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Syeed Mohammed Uzzal Hossain

Department of Finance, FBS, DU
24th Batch, Sec: A; ID:24-013
> History is record and interpretation of the human past; past thoughts and actions of human beings as well
as circumstances that determined or influenced those thoughts and actions.

> History is not just only past politics, stories about battles and treaties, personalities and politics of
statesmen or the laws of the rulers.

>History is the record of past human activities in every sphere not just political developments but also
socio-economic and intellectual development.

History is about not only men but also women, not only the rulers but also the subordinates, not only the
rich but also the poor.

> history is about both family and social class, manorialism and city life, capitalism and industrialism, ideas
and attitudes.

> history is not only confined in recording events but also the causes and the patterns of those events and
why they occured. To record and find those causes through investigation of source, documents and evidence
is needed because historian cannot create evidence nor can they create history.

> To introduce the evidence of statistics historian, need to learn the science of statistics and computers.
To interpret the effects of the cost of living they need to study economics.
To understand the patterns of marriage or effect of population of wars and plagues, they need to study
To explore the phenomena of cave dwelling or modern urbanization, they need to understand archaeology
and if needed become a archeologist.
To understand human past they need to know anthropology.
They need know about folk songs, folk tales and funerary moments.

Therefore, history isn't confined only in history but is a broad area of study which uses knowledge of various
other areas.

> Because infinite number of past events are not receivable because they happened without leaving any
evidences historians cannot always describe and interpret the past events definitely but on basis of data of
documents and evidences they can construct the past event as accurate as possible.

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> by identifying these patterns, mechanisms of change and interpreting the past events we can plot prudent
Strategies for forecasting with the future


History is record and interpretation of the human past;
Past thoughts and actions of human beings as well as circumstances that determined or influenced those
thoughts and actions

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it"
-George Santayana

>History focuses on the past – creates the foundation for understanding the present and anticipating the

>by identifying patterns, mechanisms of change and interpreting the past events we can plot prudent
strategies for forecasting with the future.

>There's a saying, “history repeats itself” but if we study the successes and failures of the past, we may,
ideally, be able to learn from our mistakes and avoid repeating them in the future.

>Studying history can provide us with insight into our cultures of origin as well as cultures with which we
might be less familiar, thereby increasing cross-cultural awareness and understanding.

>Education remains incomplete without some basic knowledge about the past.

Chronology (Ancient Greek chrónos (time) and logia) is the science of arranging events in their order of
occurrence in time. Consider, for example, the use of a timeline or sequence of events. It is also called

"the determination of the actual temporal sequence of past events".

Chronology is part of periodization. It is also part of the discipline of history.

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Homo Sapiens are the species of bipedal primates to which modern humans belong, characterized by a brain
capacity averaging 1400 cc and by dependence upon language and the creation and utilization of complex

Environmental determination is the Doctrine that human growth development and activities are controlled
by physical environment. (Lethwaite 1966)
Factors of race, culture and intelligence are supposed to drive from benign and malign influences of climate
and other aspects of human habitats.


Geography, which is the study of the Earth's surface, focuses on elements such as the arrangement of
physical features, climate, soil and vegetation. Geography influences the development of the people who
occupy given areas.

1. South Asia Region + Asia Continent
2. South Asia's Youngest
3. Humid low-lying alluvial Region
4. Composed Mainly of combined Delta of GBM
5. one of the Largest delta
6. Northern Hemisphere
7. Twice as big as Sri-Lanka
8. Coastline of 1400km is an asset
9. Trading Nation Since ancient Times.
10. Land Border 4246 (I94% M6%)
11. W = West Bengal, N=WAM S= BoB, E= MATM
12. 700 Dis+tributaries
13. GP, BJ, SM, Chittagong RS = Southeast Hilly Area
14. Sub Tropical Moonsoon W11-29 S21-34

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15. Annual Rainfall= 11943454
16. Humidity: 80/100% = AugSep 36%= FebMar
17. Drier West, Wetter South
18. Enough Rain Despite Northern Desert Belt
19. Uplands = 12.5%
20. Two inland elevated Tracts: Barind & Modhupur
21. North/south East rows of hills & valleys
22. Covered with grassland, less fertile, less density of population
23. BM = GBJ JM
24. Timespan of earth : 4.6B years
25. 66-37-24-05-02 (0.1/10000)
I. Most of Bangladesh was under the sea
II. Chittagong hill tracts began to form & Surma basin began subside
III.Monsoon season started and reservoirs of natural gas deposits formed
IV.Global cooling climate and present Bengal Delta started taking shape.
V.Pleistocene: Ice Age + No Evidence of Glacier Deposit in Bangladesh + Two hill tracts formed
VI. Holocene: Homosapiens,Himalayas Ice melt, Creation of river system
Took 2M years to form Bangladesh
18. Population : 14.6M (993/sqkm)
19. Annual Growth : 1.39%
20. M-F R: 104.8 : 100
21. Muslims 88% Hindus 11% BCA 1%
22.98% Mixed Race & 2% Tribal


>knowledge of human origin is the result of several remarkable scientific breakthroughs.
> only recently have scholar been able to get Fossil remains and use research techniques to understand the
relationship among the world's early peoples.

Radiocarbon dating:

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1. The first major advancement in the study of prehistory occured after WWII which involved the use of
radiocarbon dating.
2. all living things contain the radio carbon isotope C 14 which plants acquire directly from the atmosphere
and animals acquire indirectly when they consume plants or other animals.
3. when these living things die C14 isotope begins to decay into a stable non radioactive element called
4. the rate of decay is regular and measurable, it is possible to determine the age of fossils of organic
remains for up to 40000 years.

Potassium-Argon Method:
1. The second major dating technique is used for non living things.
2. It analyses chemical changes of structure of objects over time.
3. Scientists can calculate the age of "NON LIVING" objects
4. Measuring the ratio of potassium to argon in them because potassium decays to argon.
5. Allows scientists to measure objects upto 1 million years old.
6. Allows them to date sediments in which researchers find fossils.
7. Thus this leads to finding the age of the fossil itself.

DNA Analysis Method:

1. Deoxyriboneu-cle-ic Acid, DNA determines biological inheritances of all living beings.
2. Crucial for unraveling the beginnings of modern humans.
3. exists in two places within the cells of all living organisms.
4. Nuclear DNA occurs in the nucleus of every cell where it controls most aspects of physical appearances.
5. Mitochondrial DNA occurs outside the nucleus of cells but is within cell bodies convert the energy from
food to such a form that cells can use.
6. Nuclear DNA can be found in both male and females.
7. Mitochondrial DNA is only found in mothers and passes to only female offspring.
8. Scientists examine the Mitochondrial DNA to measure variations among living objects.
9. This examination has led researchers to pinpoint human descent from an original African population who
are genetically related populations that lived 100000 years ago.
10. Genetical similarity of modern humans suggests that population of all humans descent from dates back
to 200000 years in Africa.
11. When they moved around 100000 years ago, they migrated in a group.
12. One group migrated to Australia about 50000 years ago.

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13. The other migrated to Europe about 40000 years ago.


>African apes separated into gorillas, chimpanzees and hominids (human-like creature)
>Hominids eventually became modern humans through a long and complicated evolutionary process
>Survival required constant adaptation with environmental changes – some of the hominid groups were
better at it than others.
>Hominids developed bipedalism, cognitive skills

Reading Materials:
>Paleoanthropology is the study of earliest phases of human history.
>Revolutionized in the second half of 20th century by a series of moments Fossil discoveries made in East
>Before this it was thought that humankind originated in south east asia.
>The Leakeys family discovered most of the east African fossils.

Fossil finds confirm that,
> Homo Sapiens or modern humans originated in a small region of Africa about 200000 years ago migrated
out of Africa about 100000 years ago.
> not everyone agrees with the "Out of Africa" thesis which suggests that modern human beings are all
descendants of recent migrants out of Africa.
>Doubters claim that the world's races evolved separately in different regions for up to 1 million years after
migrating out of Africa.
>They argue that early descendants of modern men and women involved in widely dispersed geographical
settings, took on diverse personality and distinctive physical appearances with the result that they appear
today as different races.
> humanity has fundamental differences was believed in the past but is not true because we are different
mainly in culture. We all share a common heritage.We are not genetically or physically different from each

> Found in 1974, intact skeleton of a young adult female autralopithecine in the valley of AWash River,
ETHIOPIA by an archaeological team.

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> Dated to be 3.2M years old.
> above 3 feet tall, could walk upright, had ape size brain but humanlike jaw and teeth
> Might not have been BIPEDAL because she had long arms hanging upto her knees.
> Great importance because of being fully and completely preserved bones.

Reading Materials:
1. The study of earliest phrases of human history is known as paleoanthropology has been revolutionized
in the second half of the 20th Century by a series of momentous fossil discoveries in East Africa
2. Before these discoveries, paleoanthropologists assumed that humankind originated in south east asia
where is now they know the site of human origin was in Africa 4.4 million years ago.
3. Hominids had to keep pace with rapidly changing physical environments otherwise they'd become
4. Hominid evolved because of these changes.
5. Southern and eastern Africa's climate changed dramatically.
6. 40M years ago, the fourth ice age hit altering warming and cooling.
7. Thus some apes came down from trees and, stood up and learned walking and lived in savanna lands
thus a new species took place.
8. Bipedalism also led to developing cognitive skills which led to making tools.
9. Thus they carried younglings, food and excelled in small game hunting.
10. Developed Gesture, cultural codes and roamed throughout Africa for a promising environment.
11. Brain size doubled, elongated forehead, jaws shrunk, collective learning,
12. Vedas orally passed, didn't develop written language for 800 years, then developed Sanksrit.
13. After spreading in South Asia, vedic people created a unique social system based on rigid class
14. 14th century called this system CASTES.

Most prominent hominids are:

I. Austra-lopi-thecus (Nutcracker)
II. Homo Habilis
III. Homo Erectus (JavaMan / Peking Man)
IV. Homo Ne-ander-thal
V. Homo Sapiens

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1. A scientist named Raymond Dart discovered a skull and bones of labeled it- "Australopithecus Africanus"
2. Has been found to be existed 4.2M years ago.
3. Southern + North Africa
4. Developed Bipedal: a.straight walking ability b.freed hands for other use c.unusual among mammals
d.competitive advantage against other hunting animals.
5. not very tall: 3-5 feet tall ; weight 110 pound
6. Were hunted not hunters
7. Brain capacity = one-third that of a modern man and same as that of modern African apes.
8. are herbivores with teeth adapted to grind tough fruits and leaves
9. communicated with gestures and primitive sounds but their higher larynx meant that they couldn't make
the range of sound for complex language.
10. Developed into more than six species.
11. were good adapters and could deal with dynamic environmental shifts.

1. 2.5 million years ago
2. not much taller than australopithecus
3. brains were significantly larger than australipothecus
4. hit flakes off of stones to use them for cutting which shows that they had stone-working ability but no
technological improvement.

1.around 1.8M years ago
2.had a bigger brain and was taller than homo-habilis.
3.supposed to be intelligent and adaptable enough to move into different environments across the world.
4. Begin first attempt to use fire for cooking meat, vegetables and keeping away the fierce animals at night.
5. Homo-erectus larynx show that the species was able to make most of the sounds we do thus verbal
languages were developed.
6. 1.78M years ago made new teardrop hand axes in Kenya which improved later thus showing
improvement of technology that may have been transmitted by social learning, according to archaeologists.


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1. Said to be existed 200000 years ago
2. First systematical controlled use of fire, sharp blade tools, wooden spheres.
3. First use of complex tools: stone fastened with wooden stick.
4. moved into colder climates thus invention of clothing.
5. Made shelter out of trees, bones or used caves.
6. collective learning, the ability to retain information for future generation, become more active.
7. Hunted game species (specific animals such as bear and deer)
8. Burried their death

1. Are the result of 2,50,000 years of tinkering, trial-error and improvement
2. Anatomical changes to modern humanoids
3. Started fishing, mining, agriculture
4. Artistic characteristics developed such as cave images, flutes craved from mamoth ivory and bird bones.
5. Made full use of collective learning.
6. Adopted racial differences because of environmental or geographical diversities.

>>>>>>Introduction <<<<<<<<
1.Shashanka the first important king of ancient Bengal, occupies a prominent place in the history of the
It is generally believed that he ruled approximately between 600 AD and 625 AD
2.Important Info. can be found from Madhavavarma's / Madhuvan / Nidhanpur copper plate &
Harshavardhan's Banskhera.

3.Shashanka issued gold and silver coins. A number of independent rulers flourished in Bengal in the
intervening period between the decline of the Guptas and the rise of Shashanka, and their existence is known
from a few inscriptions and gold coins.

4.Besides the seal-matrix of 'শ্রী মহাসামন্ত শশাঙ্ক' from Rohtasgarh and the contemporary literary accounts
of Banabhatta (বনভট্ট) and the Chinese pilgrim hiuen-tsang and the Buddhist text are important sources of

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5.Very little information about the early life of Shashanka is known. It appears that he ruled for sometime
as a chieftain (mahasamanta) of Rohtasgarh under the Gauda king of Karnasuvarna.

6.Karnasuvarna was the capital of Shashanka.

7.Shashanka has been described both in the inscriptions and literary accounts as the ruler of Gauda.

8.Gauda is the territory between the river Padma and Bardhamana region.But in course of time it embraced
much wider area.

9.The decline and fall of the Gupta Empire coincided with considerable progress in the outlying regions.
Many obscure areas, which were possibly ruled by tribal chiefs and were thinly settled, came into historical
limelight.This applied to the red soil areas which were difficult to cultivate and settle.

>>>>>>>>Fighting Starts: গ্রহবমন-রাজ্যবর্

ম নম
1.Under this perspective Shashanka attempted to extend his political influence in different parts of India.
His first task was the redemption of Magadha from the clutches of the Maukharis.

2.Shashanka with his ally Devagupta, next waged war against Maukhari king Grahavarman, who was killed
by Devagupta. At this point Rajyavardhana a Buddhist by faith became king of Thaneshwar fought against
Devagupta and defeated and killed him. But Rajyavardhana himself was killed in an encounter with

3.Most of the authorities admit the result of the encounter with Shashanka, but passes the blame of the
murder of Rajyavardhana on the shoulders of Shashanka, the king of Gauda.

