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English for Civil Engineering

Dosen: Budi Susatyo
March 2022


To be ( is, am, are)

To be (is, am, are) digunakan sebagai penghubung antara subjek dan predikat

Predikat suatu kalimat dapat terdiri dari:

a) kata benda (noun)

b) kata keterangan /kata tambahan (adverb)
c) kata sifat (adjective)
d) kata kerja (verb) yang menyatakan sedang melakukan sesuatu (membentuk
present continuous tense)
e) kata kerja(verb) digunakan untuk kalimat pasif (verb-3)

a. to be : is, am, are diikuti kata benda

Subject To be Noun (kata benda)

They Corruptors
We Are Lawyers
You a Doctor / doctors
I Am a Lecturer
He a Fisherman
She Is an Engineer
It a screwdriver

b. to be : is, am, are diikuti kata keterangan tempat

Subject To be Keterangan tempat

(Adverb of Place)
They in the auditorium
We Are in the store house
You in the laboratory
a. to be : is, am, are diikuti kata sifat

Subject To be Adjective (Kata

They Arrogant
We Are Modest
You Optimistic
I Am self-confident
He Pessimistic
She Is Slim
It White

b. To be : is, am, are digunakan untuk aktifitas yang sedang berlangsung (Present
Continuous Tense)yaitu : To be is, am, are diikuti verb 1 + ing

Subject To be Verb –ing

They Watching
We Are Observing
You Washing
I Am Teaching
He Investigating
She Is Singing
It Eating

c. To be : is, am, are diikuti kata kerja bentuk ke-3 (digunakan untuk kalimat

Subject To be Verb – 3 By Object

They invited the headmaster
We Are visited the bank manager
You interrogated the policeman
I Am Interviewed By the director
He beaten the thief
She Is Taken her boy-friend
It Eaten him

 All the foods on the table are taken home by that greedy employee (=Semua
makanan yang ada diatas meja dibawa pulang oleh pegawai yang tamak itu.)
Auditorium (bhs.Latin): ruangan tempat berkumpul untuk mendengarkan
ceramah, mengadakan pertunjukkan di sekolah, universitas atau gedung lain.

Catatan tambahan tentang penggunaan to be (is, am, are)

1. “be” berarti ada (sering dipakai bersama “there”
 There are two girls in the park (=Ada dua gadis di taman)
 There is a villain in the office (=ada seorang bajingan di kantor itu)
2. “be” berarti terjadi
 The strike is today (=Pemogokan terjadi hari ini)
3. “be” berarti umur
 He is 19 years old (=Dia berumur 19)
4. “be” berarti warna
 Mobil pak Joko warna merah (=Mr.Joko’s car is red)
5. “be” digunakan bersama infinitive to menyatakan: maksud
 The letter is to tell you that your fiancee is coming.
(Surat ini dimaksudkan untuk memberitahukan bahwa tunanganmu
akan datang)
Exercise 1

Translate the following Indonesian Sentences into English

1. Mereka sedang memeriksa kembali gedung itu.

2. Kami sedang memeriksa rumah bertingkat dua itu dengan seksama.
3. Bapak Jack dan istrinya sedang berjalan jalan di sekitar kampus itu.
4. Pimpinan perusahaan itu sedang memeriksa laporanmu.
5. Dia berada didalam kantor.
6. Bapak John ada di lantai tiga.
7. Dia seorang pegawai negeri yang sangat kreatif.
8. Banyak tugas dikerjakan oleh dia tiap hari.
9. Sekretaris sedang bercakap-cakap dengan tamu.
10. Ada tiga belas wartawan
11. Mereka ada di kantor kami.
12. Apakah dia seorang pemandu wisata?
13. Mereka bukan wisatawan asing.
14. Apakah mereka ada di auditorium?
Exercise 2

Oral (BOOK CLOSED): Make questions. Use question words.

Example: He is observing the butterfly

Response: What is he observing?

