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Escuela Bella Vista

Teacher: Yadiela Payne

Name: Jade Madrid


Subject: English

Topic: Traditional dish from a Country around the world

Date: 24-7-2022

Appetizer: Filled tomatoes


 10 round tomatoes
 1 small onion
 1/3 cup uncooked rice
 2 hard boiled eggs
 2 cans of tuna
 2 tablespoons low-fat spreadable cheese
 2 tablespoons light caesar sauce
 4 tablespoons light mayonnaise
 Salt and freshly ground pepper, to taste

Step 1: Remove a very thin slice from the top of each tomato to access the interior. Remove the
seeds and all the juice.

Step 2: Place them on a tray with the opening facing down to drain.

Step 3: In a bowl, place the chopped raw onion, the cooked rice, the chopped hard-boiled eggs and
the shredded tuna, mix.

Step 4: Add the low-fat spreadable cheese, light caesar sauce and light mayonnaise, mix.

step 5: Add seasonings, mix.

Step 6: Season the inside of the tomatoes with a little salt and pepper. Fill them with the

Step 7: Place them on a tray side by side. Decorate them with the hard-boiled egg slices, the olive
slices and the chopped chives.

Main curse: argentine asado


 3 kg of beef (rump, brisket, tenderloin or some other typical roast cut is recommended)
 5 large blood sausages
 1 whole chicken
 5 kg of chinchurria
 2 kg of beef kidneys
 2 kg of grilled sausages
 5 pork sausages
 Sea salt
 (optional) grill sauces
 (optional) juice of 1 lemon


1. Clean the parts that contain fat, mainly the kidneys. You can also trim the fat from your cut
of meat, depending on the piece you purchased.
2. With a sufficiently sharp knife, cut across the pieces of meat and the kidney.
3. To the chinchurrias, place a toothpick to screw them before cooking them.
4. Start lighting the charcoal grill.
5. Place all the pieces of meat on a table to salt them, placing enough sea salt and any other
species you want.
6. To the chicken, you can also put additional lemon juice additionally.
7. Place the pieces, except the black pudding, to be cooked on the grill, making sure they have
the same display surface and none are on top of each other.
8. When the meat juices start to appear on top, turn the meat over so that it cooks on the
other side.
9. At this time, also add the black pudding to cook.
10. Cook everything until the doneness you prefer and when you reach it, start removing the
pieces to serve them.
11. You can put sauce on the different pieces that you cooked or serve them as they came out
with their exquisite grilled flavor.

Dessert: Cane honey alfajores


For the mass:

 Yolks 12 units
 Flour 0000 500 gr.
 Baking powder 1 tbsp.
 Melted beef fat 2 tbsp.
 Aguardiente or similar 6 tbsp.
 1/2 cup of grain anise

For the filling:

 sugar 4 tbsp.
 Clear 600 gr.
 Cane honey 600 gr.
 water ½ cup


Beat the yolks until they are creamy, without stopping stirring, add the fat, the brandy and the
aniseed grain. Separately sift the flour with the baking powder, form a crown and in the center add
the previous preparation. Mix and knead until the dough is soft and smooth. Let stand one hour.
Stretch the dough leaving a thickness of 3 mm, cut it in a circular shape and prick it with a fork. Bake
in the oven at 180°C, when the edges bend, lower the oven temperature and finish cooking.

Filling: beat the egg whites until stiff, separately heat the honey, sugar and water in a bain-marie,
until reaching the point of loose thread. Add to the egg whites without stopping beating. Beat until
the preparation cools.

Assemble the alfajores with abundant filling


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