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Question 1

Mean = 53 + 55 + 70 + 58 + 64 + 57 + 53 + 69 + 57 + 68 + 53

N= 11

Mean = 657/11 = 59.7273

Sorting the data in ascending order – 53, 53, 53, 55, 57, 57, 58, 64, 68, 69, 70

Since the number of values is odd, median is the middle value of the sorted
data set

Median = 57

Mode is the most occurring value in the data set

Mode= 53

Question 2
It declines from 5000 to 3000 over 9 years

3500/5000= (x) ^9


X= (0.7) ^ (1/9) = 0.961144

Growth rate=(X-1) *(100%)

= (0.961144-1) *100

=-3.8855% ≈ -3.89%

Question 3
a) 12, 56, 78, 102, 67, 78


12 First Quartile 58.75

56 Second Quartile 72.5

78 Third Quartile 78

102 Interquartile Range 19.25

67 Upper Bound 106.875

78 Lower Bound 29.875

Since 12 doesn’t lie within the upper and lower bound, it is an outlier.

b) 45,89,100,1000,56,78


45 First Quartile 61.5

89 Second Quartile 83.5

100 Third Quartile 97.25

1000 Interquartile Range 35.75

56 Upper Bound 150.875

78 Lower Bound 7.875

Since 1000 doesn’t lie within the upper and lower bound, it is an outlier.

c) 45, 23, 89, 70, 134, 23, 1, 67, 89, 90


45 First Quartile 28.5

23 Second Quartile 68.5

89 Third Quartile 89

70 Interquartile Range 60.5

134 Upper Bound 179.75

23 Lower Bound -62.25




There are no outliers.

d) 55, 45, 34, 56, 78, 44, 44, 55, 70, 33, 10

55 First Quartile 39

45 Second Quartile 45

34 Third Quartile 55.5

56 Interquartile Range 16.5

78 Upper Bound 80.25

44 Lower Bound 14.25






Since 10 doesn’t lie within the upper and lower bound, it is an outlier.

Question 4

• Age – As the respective ages are mentioned for each sample, Age here is
Nominal Data type.

• Sex – Sex is here nominal data under Categorical data category. This is
Data where the categories have no importance.

• Height – As the height of different people is different, but can be

repetitive as well, Height is of Continuous Data Type

• Weight - As the weight of different people is different, but can be

repetitive as well, Weight is of Continuous Data Type.

Question 5

A table-based tool called Cross Tabulation Visual allows us to compare the

relationship between two variables. A cross-tabulation is a two-dimensional (or
more) table that records the number (frequency) of respondents who have the
precise qualities listed in the table's cells. Cross-tabulation tables provide a
plethora of information about the variables' relationships.

Example: To determine how male and female doctors of a hospital feel about
their current jobs and to assess employee engagement and happiness. You
might do this research across different departments of the hospital and
compare two or more aspects to have a better understanding.

Question 6

Lift Value - Complimentarity between 2 set of entities. To find the lift value
above we need to find out which entity is bought together.
Transaction Keybord Mouse Monitor Speaker
6 1 1 1 1
8 1 1 1 1
7 1 1 1 0
4 1 1 0 1
1 1 1 0 0
2 1 1 0 0
3 1 0 1 0
9 1 0 1 0

Frequent Pair bought in descending order









Question 7
(a) A – Black box manufactured by company A
B – Black box manufactured by company B

D – Defective black box

P(A) = 0.75 , P(B) = 0.15 , P(D/A) = 0.04 , P(D/B) = 0.08

P(D) = 0.75*0.04 + 0.15*0.08 + 0.1 * 0.06 = 0.048

P(A/D) = P(D/A) * P(A) / P(D)

P(A/D) = 0.04 * 0.75 / 0.048

= 0.625

P(B/D) = P(D/B) * P(B) / P(D)

= 0.08*0.15/0.048 = 0.25


The term "discrete variable" refers to a variable with a limited number of

isolated values. The term "continuous variable" refers to a variable that can
take on an unlimited number of possible values.

Counting in a discrete variable yields values. Measurements in a continuous

variable are used to get values.

Examples :


• Number of typing mistakes in a document.

• Number of car accidents in Mumbai


• Weight of a person

• Age of a person

The Poisson distribution is the optimum probability distribution to utilise for
modelling to calculate the frequency of client arrival during peak hours (say,
evening time) of a retail establishment.

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