1. I am majoring in civil engineering.

2. I am taking three courses this semester.
3. She is in class for five hours every day.
4. Mr.Budi is talking to Mr.Frank
Exercise 3

Make questions from the following sentences the underlined word should be the answer
to your question. Use any appropriate question words.

1. Mr. Dudi is friendly, generous, and kindhearted.

2. Miss Sally is tall and slim and has short black hair.
3. She isn’t here because she has a doctor’s appointment
4. The weather is hot and humid in December.
5. The plane is expected to be an hour late.
6. I am taking four courses.
Exercise: 4

Write about your classmate, here is the following example:

Write about your classmate

My classmate is Fukuda. She is 23 years old. She is from Tokyo. She is Japanese.
Her face is oval. Her hair is short and blonde. Her ears are small. Her eyebrows are
thick, and her eyelashes are long. Her nose is pointed. Her mouth is small; her lips are
thin and red. She is wearing unusual purple lipstick that matches her purple fingernails.
In Tuban, she is a university student. She doesn’t know what job she wants in the
future. She wants to travel a lot in Indonesia.

Exercise 5

Write about your home village /home town / home city and its people

1. Where are you from?

2. Where is it situated?
3. What is it like?
4. What is Rembang famous for? Rembang is famous for its Kawis
5. What is the total number of the population?
6. What is the weather like?
Exercise 6


A: How many people are there in your family?

B: There are seven of us all together.
They are father, mother, two younger sisters and two elder brothers and
A: Can you tell me something about your parents?
B: Yes, I can. Both my mother and father are the teachers. My father teaches at
the State Senior High School and my mother teaches at Vocational School.


To be (was, were)

To be (was, were) digunakan sebagai penghubung antara subject dan predikat.

Penggunaannya sama dengan to be (is, am, are), tetapi to be (was, were) untuk waktu


a. To be :was, were diikuti kata benda

Subject To be Noun (kata benda)

They Farmers
We Were Merchants
You an accountant /accountants
I a salesman
He a thief
She Was a waitress
It a doll

b. To be was, were diikuti keterangan tempat

Subject To be Adverb of Place (kata keterangan tempat)

They in the temple
We were at the bus-station
You at the airport
I at home
He There
She was at the police-station
It in the box

c. To be :was, were diikuti kata sifat

Subject To be Adjective (kata sifat)

They Smart
We were Lazy
You Intelligent
I Diligent
He Generous
She was Young
It Old

d. 1. To be: was, were diikuti Verb I + ing (aktifitas yang sedang terjadi pada
waktu lampau /
past continuous tense)

Subject To be
They Watching
We were
He Eating
She was

2. To be: was, were digunakan untuk: suatu aktifitas yang terlebih dulu sedang
berlangsung pada waktu lampau, disusul oleh aktifitas kedua.


1. Ketika saya sedang menonton TV tadi malam, teman saya datang.

(While I was watching TV last night, my friend came)
2. Ketika saya sedang mandi di danau itu saya terdengar jeritan yang menakutkan.
(While I was bathing in the lake, I heard a fearful cry.)
3. Mereka sedang berbicara tentang bisnis ketika saya menjumpai mereka.
(They were talking about business when I met them)

Catatan tambahan tentang “be” (was, were)

1. Was, were berarti ada (digunakan bersama there)
 There were two thieves at Mr.Jacky’s home last Friday.
(ada dua pencuri di rumah bapak Jacky Jumat lalu)
 There was a pickpocket in the market two days ago.
(ada pencopet di pasar dua hari lalu)
2. Was, were berarti terjadi
 The wedding party was yesterday
(pesta perkawinan itu terjadi kemarin)
3. Was, were berarti umur
 She was 17 years old
(dia berumur tujuh belas tahun)
4. Was, were digunakan untuk membentuk kalimat pasif bersama dengan past
participle (kata kerja bentuk ke-3)
 The man was slandered by Mr.Gedhabrush
(Orang itu difitnah oleh Tuan Gedhabrush)
5. Were digunakan untuk kalimat pengandaian
 If I were you, I would not do it.
(seandainya saya kamu, saya tidak akan melakukan hal itu)

Unit 3
Do, Does
Do dan Does berarti mengerjakan, do untuk subject they, we, I, you.
Does untuk subject he, she, dan is

Subject Do / does Object

I Do
the homework
She does

He does the homework = dia mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah

Do They do your
We homework
everyday ?
Does She do the homework

Do you do your homework everyday? (Apakah anda mengerjakan

pekerjaan rumah setiap hari.?
Yes, I do / No, I don’t.

