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It is a misconception that ambitious people might eventually cease striving when their
grandest goals have been satisfactorily accomplished. The accurate notion here is ,rather,
they will relentlessly shift their goalposts for every achievements attained and the only
end is death. Based on such a definition, I consider myself an ambitious person,
contemplating the path I have crossed compared to that ahead. In fact, ever since the
moment I managed to realize the objective that I, at the time, deemed " the most glorious
endeavor of my life” , I was on the way for a bigger cause. However, initially, the effort I
put in was feeble, which was due to the lasting complacency from the previous victory
and the fact that the next challenge is very far away. And it was this moment that I
actually put down to working on it, after regaining my awareness of the situation and
receiving bursts of motivations. It was also during this time that an incompetence of mine,
a pernicious consequence of previously insufficient practice, was exposed, which would
enormously hamper my progress. Therefore, I decided to execute my plan, this writing,
which was inspired by another prodigy. However, I wholeheartedly deplore his method-
Free Writing- as it perniciously reinforces the practice of disorganized ideas structuring.
Instead, my writing will assume the form of a research program, in terms of theme
discussed and layout. By examining an issue each week, I aim to achieve visible
improvements to my writing abilities. Hopefully, this exceptional initiative reaps its fruits.
The essay will be a series of discussions on several aspects of education, accompanied by
corresponding personal opinions. Firstly, a brief introduction about the author will be
presented. Detailed information will be precluded as readers’ potential familiarity with
the author may somewhat distort their objective perception throughout the writing.
Instead, the prologue will encompass their personality traits, philosophical views and
multiple coping strategies in response to life's conundrums, which serve to invoke
readers’ sympathy, consequently increasing the odds that the author's views may align
with the readers’. Regarding the subject, the choice of education, which belongs to an
understandably diverse spectrum, was presumably predicated on its rigid association with
the author himself, as a temporary( yet to be determined) obsession and a source of
constant pertubations. Also, education is a validly resourceful domain to be exploited. In
addition, the issues analyzed vary according to the writer's ongoing mood, chosen out of
a heterogenuous panoply of his own concerns, or such pertinent to his circumstances.
Empirical research may be included in every deliberation to ensure the authenticity of the
study, or more specifically, the writer's opinion.

I have always been that one kid who would avoid potential contacts, only befriending
classmates. My primary school days was described as homesickness, talent discovery and
character growth.
Greater educational opportunities to people below the yardstick of personal incomes have
led to an increased pluralism of learning methodologies. Regarding this, educationalists
propose the practice of group learning, whereas others embrace the notion of self-
Auto-didacticism, its original term, is defined as learning independently, untrammeled by
tutors’ guidance as well as their ascendancy in the choices of subjects. Self-education also
allows learners to manage their own studying rhythms and approaches. Such a broadened
latitude indicates multiple merits in learners’ developmental progress. Firstly, self-studiers
can espouse pedagogical practices compatible to their own abilities. Such a prerogative is
normally negated in classroom contexts, which accommodate an array of students with
diverse calibers. This means that scholars perfunctorily subscribe to the method that
suffices all, even at a minimum level. Meanwhile, discretionary power affords learners the
opportunities to leverage and combine qualitative approaches that potentially catalyze
their growth. For example, independent learners can be exempt from superfluous courses,
which either mismatch their intentions or are already mastered, and shift their utmost
focus to courses that ameliorate their weaknesses. The same is applicable to choices of
learning sources, which are restrictively conditioned by authoritative providers, namely
teachers, in classes. Extended options provide resourceful materials for writing, as well as
a holistic perspective that ensures learners’ impartiality on a particular matter.
Consequently, learners can become more cultivated citizens. Moreover, self-study fosters
self-analysis, a pivotal component of self-development. Such an assessment assumes the
form of reflection on course’s progress at the completion of one educational program,
involving precise comprehension of newly-acquired skills and inadequate points.
Subsequently, learners may devise corresponding methods to implement such skills as
well as circumventing shortcomings.
However, there exist anomalous imperfections within self-education. The first drawback
concerns the validity of self-introspection. The primary rationale is that learners may
misapprehend their performance due to uncertain criteria. Also, some cannot maintain an
objective perspective throughout the assessment, incessantly over-evaluating themselves.
This, in turn, potentially leads to inaccurate identification of personal qualities, and
subsequently misplacement of efforts. Another noteworthy disadvantage is the absence
of supportive interactions with other learners as well as their concomitant values. Self-
studiers may perform inefficiently in the face of brainstorming tasks due to
miscommunication and frequent irresolvable conflicts with partners. More severely,
egotism and conservativeness bred by self-directed avenues to learning also militate
against propitious mutual assistance.

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