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Juan Manuel Adaime Otalvaro

Jorge Andrés Pérez

Ingles IV

University Of Antioquia

Portfolio #3
 Reading books

went back to reading several

books that I had used in the past in other subjects such as
English II and English III, so taking up concepts based on
other topics seems to me to be useful when it comes to
understanding texts.
It should be said that these bring a CD with which I can
continue reading and at the same time I can improve my
listening and the organization of my ideas at the time of
dialogue. They were very useful to me at the time since they
are cataloged for a level between A1 and A2.
 Songs
In much of my day to day I like to listen to different genres
of music, for which, sometimes I like to try the Karaoke
mode of the Spotify application in which I can improve my
pronunciation regarding some words, they are not too
many, but I feel that help me to improve little by little.
I generally try to listen to albums in English to improve my
ability to capture ideas when interacting with someone,
which is why I find this system to be quite effective.
 Class activities (Subtask)

1) Subtask A (Colombian Personalities)

1) Subtask B (Science for Well-Being)

 Self-appraisal

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