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Introduction: My friend, Mi, has very healthy eating habits. 
1. What she eats during the day:
- Once she gets up: a glass of warm water with honey
- Breakfast: a glass of milk, two slices of bread and a banana
- Lunch: a bowl of whole-grain rice, a bowl of salad, a portion of chicken or fish
- Dinner: a bowl of whole-grain rice, a portion of boiled vegetables, some tofu, some meat and a lot
of fruit
2. If she wants to be healthier, I think she should do more exercise and go to bed earlier. 
Conclusion: In conclusion, Mi has healthy eating habits and she will definitely become fit and feel
to get rid of
immune system
My friend, Trang, does not have healthy eating habits. She sometimes skips breakfast. When she
has it, she usually buys a hamburger and a soft drink from a café near our school. For lunch, her
favourite is fried rice and deep-fried chicken. The good thing is that she prefers to have dinner at
home. However, she likes eating a lot of rice and fatty pork for dinner. She rarely eats vegetables,
but loves fruits. I think Trang should change her diet. First, if she wants to have more energy for
the day, she should never skip breakfast. Second, she must reduce the amount of fast food she eats.
Also, eating more vegetables would be good for her. She should also eat less rice for dinner. These
changes will definitely keep her fit.
First/Firstly/The first …/One of the …
Second/Secondly/Another …
Third/ Thirdly/Furthermore/In addition …
Introduction: One of the negative impacts of tourism is that it may lead to social problems.
- Increase in crime rates
- Gambling
- Rise in costs of living
Conclusion: In conclusion, tourism brings about not only benefits but also drawbacks, so be
careful when tourism develops in your area.
In the first place/ in addition/ besides
negative effect/ impact
mass tourism
to hold attraction for sb
One of the drawbacks of tourism is the damage to the environment of a country or area. In the first
place, tourists use a lot of local resources such as water, food, energy, etc., and this puts pressure on
the environment. Secondly, there is the problem of pollution. Many cities and towns become
overcrowded with tourists, with all their vehicles causing traffic jams as well as air and noise
pollution. Another bad effect of tourism is the destruction of the wildlife in some places. The
habitat of wild plants and animals is lost because of the building of tourist resorts, and by visitors'
activities. In short, the development of tourism has bad effects on the environment.


Introduction: I am learning English for three main reasons.
 Reason 1: Reading famous stories, novels and poems in English -> English
helps me read the original versions, not translated ones
 Reason 2: Studying abroad especially in English-speaking countries -

> English helps me realise this dream

 Reason 3: Getting a good job in an international company -> English is the

working language
Conclusion: In short, I love English because it is useful for me.
original version
to realise a dream
working language
I use English for different purposes in my everyday life. Firstly, English helps me communicate
with people all over the world. I have made friends with some students from the UK and Australia.
I use English to chat with them about many things. Secondly, English helps me get information and
improve my knowledge. Because almost any information is available in English, it is easy for me to
get access to all sources of information with my English. Finally, English is useful when I want to
go abroad to study. A lot of schools and universities in different countries which provide
scholarships and courses in English. I am learning English hard to get an IELTS score of 6.5 so that
next year I can go to Australia to study. In conclusion, English is useful for me in various ways.

*****Tips for Learning English

• Reading (1) stories and books in English
+ widening (2) vocabulary
+ understanding the context
+ remembering words longer
+ knowing how to use words (3) correctly
• Practising grammar
+ doing exercises from different (4) grammar books
+ good books: Grammar in Use and Active Grammar
• Taking opportunities to speak and write English
+ joining an (5) international project
+ exchanging emails and chatting on Skype
+ improving skills and widening knowledge of (6) different cultures
• Being (7) self-confident
+ not being afraid of making mistakes
+ taking part in class (8) activities
+ asking your teacher and classmates for help
I. Advantages of Online Learning

There are several things to love about this type of learning. Here are the advantages of online

1. Saves Time

With online learning, you do not drive or take a taxi to class. This helps you save time, which you
invest in online learning and any other task that needs your attention.

