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MUH. AL QADRI SYAWAL (16 0202 0155)



Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb.

Praise and gratitude the author prays to the presence of God Almighty for all the
abundance of His grace and gifts so that the author can complete the report on the results
of the class development that the author did at SMA Negeri 6 Palopo.

In preparing this report, the author encountered many obstacles and challenges. However,
with the help of various parties, the author was able to compile a report on the results of the
development as well as possible.

The author realizes that in preparing the report on the results of the development of this
class, it has many shortcomings and is still not perfect. Therefore, criticism and suggestions
from readers are needed by the author to improve the report. Hopefully this report can be
useful for the readers.

Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb.

Palopo juni 2022



TABLE OF CONTENTS....................................................................................

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION......................................................................

A. B a c k g r o u n d ................................................................................
B. Destination..............................................................................................

CHAPTER II LITERATUR REVIEW.............................................................

A. Definition of development.....................................................................
B. Various types of tests..............................................................................

CHAPTER III RESULTS AND DISCUSSION.................................................

A. Profile of SMA Negeri 6 Palopo.............................................................

B. Time And Place ....................................................................................
C. Research methods..................................................................................
D. Design Test……………………………………………………………..
E. T y p e s o f t e s t s ……………………………………………………...
F. Q u e s t i o n A t t a c h m e n t . ………………………………………..
G. Attachment..............................................................................................




Education is an important aspect that must be considered. The components that must be
considered in education include educators, students, educational institutions and educational
curricula which include how to deliver teaching materials in order to create a society that is
able to compete and adapt to changing times, which greatly affects the quality of education in
Indonesia. Until now, education in Indonesia is still experiencing many basic problems,
namely the problem of educator resources that have not optimally developed the potentials
possessed by educational institutions. One of the problems faced by education in Indonesia is
the professionalism of teachers which is still far from what is expected. Teachers are the main
resource in the implementation of a quality teaching and learning process. In Law Number 14
of 2005 concerning teachers and lecturers, article 1 paragraph (1) states that "Teachers are
professional educators with the main task of educating, teaching, guiding, directing, training,
assessing and evaluating students in early childhood education pathways. formal education,
primary education and secondary education”.


This research was conducted so that students are able to think at a high level, able to become
students who systematically learn to analyze a problem from various aspects.


A. Definition of development

Development is an effort to improve technical, theoretical, conceptual, and

moral abilities according to needs through education and training. Development is a
process of designing learning logically and systematically in order to determine
everything that will be carried out in the process of learning activities by taking into
account the potential and competence of students. So the development of learning is
more realistic, not just educational ideals that are difficult to apply in life. Learning
development is an effort to improve the quality of the learning process, both in terms
of materials and methods and substitutions. Materially, it means from the aspect of
adapted teaching materials.
With the development of knowledge, while methodologically and its substance
is related to the development of learning strategies, both theoretically and practically.
Research development is a step or steps to develop a new product or improve an
existing product, which can be accounted for. The purpose of this research is to
produce new products through development. Based on the understanding of
development that has been described, what is meant by development is a process to
make the existing potential into something better and useful, while research and
development is a process or steps to develop a product or improve an existing product
into a product that can be used. accountable.

B. Various Types of Tests

1. Essay Questions (Description Test)

In general, essay tests (test descriptions) are questions that require students to answer
in the form of outlining, explaining, discussing, comparing, giving reasons, and other
similar forms according to the demands of the question using their own words and
language. So the test requires the ability of students to generalize their ideas through
written discussion, so that the type of essay test is more of a power test. There are
three forms of essay tests, namely:
a. Free questions
The form of questions is directed at free questions and the answers to the test
are not limited, depending on the views of the test takers.
b. Limited questions
Questions on certain things or there are certain restrictions. Limitations can be
seen in terms of: the scope, the point of view of the answer, and the indicators.
c. Structured questions
Is a form between objective questions and essays. Questions in this form are a
series of short answers even though they are open and free of answers.
2. Objective Questions
This test is newer than the essay test, but this test is widely used in assessing learning
outcomes in schools. This is due, among other things, to the breadth of learning
materials that can be achieved in the test and the ease of assessing the testee's
answers. This test is categorized as always producing the same value even though it
assesses different teachers or the same teacher at different times.
a. Tru-false
The question is in the form of question sentences that contain two possibilities
of true and false. Of course, students are asked to determine which sentence is
considered true and which is false.
b. Matching-test
Matching test, this test consists of two groups. The first group contains
question words, where these words have a partner or partner in the second
group. The task of the test takers is to match each word or question from the
first group to the second group.
c. Fill-in test
Stuffing test, the test testee is asked to fill in the blank sentences. Sometimes it
is a story, the important part is omitted. The testee is asked to fill in the blank.
d. Fill-in test
Stuffing test, the test testee is asked to fill in the blank sentences. Sometimes it
is a story, the important part is omitted. The testee is asked to fill in the blank.
e. Multiple choice
Multiple choice test, this test provides several alternative answers for each
question. For this reason, test participants are asked to choose the one most
correct answer from the alternative answers.