Subject Do / does- Do
We do not Do the

She does not Do the

Simple Present Tense
(bentuk kebiasaan)
Simple Present Tense digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan
yang menjadi kebiasaan atau suatu kenyataan umum tetap.
 Every morning I wake up at five o’clock. (Setiap hari saya bangun pada
pukul 5 )
 The sun rises in the east (Matahari terbit sebelah timur)
A. Pola Kalimat (Sentence Pattern)

Subject Verb object Adverb

They Watch Television
We Study Japanese
You Eat bread every morning
I Wash the clothes
He Watches Television
She Washes the clothes every Saturday
It Eats carrot
Subject Do not / does Verb-1 Object Adverb
You do not drink coffee at night

She does not eat carrot

they play
Do we watch
I eat
you practice English every day ?

he observe
Does she write
it eat
Do you speak English with your teacher every day?

No, I don’t

Yes, I do

Yes, of course


Keterangan waktu yang bisa digunakan dalam Simple Present Tense.

1. In the morning
In the afternoon
In the evening
2. At night
3. Every day
Every week
Every month
Every year
4. Every morning
Every afternoon
Every evening
Every night
5. Every other day = dua hari sekali
Every other week = dua minggu sekali
6. Every now and then = sekali-kali
Every once in a while = kadang kala, sekali-sekali
Every so often = sangat sering
Every time = setiap kali
Every now and again = every so often
7. Every Sunday = setiap hari Minggu
Every Monday
8. Every January
Every February
9. Once a day = sekali sehari
Twice a day = dua kali sehari
Three times a day = tiga kali sehari
10. Once a week = sekali seminggu
Twice a month = dua kali sebulan
Three times a day = tiga kali sehari
11. Once in a while = kadang-kadang
Once in a blue moon = sangat jarang, hampir tidak pernah.
Once over = kadang-kadang, tidak sering, sekali-sekali.

 We go for a picnic at the beach once over.

(sekali-sekali kami berpiknik ke pantai)
 Coin collecting is interesting but you find a valuable coin only once in a
blue moon.
(Mengumpulkan uang logam itu menarik tetapi sangat jarang kamu
menemukan uang logam yang berharga)
 They use this method (=Mereka selalu menggunakan metode ini)
Note: every time dapat diartikan apabila, jika

Every time she comes, we qurrel (apabila dia datang, kami bertengkar)


I. Translate the following sentences into English

1. Saya berolahraga setiap pagi
2. Janda tua itu makan sekali sehari.
3. Pembantu rumah tangga itu pulang kampung halamannya dua
minggu sekali.
4. Dia belajar bahasa Inggris dua kali seminggu di Lembaga
Pendidikan Budi Susatyo.
5. Apakah tuan Cun Thong berbicara bahasa Cina?
6. Kami membenci tuan Gedhabrush, karena dia tidak bijaksana
7. Tuan Abdul tidak suka minum minuman yang beralkohol.
8. Pak Jelontrong sering menghasut karyawan paberik agar mereka
mogok kerja.
9. Bapak Harry dan istrinya kadang kadang berjalan-jalan di
pantai Boom Tuban.
10. Petugas keamanan itu selalu datang tepat waktu.
 Simple Present Tense dengan Adverb of indefinite time.
Yang termasuk adverbs of Indefinite Time (kata keterangan yang tidak
tertentu) ialah:
Always = selalu
B. Penggunaan Kata Tanya (Question Words) What, Where, When, Why, How,
How long