2. Learn from Anywhere on the Globe

This kind of learning allows you to participate from wherever part of the world you are. You can
learn from the office during your break and even from home. An institution in another country
could be offering a course. This does not bar you from benefiting from the course, thanks to online
learning avenues.

3. Fosters Convenience

The traditional classroom setting is boring at times. Worse, even, you may not have time to get to
class. Online learning allows you to learn even from your bed, as long as you understand the
content. You learn from a place you are comfortable with, whenever you want.

4. Reduces Expenses

The fact that you learn from wherever you are means there are no fuel or transport costs. This helps
you cut on expenses especially if you have a tight budget.

5. Less Tiring and Less Boring

Routine encourages boredom. Getting on the bus every morning and evening is tiring with time.
Online learning saves you much trouble. You do not have to go anywhere.

6. Readily Available Learning Materials

With traditional learning, absenteeism comes with its troubles. Imagine it is a weekend and every
friend you know in class is busy. Where will you get notes to catch up? You will have to wait for
Monday. Online learning is different. All learning resources are accessible anytime. Besides, with
apps such as ezTalks, you can even record learning sessions for future reference.

7. Fast and Easy Sharing of Resources

Online learning provides resources in soft copy. This way, you can always share with a friend who
needs them. It is a matter of emailing or using whatever sharing app you find suitable.

8. Builds A Learner's Character

Online learning calls for discipline, dedication, and punctuality. With usual classes, an instructor is
present to keep you on feet, reminding you and even threatening. With online learning, your
personal character is the key to success. It helps you be a self-driven person with great time
conscious skills.

II. Disadvantages of Online Learning

Online learning has a few negatives on its plate. They include:

1. Internet Connection Problems

When there is a problem with your internet system, online learning is impossible. There is nothing
you can do. Slow connections are even worse.

2. Requires A Good Grasp of Tech Skills

Learning from a website, blog or whichever online platform requires you to understand online
technology. It is not just about knowing how to start your computer and getting to the site. You
need to know how to navigate the screen. This is very easy for people who are always online on
different sites. They can figure out how to maneuver around a video, task or text. Without such
skills, online learning becomes stressful.

3. Lacks the Warmth of Face to Face Interaction

Learning in a physical classroom is interesting and more involving as human interaction is present.
There are classmates to connect with and an instructor to consult for immediate feedback. This
lacks in online learning.

4. Stressful for Those with Weak Character

If you are the lazy type, never punctual and love postponing tasks, online learning will be a waste
of time and money. This is especially for the professional courses. There is no tutor to follow you
up. Better go for ordinary classroom-based courses.

5. Possibility of Distractions

If you are taking online programs from home or a park, for example, be sure that there will be
disturbances. It could be noise from your children, people moving around, friends who want to say
hey or you may easily switch off. Bottom-line, the environment is so tempting that without
discipline you may lose track of your goal.
It is clear that the advantages of online learning surpass its disadvantages. It is a worthwhile course
worth pursuing, considering what you will gain from different learning platforms. It does not
matter the field you are interested in be it fitness, health, technology or fashion. With discipline and
the skills to handle online technology, you are good to go. Add value to your life without being in a
physical class through online learning.


*The Advantages of Tourism
- Economic. It brings in money. This is probably the main advantage of tourism and the reason why
it has been promoted so much, especially in developing countries. The income generated can make
up a significant proportion of both private, local, and national incomes.
- Opportunistic. It provides jobs. Hotels, bars, transport, activities, shops, and restaurants all need
staffing. Tourism can provide much-needed employment for people.
- Cross-Cultural. It promotes international connections which can bring more business and cultural
collaborations in the long term. It also promotes cross-cultural awareness for both locals and
tourists and builds bridges of understanding between cultures.