3. Test Development Procedure

a. Develop test specifications. The things that are done when compiling test
specifications are determining the purpose of the test, compiling a grid,
choosing the form of the test, and summative tests. This is done to make it
easier to write questions and anyone who writes questions will produce
relatively the same level of difficulty.
b. Write test questions. Writing questions is an elaboration of indicators into
questions whose characteristics are in accordance with the details on the grid
that has been made.
c. Studying test questions. This is done to minimize errors or deficiencies.
d. Do a test run. Test trials are conducted as a means of obtaining empirical data
about the level of goodness of the questions that have been compiled.
e. Analyze test items. With the analysis of the test items, it can be seen the level
of difficulty of the items, discriminating power, and the effectiveness of

Test Instrument Development Steps and Procedures.

a. Fix test. This step is usually an item test, which is to correct each
item that turns out to be still not good.
b. Assemble test. In assembling the questions, things that can affect the
validity of the questions, such as the serial number of the questions,
the grouping of the questions, layout, and so on must be considered
because even though the items that have been prepared are good, if
they are arranged haphazardly it can cause the questions to be bad.
c. Carry out the test. The implementation of the test is carried out in
accordance with the specified time and supervision is needed so that
the test is done honestly.
d. Interpret test results. The test results produce quantitative data in the
form of scores. This score is then interpreted so that it becomes a
value, namely low, medium or high. The high and low value is
always associated with the assessment reference. There are two
assessment references that are often used in the world of psychology
and education, namely the norm reference and the criterion reference.

A. Profile of SMA Negeri 6 Palopo

Middle School Number 6 Palopo (SMAN 6 PALOPO) Located on JL. Patang II No. 61
Tomaundung, Kec. West Wara, Palopo City, South Sulawesi. Consists of 837 students,
91 teachers, 18 classes, 118 lessons, 3 majors. And Accreditation A.

B. Time And Place

Palopo June 2022 I have been doing research at SMAN 6 Palopo in the subject of
English in grade ten (X) even semester and have finished researching.

C. Research methods
On June 14, 2022, I did research at SMAN Palopo using the online method, asking one
of the English teachers at SMAN 6 via Whatsapp Messenger and asking the teacher a
few things about the test questions used by the teacher against his students.

D. Design Test
The type of test used by the SMAN 6 Palopo teacher in the tenth grade of the even
semester is the Multiple choice test. Multiple choice test, this test provides several
alternative answers for each question. For this reason, test participants are asked to
choose the one most correct answer from the alternative answers.

E. Types of tests
a. The IELTS Reading Test or commonly known as the Reading test, contains
several types of reading content. Then you need to answer a series of questions
based on the contents of the reading text. This test aims to assess how well
your range of skills when reading written in English is.
b. Writing is a component of the IELTS test. In the IELTS test, writing is divided
into 2 questions, namely: task 1 which asks participants to write a report based
on a given graph, chart or diagram, and task 2 which asks participants to write
an essay based on a given topic.
c. Listening Test is a part that we often encounter in various English tests. Not a
few people who find it difficult to do the Listening Test and get low scores in
this section. Therefore, in this discussion, we will review accurate tips so that
you can master the English Listening Test well.
d. The IELTS Speaking test is to assess your ability to communicate in English
orally. Communication skills that are an assessment factor are certainly not
F. Question Attachment

Choose the right answer by crossing A,B,C,D or E

The following text is for questions 1-4

The Incas used to have a large empire of 990,000 km2 in Peru, South America. Their cities
were high up in the Andes Mountains. They were well-known for their great wealth,
especially gold. This great empire was unfortunately destroyed in an attack by the Spaniards
who were searching for their famed gold. Although this empire existed back in 1493, it was
not a backward civilization, but complex and well-organied.

The empire was ruled by the Sapa Inca, Lord of the World, Son of the Sun. He owned
everything in the empire-the land, soil, gold and even the people. The people, therefore, had
no freedom.

Boys and girls were born to life of obedience and tradition. They began working in their
ayllu or family groups. Their rule was ama sua, ama llulla, ama sheklla, which means, “do
not steal, do not lie, do not be lazy.”