4.A fair criticism of Shashanka's conduct is impossible in the absence of detailed information relating to
the actual circumstances that led to his enemy's death. Both Banabhatta and Hiuen Tsung were biased
towards Harshavardhana because of their emotional attachment.

5. some scholars say Rajyavardhana maybe was prepared to enter into negotiation for peace with
Shashanka, and for this purpose accepted an invitation in the enemy's camp. The Gauda king invited
Rajyavardhana in connection with a proposal of marriage between him and the daughter of the former. How
far this is true is difficult to say, as the source of his information is not disclosed. It appears that
Rajyavardhana's death was a sequel to the unfinished peace-talk, but Shashanka's personal responsibility
for this incident cannot be determined with certainty.

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>>>>> Harshavhardhana
1.After this event Harsavardhana, the younger brother, who ascended the throne of Thaneshwar proceeded
with a huge army to punish Shashanka and formed an alliance with the king of Kamarupa and eastern
neighbour of Shashanka.

2.According to Bana, Harsa entrusted Bhandi to lead the army, while he engaged himself in searching for
her widowed sister Rajyashri in the Vindhya forest and reunited the advancing army after rescuing his

3.The progress of Bhandi's march is not known. But there can be no doubt that Shashanka continued to rule
his empire vigorously.

4.Towards the end of his career in 640-43 AD Harsa's authority in part of Bihar and Orissa was established
and during the same time Bhaskarvarman (ভাষ্করবমন) ম appears to have conquered the capital
Karnasuvarna.These events are likely to have occurred after the demise of Shashanka as nothing more is
heard about him, and there was a decline of Gauda power.

5.But the story of the defeat of Shashanka at the battle of Pundravardhana by Harsa and Shashanka's reign
for 17 years etc, as suggested by the Buddhist text Arya+manjushri+mulakalpa are not supported by any
other contemporary accounts. Rather, Shashanka's newly discovered inscription from Midnapur records the
existence of Dandabhukti (দন্ডভুক্তি)-Janapada, combining parts of Midnapur and Orissa.

>>>>>>Religious Conflicts
1.Harsa, gradually became a great patron of Buddhism. As a devout Buddhist he convened a grand assembly
at Kanauj (কানাউজ্) to publicise the Mahayana doctrines.

2.It is here that Harsa is said to make a bloody suppression of a revolt by the Brahmanas. After Kanauj, he
held a great assembly at Prayaga (প্রায়াগ) and both the assemblies were attended by Hiuen Tsang and all
the tributary princes, ministers, nobles, etc.Hiuen Tsang is said to have made a remark that Harsa was born
to punish Shashanka, a hater of Buddhist religion.

3.He also cited a few instances of Shashanka's anti-Buddhist activities. But it may be mentioned that the
flourishing condition of the Buddhist University at nalanda, where Hiuen Tsang himself studied for some
time, and the existence of a number of monasteries in Shashanka's kingdom including the Raktamrttika-
Mahavihara near Shashanka's capital Karnasuvarna, goes against the evidence of Hiuen Tsang.


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1. Harsavardhana's pro-Buddhist and anti-Brahmanical attitude despaired the followers of Brahmanical
religion who began to migrate to eastern India in large number.

2. Hiuen Tsang mentioned of a large influx of learned Brahmanas in Kamarupa. A large number of
Brahmanas were granted lands in Kamarupa.

3. The Kulaji texts also noted the influx of Kanauji Brahmanas into Bengal. The story of the migration of
Graha-Vipras from the banks of the Sarayu river to Bengal, possibly at the invitation of Shashanka.

4. The impact of this large-scale migration though initially was welcomed both in Bengal and Kamarupa,
told upon the socio-economic fabric of the respective countries.

>>>>>>Class System
1.The social restrictions in behaviour & attitude among the different classes though not much felt under the
rule of Buddhist Palas

2. But became more and more acute under the Senas, who championed the Brahmanical religions, widened
the gaps among different classes of people.

3. The emergence of lowly untouchable classes and the antaja classes in the society became more and more
pronounced in Senas rule.

1. the founder of the pala dynasty, which ruled Bengal for about four centuries.
2. For a century Bengal witnessed a period of unsettled condition due to the absence of stable government
and the whole country was torn by internal strife and disturbed by invasions from outside.
3. The condition of Bengal before the rise of Gopala, found mention in the Pala record (Khalimpur
copperplate of dharmapala) as a state of matsyanyayam.
4. Gopala emerged as the ruler of Bengal out of this chaos and put an end to this state of affair.
5. During his rule of about 25 years he must have had consolidated the rule of his dynasty to such an extent
that his son and successor, Dharmapala, could embark upon a career of aggrandisement and appreciable
6. We do not have adequate sources to know about the details of his reign.
7. The problem of determining the original kingdom of the Palas from where they rose to power is as
difficult as the problem of their ancestry.

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8. The ramacharitam refers to varendra as the janakabhu of the Palas, and this would lead to the supposition
that northern Bengal was the original kingdom of the Palas.
9. Gopala succeeded in establishing his empire in the north Bengal. taranatha credits Gopala with the
conquest of Magadha (southern Bihar).
10. Gaud & Bihar was also included in the empire of Gopala.
11. The 4th verse of Khalimpur copperplate refers to Gopala's coming to power. ".... the prakrtis made take
the hands of Laksmi, to put an end to matsyanyayam".
12. The people or subjects or "principal officials" elected Gopala to the position of king. It is not possible
to understand the true significance of the term prakrti.
13. It can also be suggested that Gopala, a military adventurer succeeded in restoring peace and order by
putting an end to the forces of lawlessness and popular support came his way after his initial success.

1. the second and considered to be the greatest ruler of the Pala dynasty.
2. Son and successor of Gopala, the founder of the dynasty, Dharmapala inaugurated the period of
ascendancy of the Palas.
3. The most important event of his long reign was the tripartite struggle for the supremacy over
madhyadesha of northern India.
4. Dharmapala felt powerful enough to venture out in north Indian politics and did have some success.
5. The first phase of the tripartite struggle, which took place with a clash between Dharmapala and Vatsaraja
and later on a common enemy from the Deccan, he defeated both of them. But later he had to go back to
save his own kingdom.
6. Dharmapala’s bid for the empire in northern India did not meet with success and the Pala records are
understandably silent about this phase of struggle.
7. Dharmapala was left alone to spread his influence over madhyadesha. He succeeded in placing his
protege, Chakrayudha (চক্রইউর্ু), on the throne of Kanauj, though possibly for a short time.
8. This success of the Pala king found mention in the Pala records in an ornate form through the pen of the
court poets. To crown all these eulogistic verses is the 12th verse of Dharmapala's own Khalimpur
9. However, Dharmapala's supremacy over all these powers is not confirmed by other sources.
10. It is likely that Dharmapala had some success and may have pushed his sphere of influence as far as
Kanauj, where he successfully placed his own protege on the throne.
11. It can hardly be accepted that Dharmapala became the sole undisputed monarch of northern India.

12. Nagabhatta (নাগভট্ট) defeated Chakrayudha, who took shelter with Dharmapala. Subsequently
Nagabhatta also defeated Dharmapala in a battle.
13. Dharmapala may have passed his time in peace. It is not unlikely that he succeeded in re-establishing
his supremacy over parts of northern India, though it is not known definitely.

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14. Thus it can be said that Dharmapala launched Bengal on a career of aggrandisement.
15. He succeeded for a time in pushing forward his influence as far as Kanauj.
16. Bengal saw under his leadership prosperity and success, which must have elated the court scribes to
exaggerate these deeds.
17. Dharmapala was a Buddhist. He is credited with the foundation of the vikramashila monastery, which
was one of the most important Buddhist seats of learning in India.

18. Somapura mahavihara at paharpur (পাহাড়পুর) was also a creation of Dharmapala.

19. He was equally enthusiastic in his patronage of the Brahmanical shrines.
20. Said to have initiated a policy of religious toleration and mutual co-existence of different religions,
which was one of the glorious legacies of Pala rule in Bengal.
21. Arab geographers and merchants mentioned about Bengal's flourishing sea-trade in which the Arabs
had a fairly dominant role.
22. Dharamapala (Dahum), did not regard anybody as greater than himself and had an army of 300,000.

1.Bara-Bhuiyans, The or twelve territorial landholders were the local chiefs and zamindars who put up
strong resistance to the Mughals during the time of akbar and jahangir.
2. The term Bara-Bhuiyans means twelve territorial landholders. But who were these bhuiyans could not
be identifiedaccurately for a long time.
3. During the interval between Afghan rule and the rise of Mughal power in Bengal, various parts of Bengal
passed to the control of several military chiefs, bhuiyans and zamindars.
4. They jointly, and more often severally resisted Mughal expansion and ruled their respective territories as
independent or semi-independent chiefs.
5. There was no central control, or if there was any, it was nominal.
6. Taking the whole of Bengal into consideration, the number of bhuiyans must have been many more than
7. One group of scholars says the term Bara Bhuiyan does not necessarily mean exactly twelve bhuiyans,
the term was applied loosely to mean many.
8. As number twelve was sacred to the Hindus, these scholars examined traditions from scriptures to find
out in which of the cases the number twelve was used. They applied the term Bara-Bhuiyans to those who
fought for the freedom of their motherland.
9. This view was later modified by another group of scholars to say that only those bhuiyans who fought
against Mughal aggression were known as Bara-Bhuiyans.

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10. Even the fighters againstthe Mughals were many more than twelve, so this group also failed to identify
the Bara-Bhuiyans.
11. In recent years, the question of identification of the Bara-Bhuiyans has been studied afresh and they
have been identified quite satisfactorily.
12. Modern scholars have found that the Bara-Bhuiyans flourished during the chaotic period of Afghan rule
and the period of the conquest of Bengal by the Mughal emperors Akbar and Jahangir
13. the Bara-Bhuiyans received proper treatment from the Mughal historians, who used the numerical word
ithna-ashara (twelve), to denote theBara-Bhuiyans; it means that the word 'Bara-Bhuiyan' was not a vague
term, rather it gives the exact number of the bhuiyans.
14. They also categoricallysay that the twelve Bhuiyans (Bara-Bhuiyan) were people of bhati and they rose
to power in Bhati. But the identification of Bhati has not been satisfactorily ascertained.

17. On the basis of the confusing statements of the European writers, previous scholars also were in
confusion about the identification of Bhati.
18. The Bara-Bhuiyans fought against the Mughals, and they were compelled to submit within a few years
of Jahangir's accession.
19. So Bhati of the Bara-Bhuiyans may be identified with the help of the Mughal histories,
20. In Bengal the word Bhati generally means low lying region and the entire low-lying area of Bengal is
Bhati. It is a riverine country, and most of it remains inundated for more than half of the year;
21. Modern scholars have, suggested that different low-lying areas of Bengal should be identified with
22. So the low-lying area of the greater districts of Dhaka, Mymensingh, Tippera and Sylhet,watered and
surrounded by the Ganges, the Brahmaputra, and the Meghna and their numerous branches constituted
Bhati in the days of Akbar and Jahangir.


23. The Bara-Bhuiyans rose to power in this region and put up resistance to the Mughals, until Islam Khan
Chisti made them submit in the reign of Jahangir
24. Mughal historians state the number of Bhuiyans as twelve, but it should be remembered that the Bara-
Bhuiyans of the time of Akbar were not the same as those of the time of Jahangir, because some died in the
intervening period.
25. For example, Isa Khan, who fought against Akbar, died in his reign and was succeeded by his son musa
khan, who took up leadership in the reign of Jahangir.
26. Some parganas changed hands in the meantime; for example, chand rai and kedar rai were zamindars
of Vikramapura and Sripur in the reign of Akbar, but in the reign of Jahangir the family was probably
extinct, so that the parganas were found in the hands of Musa Khan.

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27. The patriotic Bhuiyans, who resisted the Mughal conquest, were famous as Bara-Bhuiyans or twelve
Bhuiyans, but in both the lists, there are thirteen names. Actually they were thirteen including the leader,
and in fact both Abul Fazl and Mirza Nathan, while referring to the Bara-Bhuiyans said that.
28. The Bara-Bhuiyans gained strength during the chaotic conditions prevailing in eastern Bengal


29. Sher shah conquered the capital Gaur and placed the city under his governors, but could not consolidate
his power throughout Bengal. There are examples of at least three rebellions against him by the supporters
ofthe supplanted ruling dynasty.
30. In fact, the riverine tract of Bengal was always a headache to the central government. To solve the
problem, Sher Shah divided Bengal into a number of smaller units, because, he thought, the rulers of smaller
units would not have the power to rise against the central authority.
31. The decentralisation had its demerits also. If the rulers of smaller units had not the power to rise against
the central government, they had also no power to oppose the rebels.
32. That Sher Shah's policy of decentralisation had this bad effect is proved by the several rebellions in
eastern Bengal against him.
33. During this period of chaos,the Bara-Bhuiyans gained strength and rose to power.
34. The Bara-Bhuiyans were heirs to the 200-year long independent sultanate of Bengal.
35. The Bara-Bhuiyans were not the part of any royal family, they were zamindars or landholders.
36. They were patriots who with courage and valour resisted the Mughal advance for long three decades.
37. After 1612 when Islam Khan Chishti forced them to submit, the term Bara-Bhuiyans survivedonly in
popular tales and ballads.