*The Disadvantages of Tourism

- Tourism contributes to pollution: When huge numbers of people visit, they invariably burden the
transportation system and contribute to pollution—locally and globally.
- Cultural: The commercialization of culture can undermine the soul of a tourist destination. Local
traditions that have a rich cultural heritage are reduced to wearing costumes and putting on acts for
the tourists in return for money.
- Depletion of Natural Resources. Tourism can put pressure on natural resources and encourages
over-consumption. This is particularly damaging in spots where resources like food and water are
already scarce.
- Social problems such as crime, drunkenness, and sex tourism may increase.


In your writing, you should include:
- what the change is
- why you think the change will happen
- what this change will mean for society
Introduction: In the future, students will become more independent. 
 They will be more independent in their studies. 
+ with the help of the internet, they will be active in getting and widening their knowledge
+ the internet can also help them in developing a large social network with their peers, so they can
self-search, exchange, and discuss information in order to study more effectively
 They will be more independent at home. 
+ they will do housework with help of modern appliances
+ they will take part in making decisions at home
Conclusion: In short, students will become less dependent in the future.
in the first place
to widen knowledge
social network      
to voice
It is likely that teenagers in the future will be more in charge of their studies. There are at least two
reasons for this. Firstly, there is the rise of the Internet, which provides teenagers with various
reliable sources of information. It also allows teenagers to develop a large social network with their
peers. They can therefore self-search, exchange, and discuss information in order to plan their
studies. Secondly, the fact that they start school early and spend a lot of time by themselves when
their parents go out to work makes them more independent. Decision-making will become a larger
part of their lives. Teens will make decisions concerning their own lives, instead of being told what
to do and how to do it. In short, these are the two reasons why teenagers will become more
responsible for their studies.
In the future, students will become more independent. In the first place, they will be more
independent in their studies. With the help of the internet, they will be active in getting and
widening their knowledge. They can find suitable courses online and take part in them, or search
for useful information. The internet can also help them in developing a large social network with
their peers, so they can self-search, exchange, and discuss information in order to study more
effectively. In addition, students will be more independent at home. They will do housework with
the help of modern appliances such as vacuum cleaner or dishwasher. They will also take part in
making decisions at home. They will voice their opinions about family matters. In short, students
will become less dependent in the future.


I think one of the most popular jobs in the future can be astronaut, the ‘driver' of expensive
spacecrafts. The first reason is many people are dreaming of flying into space and are willing to
pay for such ‘trips' if the costs are not as high as they are now. In fact, this kind of space travel has
attracted many world's travel agencies to exploit, so hopefully it will be much cheaper to follow
such journeys. This also means the demand for spacecraft drivers will be increasing. Secondly,
astronauts will certainly be able to make a bundle and the opportunities for this job will be much
higher. Moreover, those astronauts will also have many chances to travel between planets, and
enjoy the spectacular views from outside the Earth. In short, because of the increasing demand for
space travelling, the opportunities to earn money, and the interesting nature of the job, this job will
likely be a favourite job for many people in very near future.


Introduction: To be a teacher, you have to be knowledgeable, patient, and sympathetic. 
A teacher

 Being knowledgeable about the subject you teach  Ss learn and get knowledge from you
 Being patient with your Ss  some Ss cannot understand the lesson as fast as others  explain
many times
 Being sympathetic with Ss, especially those with disadvantaged family background or have
difficulty learning
In conclusion, if you want to be a teacher, you should be knowledgeable, patient, and sympathetic.




be knowledgeable about sth

disadvantaged family background  

have difficulty learning

To be a teacher, you have to be knowledgeable, patient, and sympathetic. Firstly, being

knowledgeable about the subject you teach is important. The reason is your students learn and get
knowledge from you. If you have solid knowledge, they can learn a lot. Secondly, a teacher should
be patient with his/her students. Not all students are the same. Some students cannot understand the
lesson as fast as others, so you may have to explain the lesson to them many times. Finally, when
you are a teacher, you should be sympathetic with students, especially those with disadvantaged
family background or have difficulty learning. These students need your sympathy and love more.
In conclusion, if you want to be a teacher, you should be knowledgeable, patient, and sympathetic.

