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Radiographic Testing (Paper - 01)

1. A radioactive survey meter measured a dose rate of 1 mSv/hr from a source at a distance of one
meter. What is the dose rate at a distance of 10 meter?
A. 100 µSv/hr
B. 100 mSv/hr
C. 10 mSv/hr
D. 10 µSv/hr

2. A radioactive survey meter measured a dose rate of 20 mSv/hr from a source at a distance of
one meter. What is the dose rate at a distance of 2 meter?
A. 10 mSv/hr
B. 5 mSv/hr
C. 2 mSv/hr
D. 40 mSv/hr

3. A survey meter measured a dose rate of 250 mSv/hr from a source at a distance of one meter. At
what distance the radiographer will receive a radiation of 10 mSv/hr?
A. 10 meter
B. 5 meter
C. 20 meter
D. 2 meter

4. A radioactive source gives out radiation of 4 mSv/hr; a radiographer has worked for 15 minutes.
What is the amount of dose received by him?
A. 2 mSv
B. 1 mSv
C. 10 mSv
D. 4 mSv

5. If radiation source emits 1 mSv/hr at 1 meter, then what is the dose rate at 10 cm distance from
the source?
A. 250 mSv/hr
B. 100 mSv/hr
C. 10 mSv/hr
D. 1 mSv/hr

6. 0.5 cm lead reduces the radiation level from 10 mSv to 5 mSv; then 1 cm of lead will reduce it
further to:
A. 5 mSv
B. 0.5 mSv
C. 2.0 mSv
D. 2.5 mSv
7. A radioactive source gives out radiation of 6 mSv/hr. A radiographer has worked for 20 minutes.
What is the dose received by him?
A. 0.2 mSv/hr
B. 5 mSv/hr
C. 2 mSv/hr
D. 20 mSv/hr

8. If the intensity of radiation at 36 m is 25 R/Hr. What is the radiation intensity level at 80 m

A. 5.06 R/hr
B. 2.04 R/hr
C. 8.36 R/hr
D. 6.49 R/hr

9. If the intensity of radiation at 3.6 m is 25 R/hr. What is the distance for it to be 2 mR/Hr?
A. 7.6 m
B. 402 m
C. 760 m
D. 4.02 m

10. The radiation survey meter reads 100 mR/hr at some point. How much dose would a person
receive standing at that point in (a) 1 hour, (b) 30 minutes (c) 6 minutes?
A. (a) 100 mR; (b) 25 mR; (c) 10 mR;
B. (a) 100 mR; (b) 75 mR; (c) 0.1 mR;
C. (a) 100 mR; (b) 50 mR; (c) 10 mR;
D. (a) 50 mR; (b) 25 mR; (c) 12.5 mR;

11. The radiographer plans to take four exposures at a field location. He estimates that four
exposures can be completed in less than 1 hour. Each exposure will take 3 min. From past
measurements it is known that 100 ft (30.48 m) from the source the dose rate will be 200 mR/hr.
How much dose will a person standing 100 ft (30.48 m) from the source will receive in any 1
A. 4 mR
B. 50 mR
C. 20 mR
D. 0.4 Mr

12. Gamma ray source activity is measured in:

A. Curies
B. Electron volts
C. Becquerels
D. Amperes
13. The thickness of a material required to reduce the intensity of radiation of a particular energy
one-tenth of its original value is the material’s:
A. Absorption layer
B. Protection layer
C. Half - value layer
D. Tenth - value layer

14. The thickness of a material required to reduce the intensity of radiation of a particular energy
one-half of its original value is the material’s:
A. Absorption layer
B. Protection layer
C. Half - value layer
D. Tenth - value layer

15. Help to assess three factors in a radiographic image: image sharpness, image
contrast, and image noise.
A. Photographic filters
B. Imaging lenses
C. Image quality indicators
D. Densitometers

16. Nuclear reactor research facilities, particle accelerators, and D-T tubes are all sources that can
be used to perform:
A. Computed radiography
B. Gamma - radiography
C. X - Ray radiography
D. Neutron radiography

17. The energy of gamma rays is expressed by which of the following units of measurement?
A. Curie (GBq)
B. Roentgen (Coulomb per kilogram)
C. Half - life
D. KeV or MeV

18. An image quality indicator (IQI) is used to measure the:

A. Size of discontinuities in a part
B. Density of the film
C. Quality of the radiographic technique
D. Amount of radiation that penetrates the test object
19. If the required exposure time for a 50 Curie Ir - 192 source is 4 minutes, what exposure time
would be required for 25 Curie source:
A. 4 minutes
B. 8 minutes
C. 2 minutes
D. 1 minute

20. If the required X – ray exposure time for a 225 kV, 5 mA exposure is 3 minutes, approximately
what exposure time would be required at 10 mA?
A. ½ minute
B. 1 minute
C. 1.5 minute
D. 3 minutes

21. Slow films:

A. Give better definition than fast films
B. Are faster than fast films
C. Require shorter exposure times than fast films
D. Usually have less contrast than fast films

22. The selection of the proper source - to - film distance is a primary factor in controlling:
A. Contrast
B. Unsharpness
C. Graininess
D. Scatter

23. An acceptable quality radiograph should include:

A. Proper identification
B. Correct penetrameter and visible holes
C. Location markers
D. All of the above

24. If the required exposure time for a 100 Ci lr - 192 source is 4 minutes, what exposure time
would be required at 25 Ci Source?
A. 4 minutes
B. 8 minutes
C. 2 minutes
D. 16 minutes

25. Which of the following expressions correctly determines radiographic density?

A. I₀/Iᴛ
B. Log (I₀/Iᴛ)
C. Log (I₀-Iᴛ)
D. I₀-Iᴛ

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