Question Do / does Subject Kata-kerja

Translate What They do on Sundays
the Where do We work
following Why You study
When I ?
into How He go
English How long does She
It take
saya sering merokok didalam Laboratorium.
2. Oleh sebab itu semua karyawan disini benci kepadanya.
3. Tuan Cui tidak pernah mendiskriminasikan suku, agama, ras dan antar
4. Demi persatuan bangsa, janganlah kita mendiskriminasikan kelompok
5. Bagaimana cara anda menarik perhatian para karyawan sehingga semuanya
tersenyum kepada anda ?
6. Naik apa anda biasanya pergi ke kantor?
7. Dimanakah Deddy bekerja?
8. Apa yang biasanya anda kerjakan setiap ada waktu luang?
9. Mengapa wanita malang itu tidak mau bekerja sebagai pembantu rumah tangga
di Negara Arab?
10. Kapan anda meminum obat itu?

 SARA ( Suku, Agama, Ras dan Antar golongan) = matters pertaining to

ethnic, religious, and racial relations)
Pamphlet itu bernada hasutan dan isu SARA
(The pamphlet has a provocative tone which spread rumours regarding
ethnic, religious, and racial relations.
 Mendiskriminasikan = discriminate against

Leisure time activities

Someone once wrote, “All work and no play make Jack a dull boy.”
Work is important, but everyone needs leisure time too. Leisure time means free time to
do whatever you want. It’s time for anything that interests you. Some people like to play
sports. Others like to go to interesting places, such as museums or national parks.

Many people have hobbies. They make things or collect things.

Right now, someone is enjoying a hobby somewhere. People collect stamps, coins, rocks,
or butterflies. Everyone likes to make something. You can make a boat or a table, a
sweater or a blanket, a bird cage or an apple pie. It doesn’t matter what, as long as it’s
something you do yourself.

People with hobbies are not dull. They are interesting because they
can talk about their leisure activities. Some work and some play will make you
interesting too.

Answer the questions

1. Who needs leisure time?

2. What is leisure time?
3. What do some people like to do?
4. What things do people collect?
5. Can you make a table or a table cloth?
6. Why aren’t people with hobbies dull?
7. What will make you interesting?
Lado book 3. Page: 136


Simple Past Tense

Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian pada waktu lampau


1. The police interrogated the prisoner yesterday.

(Polisi menginterogasi tahanan itu kemarin)
2. The dealer gave the car to Mr. Black for $ 20.000 last Monday.
(Dealer itu menjual mobil dengan harga $ 20.000 kepada Pak Susatyo hari Senin
yang lalu.
3. He sold his used car at a very low price two days ago.
(Dia menjual mobil bekasnya dengan harga yang sangat rendah dua hari yang


Subject Verb II
They Ate fried-rice
We Went to France
I Wrote SMS
You Broke a glass
He studied
She Sang a song
It Rang


Subject Did Verb 1 object Adverb

They eat bread
We go
I write Sms Last night
You break The
did not
He steal a laptop
She study drama at Campus
It ring

Did Subject Verb 1 Object /

They eat Fried rice
We break the bottles
I Study Chinese
Did You Write sms
He Ring The phone
She Watch TV
It Run To the garden

Keterangan waktu yang dapat digunakan dalam Simple Past Tense:

….ago; Two days ago; Last…; Last Monday; Yesterday; dst.


I. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Apakah anda membaca surat kabar kemarin?
2. Apa yang anda baca kemarin?
3. Apakah anda membeli buah-buahan di toko itu tadi malam?
4. Berapa harga anggur hijau per kilo kemarin?
5. Dia mengerjakan tugas empat hari yang lalu.
6. Apa yang mereka kerjakan hari Kamis yang lalu?
7. Hari Sabtu yang lalu dia tidak bekerja karena dia pergi ke gunung
Bromo dengan
teman sekantornya.
8. Tadi pagi boss saya minum bodrex karena dia sakit kepala.
9. Kemarin siang dia tampak pucat
10. Hari Minggu pagi yang lalu kami berjalan-jalan di lapangan GOR
Write about what you did last weekend, or on a recent trip.