বাররা ভূঁ ইয়া

বাররা ভূঁ ইয়া বাাংলার স্থানীয় প্রর্ান ও জ্মমদার, যাূঁরা আকবর ও জ্াহাঙ্গীর এর রাজ্ত্বকারল মুগলমবররার্ী
প্রমিররার্ গরড় িু রলমিরলন। বাররা-ভূঁ ইয়া শব্দটির অর্ বাররাজ্ন
ম ভূঁ ইয়া। িরব কারা মিরলন এ বাররাজ্ন ভূঁ ইয়া
িা বহুমদন পযন্ত ম সটিকভারব মনর্য়ম করা যায় মন। প্রকৃিপরে বাাংলায় আফগান শাসনামল ও মুগল শক্তির
উত্থারনর মর্যবিী সমরয় এরদরশর মবমভন্ন এলাকা বহু সামমরক প্রর্ান, ভূঁ ইয়া এবাং জ্মমদাররদর মনয়ন্ত্ররর্
চরল যায়। িারা কখনও যযৌর্ভারব এবাং যবমশরভাগ সময় পৃর্কভারব মুগল আগ্রাসন প্রমিহি কররমিরলন
এবাং স্বার্ীন বা অর্-স্বার্ীন
ম শাসকরূরপ িাূঁরদর মনজ্ মনজ্ এলাকা শাসন কররমিরলন। যসখারন যকান যকন্দ্রীয়
শাসন মিল না, মকাংবা র্াকরলও যসিা মিল নামমাত্র। এ অবস্থায় বহু ভূঁ ইয়া মবররাহ কররমিরলন। সমগ্র
বাাংলারক মবরবচনায় মনরল ভূঁ ইয়ারদর সাংখযা বাররার যচরয় অরনক যবমশ মিল।

অরনরকই মরন কররন যয, বাররা ভূঁ ইয়া শব্দটি মনভুল ম ভারব বাররাজ্ন ভূঁ ইয়া বা প্রর্ানরক যবাঝায় না; বহু
সাংখযক বুঝারি এ শব্দটি বযবহি হরয়রি। মহন্দুরদর কারি বাররা সাংখযাটি মিল পমবত্র। যকান যকান যেরত্র
বাররা সাংখযাটি বযবহি হরয়মিল িা খুরূঁ জ্ যবর করার উরেরশয পক্তন্ডিগর্ র্মশারের
ম কামহনীগুমল পরীো
কররন। িারা মািৃভমমর স্বার্ীনিার জ্নয যারা যুদ্ধ কররমিরলন িারদর যবাঝারি বাররা ভূঁ ইয়া শব্দটি বযবহার

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কররন। মকন্তু প্রকৃিপরে এ র্ররনর মুক্তিকামী যযাদ্ধারদর সাংখযা মিল বাররার যচরয় অরনক যবমশ।
পরবিীকারল অবশয এ মিবাদ সাংরশার্ন করর বলা হয় যয,

যাূঁরা মুগলরদর আগ্রাসরনর মবরুরদ্ধ লড়াই কররমিরলন শুর্ু িাূঁরাই বাররা ভূঁ ইয়া নারম পমরমচি।

িাহরলও মুগলরদর মবরুরদ্ধ লড়াইকারীরদর সাংখযা মিল বাররার অমর্ক। ফরল এ দলও বাররা ভূঁ ইয়ারদর
শনাি কররি বযর্ হন।

সাম্প্রমিক বিরগুমলরি বাররা ভূঁ ইয়ারদর পমরচরয়র প্রশ্নটি সিকমিার সরঙ্গ নিু নভারব পরীো করা হরয়রি
এবাং যমািামুটি সরন্তাষজ্নকভারব শনাি করা সম্ভব হরয়রি। আর্ুমনক পক্তন্ডিগর্ লে কররন যয, আফগান
শাসরনর যগালরযাগপর্ ম সমরয় মুগল সম্রাি আকবর ও জ্াহাঙ্গীররর বাাংলা মবজ্রয়র প্রক্তক্রয়া-কারল বাররা
ভূঁ ইয়াগর্ শক্তিশালী হরয় উরিমিরলন। ফরল আকবরনামা এর রচময়িা আবুল ফজ্ল এবাং বাহামরস্তান-ই-
গারয়বী এর রচময়িা মমজ্মা নার্ারনর মরিা মুগল ঐমিহামসকরদর দ্বারা বাররা ভূঁ ইয়াগর্ যর্াযর্ভারব
আরলামচি হরয়রিন। িাূঁরা উভরয়ই বাররা ভূঁ ইয়ারদর যবাঝারি সাংখযাসচক ইিনা-আশারা (বাররা) শব্দটি
বযবহার করররিন; এর যর্রক যবাঝা যায় যয, বাররা ভূঁ ইয়া শব্দটি যকান নাম নয়, বরাং এটি ভূঁ ইয়ারদর সটিক
সাংখযা মনরদম শ করর। িারা স্পষ্টভারব এও বরলন যয, বাররাজ্ন ভূঁ ইয়া (বাররা ভূঁ ইয়া) মিরলন ভাটি এলাকার
যলাক এবাং ভাটিরিই িাূঁরদর উত্থান ঘরিমিল। মকন্তু ভাটির শনািীকরর্ও সহজ্ কাজ্ নয়।

ইউররাপীয় যলখকরদর মবভ্রামন্তকর বিরবযর কাররর্ পবিন ম পক্তন্ডিরাও ভাটির শনািীকরর্ মনরয় মবভ্রামন্তর
মরর্য মিরলন। বাররা ভূঁ ইয়ারা সম্রাি আকবর ও জ্াহাঙ্গীররর রাজ্ত্বকারল মুগলরদর মবরুরদ্ধ যুদ্ধ কররমিরলন
এবাং জ্াহাঙ্গীররর মসাংহাসনাররাহরর্র করয়ক বিররর মরর্যই িারা আত্মসমপর্ম কররন। কারজ্ই মুগল
ইমিহারসর, প্রর্ানি আকবরনামা, আইন-ই-আকবরী এবাং বাহামরস্তান-ই-গারয়বী এর সাহাযয মনরয় (বাররা
ভূঁ ইয়ারদর) ভাটির শনািীকরর্ করা যযরি পারর। বাাংলায় ভাটি শব্দটি সার্ারর্ি মনম্নাঞ্চলরক যবাঝায় এবাং
এ মবরবচনায় বাাংলার সমগ্র মনম্নাঞ্চলই ভাটি। এটি নদীমািৃক যদশ এবাং এর অমর্কাাংশ এলাকাই বিররর
অরর্রকরম যচরয় যবমশ সময় প্লামবি র্ারক। গঙ্গা, ব্রহ্মপুরত্রর মরিা অমিবৃহৎ নদীগুমল এবাং িারদর অসাংখয
শাখা সমগ্র পব ও ম দমের্ বাাংলার উপর মদরয় প্রবামহি হরয় যস অঞ্চল প্লামবি করর।

সুিরাাং আর্ুমনক পক্তন্ডিগর্ বাাংলার মবমভন্ন মনম্নাঞ্চলরক ভাটিরূরপ শনািীকররর্র প্রস্তাব কররন। কারও
কারও মরি ভাগীরর্ী যর্রক যমঘনা পযন্ত ম সমগ্র মনম্নাঞ্চলই হরে ভাটি। আবার যকউ যকউ মহজ্মল, যরশাহর,
চন্দ্রদ্বীপ, বারকরগঞ্জ ইিযামদ অঞ্চলরকও ভাটির অন্তভুি ম করররিন। বাররা ভূঁ ইয়া ও মুগলরদর মর্যকার
রর্াঙ্গরনর কর্া মরন রাখরল এবাং আকবরনামা ও বাহামরস্তান-ই-গারয়বীরি প্রদত্ত যুদ্ধমবগ্ররহর মবস্তামরি
মববররর্র মভমত্তরি বাররা ভূঁ ইয়াগর্ যয অঞ্চরল সমৃক্তদ্ধ লাভ কররমিরলন এবাং শক্তিশালী হরয়মিরলন যসই
ভাটির সীমানা মনর্ারর্ ম করা যায়। এ ভাটি অঞ্চল পক্তিরম ইিামিী নদী, দমেরর্ গঙ্গানদী, পরব ক্তম ত্রপুরা রাজ্য
এবাং উত্তরর আলপমসাংহ পরগনার (বৃহত্তর ময়মনমসাংহ যজ্লা) উত্তর-পব ম মদক যর্রক বামনয়াচাং (বৃহত্তর
মসরলি) পযন্ত ম মবস্িৃি মিল। সুিরাাং মিনটি বড় নদী গঙ্গা, ব্রহ্মপুত্র এবাং যমঘনা ও িারদর অসাংখয শাখানদী
মবরর্ৌি ও যবটষ্টি ঢাকা, ময়মনমসাংহ, ক্তত্রপুরা এবাং মসরলরির মনম্নাঞ্চল মনরয় আকবর ও জ্াহাঙ্গীররর আমরল
ভাটি অঞ্চল গটিি মিল। বাররা ভূঁ ইয়াগর্ এ এলাকায় শক্তিশালী হরয় উরিমিরলন এবাং জ্াহাঙ্গীররর আমরল
ইসলাম খান মচশমি কিৃক ম আত্মসমপর্ম কররি বার্য হওয়া পযন্ত ম িাূঁরা মুগলরদর প্রমিহি কররমিরলন।

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মুগল ঐমিহামসক আবুল ফজ্ল ও মমজ্মা নার্ান উভরয়ই ভূঁ ইয়ারদর সাংখযা বাররা বরল উরেখ করররিন। মকন্তু
এটি মরন রাখরি হরব যয, মর্যবিীকারল িাূঁরদর কারও কারও মৃিুয হওয়ায় আকবর ও জ্াহাঙ্গীররর আমরলর
বাররা ভূঁ ইয়াগর্ সকল যেরত্র একই মিরলন না। উদাহরর্স্বরূপ আকবররর মবরুরদ্ধ লড়াইরি ঈসা খান িাূঁর
রাজ্ত্বকারলই মৃিুযবরর্ কররমিরলন এবাং িাূঁর পুত্র মুসা খান িাূঁর স্থলামভমষি হরয় জ্াহাঙ্গীররর আমরল
যনিৃত্ব গ্রহর্ কররমিরলন। ইরিামরর্য মকিু পরগনার মামলকানাও বদল হরয়মিল। উদাহরর্স্বরূপ উরেখ করা
যায়, আকবররর রাজ্ত্বকারল চাূঁদ রায় ও যকদার রায় মিরলন মবক্রমপুর ও শ্রীপুররর জ্মমদার, মকন্তু
জ্াহাঙ্গীররর রাজ্ত্বকারল সম্ভবি এ পমরবার মবলুপ্ত হরয় মগরয়মিল এবাং একাররর্ এ পরগনাগুমল মুসা খারনর
দখরল যদখরি পাওয়া যায়।

মুগল আগ্রাসন প্রমিহিকারী যদশরপ্রমমক ভূঁ ইয়াগর্ বাররা ভূঁ ইয়া অর্বা বাররাজ্ন ভূঁ ইয়া রূরপ খযামি লাভ
করররিন। মকন্তু উপররর দুটি িামলকারিই যিররাজ্ন ভূঁ ইয়ার নাম ররয়রি। প্রকৃিপরে যনিাসহ িাূঁরা মিরলন
যিররাজ্ন এবাং বস্ি্িি আবুল ফজ্ল এবাং মমজ্মা নার্ান দুজ্নই বাররা ভূঁ ইয়ারদর মনরদম শ কররি মগরয়
মলরখরিন ‘ঈসা খান বাাংলার বাররাজ্ন জ্মমদাররক িাূঁর অর্ীরন এরনমিরলন’। অনযত্র মমজ্মা নার্ান উরেখ
কররন, ‘মুসা খান ও িাূঁর বাররাজ্ন জ্মমদার মমত্র’।

১৫৩৮ মিস্টারব্দ দু’শি বিররর পুরারনা স্বার্ীন সালিানারির পিরনর পর পব বাাংলায়

ম মবরাজ্মান মবশৃঙ্খল
অবস্থার সুরযারগ বাররা ভূঁ ইয়াগর্ শক্তি সঞ্চয় কররমিরলন। যশরশাহ সুলিান মগয়াসউেীন মাহমুদ শাহ এর
রাজ্র্ানী যগৌড় জ্য় করর িাূঁর প্রশাসকরদর হারি নযস্ত কররন মকন্তু মিমন বাাংলার সবত্র
ম িাূঁর েমিা সাংহি
কররি পাররন মন। িাূঁর মবরুরদ্ধ উরেদকৃি শাসকরদর সমর্করদর ম কমপরে মিনটি মবররারহর দৃষ্টান্ত
ররয়রি। প্রকৃিপরে বাাংলার নদীমবরর্ৌি এলাকা সব সময়ই যকন্দ্রীয় সরকাররর জ্নয একটি সমসযা মিল। এ
সমসযা সমার্ানকরে "যশরশাহ" বাাংলারক যবশ করয়কটি যিাি যিাি ইউমনরি মবভি কররন। যকন্দ্রীয়
কিৃপম রের মবরুরদ্ধ যিাি যিাি এসব ইউমনরির শাসকরদর মবররাহ করার যকান শক্তি না র্াকায় আর্ুমনক
ঐমিহামসকগর্ মবরকন্দ্রীকররর্র নীমিরক অমভনক্তন্দি কররন। মকন্তু মবরকন্দ্রীকররর্র কুফলও মিল। যকন্দ্রীয়
সরকাররর মবরুরদ্ধ েুর ইউমনিগুমলর শাসকরদর মবররাহ করার শক্তি না র্াকরলও মবররাহীরদর প্রমিররার্
করার যকান শক্তিও িারদর মিল না। যশরশারহর মবরকন্দ্রীকরর্ নীমির এ কুফল িাূঁর মবরুরদ্ধ পব ম বাাংলায়
করয়কটি মবররাহ দ্বারা প্রমামর্ি। আফগান ঐমিহামসকগর্ এ অবস্থারক মুলক ু -উৎ িাওয়াইফ রূরপ
আখযাময়ি করররিন, যার অর্ মবশৃ ম ঙ্খলা, ননরাজ্য ও মবখন্ডায়ন।

শামসুেীন মুহম্মদ শাহ গাজ্ী ও অনযানয আফগান শাসকরদর অর্ীরন স্বার্ীন শর বাংরশর প্রমিষ্ঠা এ
মবখন্ডায়ন ও মবশৃঙ্খল অবস্থার অবসান ঘিায় মন। এ আমরল িাজ্খান কররানী আমদল শারহর (আদালী)
মদমের দরবার যর্রক পামলরয় বাাংলায় চরল আরসন এবাং এরদরশ লুিপাি চালান। বাাংলায় কমরি
ম িাূঁর ভাই
সুলায়মারনর সরঙ্গ যযাগ মদরয় বাাংলার রাজ্নীমিরি মিমন শক্তিশালী হরয় ওরিন।

