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1. What are the essential skills we need to learn in IELTS Listening?

= There is 4 essential skills that we have to know

1. prediction, we have to predict the answer for example:

- Express train leaves at …. ( bcs there is “at” dimana kata itu bisa
menunjukkan ket. Time/Place so we have to decided what “at” means
here.) If we look back at the question “express train leaves at (?)” we
can take a conclusion that the question is about time ( kereta itu pergi
pada jam… ). So the prediction for question no.1 is A time.

2. synonyms n paraphrasing, we have to often listening to the

videos/audios and practice. Bcs the audio and the sentences wiil be
different from the question/answer but have the same meaning so we
have to find the synonyms. Ex: “ The park itself wasn’t developed until
1979” (audio) “ The Park was first built in 1979 (question/answer)

3. Recognising distractors, yaitu soal pengecoh, we have to be aware with

distractors. Listen carefully and predict the question that may include the
distractors. Ex: the train leaves at 10.20. in fact, it’s 10.21 to be precise.
(10.20 hanya pengecoh)

4. Connected Speech, we have to know how to connected speech because

this is a listening test, it is certain that the questions will be in the form of
audio or a conversation, usually we hear them speak too fast so we have
difficulty understanding what they are saying. We have to do a lot of practice
to get used to it and to improve our skills.

2. How many question types in IELTS Listening? What are they?

= IELTS listening has 10 types of question and they are matching, multiple choice,
sentence completion,note completion,table completion,summary
complation,short answer question, map / plan labelling, diagram / flowchart

3. What are the ten tips for achieving a high score in IELTS Listening?

= Listen to English every day, Listen to a range of things, improve your

vocabulary, have a strategy, identify your weaknesses, the introduction, signpost
language, Capital letters, Read the instructions, study hard.

4. Are there any new things you learn from the videos? What are they?

= yes. I’ve learn a lot of things one of these is tips tricks how to get high score in
ILETS listening , get to know 10 tyoes of question in IELTS listening and how to
answer the question.

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