Last Holiday, my colleagues, my wife and I went to Malang. We visited

JawaTimur Park. In JawaTimur Park, there were some interesting places to see, and to
study, such as, mini-zoological garden, handicraft shop, antiques shop, Aquarium,
laboratory of science and technology, etc. We did many things together. We saw many
different kinds of animals. We ate lunch had a good time there. We enjoyed our holiday
very much.

S– V - adverb of place - adverb of manner – adverb of reason

My friends went to Malang by bus for pleasure

1. Where did you go last holiday?

2. With whom did you go there?
3. How did you go there?
4. What did you see?
5. What is it like?
6. What is the weather like?
7. Did you enjoy your trip?
8. Where did you spend the night?
9. How long had you been there?
10. What was the most impressive thing when you were in ….?


A: We had a wonderful day at Jenu Mangrove Beach.

B: What did you do there?

A: We enjoyed our holiday, played violin, just sat down and relaxed.
B: Did you stay there for a long time?

A: We stayed there for two hours

B: Where did you sit?

A: We sat on the hammock.

B: …


Tenses yang digunakan pada bacaan teks tersebut diatas adalah:

1. Past Tense; 2. Past Continuous. 3. Present Continuous. 4. Simple Present

Unit 6
Adverb of Quality or Manner
Adverb Of Manner digunakan untuk menerangkan bagaimana suatu perbuatan
dilakukan atau berlangsung.


 How does she drive her car? (Bagaimana dia mengendarai mobilnya)
 She drives her car very carefully (Dia mengendarai mobilnya berhati-
1. Pembentukan Adverbs dibentuk dengan adjective dengan akhiran –ly. Tetapi
ada beberapa adverb yang sama bentuknya dengan Adjective.

Adjective Adverb
Slow Slowly
Quick Quickly
Real Really
Vivid Vividly
Comfortable Comfortably
Gentle Gently

Noble Nobly
Humble Humbly
Easy Easily
Happy Happily
Careful Carefully
Adjective Adverb
Hard Hard
Late Late
Fast Fast
Far Far
Long Long
Early Early
Much Much

2. Penggunaan Adjective dan Adverb

Adjective Adverb
* He is polite * He is speaking politely
Dia sopan Dia berbicara dengan sopan
* He is a humble teacher * He is talking to the student humbly
Dia seorang guru yang rendah hati Dia sedang bercakap-cakap dengan
rendah hati.

 Almost = hampir
 Fully = sepenuhnya, lengkap
 Scarcely= hampir tidak
 Quite = sungguh / benar
 Nearly = hampir
 Hardly = hampir tidak
1. There is almost no hope for him (hampir tidak ada harapan baginya.
2. He is fully dressed = Dia berpakaian lengkap
3. It is quite a sudden change =Hal tersebut benar-benar suatu
perubahan yang tiba-tiba.

I. Translate the following sentences into English
1. Tuan Kothok adalah seorang supir yang kasar.
2. Kemarin dia mengendarai mobil pak John dengan kasarnya.
3. Polisi ingin mengetahui dengan tepat bagaimana kerusuhan itu
4. Tadi pagi saya tidak mengerti apa yang dia tanyakan
5. Kemarin malam Sally menangis sedih karena seseorang
mencuri tasnya.

Shall, Will, to be going to
1. Shall / will = akan
Future Tense untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan yang
akan datang
 The foreman will search through the contents of the truck
(Mandor itu akan memeriksa muatan praoto)
 We shall distribute food to the needy
(Kita akan mendistribusikan makanan kepada fakir miskin)

Subject Will / shall Verb-1

They pack their clothes
You finish this work soon
He Will watch TV tonight
She drive her car tomorrow
It eat meat

We face the fact

I Shall water the plants

Subject Will not /shall not Verb – 1

They smoke the birds
You will not shoot about
He (won’t) lie anyone
She cheat along time
take lazily
We will not / shall not work it carelessly
I do

Will Subject Verb-1

They come here ?
Will You
He do it ?

