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Sacred Vocations of the Psychedelic


Tanya Lynn
Women's Circles: Holding the Container to Heal the Feminine

Tanya is the founder of Sistership Circle, author of several books, and host of The BRAVE
Woman podcast. She holds both the masculine and feminine in her work and takes women deep
to release their patriarchal conditioning and step into their power.

In this talk, she shares about dismantling the patriarchy and healing the sister wound in women’s
circles, and why these are integral pieces of facilitating plant medicine ceremonies.

You will discover:

 Why healing the sister wound is an integral piece to facilitating plant ceremonies
  The #1 way to dismantle the patriarchy in the psychedelic space

  The link between women's circles, plant ceremonies and sisterhood

About Tanya Lynn

Tanya Lynn is a “strategic activator” and the visionary CEO of Sistership Circle, a global
organization that offers leadership training for women to reveal themselves and step into their
power so they can start their own circle business. Tanya has been internationally facilitating,
coaching & leading groups of women since 2006. Along her journey, she has found that
balancing the masculine and feminine holds the secret to BEING a brave woman who is fully
seen, heard, and celebrated as her true self while actualizing her dreams.

Where to Find Tanya Lynn

Get the free Gift

>>The Women's Circle Ritual Handbook<< Struggling with Transformational Content for Your
Circle? Our facilitators share their Secret Rituals with you to use in Sacred Ceremony!

Yolanda joy
How to Scale Your Plant Medicine Business Sustainably

Yolanda is a  former pharmacist and Founder of Herbal Entrepreneur, a coaching platform for
holistic entrepreneurs. She walked away from Western medicine to build a holistic online
business and have a greater impact on how people interact with plants.

In this talk, she shares about building a sustainable model for growing an herbalist practice and
offers innovative ways to create more touch points and reach more people with our passion for
plant medicines.

You will discover:

 How to be a responsible advocate for plant medicine healing

  How to build a sustainable healing practice, with long-term growth

  How to get your work out into the world and attract ideal clients through event
About Yolanda Joy

When it comes to growing a profitable herbal business and building a thriving, engaged
community, former pharmacist Yolanda Smith has the winning prescription.

Disliking the incentivized sales, commercialism, and linear guidelines of her pharmaceutical
training, Yolanda walked away from western medicine to build a holistic online business.

Applying her scientific diligence to the art of audience building, joint venture partnerships, and
community, Yolanda teaches entrepreneurs how to make their holistic business bloom.

Where to Find Yolanda Joy

Get the Free Gift

>>The Herbal Entrepreneur Roadmap<< Get the step-by-step guide to take you through the
entire process to have greater impact through your work with plants.

Kayse Gehret
The Practical Magic of Microdosing: Where Spirit Meets Science

After developing one of the top bodywork practices in the United States, Kayse went on to open
four highly regarded integrated healing arts studios in Northern California and founded
Microdosing for Healing, a virtual platform combining microdosing education and supportive

In this talk, she shares about how profoundly transformative a well-established microdosing
regimen can be for a range of different aspects of life.

You will discover:

 The key differences between a Solo practice and a Healing Studio or Retreat Center
  Advice on Financing your Dreams of Expansion

  Best practices & keys to successfully building an exceptional healing community

About Kayse Gehret

Kayse Gehret - with over two decades in the healing arts - is the engaging, accessible founder of
Microdosing for Healing, a nationwide virtual platform combining microdosing education and
supportive community. The intention of the program is to introduce individuals to the beautiful
practice of microdosing earth medicines, inspire a lifelong connection to nature, instill a
reverence & respect for the medicines and create the conditions for healing inside a welcoming,
supportive container.

Where to Find Kayse Gehret

Beth Weinstein
The Psychedelic Pioneer: How to Integrate Psychedelics & Sacred Medicines into A Business

Beth is a spiritual business coach who helps current and aspiring coaches, healers, Psychedelic
Pioneers and spiritual teachers align with their soul’s path and grow their business so they can
help more people, Share Their Unique Medicine, and have a thriving transformational business
they love.

In this talk, she draws on her experience from the trenches of psychedelic entrepreneurship and
shares insights into transforming our visionary experiences into clarity on our vocational path
and creating a successful career in the Psychedelic Renaissance.

