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Phrasal Verbs

Phrasal verb Significado Traducción Ejemplo

go about to set about to do; undertake comprometerse Go about your chores

in a responsible way.

go about to tack, to go around correr un rumor, virar There were lots of gossip going
about regarding William and Paula.

go about together to spend time together pasar mucho tiempo con alguien Emma
and George used to go about together all the time at work.

go across to traverse, to come across cruzar, atravesar The first team going
across the mountain will win the championship.

go along with to follow, to go with seguir, acompañar Go along with your sister, it's
too late for her to be on the streets.

go around to have currency correr Rumors going around.

go around to satisfy a demand or requirement satisfacer una demanda Just

enough food to go around.

go at to attack, especially with energy atacar John thought Robert had stolen his ring
and went at him.

go by to elapse; pass transcurrir, pasar Time goes by and George can't find a job.

go down to drop below the horizon; set descender, bajar The sun went down.

go down to come to be remembered in posteritypasar a la historia Einstein went

down in history because of the e=mc² formula.

go down with to fall ill enfermar Tony can't play with you today because he's
gone down with a flu.

go for to have a special liking for gustar, preferir I prefer fish, I don't go for meat very

go for to attack atacar The dog tried to go for the child.

go for to choose optar por, elegir, escoger If I had to choose between London or
Rome, I'd go for London.

go forward to continue avanzar, seguir adelante, presentarse Our team won the
match. Now we are going forward to the final.

go forward with to start an activity comenzar a hacer algo que tenías planeado
hacer Joseph will go forward with the violin classes next week.
go in to enter, to come in entrar Dr. Warren will see you in a minute, go in and wait for
him, please.

go in for to be interested presentarse a, interesarse en Will you go in for the

IELTS test next Monday?

go into to discuss or investigate; to examine profundizar, discutir, examinar The book goes
into classical mythology.

go into to crash chocar The drunk driver suddenly turned and went into the traffic

go off to explode, to silence apagarse, estallar The lights went off when the winner
was about to be announced.

go off to make a noise; sound sonar, hacer ruido The siren went off at noon.

go on to continue continuar, seguir The show must go on.

go on to take place; happen suceder, ocurrir I didn't know what was going on.

go out to go outdoors, to leave one's residence, to travel viajar, salir de casa Joe'll go
out to Paris to finish his master's degree in medicine.

go out to have a love relationship with someone salir con alguien Tom didn't
know that Emma was going out with my brother.

go over to examine or review examinar, revisar I think there must be a mistake, why
don't we go over the lesson?

go through to experience experimentar, atravesar Matt is going through a difficult

time, his wife has just left him.

go towards to give money destinar dinero al pago parcial del costo de algo o alguna
actividad The extra money I earned this month will go towards a new car.

go with to choose acompañar, optar por Would you like some cake to go with your

go without to do something without womeone prescindir de, arreglárselas sin You will
have to go without me, I can't help you this time.

go under to suffer defeat or destruction; fail; to lose consciousness hundirse,

desmayarse, quebrar The company went under after a period of bad investments.

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