overall guidance, technical control, and directions of the PD, PMU, CHT-IRUWSSP.
Under CHT-IRUWSSP following consulting services are proposed to be engaged to
assist and provide managerial, technical and other necessary support to the project:
1. Project Management, Construction Supervision and Design Review Consultant
(PMCSDRC) - for implementation of Infrastructure Developments for WSS in
three Hill Towns (Rangamati, Bandarban and Lama)
2. Detailed Engineering Design and Procurement Support Consultant (DEDC) for
Khagrachari, 8 Cluster Towns, Rangamati and BSMSN, BEZA
3. Detailed Engineering Design and Procurement Support Consultant (DEDC) for
WSS Improvements of 22 Coastal Towns
4. Capacity Building and Behavioural Change Consultant (CBBCC)
The PMU, DPHE will recruit consulting firms in accordance with “ADB’s Guidelines on
the Use of Consultants, ADB Procurement Policy, 2017 and Procurement Regulations
for ADB Borrowers, 2017.
PMU will also engage three national consultants (individuals) to support Financial
Management, Procurement and Monitoring and Evaluation (MIS) besides hiring an
auditing firm (accounts) and two international consultants (individuals) for supporting
gender action planning and monitoring; and for impact studies of the project
1.5. Implementation Period
This specific TOR is for “Detailed Engineering Design and Procurement Support
Consultancy for Khagrachari, Cluster Towns, Rangamati and BEZA” (DEDC-
KCTRB) and shall be completed within a period of 21 months from the date of
Mobilization (as agreed under Contract Agreement). This shall include
a. Validation of earlier studies
• Pre-feasibility study of water supply to BSMSN, BEZA
• Feasibility study of WSS services for eight cluster towns of Ishwardi
and Cumilla (Except sanitation for Cumilla) clusters, prepared by
PRF consultants under UIIFP;
b. Undertake Feasibility Study and Detailed Engineering Design for WSS for
Khagrachari Hill Town and BSMSN, BEZA;
c. Detailed Engineering Design for WSS in 8 cluster towns of Ishwardi and
d. Detailed Engineering Design (details later) for Water Supply System for
BSMSN, BEZA and en-route towns;
e. Validate work done (beyond pre-feasibility) on sanitation improvements for
Rangamati town, and develop a comprehensive stragegy for sanitation
(including vulnerable area) adopting a City-Wide Inclusive Sanitation
approach and develop Detailed Engineering Design for Sanitation (involving
both fecal sludge and/or simplified sewer or DEWATS as well as solid waste
management) improvements for Rangamati town;
f. Procurement Support: This shall include preparation of strategic
procurement planning (including market assessment), a procurement plan
and bid documents for procurement of works (inviting tenders for
engagement of contractors for construction activities) finalized under above
activities as well as for procurement of goods and services;
g. Capacity Building of Project Stakeholders in “gap” areas identified under the
consultancy, mainly by involving subject matter specialists/experts engaged
under DED Consultancy.

1.6. CONSULTANCY PACKAGE: Scope, Major Tasks and Terms of Reference

1.6.1. Purpose of the Assignment and Scope
Although, the DEDC-KCTRB consulants shall directly work under the technical
guidance and administration of PD, PMU, CHT- IRUWSSP, they shall also closely
work with DPHE, LGIs (City Corporation/Pourashavas/Hill District Councils) of project
towns and BEZA.
DEDC-KCTRB, as the first step shall thoroughly study all the pre-feasibility and
feasibility study reports developed for most of above towns and BEZA. It shall
undertake all required measures to validate the same and bridge any gaps (data,
survey, studies) to undertake the task of Detailed Engineering Design (DED).
Once above is done, the major objective of the “Detailed Engineering Design
Consultancy for Khagrachari, Cluster Towns, Rangamati and BEZA” (Referred as
DEDC - KCTRB) shall be to assist Project Management Unit (PMU), DPHE in

A. Detailed engineering designs of sub projects for

a. Water supply and sanitation (Involving sanitation and SWM) improvements
for Khagrachari Hill town;
b. WSS improvements of eight secondary towns of Cumilla and Ishwardi
cluster towns (excluding sanitation improvements for Cumilla);
c. Comprehensive sanitation improvement for Rangamati town;
The above towns (under a, b and c) have been referred as 10 Project Towns
later in the TOR)
d. Water supply to BSMSN, BEZA including en-route towns (later referred as
“WS to BEZA” later in the TOR).
B. Procurement Support (bid documentation for all sub-projects, limited evaluation
support etc.) for implementation of developed projects in these 10 towns and
BEZA area. This shall include bid documentation for all procurement packages
(works, goods and services) identified.

