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A.Choose the two examples in each group that fit A.

Andrea could have gotten stuck in traffic

the description. after she left work.
1A sentence showing that the speaker is absolutely B. I should have gotten the car fixed when I
certain: had the chance.
A. The pueblo people of the U.S. Southwest C. The accident may have been caused by
were called the Anasazi by the Navajo. engine failure.
B. The Basques might be present-day D. Judging from their phone message, I'd say
descendants of the Atlanteans. they couldn't have gotten there yet.
C. Drought could have been the cause of the
disappearance of the Anasazi. 7A sentence that describes a missed opportunity:
D. Much of what we know about Atlantis stems A. Jack could have gotten a scholarship if he
from the writings of Plato. had applied.
B. Marcos could have had to do some errands
2A sentence in which the speaker is speculating after work.
about the present and is almost certain: C. Bad weather could have delayed their flight.
A. The lady could be planning to run for D. You could have been my wife if you had
president. accepted my proposal.
B. The Loch Ness monster might really exist.
C. UFOs must have some basis in reality. 8A sentence in which the speaker is speculating
D. There has to be a reasonable explanation for about the future and is almost certain:
Jerry's behavior. A. We should know the answer to our request
within a week.
3A negative speculation suggesting impossibility: B. Though it's only raining here, it may be
A. That can't be my voice on the CD. snowing in the mountains.
B. Evidence shows that she couldn't be guilty C. Mei-Ling ought to graduate from college in
of the crime. the next year or so.
C. Sam might not be the perpetrator of the D. Karen might be able to help us with the
crime. project next month.
D. Asha may not be in town after all.
9A sentence in which the speaker is speculating
4A sentence in which the speaker is speculating about the future and is less certain:
about the present and is less certain: A. We ought to find out soon whether they've
A. Andy may not be well enough to participate accepted our offer.
in the game. B. The recession should end within the next 18
B. Judging from your accent, I'd say you must months.
be from the United States. C. We could solve the problem of climate
C. That has to be the reason why Junichi didn't change in the 21st century.
come to the party. D. Scientists might develop a vaccine against
D. This could be the solution to the problem. AIDS in the next few years.

5A sentence in which the speaker is speculating

about the past and is almost certain:
A. Andres could have had to work late on the
annual report.
B. The Vikings had to have visited the New
World before Columbus did.
C. Your shirts must have been stolen at the
D. Some unknown author could have written
some of the plays attributed to Shakespeare.

6A sentence in which the speaker is speculating

about the past and is less certain:

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