এিা স্পষ্ট যয, স্বার্ীন সালিানারির পিরনর পর (১৫৩৮ মিস্টাব্দ) এবাং মবরশষি যশরশাহ এর প্রশাসন-
মবরকন্দ্রীকররর্র পর পব বাাংলার
ম ভাটি অঞ্চরল মবশৃঙ্খল অবস্থা এবাং সাংহমিনাশক শক্তি মবরাজ্ করমিল। এই
মবশৃঙ্খল সমরয় বাররা ভূঁ ইয়াগর্ শক্তি সঞ্চয় কররন এবাং েমিায় অমর্টষ্ঠি হন। দু’শি বির স্থায়ী বাাংলার
স্বার্ীন সালিানারির উত্তরামর্কারী মিরলন বাররা ভূঁ ইয়াগর্।

বাররা ভূঁ ইয়াগর্ যকান রাজ্পমরবাররর বাংশর্র মিরলন না। িাূঁরা মিরলন জ্মমদার বা জ্মমর মামলক এবাং
যদশরপ্রমমক। অদময সাহস ও বীররত্বর সরঙ্গ িাূঁরা দীঘ মিন
ম যুগ র্রর মুগল আগ্রাসন প্রমিহি কররমিরলন।
১৬১২ মিস্টারব্দর পর ইসলাম খান িাূঁরদররক বশযিাস্বীকার কররি বার্য কররন।

Md. Uzzal Hossain 24-013

1. Shaista Khan was a Mughal subahdar who ruled Bengal for long 24 years with a break for a little over
one year.
2. His tenure of office as a subahdar in Bengal was the longest.
3. Of Iranian origin his family was connected with the Mughal royal family.
4. The original name of Shaista Khan was Mirza Abu Talib. Jahangir, in the 21st year of his reign, gave
him the title of Shaista Khan.
5. Out of regard for his father and grandfather he was granted the rank of 500 from his childhood.
6. Shaista Khan received promotion one after another and was appointed subahdar of various provinces.
7. In the reign of Shahjahan he attained fame as a great general. He became intimate with his nephew Prince
Aurangzeb, when both of them worked together in the Deccan.
8. After his accession to the throne aurangzeb granted him a higher rank and conferred on him the
prestigious title of Amir-ul-Umara (chief of the nobles) in recognition of his services during the War of
9. Shaista Khan was appointed subahdar of Bengal after the death of mir jumla in 1663.


1. Shaista Khan was 63 when he first came to Bengal. He ruled Bengal with vigour.
2. In his administration he was assisted by his half a dozen gifted and able sons, each of whom held the
charge of faujdar in one or more than one sarkar, so that one family ruled all divisions of Bengal, and ruled
3. Contemporary historians have praised Shaista Khan for his administrative reforms, for putting down
corruption among officials and giving relief to the people by abolishing illegal taxes.
4. The administration had fallen into chaos after the death of Mir Jumla and during the rule of acting officials
whose jurisdictions were not defined.
5. Shaista Khan, established discipline in the administration; by his connections with the emperor and his
personality and strength of character.
6. The dishonest officers and the recalcitrant zamindars were overawed, so that it was easy for him to restore
discipline in all branches of administration.


1. shaista Khan's great fame in Bengal chiefly rests on his conquest of Chittagong.

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2. The famous seaport of Chittagong and the sarkar of that name was occupied by arakan or Tippera. But
Chittagong had passed to Arakanese control before the Mughal conquest of Bengal.
3. Some of Jahangir's subahdars tried to capture Chittagong but failed.
4. The Arakanese were noted for their skill in navigation and naval warfare, so the kings of Arakan never
left the Mughal subahdars in peace.
5. They sent naval expeditions to Bengal at intervals and plundered whichever part of the countryside fell
on their route; at times they even attacked and devastated the capital city of Dhaka.
6. From the beginning of the 17th century the portuguese also started piratical activities after they had lost
their trade supremacy in competition with the dutch and the english.
7. The Portuguese pirates found asylum in Arakan, where the king employed them along with the magh
pirates to plunder the enemy territory of Bengal.
8. These raids continued for a long time, not a house was left inhabited on either side of the rivers lying on
the pirates' track from Chittagong to Dhaka.
9. The coastal districts became desolate, and according to contemporary historians 'they were swept clean
with the broom of plunder and kidnapping, so that none was left to occupy any house or kindle a light in
that region'.
10. The pirates carried off Hindus and Muslims, men, women and children along with their property. The
pirates sold their captives to foreign merchants, the Dutch, the English and the French and at the ports of
the Deccan.
11. So, on reaching Bengal, Shaista Khan's attention was first drawn to the menacing attitude of the king of
Arakan. For the restoration of peace, he had also to take action against the Portuguese pirates.
12. The subahdar drew up a three-pronged policy to meet the situation:
first, he reorganised the nawwara or the fleet of war-boats;
second, he tried to win over the Portuguese to his side;
third, he tried to win over the Dutch company to help him or at least to neutralise them so that they could
not assist the king of Arakan.
13. The Mughal government in Bengal had already a large number of war-boats; Shaista Khan reorganised
the navy, the old boats were repaired and new boats were built in the dockyards of Dhaka, Jessore and other
river ports.
14. Crews were recruited and assembled, provisions collected and expert officers were chosen for higher
15. Within a year or so 300 vessels were got together, ready for naval warfare.
16. Shaista Khan took steps to win over the Firingis (Portuguese) to his side, for he realised that the mainstay
of the Arakanese navy were the Portuguese sailors with their superior ships and firearms.
17. He sent lucrative offers to the Firingis of Chittagong through their brethren living in Hughli, Loricol
and other places. He offered them service, rewards, a settled and secure life.
18. Shaista Khan also called the Dutch chief of Hughli to his presence and told him plainly that as they
gained much profit from their trade in Bengal they should participate in the expedition against Arakan with
their own ships.

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19. The Dutch chief could not give a positive reply without approval of the Dutch Governor General of
20. Shaista Khan sent an envoy to Batavia in a Dutch ship. The envoy was given instructions to tell the
Dutch Governor General that if the Dutch did not help the subahdar in his enterprise, all their trade would
be stopped in the whole Mughal empire.
21. All preparations being complete, Shaista Khan chalked out a plan for conquering the island of Sandwip
22. The base of operation against Chittagong was Bhulua, but it was a base for a land force, whereas Arakan
was primarily a naval power. Chittagong was to be attacked both by land and sea. So a base for the fleet
was necessary, and Sandwip was an ideal naval base.
23. Shaista Khan ordered his naval officer to attack Sandwip, which he did and Sandwip was occupied and
brought under Mughal administration.
24. In the meantime the Firingis of Chittagong also came over to the side of the Mughals. To escape from
the wrath of the Arakanese king, the Portuguese fled from Chittagong with their families, ships and artillery;
they took shelter with the Mughal commandant of Bhulua (Noakhali).
25. Shaista Khan received and honoured the Portuguese captain, who was given a cash reward of Rs 2000/-
and monthly pay of Rs 500/-, and his followers were also enlisted in the Mughal service with suitable pay
and allowances.
26. The Dutch Governor General of Batavia also assured Shaista Khan of his company's help.The Dutch
company sent two ships to Shaista Khan, to be used in his Chittagong expedition. But Shaista Khan
achieved victory over the Arakanese at Chittagong before their arrival.
27. After all preparations were over, Shaista Khan sent his long-planned Chittagong expedition in the last
week of December 1665 AD. The overall command was given to his son, the admiral, was given command
over the navy, and the subahdar himself took up the responsibility of supplying provisions.
28. The army and navy started simultaneously, one by land and the other by sea, keeping close contact with
each other. The land force had to cut their way through the jungles. There was a great naval battle in the
sea and then in the river Karnafuli; the Mughals with the aid of the Portuguese came out successful.
29. The Arakanese navy being defeated, their sailors fled and some of them took shelter in the fort.
30. But the next day, the fort was won over and Chittagong was annexed to the Mughal empire. Chittagong's
name was changed to Islamabad.
31. The conquest of Chittagong caused indescribable joy throughout the country, mainly because the people
became safe from the plunder, oppression and tyranny of the Magh-Portuguese pirates.
32. Another important result of the conquest was the release of thousands of kidnapped and enslaved
Bengali peasants who now returned to their homes and joined their families.
33. Peace was restored in the area and, consequently, agriculture, trade and commerce flourished.
34. Shaista Khan also put down the rebellious chiefs of the neighbouring hilly states, who raised their heads
after the death of Mir Jumla.
35. The Rajas of Jaintia and Tippera also offered submission and sent presents including elephants, and the
hilly state of Morang also offered submission and promised to pay tributes.

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1. Shaista Khan promoted trade and commerce, encouraged trade by the European companies, and to
safeguard their interests he made roads and rivers safe from robbers.
2. He granted the European companies privileges according to the terms of the imperial farmans.
3. But sometimes the European companies abused their privileges and their factors and sailors indulged in
private trade, which was prohibited by the imperial farman.
4. So sometimes friction arose between the Mughal port and custom officials and the European companies,
particularly on the demand and payment of duties.
5. The emperor encouraged expansion of trade, because trade, particularly export trade, brought in money.
6. But the local Mughal officers tried to exact local duties like rahdari (transit duty) which were not provided
for by the imperial order.
7. On the other hand the companies also misused the concessions given to them by the farman. The
company's boats were allowed to pass on production of dastaks (pass) issued by the company's officials,
because concessions were allowed to the companies, but the boats often carried goods under their protection
that did not belong to the company but to the private trade of their servants.
8. There were also instances when the companies evaded payment of part of their duty by under-valuation
of their cargo. Shaista Khan, being an able and experienced officer, enforced strict discipline in trade and
this became the target of criticism and opposition of the European companies.
9. During the second term of his office, the English company actually waged war against the Mughal
government in Bengal. Shaista Khan did not yield to their illogical demands and they were expelled from
the country.
10. Later, however, the English were restored to their former position and settlement by a new subahdar,
ibrahim khan.
11. The English records blame Shaista Khan for his avarice, but actually the English traders (and also other
European companies) themselves were responsible for abusing the privileges provided by the imperial
farman, and violating the law of the country.
12. On the other hand Shaista Khan, like other provincial subahdars and officers, also indulged in private
trade, but it was internal trade and not export trade.

Shaista Khan was a great builder. He built a number of mosques, tombs and secular buildings in the capital
city of Dhaka and outside. Important among his constructions are:
1. The chota katra, meant for visiting merchants, wayfarers and visitors. There is a small single-domed
mosque within its enclosure, which displays considerable architectural taste.
2. Shaista Khan drew up a grand plan for building a palace, a mosque, and a great band (embankment),
called poshta, along the river Buriganga (Budiganga), extending from Mitford to Lalbagh.
3. The katra and the mosque are extant in ruins. In the courtyard of the Katra there is an old single-domed
square tomb. It is believed that the tomb is that of Champa Bibi, a daughter or a concubine of Shaista Khan;

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4. (b) A three-domed mosque with corner towers on the Buriganga near mitford hospital (now called Sir
Salimullah Medical College Hospital); (c) Shaista Khan made additions to lalbagh fort (named Aurangabad
fort after the name of the emperor Aurangzeb), the construction of which was started by Prince muhammad
azam but could not be completed by him.
5. The tomb of Bibi Pari (Fairy lady), was built by Shaista Khan within the walled enclosure of the fort.
bibi pari, also known as Iran Dukht, is said to have been a daughter of Shaista Khan who was betrothed to
Prince Muhammad Azam, but she met a premature death. Shaista Khan spent lavishly on the construction
of the tomb of his beloved daughter, by importing costly building materials from north India. The tomb is
a very fine specimen of the architecture of Dhaka and of the time of Shaista Khan;
6. (d) His name is also associated with some other mosques in and around Dhaka, like the Chawk Bazar
Mosque, satgumbad mosque and the Khizrpur mosque.

1. Contemporary and later historians have praised Shaista Khan for his superb generalship, his
administration of justice and promotion of the welfare of the people.
2. They have also emphasized on his liberality, charity and religions pursuits.
3. He was also a poet and a scholar. His building activities provided models for his age.
4. He was also praised because in his time the price of grain was extremely low, so much so that rice was
being sold at the rate of 8 maunds per rupee.
5. While leaving Dhaka, he caused the following inscription to be engraved on the western gate of the city
'Let him only open this gate who can show the selling rate of rice as cheap as this'.
6. The contemporaries described him as the model of excellence.