The DEDC-KCTRB will ensure that the works are designed in accordance with
sound engineering practices and selected technology and materials are of
prescribed quality in accordance with the specifications and of economic value. A
life cycle cost analysis shall be required to be included to justify both technology and
specific materials. DEDC shall submit required records (including calculations) to
check/proof checks, basis of recommendation of conceptual, preliminary and/or
detailed designs, detailed specifications as well as construction drawings. if required,
it shall also provide support in preparing typical conditions of contract (to adhere to
designs) in line with international practices and in accordance with the Bank’s
The DEDC-KCTRB shall also update/prepare and present Schedule of Rates (SOR)
for all items used for undertaking the cost estimates of proposed WSS facilities. It
shall be a detailed document with coverage of all related works and details of
specifications, scope of work under each item including an analysis of rates etc. It
should use the SOR of DPHE and PWD, GoB as far as possible and provide
adequate justification for any deviations. However, for non-scheduled items and
specific goods and works, they must provide a logical basis (including market rates,
market sounding) for using particular rates under specific circumstances.
The DEDC-KCTRB shall continue to assist PMU in offering comments/advice on
specific design related issues for the project, as and when required.
1.6.2. Duration and Location of the Services
The consultancy assignment is for 21 months duration. The DEDC-KCTRB office
shall be at Dhaka from where Team Leader along with required team members shall
provide the services under this assignment. However, as per the requirements of
project works, members of DED team will be required to travel and visit to project
towns and areas. DEDC-KCTRB team shall be mobilized as per their schedule of
commencement of the works (finalized during contract negotiations and award) and
in consultation with the PD, CHT-IRUWSSP, DPHE (client).
1.6.3. Scope of Services and Terms of Reference
Specific Scope of Services: The specific scope of services of DEDC-KCTRB shall
include: Validation of Pre-Feasibility and Feasibility Studies
During preparatory facility stage of UIIFP, PRF consultants had carried out feasibility
of sub-project components under cluster approach, covering eight towns of
Ishwardi and Cumilla clusters, to ascertain the technical and financial viability in the
immediate phase and accordingly the listing of packages has been done. In these
Cluster towns, feasibility study has considered surface water-based supply from
nearby large river of the mentioned regions using cluster approach to supply potential
towns. PRF Consultant has also explored the potential towns to be incorporated in
the cluster considering the location of source and its management aspect. This has
covered the modalities of service delivery for the new approach along with operation
and maintenance mechanisms for cluster approach.
Feasibility study of sanitation of the towns (mostly fecal sludge management) has
been covered under the component. The study has considered technical feasibility,
environmental and social impact mitigations, staff capacities and needs, institutional
capacity building needs, and economic and financial aspects. Based on above
assessment, alternative options have been developed and proposal has been made
for the preferred options. Financial analyses and tariff structures has also been
reviewed and improvements have been recommended both for capital investments
and annual operation and maintenance costs.
The PRF Consultants, UIIFP are (as on date) formulating alternative schemes for
water supply network for these eight towns. The alternative schemes have been
analyzed by the combination of alternate water sources, locations of pumping
stations, treatment plants, reservoirs and main pipe routes in particular for the cluster
approach. The Consultant has also undertaken a detailed risk assessment of the
proposed schemes. Their Feasibility Report (soon to be available with PD, UIIPF,
DPHE), mainly addresses the following aspects for the sub-projects:
 Evaluation of potentiality of surface water source based on the
hydrological investigation and selection of best feasible solution (source)
explaining justification.
 Assessment of groundwater potentiality based on hydro-geological
investigation (however, ground water should only be used, when surface water
as a source is technically/economically not feasible in that area)
 Development of selection criteria of towns in consultation with different
 Selection of towns for the each cluster exploring the different alternatives based
on agreed criteria
 Evaluation of design alternatives
 Preliminary design and cost estimation
 Organization evaluation and capacity assessment
 Operation and maintenance aspects
 Financial and economic analysis
 Diagnosis of institutional arrangement to provide WSS service for cluster towns
(innovative approach for Bangladesh)
 Financial planning, evaluation, and modality for clusters
 Institutional capacity and public awarness
 Formulation of work implementation plan
 Preliminary procurement plan and strategic procurement planning
 Contracting modality
 Preliminary construction schedule