You will discover:

 The intersection of psychedelics, sacred medicine, purpose, and conscious entrepreneurship

  How to integrate your visionary experiences into your purpose and get clarity on your
entrepreneurial path

  How to approach creating a successful career in transformational entrepreneurship

About Beth Weinstein

Using her experience growing multiple businesses along with neuroscience-backed

methodologies, spiritual teachings, over 30 years of experience working with entheogenic
medicines, and practical business action plans, Beth offers a multi-dimensional approach to help
you move past your blocks and grow your business in an impactful way that aligns with your
Soul. She guides you in a simple step-by-step process using a balanced, co-creative approach
combining practical business growth strategies together with spiritually-centered mindset
reprogramming and leadership coaching.

Beth is the host of "The Psychedelic Entrepreneur" podcast; host of the “Psychedelics, Sacred
Medicines, Purpose and Business” annual summit; was co-creator of the "Music is Medicine"
festival and "Urban Ceremony", produced together with musician East Forest.

Where to Find Beth Weinstein


>>Integrating Psychedelics & Sacred Medicines Into a Business<< If you want to integrate
visionary experiences into your business and purpose… Or you’re trying to figure out your what
your business is, but you aren’t clear… Or you just don’t know what to do first or next to start
your transformational business, then this free training is for YOU!

Beth's special offer

>>True Path Entrepreneur Group Business Coaching & Mastermind Program<< This business
coaching group program takes you through a step-by-step process to start, grow, and get clients
in your coaching, healing or similar transformational business – whether you have a business yet
or not.

Use code ENTHEO for $100 off!

Kristyn Caetano
Organic Marketing Secrets for Spiritual Entrepreneurs
Kristyn is an Intuitive Business Mentor and Founder of EVOLVE Entrepreneur Academy, with
more than 15 years of experience as a Certified Coach, and 30 years as a Holistic Practitioner.

In this talk, she shares tips on how spiritual healers and coaches can leverage the power of
organic marketing to create and grow a profitable business that they LOVE.

You will discover:

 The #1 non-negotiable strategy that you must have in order to succeed in your sacred
  3 secrets for how to make marketing EASY (and it may not be what you think)

  The most common mistakes spiritual entrepreneurs make, and what to do instead

About Kristyn Caetano

Kristyn has taught hundreds of Spiritual Coaches & Visionary Healers how to create more
income and impact through their sacred business.

As a Holistic Practitioner for 30 years, and Certified Coach for more than 15 years, Kristyn truly
understands what it takes to thrive.

Her unique programs combine savvy business-building strategies WITH powerful mindset tools
(and lots of love) to help her clients overcome blocks, find clarity, and create unlimited success.

Where to Find Kristyn Caetano

Get the Free Gift

>>Spiritual Business Bundle<< Discover Kristyn’s simple yet potent secrets to sell out your
services with soulmate clients, and create a profitable business in a way that feels heart-centered
and fully aligned.

Aluna Lua
The Role of Ancient Medicines in the Modern Path Of Ascension

Lua is a multidimensional Brazilian Artist and Spiritual Entrepreneur who facilitates plant
medicine ceremonies and initiations and runs an online mystery school which supports
lightworkers to integrate their transformational experiences, take their ascension path to the next
level, and amplify their message through creative multimedia.

In this talk, she shares about the connection between plant spirits, ascension, and creativity, what
it means to be a plant spirit guardian, and how we can engage in indigenous reciprocity when
working with ancestral medicines.

You will discover:

 The connection between plant spirits, ascension, and creativity

  What it means to be a plant spirit guardian

  Engaging in indigenous reciprocity when working with ancestral medicines

About Aluna Lua

As a multidimensional Brazilian artist, dancer, singer and spiritual entrepreneur, Lua is a big
believer in the power of prayer, plant medicines, and holistic healing. As the founder of
Ascension Arts, her answer to the need for more trusted allies of the indigenous communities in
the psychedelic integration field, she has created an Entheogenic Mystery School to support
lightworkers to integrate their transformational experiences in a way that honors mutual
reciprocity with native tribes, protects the integrity of the medicines and supports a spiritually
fulfilling and healthy lifestyle. She helps artists and healers to embody their spiritual power
through entheogenic initiations, mentorship and creative expression - taking their ascension path
to the next level. Lua is also passionate about amplifying people’s mission and impact in the
world by helping them create a visual identity through multimedia that expresses their beauty,
truth and purpose.

Where to Find Aluna Lua

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>>Entheogenic Facilitation eBook<< Your Master Guide to Prepare and Lead Sacred Space
when working with altered states of consciousness.

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