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Class: English IV

Miss: Mayra Jacome Ruiz

Student: Yenson Omar Gavarrete Rodriguez

Account number: 201430040024

My childhood

When I was a child I was so shy, my first day at kindergarten I did’nt say any
Word because I felt fear reven I cried when my mom left me there, I remember
everything, a boy approached me and he told me: Hi my name is Carlos, Do you
want play with me? I just shook my head telling him yes! Then we played with a
cars after that we ate french fries with lemonade, the next day my mom allowed
me take my bike and every child looked at me saying: wow I like that bike, my
mom asked to the miss If I could leave my bike there and she answerde: of
course! Then I lent to the kids my bike, I was a great day. When I arrived at home,
my mom told me: honey you have to practice you learned at kindergarten antd I
tried to be organized. I loved go to the supermarket with my aunt, because she
bought me all I wanted, my favorite candy was the chocolate, she gave me two
or three chocolates, I didn’t like share with my parents haha, I eat my candies
alone in my bedroom, I liked go to the beach with my cousins, my aunts and my
mom cooked our favorite food fried chicken with french fries and Orange juice,
they also baked a cake and my grandmother prepared coffe, sometimes my
parents allowed me sleep in my cousin’s house, my uncle filled the pool and we
swiom all the day anp part of the night, our neighbors also palyed with us, we
enjoyed a childhood without cellphones, no technological objects. My favorite
hobby was play soccer with my neighbors and classmate after that we went to
grocer’s shop to buy snacks, it was fun, I liked watch terror movies with my family
but, some nights I couldn’t fall sleep because i felt fear and I had nightmares,
when I was sick my mom took me to the doctor but I didn’t like go here haha, I
suppose all children don’t like visit the doctor, but my doctor was kind and he
gave me candies if I did’nt cry. I visited my granparents on Sunday, my
grandmother always cooked soup, I really loved all kind of soup, but when i was
a boy I didn’t like eat vegetables and some fruits, astiem passed I learned to at
everything, some years later my cousins had to left the country and they went to
Canada, I cried some weeks because they were my Friends too, my mom took
me to the restaurants and Parks so I wouldn’t feel sad, when I started the high
school I knew new Friends and that help me a lot of, because I missed my cousins
and I needed stay and play with kids, my mom also gave a puppy, I was the best
gift of my childhood, I started to feel better, I didn’t feel alone, I was so happy.

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