 Analyze the method and route of laying the network,
 Assess and propose the mitigation measures of safeguard issue of
environmental and social,
 Undertake the poverty and social dimension
 Detailed risk assessment of the options
 Stakeholder consultation
 Evaluation of probable technical solutions considering land availability, long
term operation and easy maintenance focusing on availability of spare parts,
quality (such as water safety), accuracy (such as meter reading) and
environment friendliness
 Explored appropriate technologies for setting up of WTP with probable
 Preliminary engineering design (PED) of the water supply scheme as agreed
by DPHE/towns
 Based on the PED, the Consultant has defined the right of-way (ROW) to be
acquired for the water supply distribution network for the project towns including
technical descriptions of the areas/sites. The Consultant has also assessed
resettlement requirements, if any, including estimates of costs and feasible
relocation sites.
 Provided Details outline of FSM system including establishment of an FS
Treatment Plant/Facility;
 Developed Minimum Performance Standards and Specifications (MPSS) for
the design, construction, operation and maintenance (O&M) of the sub-project
 For the selected scheme, the capital cost estimates have been made for the
different sub-Project components: viz: diversions, pumping stations, treatment
plants, reservoirs, main pipes, distribution network, including road cutting cost
In addition, a pre-feasibility study conducted by Institute of Water Modeling (IWM)
for BEZA to ascertain and confirm availability of adequate water to supply about
1100 MLD water to BSMSN, BEZA confirms adequate year-round water availability,
upstream of Meghna-Dakotiya confluence near Chandpur. However, the location of
intake is not final and is subject to change.
DPHE has also undertaken a pre-feasibility study for supply of water to BEZA
including path of main transmission line. While doing so, it also included the water
supply needs of en-route cluster towns including augmentation of water supply to
Cumilla city.
The data/information about WSS are available for Khagrachari Hill Town (Area
under Pourashava is 13.04 sq. km, comprising of 9 wards and 61 mohallas and a
estimated population of little over 60,000 in 2021, Presently, about 63% population
is supplied water by DPHE, mainly using ground water sources. However, the plan
is to maximize the use of surface water sources and thus this study includes
identification of water intake, transmission, SWTP etc. for developing a sustainable
and resilient water supply system for Khagrachari. The Pourashava manages the
sanitation component but there are no containment zones nor DEWATS in the town.
The sanitation management mainly refers to single pit and double pit latrines with
highly limited number of septic tanks. The coverage and level of treatment of solid
waste management is also low, wherein only one landfill site exists and collection
is done using old trucks. Overall, the coverage of water supply and sanitation is low
in Khagrachari town.
For Rangamati, PRF consultants, UIIPF have already undertaken a situational
analysis report (copy available) and a feasibility study (yet to be approved), which
included Fecal Sludge Management. However, Rangamati requires a
comprehensive city-wide inclusive sanitation approach (from containment to
treatment and dispsosal) which was covered under PRF. Detailed engineering
designs as well as social and environmental compliance reports were not carried
forward, and should be developed by DEDC-KCTRB.
Soon after inception, as a first task, DEDC-KCTRB shall validate all the findings of
feasibility study of eight cluster towns, undertaken by an international consulting
firm (PRF Consultants, UIIFP, ADB). They shall also study the work done on
sanitation improvements (FSM focused) of Rangamati. Similarly, it shall study and
validate outcomes of the pre-feasibility study of water supply to BEZA and shall
undertake further surveys, investigations, studies etc. to establish its feasibility
(especially economic, financial, environmental). Thirdly, they shall undertake basic
studies to establish feasible ways to improve WSS situation in Khagrachari Hill town
using surface water sources (replacing existing ground water dependent water
The above three reports (Cluster towns, BEZA and Rangamati) and limited data on
Khagrachari shall be the basis of Detailed Engineering Design (DED), assuming
feasibility of the subject investments will be confirmed. The DEDs shall be
undertaken by additional surveys, field visits, stakeholder consultations, review of
submitted data or other means as deemed fit by the DED Consultant. The DEDC-
KCTRB shall then only take up the DEDs and they shall be fully responsible for the
same . Detailed Engineering Design of Sub-Projects
The DEDC-KCTRB shall be responsible to carry out any further site surveys,
geotechnical and other relevant investigations, field measurements, inspections
and testing/calibrations of existing equipment, as required for the project
components, to further develop and refine the concept plans and preliminary
designs developed during feasibility study to examine improved viability with lesser
risks of failure and shall illustrate designs with more elaborate details where
necessary. It may include revisit and discussions on alternate options also.