শারয়স্তা খান

শারয়স্তা খান (১৬৬৪-১৬৮৮) বাাংলার মুগল সুবাহদার। ১৬৭৮-৭৯ মিস্টারব্দ এক বিররর সামানয যবমশ
সমরয়র মবরমিসহ দীঘ ২৪ ম বির মিমন এ পরদ অমর্টষ্ঠি মিরলন। বাাংলায় সুবাহদার মহরসরব িাূঁর কাযকারলর

যময়াদই দীঘিম। ম ইরামন বাংরশাদ্ভি (আসফ খারনর পুত্র এবাং মমজ্মা মগয়াস যবগ ইমিমাদউরেৌলাহর যপৌত্র)
শারয়স্তা খান মিরলন মুগল রাজ্ পমরবাররর সরঙ্গ নববামহকসরত্র সম্পমকমি। নরজ্াহান (ইমিমাদউরেৌলাহর
কনযা) এবাং মমিাজ্মহল (আসফ খারনর কনযা) মিরলন যর্াক্ররম জ্াহাঙ্গীর ও শাহজ্াহারনর সম্রাজ্ঞী।
ইমিমাদউরেৌলাহ্ এবাং আসফ খান দুজ্নই যর্াক্ররম জ্াহাঙ্গীর ও শাহজ্াহারনর উক্তজ্র বা প্রর্ানমন্ত্রী পরদ
অমর্টষ্ঠি মিরলন। শারয়স্তাখারনর আসল নাম মিল মমজ্মা আবু িামলব। জ্াহাঙ্গীর িাূঁর রাজ্রত্বর একুশিম
বিরর িাূঁরক ‘শারয়স্তা খান’ উপামর্রি ভমষি কররন। িাূঁর মপিা ও মপিামরহর প্রমি শ্রদ্ধাবশি বালযকাল
যর্রকই শারয়স্তা খানরক ৫০০ পদমযাদার ম মনসব যদওয়া হরয়মিল। ক্রমান্বরয় পরদান্নমি যপরয় মিমন মবমভন্ন
প্ররদরশর সুবাহদার মনযুি হরয়মিরলন। শাহজ্াহারনর রাজ্ত্বকারল যসনাপমি মহরসরব মিমন মবরশষ খযামি
অজ্মন কররমিরলন। দামের্ারিয, মবরশষি যগালকুন্ডার আব্দুোহ কুিু বশারহর মবরুরদ্ধ দাময়ত্ব পালন কারল
মিমন িাূঁর ভারে শাহজ্াদা আওরঙ্গরজ্রবর ঘমনষ্ঠ হরয় উরিমিরলন। মসাংহাসরন আররাহরর্র পর
আওরঙ্গরজ্ব িাূঁরক উচ্চির পদমযাদা ম দান কররন এবাং উত্তরামর্কার যুরদ্ধ িাূঁর অবদারনর স্বীকৃমিস্বরূপ
িাূঁরক মযাদাপ
ম র্ আমীর-উল-উমারা
ম (আমীররদর বা অমভজ্ািরদর প্রর্ান) উপামর্রি ভমষি কররন। ১৬৬৩
মিস্টারব্দ মীরজ্ুমলার মৃিুযর পর শারয়স্তা খান বাাংলার সুবাহদার মনযুি হন।

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শারয়স্তা খান ৬৩ বির বয়রস প্রর্ম বাাংলায় আরসন। িাূঁর িয়জ্ন দে পুত্র শাসনকারজ্ িাূঁরক সহায়িা
করররিন। িাূঁরদর প্ররিযরকই এক বা একামর্ক সরকাররর যফৌজ্দাররর দাময়রত্ব মনযুি মিরলন। যার ফরল
একই পমরবার বাাংলার সব মবভাগ কাযকরভারব ম শাসন কররমিরলন। সমসামময়ক ঐমিহামসকগর্ িাূঁর
প্রশাসমনক সাংস্কারসমহ, কমচারীরদর
ম দুনীমি দমন এবাং অনযায় কর মবরলাপ করর জ্নগর্রক স্বক্তস্তদারনর
জ্নয শারয়স্তা খারনর প্রশাংসা করররিন। মীরজ্ুমলার মৃিুযর পর সামময়কভারব স্থলামভমষি কমকিম ম ারদর
শাসনকারল প্রশাসরন মবশৃঙ্খলা যদখা মদরয়মিল। সুিরাাং শারয়স্তা খান প্রশাসরন শৃঙ্খলা প্রমিষ্ঠায় িাূঁর শক্তি
মনরয়াক্তজ্ি কররন। সম্রারির সরঙ্গ সম্পকম এবাং িাূঁর বযক্তিত্ব ও চামরক্তত্রক সিিার ফরল অসৎ কমকিম ম াও
অবার্য জ্মমদাররা ভীি হরয় পরড়মিল, যার ফরল প্রশাসরনর সকল শাখায় শৃঙ্খলা মফমররয় আনা িাূঁর পরে
সহজ্ হরয়মিল।

প্রর্ানি চট্টগ্রাম জ্রয়র জ্নযই বাাংলায় শারয়স্তা খারনর মবশাল খযামি। মবখযাি সামুমরক বন্দর চট্টগ্রাম যচৌে
শিরকর মর্যভারগ সুল‘িান ফখরুেীন মুবারক শাহ দখল কররমিরলন। মারঝ মারঝ আরাকান বা ক্তত্রপুরা
এটি দখল করর মনি। যসই মবরমিিুকু িাড়া িখন যর্রকই চট্টগ্রাম মুসলমানরদর শাসনার্ীন মিল। মকন্তু
মুগলরদর বাাংলা মবজ্রয়র আরগ চট্টগ্রাম আরাকামনরদর মনয়ন্ত্ররর্ চরল মগরয়মিল। জ্াহাঙ্গীররর রাজ্ত্বকারল
সুবাহদার ইসলাম খান মচশমি বাাংলা ও আরাকারনর মরর্য সীমানা মনর্ারর্কারী ম যফনী নদী পযন্ত ম অঞ্চল
পুনরুদ্ধার কররমিরলন। জ্াহাঙ্গীররর করয়কজ্ন সুবাহদার চট্টগ্রাম দখল করার যচষ্টা করর বযর্ হরয়মিরলন।

আরাকামন নসনযরা যনৌ-চালনা ও যনৌ-যুরদ্ধ দে মিল। যার ফরল আরাকারনর রাজ্াগর্ কখনই মুগল
সুবাহদাররদর শামন্তরি র্াকরি যদন মন। মারঝ মারঝই িারা বাাংলায় যনৌ-অমভযান পািারিন এবাং িারদর
গমিপরর্র অন্তভুি ম এলাকার যয যকান অাংরশ লুিপাি চালারিন। এমনমক কখনও কখনও িারা রাজ্র্ানী
শহর ঢাকায়ও আক্রমর্ কররিন। ওলন্দাজ্ ও ইাংররজ্রদর সরঙ্গ প্রমিরযামগিায় িারদর বামর্ক্তজ্যক প্রার্ানয
হামররয় যফলার পর পিু মম গজ্রাও সরিররা শিরকর যগাড়া যর্রক জ্লদসুযিা শুরু কররমিল। পিু মম গজ্
জ্লদসুযরা আরাকারন আশ্রয় লাভ করি। আরাকারনর রাজ্া িার শত্রুর অর্ীন বাাংলার সীমান্ত অঞ্চল লুি
করার জ্নয মগ জ্লদসুযরদর সরঙ্গ পিু মম গজ্রদরও মনযুি কররিন। চট্টগ্রাম যর্রক ঢাকা পযন্ত ম জ্লদসুযরদর
যাত্রাপরর্ নদীগুমলর দুই িীর অর্াৎ ম উপকলীয় যজ্লাগুমল প্রায় জ্নমানবশনয হরয় পরড়মিল। জ্লদসুযরা
র্নসম্পরদর সরঙ্গ মহন্দু ও মুসলমান, পুরুষ, নারী ও মশশুরদর র্রর মনরয় যযি এবাং ওলন্দাজ্, ইাংররজ্ এবাং
ফরামসরদর মরিা মবরদশী বমর্করদর কারি এবাং দামের্ারিযর বন্দরগুমলরি বক্তন্দরদর দাস মহরসরব মবক্তক্র

কারজ্ই বাাংলায় যপৌৌঁরি শারয়স্তা খান প্রর্রমই আরাকানীরদর মবপজ্জনক মরনাভারবর প্রমি মরনারযাগী হন।
শামন্ত পুনঃপ্রমিষ্ঠার জ্নয িাূঁরক পিু মম গজ্ জ্লদসুযরদর মবরুরদ্ধও বযবস্থা গ্রহর্ কররি হরয়মিল। পমরমস্থমির
যমাকামবলা করার জ্নয সুবাহদার ক্তত্রমুখী কমসম মচ প্রর্য়ন কররন: প্রর্মি, মিমন নওয়ারা বা রর্িরীগুমল
পুনগটিিম কররন, মদ্বিীয়ি, পিু মম গজ্রদর মনরজ্র দরল যিরন আনার যচষ্টা কররন, এবাং িৃিীয়ি, িারা যযন
িাূঁরক সাহাযয করর অর্বা অন্তঃিপরে মনররপে র্ারক এ উরেরশয মিমন ওলন্দাজ্ যকাম্পামনরক িাূঁর দরল
িানার যচষ্টা কররন। শারয়স্তা খান মুগল সরকাররর পববিী ম যনৌ-বামহনীরক পুনগটিি ম কররন। িািাড়া পুরারনা
যনৌকাগুমলরক যমরামি করা হয় এবাং ঢাকা ও যরশাররর জ্াহাজ্ মনমার্ ম ও যমরামি কারখানায় এবাং অনযানয
নদীবন্দরর নিু ন যনৌকা নিমর করা হয়।

নামবকরদর সাংগ্রহ ও সমরবি করা হয়, রসদ যজ্াগাড় করা এবাং উচ্চির পদগুমলর জ্নয দে কমকিম ম ারদর
ম করার কাজ্ হয়। এক বিররর মরর্য যনৌ-যুরদ্ধর জ্নয প্রস্ি্িি মিন শি যনৌকা সাংগ্রহ করা হয়।

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পিু মম গজ্ নামবকরা মিল আরাকামন যনৌ-বামহনীর প্রর্ান অবলম্বন। িাই শারয়স্তা খান (মফমরমঙ্গরদর) িারদর
মুগল দরল িানার পদরেপ গ্রহর্ কররমিরলন। হুগলী, লমরকল (ঢাকা যর্রক প্রায় ৪০ মকমম. দমেরর্) এবাং
অনযানয জ্ায়গায় বসবাসকারী িারদর স্বরদশবাসীর মার্যরম মিমন চট্টগ্রারমর মফমরমঙ্গরদর কারি যলাভনীয়
প্রস্তাব পািান। মিমন িারদর চাকমর, পুরস্কার এবাং এগুমলর যচরয় যযিা যবমশ গুরুত্বপর্, ম স্থায়ী ও মনক্তিন্ত
জ্ীবরনর প্রস্তাব যদন। শারয়স্তা খান হুগমলর ওলন্দাজ্ প্রর্ানরকও যেরক পািান এবাং িারক বরলন যয, বাাংলায়
বামর্জ্য করর িারা প্রচুর মুনাফা অজ্মন করর মবর্ায় আরাকারনর মবরুরদ্ধ অমভযারন মনরজ্রদর জ্াহাজ্ মনরয়
িারদর অাংশগ্রহর্ করা উমচি। বািামভয়ার (জ্াকািমা) ওলন্দাজ্ গভনরম যজ্নারররলর অনুরমাদন িাড়া
ওলন্দাজ্ প্রর্ান যকান ইমিবাচক উত্তর মদরি না পারায় শারয়স্তা খান ওলন্দাজ্রদর একটি জ্াহারজ্ বািামভয়ায়
একজ্ন দি পাটিরয়মিরলন। খাজ্া আহমদ নারম এই দিরক ওলন্দাজ্ গভনর-যজ্নাররলরক ম এই কর্া বলার
মনরদম শ যদওয়া হয় যয, ওলন্দাজ্রা যমদ সুবাহদাররক িাূঁর উরদযারগ সাহাযয না করর িরব সমগ্র মুগল সাম্রারজ্য
িারদর বামর্জ্য বন্ধ করর যদওয়া হরব।

সকল প্রস্ি্িমি সম্পন্ন করর শারয়স্তা খান প্রর্রম সন্দ্বীপ দ্বীপটি জ্য় করার পমরকেনা গ্রহর্ কররন।
চট্টগ্রারমর মবরুরদ্ধ অমভযারনর ঘাূঁটি মিল ভুলুয়া, িরব এিা মিল স্থলবামহনীর জ্নয ঘাূঁটি। পোন্তরর আরাকান
মিল মলি একটি যনৌ-শক্তি। স্থল ও জ্ল উভয় মদক যর্রকই চট্টগ্রাম আক্রমর্ করা মিল আবশযক। সুিরাাং
যনৌ-বামহনীর জ্নয একটি ঘাূঁটির প্ররয়াজ্ন মিল এবাং সন্দ্বীপ মিল একটি আদশ যনৌ-ঘাূঁ
ম টি। শারয়স্তা খান িাূঁর
যনৌ-যসনাপমিরক সন্দ্বীপ আক্রমরর্র আরদশ যদন এবাং মিমন ১৬৬৫ মিস্টারব্দর নরভম্বরর সন্দ্বীপ আক্রমর্
কররন। সন্দ্বীরপর শাসক মিরলন মুগলরদর এক পলািক প্রািন নামবক, ৮০ বির বয়স্ক মদলওয়ার খান।
মিমন যশৌয ম ও দেিার সরঙ্গ যুদ্ধ করর পরাক্তজ্ি হন। সন্দ্বীপ দখল করর মুগলরদর শাসনার্ীন করা হয়।
ইরিামরর্য চট্টগ্রারমর মফমরমঙ্গরাও মুগলরদর পরে চরল আরস। মুগলরদর জ্নয যসৌভাগযক্ররম িখন
চট্টগ্রারমর মগ রাজ্া ও যসখানকার পিু মম গজ্রদর মরর্য দ্বন্দ্ব শুরু হয়। আরাকামন রাজ্ার িীব্র যরাষ যর্রক
রো পাওয়ার জ্নয পিু মম গজ্রা িারদর পমরবার, জ্াহাজ্ এবাং কামান মনরয় চট্টগ্রাম যর্রক পামলরয় এরস
ভুলুয়ার (যনায়াখালী) মুগল যসনাপমির কারি আশ্রয় গ্রহর্ করর। শারয়স্তা খান পিু মম গজ্ যসনাপমিরক
অভযর্না ম ও সম্মান জ্ানান শারয়স্তা খান পিু মম গজ্ যসনাপমিরক অভযর্না ম ও সম্মান জ্ানান। মিমন িারক
নগদ ২০০০ িাকা পুরস্কার ও ৫০০ িাকা মামসক যবিন প্রদান কররন। িার অনুগামীরদরও উপযুি যবিন-
ভািাসহ মুগল সরকাররর চাকমররি মনযুি করা হয়। বািামভয়ার ওলন্দাজ্ গভনরম যজ্নাররল িার
যকাম্পামনর সাহারযযর বযাপাররও শারয়স্তা খানরক আশ্বস্ত কররমিরলন। িারা আরাকারনর রাজ্র্ানী যম্রাহাং-
এ িারদর বামর্জ্য কুটি বন্ধ করর যদয়, িারদর কমচারীরদরম প্রিযাহার করর যনয় এবাং িারদর জ্াহাজ্গুমলর
গমিপর্ আরাকান যর্রক অনযানয স্থারন পারে যদয়। চট্টগ্রাম অমভযারন কারজ্ লাগারনার জ্নয ওলন্দাজ্
যকাম্পামন শারয়স্তা খানরক দুটি জ্াহাজ্ পািান। িরব যসগুমল এরস যপৌৌঁিার আরগই শারয়স্তা খান চট্টগ্রারম
আরাকামনরদর মবরুরদ্ধ জ্য়লাভ কররন।

