Roadmap: C1 Unit Test 7

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ROADMAP™ C1 Unit test 7

Language focus 3 Shorten the relative clauses in bold.

1 Ahmed’s coat is the one which is hanging on the
1 Choose the correct alternatives.
hook by the door.
1 Almost all / Both of those restaurants look nice so
Ahmed’s coat is the one hanging on the hook by
I don’t mind which one of the two we go to.
the door.
2 There was too few / little information for us to
2 I was unhappy with the compensation which was
make a proper decision.
awarded to me by the company.
3 It seemed like the man had followed my each /
every footstep.
4 This is exactly the / a style of jacket I’ve been
3 There’s a lot which we have to do before the
looking for.
party this evening.
5 The first day on holiday wasn’t too bad but the
next few / few next days were a nightmare.
6 Having to get up so early is a quite / quite a big
4 Anyone who suggests we can finish this project
problem for me.
today is being unrealistic.
7 United’s winning the cup came as almost /
something of a surprise, even to the players.
8 Another three / Three another people have signed
5 They auctioned a painting which was valued at
up for my singing classes.
2 Complete the sentences with the words and .
phrases in the box. 6 What’s that song about a spaceman which was
sung by Elton John?
about which after which at which
for whom in which of which of whom
to whom
7 This is a wonderful novel which is packed with
1 A number of my colleagues were at the historical facts.
conference, several of whom gave
presentations. .
2 We waited for them until 10 o’clock, /6
point we realised they weren’t Vocabulary
going to show up.
4 Choose the correct alternatives.
3 Nina has raised an important issue,
1 If I were you, I’d steer clear / away of that part of
I would like to say a few words.
4 We have spoken to several sources, according
2 Just go with your nose / gut and you’ll be fine.
the prime minster will be making
3 We were stuck in the middle of
an announcement later today.
nowhere / somewhere with no houses in sight.
5 There was a loud noise in the street, shortly
4 There’s nothing like the great outdoors / beyond
the power supply was cut.
to make you feel alive.
6 There are many people that
5 When we feel like getting away / off from it all, we
song is rather special.
just head off in our camper van.
7 We’ve made twenty pounds in total, half
6 I’d completely lost my bearings / steps and
is for you.
couldn’t work out where I was.
8 It’s likely to rain this afternoon,
7 I don’t mind following the herd / ferry to big
case we’ll need to change our
holiday resorts where there’s plenty of life.
8 We decided to take the scenic path / route rather
/7 than drive on the motorway.

© Pearson Education Limited 2021
ROADMAP™ C1 Unit test 7

5 Complete the sentences with the words and Function

phrases in the box.
7 Complete the extracts from a debate with the
bogus gullible luring preyed words in the box.
purported seeing through streetwise
taken in allotted audience coming experienced
firmly further motion point present
1 I had no difficulty in seeing through his lies. secondly sum
2 You have to be if you want to
avoid getting robbed around here. Chair of debate: Thank you all for
3 I can’t believe I was enough to
1 coming this evening. Tonight we are
pay for the work before it had been done. debating the 2 that everyone has the
4 Manny received an email which right to a universal basic income. Each speaker
to be from his bank. will be given five minutes to present their
5 The gang had on some of the arguments. They will then have the opportunity to
weakest members of society. respond to the opposing arguments. I’d like to
6 I wasn’t by the magic trick remind the 3 that they will be able to
because I’d seen it before. ask questions at the end. Without
7 He turned out to be a doctor who ado, I’d like to introduce our first
had no training whatsoever. speaker, Mateo Hughes. Mateo, your
8 They had posted adverts people
5 five minutes start now.
with the chance to win cash prizes. Mateo Hughes: I’d like to 6 my case by
/7 drawing your attention to the fact that there are
nearly a million working families in this country
6 Complete the sentences with the correct word.
who struggle to pay their bills every month. I’m
The first letter of each word is given.
sure some of you have 7 this
1 Peter’s c l u e l e s s when it comes to
situation. … 8 , more and more jobs
technology. He literally knows nothing about it.
are being lost to automation and AI every day,
2 Chloe has an i ability to motivate her
making it increasingly difficult for many people to
staff. It’s like she was born with that skill!
find work. … Finally, I’d like to 9 out
3 Once you’ve learnt the b of
that the richest people in the nation are seeing
programming, you can move on to the more
their wealth increasing year on year. … To
advanced aspects. 10 up, I 11 believe this
4 Geri is a good a -r with a
country can afford for everyone to have a
range of skills and abilities.
universal basic income.
5 I felt completely out of my d on the
Arabic course. The other students knew much /10
more than me.
6 Clive used to be good at DJing but he’s /50
r now because he hasn’t done it for
7 I can’t believe how quickly you’ve learnt to paint.
You must be a n .

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