After selection/approval of the alternative options, the DEDC-KCTRB shall carry

out the detailed design of all the sub-components of the project comprising intake
well, water treatment plants, overhead tanks, networks/pipelines, pumping stations,
valves, area meters, consumer meters, onsite sanitation containment/treatment,
fecal sludge treatment components for secondary towns and solid waste
management facilities (collection, transportation, treatment and disposal etc.) to
the level sufficient for estimation of capital and operations and maintenance costs
to a reasonably accurate level. The design activities for the proposed project shall
include detailed engineering analysis and designs, drawings, works, specifications,
bills of quantities, and cost estimates (Engineer’s Cost) based on justifiable Schedule
of Rates (with analysis) as followed by DPHE, LGED and/or PWD and supplemented
by market rates (for non-scheduled items), rate analysis as well as detailed
procurement and implementation plans.

Specifically, the tasks of DEDC-KCTRB shall mainly involve following activities

(though not limited to):
 Establish the feasibility of adequate quantity of water supply to Khagrachari Hill
town, cluster towns and BSMSP, BEZA (including en-route towns) on a
sustainable basis (also in view of climate change) including alignment of
transmission mains for BEZA;
 Based on the design criteria and information from the feasibility studies (for
cluster towns and BSMSP, BEZA), laboratory and field tests and surveys, the
Consultant will finalize the following:
a. water quality and treatability at reasonable costs;
b. estimates of water needs in each sub-projects;
c. design criteria for major facilities;
d. optimum design period for the major facilities; and
e. sustainable yield (including climate change impacts) of all the proposed
sources taking into account existing and potential (known) uses over the
design period;
f. Quantity and quality of fecal sludge and solid waste generated and their
present mode of collection, treatment and disposal etc.;
 Carryout detailed topographic surveys, geo-technical/soil investigations along
the alignment of proposed transmission mains, access roads, proposed water
storage/reservoir sites, intake structures, water treatment plants, en-route
pumping machinery, distribution network, as well as for sanitation works, which
shall include FSM, SWM and/or IWTP Facilities or other solutions to provide
city-wide inclusive sanitation for 9 secondary towns - Khagrachari, Rangamati
and 7 Cluster towns out of 8 except Cumilla) involving containment, collection,
transfer, treatment and disposal facilities etc.
 Prepare the hydraulic and functional designs of the proposed sub-project
facilities including intake structures, water treatment plant, pumping stations,
clear water reservoirs, transmission mains and water distribution network
besides FSM and SWM Treatment facility (preferably an Integrated Waste
Treatment Facility) or other solutions to provide city-wide inclusive sanitation
 Prepare detailed engineering design and construction drawings of the facilities
that will cover details of onsite preparatory tasks, layout facilities, simple
architectural and landscape design for pumping stations, water/sewage or Fecal
sludge and/or solid waste treatment facility preferably an IWTP, foundation and
structural works, water pipeline construction, mechanical works including piping
works and installation of pumps and other equipment, and electrical works
including instrumentation and control systems etc. as required for WSS
 Prepare bill of quantities (BoQ) and cost estimates for each contract, which must
be further indicated as costs to be paid in foreign currency and costs to be paid
in local currency;
 Prepare tender documents for each procurement/contract packages including
general specifications, detailed technical specifications for materials,
equipment, instruments; construction drawings; methods of construction of civil
works and methods of installation and fabrication of mechanical and electrical
works etc.;
 Prepare design report for each sub-project presenting the results of all the
design tasks delineated above;
 Prepare a detail procurement and management plan for the construction of each
subproject including disbursement of proceeds of the loan and budget
appropriation by the GoB besides for Test run and start-up/commissioning of all
sub-project facilities.
 Procurement support for goods, works and services;