Will you do it anymore?

2. To be going to = akan

Subject To be going Verb – 1

They come
We are going to work
You go

I am going to

She is going to employ
It eat

Subject Verb-1

They go
We are not going to work
You do

I am not going to

He smoke
She is not going to work
It eat

They Go
Are We going to work
Am I going to do

She going to eat
Is It

Keterangan waktu yang biasa digunakan dalam Future Tense adalah:

Soon, tonight, next month, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow

 Are you going to do your homework?

 Are you going to go to Solo tomorrow?


Every day she writes a letter She does not write a letter
Now she is writing a letter She is not writing a letter
Yesterday she wrote a letter She did not write a letter
She is going to write a letter She is not going to write a letter
She was writing a letter She was not writing a letter

Beberapa kalimat yang salah:

1.She is not write a letter
2.I am is a student
3.Are you go to school
4.I am eat bakso
5.He is like bakso
Dalam percakapan “going to” sering diucapkan “gonna” yang berart “akan”

Usually there is a little or no difference in meaning between “will” and “be going to”.
Will and be going to indicate inevitability (i.e. they express a simple factual statement
about a future activity or situation), but “be going to” is used more frequently than
“will” in spoken English when the speaker is expressing a definite plan or intention.
The present progressive is also sometimes used to express a future meaning. The future
intention expressed by “be going to”

 Ain’t bentuk singkatan dari : is not, am not, are not, has not, have not =
tidak, bukan.
 We ain’t got any = kami tidak mendapat apa apa.
I. Translate the following sentences into English
1. Wakil Presiden Republik Indonesia akan mengunjungi para korban
2. Bupati Tuban akan tiba digedung ini pada pukul delapan kurang lima
belas menit.
3. Beliau akan memimpin rapat.
4. Kita akan mengadakan rapat di Aula hari Kamis depan.
5. Dia akan menjemput saya naik sepeda motor jam tujuh pagi.
6. Apakah dia akan menjadi mandor?
7. Apakah dia akan mengantar tamu kita ke bandara?
8. Apakah montir itu akan memperbaiki motor saya?
9. Mr. Kothok tidak akan memecat sekretaris yang cantik itu.
10. Sebagai seorang pemimpin yang bijaksana tidak mendiskriminasikan
suku, agama, ras dan antar golongan.



You are talking to an American tourist who will visit Indonesia shortly. Practice this
dialogue with Mr. Harper about his trip. Student A asks the questions below. Student B
uses the Information in the itinerary at the bottom of the page.

1. How long will you be in Indonesia altogether?

2. Where will you start your holiday?
3. I see. Will you stay with friends there?
4. That will be nice. How long will you spend in Jakarta?
5. What are some of the things you will do there?
6. That sounds interesting. Where will you go after Jakarta?
7. Oh yes, that’s a very nice place. I believe.
Where will you stay there?
8. Will you visit Borobudur?
9. Wonderful. Will you visit any other place cities in Indonensia?
10. Oh. How nice. How long will you be there?
11. Will you just relax on the beach in Bali?
12. Well, you will be quite busy. When will you leave Indonesia?
13. Well. I hope you have a wonderful holiday?

Mr.Harper : Indonesian Itinerary

11 July 2014 -Arrive –Jakarta from Singapore

-stay at the Hotel Indonesia

11-14 July Jakarta

-visit the national museum
-visit a batik factory
-take a bus trip to Bogor
-go sight seeing and shopping
15-17 July Yogyakarta
-stay at the Intercontinental Hotel
-visit Borobudur temple
-see some Javanese dancing
-visit a silver factory
18-21 July Bali
-stay at the Hyatt Hotel
-take a bus tour of the Island
-visit some temples and art shows
-spend a night at Ubud
21 July Leave Bali for Australia.