I. Write a paragraph of 120 words about the role of teachers in the future.
- Instructional designer
- Trainer
- Collaborator
- Silent partner
- Coordinator
- Facilitator
II. Use the ideas below to write a paragraph of 120 words about the benefits of space
- Might find new minerals, precious materials sometimes -> make our lives easier
- Bright smart people work together -> result in fantastic scientific discoveries,
useful inventions
- Colonise other plants, make atmosphere suitable for human life
III. Use the ideas below to write a paragraph of 120 words about why English is
important in your daily life.
- A means to have access to worldwide information
- Recreation: read English books, listen to English songs, watch English movies,
TV shows
- A useful instrument for travelling
IV. Use the following ideas to write a paragraph of around 120 words about the
negative effects of tourism.
Negative effect: quality o
- One of the negative impacts of tourism is that it may lead to social problems
- Changes in lifestyle
- Changes in cultural and traditional practices
- negatively affect the environment
V. Write about your eating habits.

VI,. Write a paragraph of around 120 words about three advantages of the Internet. Use the
information to help you.
- Good source of information
- An effective means of communication
- A wonderful of entertainment

VII. Write a paragraph of around 120 words about the advantages and disadvantages of
eating out.
- Advantages: + convenient
+ relax
- Disadvantages: + expensive
+ unhealthy food
VIII. Write a paragraph of around 120 words about the benefits of learning a second
- boost brain power
- expand career potentials
- make a person more flexible
- build self- confidence
- improve memory

IX. Write a paragraph of around 120 words about the advantages and disadvantages of space
- Advantages: + allow people to know more about the universe.
+ create numerous jobs.
+ offer a solution to many problems.
- Disadvantages: + endanger the lives of astronauts
+ lead to pollution in space
+ be expensive

X. Write a paragraph of about 120 words about the changes in the roles of women in modern
society nowadays.
In your writing, you should include:
– what the change is.
– why you think the change will happen 
– what this change will mean for society 

In the past several decades, the status of women has been greatly improved. People’s concept also
has changed dramatically. The meaning of women's role is a part of function assumed in life.
Nowadays, women play an important part in modern society. Many women are going into
professions, such as medicine, law and engineering. They comprise a large part of the workers in
businesses and factories. In addition, they are working up to important positions which used to be
held mainly by men. There are even some businesses which are run completely be women. Clearly,
women are making outstanding contributions to the progress of modern society. This essay show
that women had great change of their society role in the past several years and also this change
have positive effects on women such as women can gain good education, have fair opportunity on
job market, increase position at home. Many years ago, men were ahead of women in both
education and employment. But the situation has changed a lot since then. More and more women
are working these days. They earn to support their families, as well as to be financially
independent. More women study nowadays. Higher education has witnessed a great rise in the
number of women attending colleges and universities. In conclusion, women's role is becoming
more and more prominent in the society. Their functions cannot be active, they are and this will
definitely make the world better.

XI. Write a paragraph of about 120 words about the changes in the roles of men in modern
society nowadays.
In your writing, you should include:
– what the change is.
– what this change will mean for society 
XII. Write a paragraph of about 120 words about How you think the roles of teenagers will
change in the future?

– Teenagers will establish their own defensive organization to protect themselves from violence
and abuse
– They play an important role in society by volunteering and helping the others. 
– They are taught to be more independent and to be encouraged to be creative.

XIII. Write a paragraph of around 120 words about the advantages and disadvantages of
doing part- time jobs.
- Advantages: + earn money.
+ acquire experiences and skills.
+ Networking Opportunities
- Disadvantages:
+ Effect on the study +
+ No job security:
+ health

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