শারয়স্তা খান ১৬৬৫ মখস্টারব্দর মেরসম্বররর যশষ সপ্তারহ িাূঁর দীঘ ম মদন র্রর পমরকমেি চট্টগ্রাম অমভযান
যপ্ররর্ কররন। িাূঁর পুত্র বুজ্গ
ু ম উরমদ খানরক সামবক ম যনিৃত্ব যদওয়া হয় এবাং যনৌ-যসনাপমি ইবরন
যহারসনরক যনৌ-বামহনীর যনিৃত্ব প্রদান করা হয়। সুবাহদার মনরজ্ রসদ সরবরারহর দাময়ত্ব গ্রহর্ কররন।
যসনাবামহনী ও যনৌ-বামহনী একই সমরয় এরক অপররর সরঙ্গ ঘমনষ্ঠ যযাগারযাগ যররখ স্থল ও সমুরপরর্ যাত্রা
করর। স্থল বামহনীরক জ্ঙ্গল যকরি রাস্তা নিমর করর অগ্রসর হরি হরয়মিল। সমুরর এবাং পরর কর্ফ ম ু লী নদীরি
একটি বড় যুরদ্ধ পিু মম গজ্রদর সাহাযয মনরয় মুগলরা মবজ্য়ী হয়। আরাকানী যনৌ-বামহনী পরাক্তজ্ি হরল িারদর
নামবকরা পামলরয় যায় এবাং িারদর যকউ যকউ দুরগ আশ্রয় ম গ্রহর্ করর। চট্টগ্রাম দুগ অবররার্
ম করা হয় এবাং
১৬৬৬ মখস্টারব্দর ২৬ জ্ানুয়ামর িা মুগল অমর্কারর আরস। পররর মদন বুজ্গ ু উরমদ
ম খান দুরগ প্ররবশ
ম কররন

Md. Uzzal Hossain 24-013

এবাং চট্টগ্রামরক মুগল সাম্রারজ্যর অন্তভুি
ম কররন। এটি একজ্ন যফৌজ্দাররর অর্ীরন মুগল প্রশাসমনক
যকরন্দ্র পমরর্ি হয় এবাং সম্রারির অনুমমি সারপরে এর নাম পমরবিমন করর ইসলামাবাদ রাখা হয়। প্রর্ানি
মগ-পিু মম গজ্ জ্লদসুযরদর লুি-িরাজ্, অিযাচার মনপীড়ন যর্রক মানুষ রো পাওয়ায় চট্টগ্রাম জ্য় সারা
যদরশ অবর্নীয় ম আনন্দ বরয় আরন। হাজ্ার হাজ্ার অপহি ও ক্রীিদারস পমরর্ি বাঙামল কৃষকরদর
মুক্তিলাভ মিল এই মবজ্রয়র অনয একটি গুরুত্বপর্ ফল।

শারয়স্তা খান পাশ্ববিী পাহামড় রাজ্যগুমলর যগাষ্ঠীপমিরদর মবররাহ দমন কররন। িারা মীরজ্ুমলার মৃিুযর
পর অস্থায়ী শাসকরদর শাসনামরলর মবশৃঙ্খলার সুরযাগ মনরয় মবররাহ যঘাষর্া কররমিল। শারয়স্তা খারনর
রাজ্মহরল যপৌৌঁিার সাংবাদ পাওয়া মাত্রই কুচমবহাররর রাজ্া কর প্রদারনর অঙ্গীকার করর িাূঁর কারি
আনুগিয পত্র পািান। সুবাহদাররর পুত্র ইরাদাি খান কামরূপ পুনদম খল কররন; মহজ্মলর বাহাদুর খানরক
বক্তন্দ করা হয় এবাং মিমন মবশাল অরঙ্কর অর্ প্রদান
ম করর মুক্তিলাভ কররন। নজ্মন্তয়া এবাং ক্তত্রপুরার রাজ্ারাও
আনুগিয স্বীকার করর হামি ও অনযানয উপরঢৌকন পািান। পাবিয ম রাজ্য যমারাঙ্গও (কুচমবহাররর পক্তিরম
এবাং পমর্য়ারম উত্তরর) আনুগিয স্বীকার কররন এবাং কর মদরি অঙ্গীকার কররন।

শারয়স্তা খান বযবসা-বামর্রজ্যর উন্নমিসার্রন সহায়িা কররমিরলন। মিমন ইউররাপীয় যকাম্পামনগুমলর

বযবসারক উৎসামহি কররন এবাং িারদর স্বারর্রম মনরাপত্তার জ্নয রাস্তা ও নদীগুমলরক োকািমুি কররন।
রাজ্কীয় ফরমানগুমলর শিমানুসারর মিমন ইউররাপীয় যকাম্পামনগুমলরক মবরশষ অমর্কার প্রদান
কররমিরলন। মকন্তু কখনও কখনও ইউররাপীয় যকাম্পামনগুমল িারদর মবরশষ অমর্কারগুমলর অপবযবহার
করি এবাং িারদর কুটিয়াল ও নামবকরা রাজ্কীয় ফরমান দ্বারা মনমষদ্ধকৃি বযক্তিগি বযবসায় মলপ্ত হরিা।
কারজ্ই মারঝ মারঝ মবরশষি শুল্ক দামব ও প্রদান মনরয় বন্দর ও শুল্ক মবভারগর মুগল কমকিম ম া ও ইউররাপীয়
যকাম্পামনগুমলর মরর্য মবররারর্র সত্রপাি ঘিি। সম্রাি বামর্রজ্যর প্রসাররক উৎসামহি কররিন, কারর্
বামর্জ্য, মবরশষি রপ্তামন বামর্জ্য আয় বৃক্তদ্ধ ঘিায়। মকন্তু স্থানীয় মুগল কমকিম
ম ারা রাহদামরর (গমন-পর্ শুল্ক)
মরিা স্থানীয় কর আদারয়র যচষ্টা করি, যার বযবস্থা রাজ্কীয় আরদরশ মিল না। অনযমদরক যকাম্পামনগুমলও
ফরমারন িারদররক প্রদত্ত মবরশষ সুমবর্াসমরহর অপবযবহার করি। যকাম্পামনগুমলরক মবরশষ সুমবর্া
প্রদারনর কাররর্ যকাম্পামনর কমকিম ম ারদর দ্বারা প্রদত্ত দস্তক যদখারল যকাম্পামনর যনৌকাগুমলরক যযরি
যদওয়া হরিা। িরব প্রায়ই িারদর িত্ত্বাবর্ারন যনৌকাগুমল যকাম্পামনর মাল না মনরয় যকাম্পামনর কমচারীরদর ম
বযক্তিগি বযবসারয়র মাল বহন করি। এমন দৃষ্টান্তও ররয়রি যয, িারদর মারলর মলয কম যদমখরয় যকাম্পামন
িারদর প্ররদয় শুরল্কর মকিু অাংশ ফাূঁমক মদি। দে ও অমভজ্ঞ কমকিম ম া হওয়ায় শারয়স্তা খান বযবসারয় করিার
শৃঙ্খলা কাযকর ম কররন এবাং এটি ইউররাপীয় যকাম্পামনগুমলর সমারলাচনা ও মবররামর্িার লেযবস্ি্ি হরয়
দাূঁড়ায়। িাূঁর দাময়ত্বপালরনর মদ্বিীয় দফায় ইাংররজ্ যকাম্পামন বাাংলায় মুগল সরকাররর মবরুরদ্ধ বস্ি্িি
যুরদ্ধ মলপ্ত হরয়মিল। শারয়স্তা খান িারদর অরযৌক্তিক দামব যমরন না মনরয় িারদর বরাং যদশ যর্রক মবিামড়ি
কররমিরলন। পরবিীকারল একজ্ন নিু ন সুবাহদার ইবরামহম খান ইাংররজ্রদর পবিন ম অবস্থান এবাং
উপমনরবরশ িারদর পুনঃপ্রমিটষ্ঠি কররমিরলন। ইাংররজ্ দমললপরত্র শারয়স্তা খারনর র্নমলপ্সার জ্নয িাূঁর
মনন্দা করা হরয়রি। মকন্তু বাস্তরব ইাংররজ্ বমর্করাই (এবাং অনযানয ইউররাপীয় যকাম্পামন) মিল রাজ্কীয়
ফরমান দ্বারা প্রদত্ত মবরশষামর্কাররর অপবযবহার এবাং যদরশর আইন ভঙ্গ করার জ্নয দায়ী। পোন্তরর,
অনযানয প্রারদমশক সুবাহদার ও কমকিম ম ারদর মরিা শারয়স্তা খান মনরজ্ও বযক্তিগি বযবসারয় মলপ্ত
হরয়মিরলন, িরব িা মিল অভযন্তরীর্ বামর্জ্য, রপ্তামন বামর্জ্য নয়।

শারয়স্তা খান একজ্ন মনমািাও

ম মিরলন। মিমন রাজ্র্ানী শহর ঢাকা ও িার বাইরর যবশ করয়কটি মসক্তজ্দ,
সমামর্ এবাং অট্টামলকা মনমার্
ম কররমিরলন। িাূঁর মনমমিম অট্টামলকাগুমলর মরর্য ররয়রি: (ক) অনাবামসক
বমর্ক, পমর্ক ও দশনার্ীরদর
ম জ্নয ১৬৬৪ মখস্টারব্দ মনমমিম যিাি কািরা। এর সীমানার মভিরর এক গম্বুজ্

Md. Uzzal Hossain 24-013

মবমশষ্ট একটি যিাি মসক্তজ্দ ররয়রি, যারি যরর্ষ্ট স্থাপিয মশেমবষয়ক রুমচরবার্ যদখরি পাওয়া যায়। শারয়স্তা
খান একটি প্রাসাদ, মসক্তজ্দ এবাং মমিরফােম যর্রক লালবাগ পযন্ত ম মবস্িৃি বুমড়গঙ্গার পাশাপামশ যপাশিা
নারম অমভমহি একটি বড় বাূঁর্ মনমারর্র ম মবশাল পমরকেনা কররমিরলন। কািরা এবাং মসক্তজ্দটির
ধ্বাংসাবরশষ এখনও মবদযমান। কািরার প্রাঙ্গরর্ একটি এক গম্বুজ্ মবমশষ্ট বগাকার ম পুরািন কবর ররয়রি।
এটিরক শারয়স্তা খারনর কনযা চম্পা মবমবর কবর বরল মরন করা হয়। (খ) মমিরফােম হাসপািারলর (বিমমারন
সযার সমলমুোহ যমমেকযাল করলজ্)কারি বুমড়গঙ্গার িীরর মিন গম্বুজ্ মবমশষ্ট ও যকার্ায় মমনারসহ একটি
মসক্তজ্দ। (গ) লালবাগ দুরগরম (সম্রাি আওরঙ্গরজ্রবর নামানুসারর আওরঙ্গাবাদ দুগ ম নারম অমভমহি)
সম্প্রসারর্ কররন। শাহজ্াদা মুহম্মদ আজ্ম এ দুরগরম মনমার্ ম কাজ্ শুরু কররমিরলন, িরব মিমন এটি সম্পর্ ম
করর যযরি পাররন মন। দুরগরম প্রাচীররঘরা প্রাঙ্গরর্ শারয়স্তা খান মবমব পরীর সমামর্ মনমার্
ম কররন। কমর্ি
আরি যয, ইরান দুখ্ি নারম পমরমচি মবমব পরী মিরলন শারয়স্তা খারনর কনযা। শাহজ্াদা আজ্রমর সরঙ্গ িাূঁর
বাগদান হরয়মিল, মকন্তু িার অকারল মৃিুয হরয়মিল। মপ্রয় কনযার সমামর্ মনমারর্র ম জ্নয শারয়স্তা খান প্রচুর
অর্বযয়ম করর উত্তর ভারি যর্রক দামম মনমার্-সামগ্রী
ম আমদামন কররমিরলন। এ সমামর্ ঢাকার এবাং শারয়স্তা
খারনর আমরলর স্থাপিযমশরের এক চমৎকার মনদশন। ম (ঘ) চকবাজ্ার মসক্তজ্দ, সািগম্বুজ্ মসক্তজ্দ এবাং
নারায়র্গরঞ্জর অদরর লেযার িীরর মখক্তজ্রপুর মসক্তজ্রদর মরিা ঢাকা ও িার পাশ্ববিী এলাকার অনয আররা
করয়কটি মসক্তজ্রদর সরঙ্গ িাূঁর নাম জ্মড়ি।

িাূঁর দে যসনাপমিত্ব, নযায়মবচার এবাং জ্নকলযারর্র অগ্রগমি সার্রনর জ্নয সমসামময়ক ও পরবিীকারলর
ঐমিহামসকবৃন্দ শারয়স্তা খারনর প্রশাংসা করররিন। িাূঁর উদারিা, বদানযিা এবাং র্মপ্রার্িার
ম উপরও িাূঁরা
গুরুত্ব প্রদান করররিন। মিমন একজ্ন কমব ও পক্তন্ডি বযক্তি মিরলন। িাূঁর মনমার্
ম কাযাবমল
ম পরবিীকারল
শারয়স্তা খানী রীমি মহরসরব মচমিি হরয়মিল। শরসযর কম মরলযর জ্নযও মিমন প্রশাংমসি হরয়রিন। শরসযর
দাম এি কম মিল যয, িাকায় আিমর্ চাল মবক্তক্র হরিা। ঢাকা িযাগ করার সময় মিমন নগরীর পক্তিম যিাররর্
মনম্নমলমখি মলমপটি উৎকীর্ ম কমররয়মিরলন: ‘শরসযর এ র্ররনর সস্তা মবক্রয়মলয প্রদশনকারীই
ম একমাত্র এ
যিারর্ উন্মুি কররব’। সমসামময়ক মানুষ িাূঁরক যশ্রষ্ঠরত্বর আদশরূরপ
ম বর্না
ম করররিন। [আবদুল কমরম]

1. The Subahdar was the head of the Mughal provincial administration who were normally appointed from
the Mughal princes or the officers holding the highest mansabs.
2. Murshid Quli Khan- first Diwan, then Subahdar.
3. One important event of Azim-us-Shans subahdari was his quarrel with the diwan, Murshid Quli Khan
4. Murshid Quli Khan shifted his dewani to Murshidabad.
5. Azim-us-shaan later shifted his nizamat to Patna.
6. does Dhaka lost his glory of being the capital of Mughal Bengal.
7. Though Murshid Quli Khan regularly paid tributes to the centre, became practically and independent
Nawab. (Started Nawabi)
8. At the time of his death he nominated his grandson Sarfaraz Khan to succeed him.
9. His father Shujauddin Khan ousted him and took over.
10. At the time of his death he nominated his son Sarfaraz Khan back to the throne.