The Detailed Project Report and related documents for each Project Town (including
en-route towns) and BSMSN, BEZA must conform to the requirements of the
Standards, Guidelines and Procedures of the GoB and ADB and should include the
 Project Proposal
 Project context in National (or DPHE’s) overall strategy/program
 Location map
 Project Evaluation Criteria
 General information: To include basic technical design, institutional
 Detailed design, drawings, specification of works and materials
 Engineer’s Estimate in the BOQ format, as necessary
 Estimated Project Cost: including capital costs, annual operation and
maintenance costs for next 5 years along with any assumptions made should
be indicated
 Environmental Safeguards in line with ADB SPS (2009) and shall include
Environmental impact assessment/initial environmental examination reports
and environmental management/mitigation plans
 Social safeguards in line with ADB SPS (2009) and shall include either Due
Diligence Reports or RIPP (Resettlement Plan/social impacts etc.)
 Economic and Financial Analysis involving
 Project Revenue: include fee/tariff structure; demand forecast for 5
 Estimated Project Benefits and Costs (both Financial and Economic)
- O&M Modalities
- Risk Allocation Matrix
- Logical Framework
- Project and Financing Milestones
 Detailed PPP options for both investments and for sustainable O&M of
planned facilities
 Details of Institutional Mechanism for both investments as well as for O&M
including plan of recruitment, outsourcing of staff for O&M etc.;
 Details of contracting modalities
 Contract packaging and Construction program detailing sequence of
implementation of various sub-projects
 Recommendations of suitable construction Techniques/equipment for proposed
works and specific precautionary/monitoring needs for specialized works
• Proposal/Suggestions on alternate procurement options for proposed sub-
projects under specific components.

As DPR is the last stage of planning and design prior to preparation of Bid
Documents it must contain in addition to other the following sections.
• Detailed hydraulic and structural calculations, specifications, BOQ for the
proposed water supply network including provision for road cutting as well as
for FSM/SWM/IWTP facilities
 Explore options for use of trenchless technology for laying water supply
sewerage network.
• Detailed drawings, layout plans, L-sections, civil & structural details, P&I
diagram, proposed electrical system drawings and standard details for the
proposed water supply system, treatment works, pumping stations and outfall
structures as well as for FSM and SWM/IWTP facilities
• Consultant should propose different procurement options for the
proposed components and provide a comparative analysis using pros and
cons for each option.
 Details of capacity building needs for the planned facilities;
The DEDC-KCTRB, after adequate interactions and discussions, will finalize the
DPRs incorporating therein all such relevant comments and suggestions as
expressed by the DPHE and other stakeholders (including ADB). Procurement Support: Basic Bid Documentation for Sub-
Based on discussions with all stakeholders’ consultant and approval from
DPHE the DEDC-KCTRB shall prepare basic bid documents from engineering
considerations (scope of work, construction drawings, bill of quantities,
construction technology, equipment needs etc.) for respective packages. It shall
also highlight issues to be included under draft contract (to be included in the bid
documents) suggesting the obligations of the implementing agency and the
contractors with respect to design, construction, and O&M and specify any
rules/procedures to address non- performance of contractual obligations. It shall
also suggest any specific criteria to be included for bid evaluation on engineering
issues. Institutional Mechanism and Capacity Building of Stakeholders
DEDC-KCTRB shall have extensive stakeholder consultations and shall develop
required institutional mechanism for management of the upcoming project and
further devise required capacity building measures to strengthen PMU, PIUs and
other project stakeholders. Under the component, they shall also arrange one
international visit for limited number (5-7) of senior professionals of PMU/project
stakeholders, to entities, which are working efficiently and are operating
1.6.4. Team Composition and Requirements for KEY PROFESSIONALS
The composition of the DEDC-KCTRB shall be in a manner, whereby there shall
be a core team of specialists/experts to oversee the project activities and a team
of specialists/experts (referred as consultants), who would be responsible for
undertaking specific activities. All DEDC-KCTRB experts shall be required to work
from Dhaka or in towns (as per specific requirements and approval of PD). No
consultant shall be allowed to work from their home offices unless & until it is felt
necessary and is in the interest of the Project and Project Director has agreed to
allow the consultant for such working from home.