III. Reading Comprehension and Speaking

Goodbye and Good Luck

Our neighbor, Captain Charles Alison, will sail from Portsmouth

tomorrow. We shall meet him at the harbor early in the morning. He will be in his small
boat, topsail. Topsail is a famous little boat. It has sailed across the Atlantic many times.
Captain Alison will set out eight o’clock, so we shall have plenty of time. We shall see his
boat and then we shall see his boat and then we shall say goodbye to him. He will be
away for two months. We are very proud of him; he will take in an important race
across the Atlantic.

1. Who shall we meet at Portsmouth Harbor early tomorrow morning?

2. Where will he be?
3. At what time will he leave?
4. Shall we say goodbye to him, or shall we travel with him?
5. What will he take part in?

Describe how the world will be in 2100

What will the future be like?

No one knows, but everyone has an opinion.

What will the world be like in the future? I think that future people will go
through the same cycle of life and have the same problems as people today. They will be
born. They will go to schools and a university; they will fall in love. They will find a job.
They will grow old and die. But the way of doing these things will be different. Their
parents will choose their sex and physical characteristics, and they will be conceived in
test tubes. They will have electronic teachers that they only see on TV. They will fall in
love through computer dating. They will work at home with a computer hook-up to
their jobs. They will grow old with transplanted organs and die when they are 150 years
old. Will the world be better? I think there will be less disease, but I think social
problems will increase, and war will continue. (George M. Rooks, 1988:97)

Question Answer
When Last night
(a) When did you Next Sunday
When will they
Where (b)Where is the At the office
manager? At the box-
Where can I get office
tickets for the show?
Why (c) Why did she stay Because she Ask about
home? was sick reason
Why aren’t you I’am tired
coming with us?
How (d) How did you By angkota
come to UNIROW? Slowly Ask about
How is he driving manner
(e) How much Rp.50.000,-
money does it cost?
How many students Fifteen
are there in the
How (f) How old are you? Twenty four
How cold is it? Five below
How soon can you zero
get here? In 15 minutes
How fast is he 60 km an
driving a motor hour
(g) How long have For nine Ask about
you been in Tuban? years length of time
How often do you Every Ask about
visit your girl-friend Saturday frequency
? evening
How far is it to I think it is Ask about
Babat from here? about 30 km distance
Who (h)Who can answer I can “who” is used as
my question? the subject of a
question. It
refers to people
Who is usually
(i)Who is going to John, Harry, followed by a
the library? Tomson singular verb
even if the
speaker is
asking about
more than one
Who (j) Who(m) did you I saw Daddy Whom is used
m see? My relatives as the object of
Who(m) are you a verb or
visiting? The secretary preposition. In
(k) who(m) should I spoken English,
talk to? whom is rarely
To whom should I used; who is
talk? used instead.
Whom is used
only in formal
questions. Note:
whom, not who,
is used if
preceded by a
Whose (l)Whose laptop will Jonny’s Asks question
you borrow? about
What (m) What made you His comment “What” is used
angry? as the subject of
a question. It
refers to
(n) What do you I need a What is also
need? laptop. used as an
What did Jacky A car object.
(o) What did he tell His holiday
About what did he
(p) What classes are Biology and “what”
you taking? English sometimes
What time did you accompanies a
finally arrive? Seven o’clock noun.
What cities did you
visit? Jogja and
What programs do Solo
you like on TV? Reality show
Which (q) I have two caps. The red one “Which” is used
Which cap do you instead of
want? “what” when a
choosing from a
That one definite, known
(r) Which quantity or
handphone should I group
buy, this one or that
(s) Which villages In some cases,
did you visit on your there is little
trip? difference in
What villages did meaning
you visit on your between which
trip? and what
(t) Which class are when they
you in? accompany a
What class are you noun as in (s)
in? and (t)

(Betty Schrampfer Azar:1981:6-8)


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