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11. Sarfraz, a weak ruler, was ousted again ny Alivardi Khan.
12. Alivardi khan's rule was marked by annual Maratha raids and Nawab bought peace with 12 lakh rupees
and ceding Orissa to Mir Habib.
13. Alivardi Khan nominated Sirajuddoula to become his succesor.

=======BAKHTIYAR KHALJI=======
1. Bakhtiyar Khalji inaugurated Muslim rule in Bengal by conquering Nadia in early 1205 AD.
2. A native of Afghanistan, Bakhtiyar Khalji belonged to the Khalji tribe of the Turks.
3. He entreated Muhammad Ghuri at Ghazni to enlist him as a soldier but, because of his short physical
stature with long arms extending below the knees, his prayer was rejected.
4. A dejected Bakhtiyar proceeded to Delhi and sought an employment but there also his fate fared no
5. Thence he went to Badaun where he was appointed to a lower post.
6. From Badaun he repaired to Oudh and got a post befitting his ability under the governor of the province.
7. He was granted the parganas of Bhagwat and Bhiuli in the district of Mirzapur as jagir.
8. Soon a large number of Khalji adventurers gathered around him.
9. with their help he carried on raids into the neighboring Hindu territories and the amount of his soldiers
increased gradually as well.
10. In 1203 AD Bakhtiyar made a sudden dash against Bihar, occupied it, destroyed and returned with
enormous booty.
11. He met Qutbuddin Aibak and gave him valuable gifts. Qutbuddin in turn received him with great
12. Bakhtiyar started on his adventure towards Bengal in the winter of 1204 AD and, proceeding through
the unfrequented Jharkhand region marched towards Nadia that only eighteen horsemen could keep pace
with him.
13. The city dwellers took him to be a horse-dealer and he captured the palace by surprise. Raja
laksmanasena 'fled away by the back-door'. Meanwhile the main army of Bakhtiyar Khalji arrived and nadia
came under Muslims possession.
14. Bakhtiyar Khalji stayed in Nadia for a short period and then marched upon Gaur (lakhnauti). He
conquered it without any resistance in 601 AH/1205 AD and made it the Capital of his government.
15. Bakhtiyar Khalji's territories extended a long territory and captured territory of Bihar.
16. The last important event in the career of Bakhtiyar Khalji was his Tibet expedition.
17. Bakhtiyar collected necessary information about the routes leading to Tibet by sending there a few

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18. Before undertaking his Tibet expedition Bakhtiyar made adequate arrangements for the defense and
administration of his kingdom. He created three big frontier governorships.
19. Bakhtiyar Khalji marched from Devkot with ten thousand horsemen up the river Begmati in early 1206
20. Crossing the river over an ancient stone bridge he proceeded to the hills where, in a battle with the local
people, he sustained heavy losses and decided to abandon the project.
21. But the backlash was so hard that the return journey proved to be disastrous and he somehow reached
Devkot with a little more than a hundred of his followers alive.
22. At Devkot, Bakhtiyar Khalji fell seriously ill and he was stabbed to death by Ali Mardan KhaljI 1206
23. Bakhtiyar was a good administrator. He divided the kingdom into a number of districts and assigned
them to the care of his principal nobles and military chiefs.
24. They were entrusted with the duty of maintaining peace and order, collecting revenues, patronising
learning and culture and looking after the moral and material well being of the people.
25. He took steps to read the Khutbah (verses of the Quran) and introduce coins in the name of his lord
Sultan Muhammad Ghuri.
26. He built a new capital on the site of Gaur and established two cantonment towns near Dinajpur and
27. He named his administrative divisions iqta and the governor of an iqta was designated as muqta.
28. He built numerous mosques, madrasahs and khanqahs.

<<<<<<<<<<SHAMSUDDIN ILLIYAS SHAH>>>>>>>>>

1. Shamsuddin Iliyas Shah is founder of the Iliyas Shahi dynasty.
2. He consolidated the independent Sultanate of Bengal.
3. liyas Shah was an inhabitant of Sijisthan, a country of Persia and came from a noble family.
4. At the begening of career Iliyas Shah worked in Delhi. But for some unknown reason, he escaped to
Bengal and took service under the imperial governor of satgaon and by dint of his merit rose to the position
of Malik.After the death of the governor, he became the ruler of Satgaon.
5. Consolidating his authority there, he waged a long drawn war against alauddin ali shah and ascended the
throne of lakhnauti in 1342 with the title of 'Sultan Shamsuddin Iliyas Shah'.
6. He occupied Tirhut easily in l344 and made a bold thrust across the inhospitable region of Terai in Nepal,
yet to be trodden by Muslim soldiers.
7. He advanced as far as the capital Kathmandu, destroyed the temple of Svayambhunath and returned with
immense booty. However, did not annex any part of Nepal.
8. Iliyas Shah then led a campaign against eastern Bengal, conquering sonargaon became the master of the
whole of Bengal.

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9. Shams-i-Siraj Afif adorned him with the title of Shah-i-Bangalah, Shah-i-Bangaliyan and Sultan-i-
10. Emboldened by success Iliyas invaded Jajnagar (orissa) and advanced through Katak as far south as the
Chilka Lake.
11. He destroyed the temples of Orissa and came back with immense wealth including 44 elephants.
12. Iliyas Shah next invaded Bihar in 1353. He further extended his authority beyond Bihar to Champaran,
Gorakhpur and Benaras.
13. The Delhi Sultan firuz shah tughlaq proceeded towards Bengal to bring Iliyas Shah under subjugation,
but could not succeed. Concluding a peace with Iliyas Shah, Firuz returned to Delhi and Iliyas continued
to rule Bengal as an independent sultan.
14. The friendly relations between the sultans of Delhi and Bengal were further cemented by the exchanges
of gifts and envoys
15. This amicable settlement with the sultan of Delhi gave Iliyas Shah an opportunity to exert his influence
on the neighbouring Kingdom of Tippera.
16. Towards the close of his reign Iliyas Shah added one more trophy to his crown by leading a successful
campaign against kamarupa whose contemporary ruler of Kamta, possessed neither the material resources
nor probably the ability to check the invaders. In these favourable conditions Iliyas Shah quite easily
conquered a portion of Kamarupa.
17. A daring soldier, Iliyas Shah possessed all the qualities of a successful military leader. He won
wonderful victories against his adversaries in and outside Bengal.
18. As a statesman Iliyas Shah bided his time until circumstances turned in his favour for bringing the whole
of Bengal under a unified rule.
19. He felt the necessity of introducing a good administration and thereby winning the support of the local
people for maintaining the independence of his Sultanate.
20. He gave the administration a popular character by offering liberal Exemption to local elements and
opened the government services to talent without any distinction of caste, creed or colour.
21. He was probably the first to make a large recruitment of the local people in the army.
22. His administration was charged with civil and military administration. Possibly the Khans, Maliks and
Amirs were grandees of the kingdom holding fiefs and villages. Some of them might have been advisers to
the sultan as ministers of the state.
23. A deeply religious man Iliyas Shah had great veneration for the saints and sufis. It is noticed that like
the Sadat, Ulama and Mashaikh, the non-Muslim hermits and saints (sannyasis) also received stipends from
the state.
24. As a nation builder, it was he who for the first time founded an independent Sultanate by uniting the
territories of Satgaon, Lakhnauti and Sonargaon. He gave to this united territory the name of Bangalah and
to the people thus integrated the name of Bangali.
25. He did his best to advance the political, social, economic and cultural interests of the country. In fact he
infused a new life in the society by adopting a liberal policy to bring cohesion among the people. As a
result, all the people of Bengal came under the banner of one politico-social and linguistic platform. Like a
true national leader he gave equal treatment to all his people.

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26. Iliyas Shah was a builder too. He was the founder of the city of Hajipur and built a bath or hammam
like the Shamsi bath of Delhi.
27. The independent Sultanate of Bengal founded by him which lasted for nearly two hundred years. He
died in 1358 after a glorious reign of sixteen years.

========ALAUDDIN HUSAIN SHAH=========

1. Husain Shah the founder of the Husain Shahi dynasty, occupied the throne of Bengal by assassinating
the Habshi Sultan Shamsuddin Muzaffar Shah, under whom he had served as wazir.
2. He was elected sultan by the leading nobles.
3. The legendary stories about Husain's early life, narrated by many historians have hardly any relevance
for sober history.
4. He was an inhabitant of Tirmiz (a town in Turkistan). He accidentally came to Bengal, stayed in the
house of a Qazi of Chandpara, a village in Radha, where he received his education and also the hand of the
Qazi's daughter because of his noble pedigree.
5. He eventually became the wazir of Muzaffar Shah. Chandpara has been taken to be the same as Ekani
Chandpara, a village in Murshidabad district.
6. Husain's association with that part of Murshidabad is testified by a number of inscriptions of Husain
Shah's early years found in the villages around Chandpara and also by the construction of a mosque by
Sultan Husain in the locality in 1494.
7. Both Firishtah and Salim call him a 'Saiyid', indicating his Arab descent, which appears on his coins.
8. Alauddin Husain Shah's reign witnessed widespread territorial expansion of the Sultanate of Bengal.
9. He could secure his western frontier against the Lodi onslaught and allowed refuge to the ousted ruler of
10. He led several expeditions against kamarupa. The Khen dynasty of Kamarupa was overthrown and
Kamarupa and Kamta were annexed to the kingdom of Bengal.
11. He advanced further into the upper Brahmaputra valley of Assam.
12. Husain also attained some temporary success in his hostilities against the king of Orissa.
13. Husain's coins, contain the expression 'conqueror of Kamarupa and Kamta, and Jajnagar and Orissa'.
14. Husain had encounters with the king of Tippera, and inspite of early reverses succeeded in annexing a
part of Tippera to his kingdom.
15. In the tripartite war that was waged among the rulers of Bengal, Tippera and Arakan over the possession
of Chittagong, Husain was also able to occupy Chittagong, which formed an integral part of the Husain
Shahi kingdom.
16. Towards the end of Husain Shah's reign a Portuguese mission came to Bengal to establish diplomatic
17. Husain's reign ended in 1519 AD.

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1. Under Alauddin Husain Shah the country enjoyed undisturbed peace and the contemporary poets praised
him, mentioned him as
I. nrpati-tilaka (the tilak-mark of kings)
II. jagatabhusana (the adornment of the universe)
III. Krsna-avatara (the incarnation of Krsna).
2. His policy towards the Hindus was marked by tolerance and liberalism; some of the most important
offices were held by Hindus.
3. The catholicity of his mind is reflected in the Vaisnava works, which maintain that he had much respect
for sri chaitanya whom he regarded as an incarnation of God.
4. Husain Shah offered all facilities to Sri Chaitanya in his religious propagation. The institution of jiziyah
did not prevail in Husain Shahi Bengal.
5. Husain Shah and his successors must have tried to strengthen the foundation of the state on the basis of
the support and sympathy of the different sections of people irrespective of religion and creed.
6. The reign of Husain Shah constitutes a brilliant epoch in the history of medieval Bengal

1. Sena Dynasty ruled Bengal for little over a century
2. The emergence of the dynasty, who supplanted the Palas in Bengal towards the close of the 11th century
AD, is a very important chapter in the history of ancient Bengal.
3. Taking advantage of the revolt of the Samantachakra in the varendra during the last reign of the palas,
Vijay Sena gradually consolidated his position in Western Bengal and ultimately assumed an independent
4. One important aspect of Sena rule in Bengal is that the whole of Bengal was brought under a single rule
for the FIRST time in its history.

5. The Senas originally belonged to the Karnata country (কর্ািারদশাগি)

ম in South India.
6. Kanarese speaking and they were Brahma-Ksatriyas (those who were Brahmanas first and became
Ksatriyas afterwards).
7. It is recorded in that Virasena and others, born in the family of the moon, were rulers of southern region.
8. Samantasena whose descendants ruled in Bengal was born in that family

9. The Deopara (যদও পাড়া) Inscription records that Samantasena, in his last days he settled down on the
bank of the Ganges.

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10. Samantasena spent his early life in the Karnata country where he certainly held some power.
11. He, however, came to Bengal in his old age and lived somewhere near the Ganges.Samantasena's
descendants established the rule of the dynasty afterwards.
12. It is impossible to give a definite answer to the question as to how the family came to Bengal. The Sena
records are silent on this question.
13. It has been suggested that the Senas came to Bengal from Karnata and were employed in high offices
like generals under the Palas. When the Pala power became weak they usurped the royal power in Bengal.
It may be that a Karnata official in the service of the Pala empire gradually acquired power to set up an
independent position.
14. Scholars have also suggested that the ancestors of the Senas came to Bengal along with some invader
form the Deccan. At first they established themselves as vassal lords and gradually founded an independent
kingdom in West Bengal.

Hemanta যহমন্তরসন
1. Samantasena's son and successor Hemantasena seems to have been a ruling chief. The disruption of the
Pala kingdom following the revolt of the Samantas probably offered him an opportunity to carve out an
independent principality in Radha.
2. No record belonging to Hemantasena has yet been discovered but he is attributed the title of
Maharajadhiraja in one of the Sena records.
3. Hemantasena held the position of a feudatory chief in the Pala empire and extended his support for the
protection of his overlord.
4. There is no evidence regarding the exact dates of Samantasena and Hemantasena.