Despite this difficult way of life, the Incas were very skillful. They constructed drainage
systems and underground water reservoirs. Their buildings were made from huge stones.
These were cut to fit perfectly so that no mortar was needed. Their rope bridges were so
strong that even a horse could gallop across them!

The Incas had no written language. Information was recorded on knotted strings called quipes.
These were also used as calculators. Strong and healthy young boys were chosen as chasquis,
or couriers, to carry messages from one place to another.

1. The text mainly tells about

A Chasquis
B The Incas
C Sapa Inca
D The spaniards E The andes

2. “they constructed drainage systems underground water reservoirs.” ( Paragraph 4) The

underlined word has the same meaning ...
A Grew
B Bore
C Built
D Existed
E Renovated
3. How was the empire destroyed?
A The empire was destroyed by huge stones

B It was destroyed by well-organized ayllu

C The empire was ruled by the Sapa Inca

D It was reconstructed by systems E It was attacked by the Spaniards
4. What did they use to calculate?
5. A Quipes
B String C Mortars
D Chasquis
E Huge stones

For questions number 5-7, complete the dialogs with suitable expressions

6. Paul : Hello, Sara. Nice to meet

you. Sara : Nice to meet you too
Paul : How long have you studied here?
Sara : I’ve studied here for three years, and you?
Paul : ....
A I had studied here for two years
B I have been studying here for two years

C I have studied here for two years

D I study here every two years
E I studied here for only one year

7. David : Have you ever eaten Thai food?

John : Yes, I’ve had it a few times. What about you?
David : ...
A I ate it everytime
B I have never tried it
C I have ate it many times

D No. Thank you!

E Bye!
8. Tom : Have you seen Henry recently?
Alejandro : No. ?
Tom : I haven’t seen him since last summer
A Did you
B Have you
C Had you
D Do you
E Were you?

For questions number 8 to 15, complete the sentences with correct verbs.

9. When ... the trip ... ?

A Was / started
B Did / started
C Did / start
D Was / start
E Was / have started

10. Where yesterday?

A Did / go
B Did / went
C Was / go
D Were / go
E Were / have gone

11. I buy flowers every week. Last week I ... some roses

A Buy
B Did buy
C Was buy
D Bought
E Have bought

12. I ... a joke in my classroom and everybody

A Tell / laughed
B Was tell / laugh
C Told / laughed
D Told / was laugh
E Tell / has laughed

13. Before people landed on the Moon in 1969, some people ... that the moon was
made of cheese.
A Believed
B Were believing

C Have believed
D Had been believing
E Have been believing

14. So far, during her time at Bristol International House, Tchior .... to six pancake parties
and fifteen barbecues.
A Came
B Comes
C Has come
D Has been coming

E Have come

15. When Elisabetta ... for her morning lesson, the teacher was collecting the homework from
the other students.
A Arrived
B Was arriving

C Had arrived

D Have arrived

16. This is the best pizza I ... I must get the recipe

A Have ever had

B Am ever having
C Have ever been having

D Will ever have had

E Had ever had

the following text is for questions number 16 to 18

In the middle of a bright day, I planned to have lunch in a new restaurant. I drove along the
Wet Road at a reasonable speed.

About fifty meters before the crossroads, a pedestrian, who was walking on the sidewalk,
suddenly ran across the road in front of my car. I was so surprised that I braked as hard as
I could. I was really in a panic and I had to swerve to avoid the pedestrian. I crashed into a
car which was parked by rhe side of the road.

Fortunately, the pedestrian was not injured, but I had a bad cut on my face because my head
hit the windshield. I had forgotten to put on my seat belt. An ambulance took me to the
hospital where I had to have five stitches and took a rest for for several hours.

There was a lot of damage to my cr; the wind-shield was broken and the fender was badly
dented. I was interviewed by the police in the hospital. I promised myself to be careful the
next time I drive the car.

17. The writer became panicked because

A A pedestrian was hit by a car
B A pedestrian ran into his car
C A pedestrian had a bad cut on her head
D A pedestrian suddenly ran across the road in front of him
E He saw a pedestrian walking to cross the road

18. “I had forgotten to put on my seat belt” (Paragraph 3) The antonym of the word “put
on” is..
A Put out
B Fasten
C Loosen
D Carry over
E Switch off

19. From the text we can conclude that

A The pedestrian was careless
B The pedestrian was careful
C The writer drove his car fast
D The driver helped the pedestrian
E The witness helped the victims

The following text is for questions 19 to 21

A Trip to Snow Mountains

When my family is living in Sydney, we used to go to a place called Snow Mountains because
Sydney never has snow in winter. Well, the weather can get very, very cold, and the
temperature could go as minus 5 degrees Celcius, but it never snows. That was the reason why
we liked going to Snow Mountains.