The Consultants should have adequate experience and qualifications to perform

their respective activities/tasks. During execution of contract, the consultant or
person, who is observed/found deficient in performing their tasks (delivering timely
outputs) as per the expectation of PD, DPHE, which are supposed to be within their
control, will be asked to be demobilized with immediate effect. PMU shall have the
right to not to make any payments for such “unfruitful” services.
DEDC-KCTRB will set up an office at Dhaka exclusively for the project duration
and the project personnel will be based in and work out of the DEDC office, Dhaka.
Client (PD, DPHE) shall endeavor to provide adequate space for the consultant.

Team composition for the Project Team of the DEDC-KCTRB (Key

Specialists/Experts, Non key professionals and support staff) with the minimum
requirement (of personnel and person months) including for all locations is worked
out and is provided in Table 2.
Table 2 Team Composition and Estimated Person Months Input for DEDC-KCTRB
Sr. Expertise International Nos. Total
No. /National Inputs,
Key Experts
A1 Team Leader cum Water Supply Specialist INT 1 16
Water Supply and Hydraulics/Network Modeling
A2 INT 1 7
A3 Water Treatment process cum Plant Design Specialist INT 1 7
A4 Hydrologist INT 1 6
A5 Solid Waste Management Specialist INT 1 3
A6 Sanitation Specialist INT 1 3
A7 Social Safeguard Specialist INT 1 6
A8 Environmental Safeguards Specialist INT 1 5
A9 Smart Water Management Specialist INT 1 4
A 10 Institutional Specialist INT 1 7
A 11 Climate Change Specialist INT 1 2
A 12 Structural Engineer INT 1 8
A 13 Electro - Mechanical Engineer INT 1 5
A 14 GIS Specialist INT 1 5
A 15 Economist INT 1 2
A 16 Procurement Specialist INT 1 4
A 17 Public Private Partnership (PPP) Specialist INT 1 2
Sub Total INT 17 92
Sanitation cum Water Supply Expert cum Deputy
B1 NAT 1 18
Team Leader
B2 Water Treatment Process cum Plant Design Expert NAT 1 15
B3 Hydraulic/Network Experts (both for 15 months each ) NAT 2 30
B4 Fecal Sludge Management Expert NAT 1 15
B5 Solid Waste Management Expert NAT 1 10
B6 Smart Water Supply Mgt. Expert (Area Meter, 24*7) NAT 1 5
B7 Hydrologist NAT 1 10
B8 Geo-Technical Expert NAT 1 7
B9 Climate Change Expert NAT 1 4
B 10 Social Safeguard Expert NAT 1 14
B 11 Environmental Safeguard Expert NAT 1 11
B 12 Institutional Expert NAT 1 9
B 13 Structural Engineer (15 months, 12 months) NAT 2 27
B 14 Electrical Engineer NAT 1 10
B 15 Mechanical Engineer NAT 1 10
B 16 GIS Expert NAT 1 18
B 17 Procurement Expert NAT 1 06
B 18 Economist NAT 1 5
B 19 Financial Analyst cum Tariff Expert NAT 1 5
B 20 Gender cum Social Expert NAT 1 9
B 21 Project Cost Analyst NAT 1 16
B 22 PPP Expert NAT 1 3
Sub Total 24 257
349 person-months including
Grand Total 92 international person-months

Non Key experts

Field Engineers (civil); One engineer - 20 months (+6
40 year field experience); 4 engineers - 16 months each NAT 6 90
(+5 years field experience), One Engineer – 6 months
Field Engineers (1 Mechanical, 1 Electrical): 15
41 NAT 2 30
months each, +5 year field experience
42 Land Acquisition Professional NAT 1 4
GIS cum AutoCAD Professional (15 m, 15 m, 12 m); +
43 5 year work experience NAT 3 42
Draftsman (AutoCAD with Engineering background);
44 NAT 2 32
(18 months, another 14 months): +4 year experience
Quantity Surveyors (Two for 16 months each); +4
45 NAT 2 32
year work experience)
46 Architect (Middle level) cum Landscaper NAT 1 6
Total 17 236
Office Support Staff
47 Office Manager NAT 1 21
48 Accountant cum Data Entry Operator NAT 1 21
49 Data entry Operator cum Logistic support NAT 1 18
50 Office Assistant (Reprography, General services) NAT 2 42
Total 5 102

All key and non-key personnel must be proficient in both written and spoken English,
should be able to adequately use computer (computer compatible) and should have
the knowledge of common and special software used for undertaking works related
to their respective areas of expertise.

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