Vijay Sena: মবজ্য়রসন

1. Vijayasena, son of Hemantasena, laid the foundation of the independent rule of the Senas.
2. It appears from his records that he inherited the position of a subordinate ruler under the Palas in the
Radha area.
3. Among the fourteen Samanta kings who helped ramapala in his recovery of Varendra, there was one
known as Vijayaraja. He was perhaps identical with Vijayasena.
4. Vijayasena, however, made full use of the weakness of the Pala rule in Bengal. He obtained an
independent position in Radha in recognition of his help to Ramapala.
5. Later, he defeated the Palas and captured the throne of Gauda afterwards. His queen Vilasadevi
(মভলাসারদমব) was a princess of the Shura dynasty.
6. Vijaysena's matrimonial relation with the Shura family enabled him to establish his political power over
Radha. He might have entered into an alliance with the Orissan king.
7. This alliance certainly enhanced his political importance. He is described as Chodaganga-Sakha (friend
of Chodaganga) in the Vallalacharita of Anandabhatta.

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8. It is beyond any doubt that Vijayasena established independent power in Bengal immediately after the
demise of Ramapala.
9. Vijayasena established his own supremacy in North and North Western Bengal through ousting the Palas.
10. Vijayasena is also recorded to have extended his hold over Bihar in the west and vanga in the east.
11. The middle of the 12th century AD Vijayasena supplanted the Varmans, ousted the Palas and succeeded
in establishing the rule of his own dynasty over the whole of Bengal.
12. He had a very long reign of abort 62 years
13. He was a Saiva and was liberal towards Brahmanas versed in the Vedas and the poor.

Vallalasena : বাললাল যসন

1. Vijayasena was succeeded by his son Vallalasena.
2. There isn't any record of his victory. He, however, had some military achievements to his credit.

3. It is stated in the Adbhutasagara (অদ্ভুি সাগর) that he was engaged in warfare with the king of Gauda
who is identified with Govindapala of the Pala dynasty.
4. It is stated in the Adbhutasagara that during the lifetime of his father, Vallalasena conquered Mithila.
5. Vallalasena's name is connected with the introduction of the practice of kulinism in Bengal. It is believed
that Vallalasena with a view to reorganising the social system introduced the system of Kulinism.
6. Through this system the ranks were bestowed upon a very few in consideration of their sort of nobility
in the society known as Kulina.
7. The basis of knowledge regarding the early history of Kulinism is the texts known as Kulagranthas or
8. It is known that Kulinism was the strongest force among the Bengali Brahmins.
9. Hence it is quite probable that the advocates of Kulinism tried to give a historical basis to it and claimed
its origin from the time of the Hindu King, Vallalasena.

10. Vallalasena was a great scholar and renowned author. He wrote the Danasagara (দানসাগর) and started
writing the Adbhutasagara but could not complete it.
11. Like his father, he was also a worshipper of Shiva.
12. In his old age Vallalasena left the responsibility of his government to his son laksmanasena. He and his
wife spent their last days on the bank of the Ganges at a locality near Triveni.
13. He had a successful reign of about 18 years.

Laksmansena লক্ষ্মর্ যসন

1. Laksmanasena succeeded his father Vallalasena.
2. Before he came to power he defeated the king of Gauda and Kasi and made expeditions against Kamarupa
and Kalinga.

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3. Was the first king among the Senas to assume the title of Gaudeshvara. (যগৌড়রদশ্বর)
4. Laksmanasena came to the throne at a fairly old age.
5. His reign was famous for remarkable literary activities. He himself wrote many Sanskrit poems and
completed the Adbhutasagara (অদ্ভুিসাগর), which was started by his father.
6. His court was an assembly of several renowned poets, authors & composer.

7. It is well known that Laksmanasena was a Vaisnava. He took the title of Paramavaisnava (পরম নবষ্ণব)
or Paramanarasimha (পররমশ্বর).
8. Nothing definite is known regarding his change of faith. Laksmanasena was famous for his exceptional
qualities and proverbial generosity.
9. Laksmanasena, however, became too weak to run the administration of his empire towards the close of
his reign.
10. During this time there were signs of disruption and disintegration within his empire. emergence of a
number of independent chiefs in different parts of the Sena kingdom, which broke its solidarity and paved
the way of its decline.
11. Muhammad bakhtiyar khalji, gave the final blow to the Sena kingdom
12. The rule of the Senas in Bengal is usually connected with the emergence of orthodox Hinduism in a
Hindu-Buddhist society
13. For long had enjoyed the peaceful coexistence of the two religions resulting in an atmosphere of
amalgam of the two.
14. The onslaught on the Buddhists in Bengal is believed to have started in this period, which resulted in
large scale Buddhist migration to the neighbouring countries.
15. The Sena period witnessed the development of Sanskrit literature.

1. the condition of Bengal in the century following the death of Shasanka and before the rise of the Palas
has been described as matsyanyayan
2. In a near contemporary inscription, the Khalimpur copperplate of the anarchical condition of Bengal
before the rise of the Pala dynasty is found mentioned as matsyanyayam.
3. The Sanskrit term matsyanyayam, used in ancient texts, bears special significance.
4. The Kautilya Arthaxastra defines the term as follows: "When the law of punishment is kept in abeyance,
it gives rise to such disorder as is implied in the proverb of fishes, ie, the larger fish swallows a smaller one,
for in the absence of a magistrate, the strong will swallow the weak."
5. lama taranatha, Tibetan historian of Buddhism in India, also mentions that all of Bengal was pervaded
by an unprecedented anarchy in the century before the rise of the Palas.
6. Government was fragmented, with no king having real control over gauda, vanga or samatata.

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7. Ksatriyas, Brahmanas, merchants and townsmen all were kings in their own homes. The sufferings and
strife of the common people were intolerable.
8. Ater Shashanka the state of Gauda was paralysed, and whoever was king thereafter would not be able to
rule for even a year.
9. According to the same source there was a disastrous famine in the period in the eastern region of India.
10. After the reign of Shashanka Bengal saw very little of stable government.
11. The country was torn into many small kingdoms and civil warfare among them caused the instability.
12. In the absence of a strong force capable of enforcing law and order, a situation prevailed that has been
termed as matsyanyayam.
13. Physical strength was the only strength, and throughout the land ran the frenzy of unbridled, unruly
14. In order to put an end to this state of affair, gopala emerged as the king of Bengal and founded the rule
of the pala dynasty.
15. In the absence of peace and order there was a decline in trade and commerce. The loss of prominence
of a port is suggestive of this decay.
16. Among the ruins of Mahasthana it can be seen that the temples and monasteries of the Pala period were
built on the ruins of the earlier Gupta and post-Gupta eras.
17. It would seem that the destruction belongs to the age of anarchy. The devastating famine mentioned
earlier may have had a connection with the prevailing anarchy.
18. In the absence of a strong king, the feudal vassals, each one independent and autonomous, must have
been instrumental in creating anarchy.
19. And the sagacity of a few of them must have brought an end to the state of lawlessness; some of them
coming together brought Gopala to power.


1. It ruined Punjab and Punjabi people's life. They lost their land,home and what not at both sides of the
border. No matter how much we say we understand, nobody can understand what Punjab have gone through
during partition. Even till now they have their lost relatives, cousins and many other persons they were once
closely related on each side of border. National interests have forced them to treat them as people from
enemy country.
2. ◆It created the worst dispute of the world, the Kashmir issue.
People form both sides are still facing problem for it. It is been 68 years. But yet one of the most beautiful
place of earth is terrorised and dangerous.

3. It created civil war in India and Pakistan since 1946. And then at 1971s it again started another civil war
in Bangladesh region.
It is like the third party is taking advantage of two brother's fight.

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4.Imagine, the people of Bengal(undivided) . They had to separate from their Bengali culture in 1905 and
become East Bengal.Then they had to face partition in 1947 and become East Pakistan. Then again they
had to face war in 1971 and become Bangladesh.

Inward industrialisation is an anti-import policy which depends only on local market and protects local
producers in home country.

Inward industrialisation fails to significantly contribute in poverty reduction through economic growth
because of its conservative nature.

Despite banning the import of Industrial Products, there is no way to avoid importing Technology because
third world countries did not have experience and capacity to invent their own Technology at this stage.

Poor farmers are also affected because of the decrease in the purchased capacity, they can be less Industrial
Products in exchange of their crops.

Countries like Brazil, Ghana, Pakistan, India main increased their economic growth through inward
industrialisation but did not decrease the property rather it became acute in some areas.


Outward Industrialisation is an policy which is ,unlike inward industrialisation, not limited by insufficient
purchase capacity of internal market

For the sake of survival in the competitive world, Industrialist adopt new technologies and Advanced
Management System which increases the rate of production. Export-oriented industrialization.

Outward industrialisation is successful not only in increasing economic growth but also in poverty
alleviation mainly because of two reasons.

The first season is related to the selection of Technology. To have a competitive advantage and cost
leadership in the foreign market, production costs need to be lower than the world market.

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In order to do so the industry uses cheap elements in the production process thus the employees in the
industrial sectors get benefited as well as who are not in the industry.
Outward industrialization acts in favor of the poor. The importance of education is emphasized because the
need of educated labour class.
The benefit of education not confined within industrial sectors, helps people to come out of the poverty
Because of education growth of population displeases which is another way of poverty alleviation.


Water resource management AIMS at managing the tasks required to generate water and produce water
related goods and services for the welfare of the society as a whole.
It includes laws and regulations, physical intervention, financial Management and institutional

Water resource management faces some issues and challenges and the most critical of these are:
Floods in the wet season
Scarcity of the water in the dry season
Ever expanding water needs of a growing economy and population.
Supply of safe drinking water and sanitation
Arsenic problem and water pollution
River sedimentation and Bank erosion
Maintaining ecosystems particularly in the fish resources and wetlands
Challenges of the climate change and sea level rise
Upstream river basing development beyond the border of the country

A river is a natural water course, usually freshwater, flowing towards an Ocean, lake, sea or another river.
A river begins at a source and ends at the mouth, following a path called a course.

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National river is confined in the boundaries of a nation and does not exceed the boundary. Meaning that
source, the course of the river and the mouth is within a single Nation or state.

There are no rules in international law which grants foreign States the right of navigation on national rivers.
The not national and boundary rivers which can be navigate it from the open Sea are called International
Meaning that the source, the course and the mouth are not confined within a boundary and the river create
the boundary of a nation and is navigable from the open sea.
Innocent passage through rivers must be granted in time of peace.


The language movement is a movement for the acceptance of Bangla as the official language of then
Pakistan which ultimately occurred in 1952 do the starting point was 1948
(1) Starting point of Liberation war.
(2) realisation of the power of protesting to achieve rightful demand.
(3) initiation of secular nationalism.
(4) achievement of international mother language day.
(5) the opportunity to get into civil service.

(1) protesting to achieve rightful demand
(2) never yield to wrong even with the cost of life or career
(3) not to oppress the minority ethnic groups of our present Bangladesh in terms of language and education.
(4) united stand and secular nationalism is stronger than religious nationalism.


Two-Nation theory is the basis of creation of Pakistan.

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It states that Muslims and Hindus are two separate nations (on basis of religion); therefore Muslims should
be able to have their own separate homeland in the Muslim majority areas of India, in which Islam can be
practiced as the main religion.

The ideology that religion is the determining factor in defining the nationality of Indian Muslims was
undertaken by Muhammad Ali Jinnah, who termed it as the awakening of Muslims for the creation of

Supported by many Hindus who thought that Hindus and Muslims cannot live together in a single state
because of various antagonism.

There are varying interpretations of the two-nation theory, based on whether the two nationalities can
coexist in one territory or not, with radically different implications.

One interpretation argued for sovereign autonomy, including the right to secede, for Muslim-majority areas
of the Indian subcontinent, but without any transfer of populations (i.e. Hindus and Muslims would continue
to live together).

A different interpretation contends that Hindus and Muslims constitute "two distinct, and frequently
antagonistic ways of life, and that therefore they cannot coexist in one nation.
In this version, a transfer of populations (i.e. the total removal of Hindus from Muslim-majority areas and
the total removal of Muslims from Hindu-majority areas) is a desirable step towards a complete separation
of two incompatible nations that "cannot coexist in a harmonious relationship".[9][10]

Khawja Nazimuddin is noted as being the first Bengali leader of Pakistan who led the country as Prime
Minister as well as the second Governor-General.

Born into an aristocrat Nawab family in Bengal, he was educated at the Aligarh Muslim University before
pursuing his education at the Cambridge University to secure his graduation.

Upon returning, he started his political career on a Muslim League platform where he primary focused on
education causes in Bengal before leading the cause for separate Muslim homeland, Pakistan, under the
leadership of Muhammad Ali Jinnah.

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In 1951, he took over the control of the government as Prime Minister of Pakistan upon the assassination
of Liaquat Ali Khan, and relinquished the post of Governor-General.

As Prime Minister, he struggled to run the government effectively on the internal and foreign fronts, and
thus he tenured for only two years.
On the home front, he struggled to maintain law and order in the country and instructed the military to
impose martial law in Lahore due to religious riots and stagnation.
He also faced a language movement in his native Bengal that eventually led to the shutdown of Government
of East Pakistan.


Dhirendranath Datta, was a Bengali lawyer by profession who was also active in the politics of undivided
Bengal in pre-partition India, and later in East Pakistan.

Along with many politically active Bengalis of his time, Datta took a firm stand following the Bengal
Partition of 1905.

He chose to oppose partition, working closely with other anti-partition activists such as Surendranath
Banerjee and Rabindranath Tagore.

Datta joined the Indian National Congress from Mymensingh District and was first elected to the Bengal
Legislative Council.

He was arrested by the British rulers of India for his participation in the Quit India movement.

Datta firmly opposed the creation of Pakistan and partition of India on religious lines; but when it became
clear that partition of Bengal was inevitable and that his home district of Cumilla would be in the new
Muslim majority state, he opted to remain in East Bengal (unlike many other Hindu leaders), and as a result,
was invited to be part of the CONSTITUTIONAL COMMITTEE to draft the LEGISLATIVE
FRAMEWORK of the new country before the actual independence of Pakistan.


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