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Physical Fitness Analysis

1. Definition of Physical Fitness

Physical fitness is a person's ability to carry out daily life activities lightly and easily
without feeling significant fatigue and still having energy reserves to carry out other
activities. If humans routinely carry out physical fitness programs, their physical work
abilities will be better, besides that physical fitness is the key to real health and endurance
of the human body.

2. Elements of physical fitness

The following are the elements of fitness and physical fitness and types of physical
exercise to improve them.

1) Strength

Strength is a condition of the body in using muscles to maximize energy when doing a
physical activity.

Examples of physical exercises that can increase strength are push-ups, sit-ups, back-
ups. Lift weights, and squat jumps.

2) Endurance

A person's ability to carry out movements with his whole body in a relatively long
time with moderate to fast tempo and frequency without experiencing severe pain and

Types of light exercise such as jogging or running for 15-30 minutes can help increase

3) Muscular power

Muscular power is related to the ability of the body's muscles to support daily
One type of exercise to increase muscle power is lifting weights.

4) Speed

Speed is the ability to move from one position to another in a short time and

quickly. Sprinting is a type of physical activity that can increase speed.

5) Flexibility

Flexibility or flexibility is the flexibility of movement, especially in the muscles of the


This element of physical fitness can be improved with exercise, swimming, or yoga.

6) Agility

The ability to change the direction of body position with great speed and
determination is called agility.

How to train agility or agility can be with a squat jump or run up and down stairs.

7) Coordination

Coordination is a person's ability to integrate various different movements and be able

to coordinate all parts of the body well.

Examples of exercises from the physical fitness component of the coordination section
are bouncing a tennis ball against the wall with the right hand and then catching it
again with the left hand and vice versa.

8) Balance

Balance is a person's ability to control the body so that the movements performed can
be performed properly and correctly.
Examples of exercises to improve balance include standing on one foot on tiptoes or
in a wax stance, lifting one leg back and so on.

9) Accuracy

Accuracy is the body's ability to control free movements of a target.

Some examples of sports that require this accuracy are archery, bowling, soccer and

10) Reaction

Reaction is a person's ability to immediately act and respond to a movement, stimulus,

or stimulus that is captured by the senses.

Elements of physical fitness, reactions can be improved, one of which is basketball,

which includes throwing and catching the ball.

3. Benefits of Physical Fitness

The following are the benefits of doing physical fitness regularly:

1) Improve blood circulation and heart system work.

2) Increase stamina and body strength.

3) Have the ability to restore the body's organs appropriately.

4) Have a quick and precise body response.

5) Reduce the risk of being overweight or obese.

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