Our first trip to Snow Mountains was very exciting. We went with a group of foreign
students from different parts of the world. We went by a bus to Canberra and then we went
up to the mountain. And believe me, you need to be an expert driver because the road was
rough, wet, and very slippery. We had to go very slowly and cautiously.

Luckily, our driver was a real professional. He did a great job taking us to the mountains, but
I saw many other cars sliding of the roads. The police were really busy because of those
accidents, but the police seemed to have anticipated the situation. They had all kinds of
equipment to help the poor cars.

When we reached the resort aream a nice warm meal was waiting in a nice and cozy dining
room. It was a relief. Then we had to hire the “Snow-Mountain gear’ like caps, scarves, thick
jackets, and snow boots. We simply had to do that or we would have been freczing to death. I
felt really big and fat in that outfit and I had to learn how to walk in snow.

The most exciting part was the toboggan ride. A toboggab is basically a fiberglass board
designed to slide down the snowy slopes. So I climbed uo the hill and then I sat down on
the toboggan. I held on the ropes used to steer and slid down the hill. It turned out that my
steering ropes weren’t tied on correctly, so I could not control my toboggan properly. I slid
down really fast without being able to control where I was going to. So ended up plunging
into a freezing cold creek!

20. Why was an expert driver needed to drive to Snow Mountains?

Because ...
A The roads were snowy
B The roads were slippery
C It was a comfortable trip
D There were a lot of accidents there
E It was a trip to the snowy mountains

21. “we had to go very slowly and cautiously” (parapraph 2) The synonym of the
underlined word is ...
A Dangerously
B Axiously
C Clumsily
D Patiently
E Carefully

22. Why did the writer love to go to the Snow Mountains? Because ...
A He was living in Sydney
B Sydney never has snow in winter
C The weather is very cold
D The temperature could go as minus 5 degrees
E The way to the mountains was very challeging

The following text us for questions number 22 to 25

John Munir was born in Dunbar, Sciotland, in 1838, but grew up in Wisconsin. He
walked from the Ohio River a thousand miles to the Gulf of Mexico, where he planned
to continue south to explore the jungles of the Amazon. However, a bout of malaria
turned his sights west to California, where he arrived in 1868, immediately falling in
love with the land Over the next decade Muir became well known as a Sierra Nevada
mountaineer, explorer,
and naturalist. Later, Muir built another more significant career upon his first. He became
the nation’s foremost conservationist. Yosemite National Park was established in 1890
essentially because of Muir’s recommendations.
Two years later, he helped found the Sierra Club, which originally limited its conversation
activities to “preserving the forest and other natural features of the Sierra Nevada
Mountains” before it branched out in recent years to tackle global issues.
In 1903, Muir lured Theodore Roosevelt away from his presidential entourage to spend
three nights in Yosemite. Later, the President remarked to his party that the time he spent
talking conversation with Muir was “the greatest day of my life”. His administrations
were to make the most sweeping conservation effort the nation’s history.

23. What is the communicative purpose of this passage?

A To tell about Theodore Roosevelt
B To encourage Muir’s conversation efforts
C To describe how the Sierra Club was formed and then expanded

D To inform John Muir and Theodore Roosevelt about conversation

E To retell biographical information about John Muir

24. What is the best title for the text above?

A The Muir’s views on conservation

B The Biography of John Muir
C The Life of Theodore Roosevelt
D Yosemite National Park
E The Nation’s Foremost Conservationist
25. “Yosemite National Park was established in 1980 ...”
(Paragraph 2) The underlined word has similar meaning with ...
A Decorated
B Renovated
C Built
D Founded
E Designated

26. Which of the following statements is correct according to the passage?

A John Muir could be described as a critical author
B John Muir wrote conservation legislation in the Roosevelt administration
C Founding the Sierra Club was the only objective in John Muir’s life
D John Muir made Theodore Roosevelt a good president
E Muir was famous as a Sierra Nevad mountaineer, explorer and naturalist

For questions number 26 to 30, complete each sentences with the correct word

27. I came to this country, I didn’t speak a word of English

A Before

B Since
C Because
D After
E So that

28. I’ll let you know....I come back and rest for a while
A Because

B After
C So that
D Since
E Before

29. He doesn’t understand....he doesn’t speak French very well

A Because

B After
C So that
D Since
E before

30. He spoke slowly....she would understand

A Because

B After
C So that
D Since
E Before father has high blood pressure, he has to watch what he eats.
A Before
B Since
C Because
D After
E So that

G. Lampiran

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