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UGF Redesign - Mission Outline

● Mission Start - Mercenaries are called to help retake a Security Depot on Lyria from
Nine Tails Forces, on site security has been overrun with a few survivors requesting
immediate assistance. It seems Nine Tails is looking to extract data from the servers in
this Security Depot, they have control of the facility with a few Security hold outs doing
what they can hunkering down in the Server room.
○ This mission will take place on Security Depot Lyria-1 and a map of the location
was created here. UGF Map
● The Main Mission
○ Objectives:
■ Eliminate all enemy forces within. 10/10
■ Do not Harm Allies
● Arrival at Security Depot
○ The exterior of the Security Depot will appear as normal, nothing outside possibly
indicating the situation going on within. Players will take the elevator downstairs
as normal.
○ Upon reaching the bottom of the Depot the player will see their first dead body, a
security officer left where they had been shot.
● Enemy Placement Updates - For ease of implementation, the Security Depot map will
remain the same and instead the enemy spawning behavior and placement will be
○ Dock Hall - At the end of this hall from the elevator two Nine Tails are observing
the Loading/Unloading Dock for any potential Security reinforcements.
○ Ground Floor - 1-2 Ninetails Patrolling the area passively until engaged by an
○ Floor 2 - Two separate patrols of 1-2 Ninetails going around the outer edge, one
may stop near the stairs occasionally before resuming their patrol pattern.
○ Backroom/Security Room - 3-4 Ninetails in this area are focused on the
Security Forces in the back room and trying to eliminate them quickly before the
players arrive.
■ Enemies are staggered, weapons drawn and firing shots into the Server
Room on occasion, taunting barks from Nine Tails AI could help further
build the scene.
■ Shots fired by the AI could have a small chance to kill one another to
minimize feeling like the scenario is scripted to wait for the player.
● Mission Gameplay
○ As players move through the facility, non-supressed gunfire should draw Ninetails
to the players leaving 2-3 behind to keep the Security pinned down.
■ Until attachments like Suppressors are functional, enemies can react as
they currently would or detect player gunfire sooner to set up in defensive
positions. Importantly there should be a balance of Aggressive and
Defensive enemies (if that is possible) so that the player doesn’t feel like
they are being dogpiled by all the Ninetails in the Depot.
○ Once players have cleared out all enemies and reached the Security forces in the
Server room the mission ends as usual.

My goal with this simple redesign was to create a more interesting mission narrative using as
much existing content as possible to minimize extra dev time. With fallen Security scattered
through the facility and enemies patrolling the space the players can create and execute a plan,
instead of checking spawn closets. A final improvement is minimizing the allied Security
presence, further reducing friendly fire incidents and giving the player more involvement in
recapturing the facility.

From here with how the mission is structured it becomes very easy to layer additional tech for
further complexity in these missions. A few examples:
● After all enemies have been eliminated, Security forces could detect incoming Nine Tails
reinforcements. Using Drop Ship tech and Planetary Navmesh we can have these
reinforcements take the entry elevator down to attack the player and remaining Security.
● Similar to above, we have large groups of enemies swarm the facility and the mission
requires survival until reinforcements arrive. Then we can use the same tech that
spawned the enemies to spawn allies, saving further dev time.
● Criminal players could be sent here to eliminate Security Forces and steal plans for a
prototype weapon. These plans could be a disk removed from the Server Room and
delivered to a shady kiosk, turned into an NPC or left in a container.

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