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Aliya Hamid Rao University of Pennsylvania

Stand By Your Man: Wives’ Emotion Work During

Men’s Unemployment

Recent research on unemployment has not economic landscape. Social scientists have
sufficiently acknowledged how unemployment focused on the devastating emotional impact
reverberates within families, particularly emo- unemployment can have on unemployed individ-
tionally. This article uses data from more than uals (Ehrenreich, 2005; Norris, 2016; Sharone,
50 in-depth interviews to illuminate the emo- 2014; Smith, 2001), how it shapes the identity
tional demands that men’s unemployment makes of unemployed individuals (Norris, 2016), and
beyond the unemployed individual. It shows that how the material hardships of unemployment
wives of unemployed men do two types of emo- influence marital dynamics (Conger et al.,
tion work—self-focused and other-focused—and 1990; Komarovsky, 1940; Newman, 1988),
both are aimed toward facilitating husbands’ particularly unequal gendered dynamics, for
success in the emotionally arduous white-collar example, by being positively associated with
job-search process. This article extends research abusive behavior, including men’s controlling
on emotion work by suggesting that participants behavior toward wives (Schneider, Harknett, &
perceive wives’ emotion work as a resource McLanahan, 2016). Despite a wealth of studies
with potential economic benefits in the form of on unemployment, we have surprisingly little
unemployed men’s reemployment. The findings information on the contemporary emotional
furthermore suggest that as a resource, wives’ experience of unemployment within marriages
emotion work is shaped by the demands of the and families, particularly in terms of shaping
labor market that their husbands encounter. gendered marital dynamics. This omission
means an incomplete understanding of how
How do unemployed men, in current times of unemployment now shapes, and is shaped by,
ubiquitous layoffs, downsizings, and mergers, marital life.
experience their unemployment? How do their This article therefore approaches the question
wives support them through this challenging of unemployment and gender in marriages by
time? Since the Industrial Revolution, unem- examining emotion work. Emotion work is
ployment has been its unwelcome byproduct the emotional effort of aligning reality with
in societies. Indeed, unemployment, includ- expectations, and within marriages it frequently
ing white-collar unemployment, appears to be serves to maintain normative ideals of gender.
becoming a permanent feature of the American It is “the management of feeling to create a
publicly observable facial and bodily display”
(Hochschild, 2003b, p. 7). Research on emo-
Department of Sociology, University of Pennsylvania, 113
tion work in marriages has shown that spouses
McNeil Building, 3718 Locust Walk, Philadelphia, PA often step in during “unsettled times” (Swidler,
19104 ( 1986), of which unemployment is one, to do
Key Words: dual earner, emotion work, qualitative research, emotion work designed to help their partners
unemployment. get through emotionally tumultuous periods,
636 Journal of Marriage and Family 79 (June 2017): 636–656
Wives’ Emotion Work During Men’s Unemployment 637

such as gender and sexual transitions (Pfeffer, is gendered (Erickson, 2005), with wives doing
2010), physical ill health (Thomeer, Reczek, much more emotion work for husbands than
& Umberson, 2015), depression (Thomeer, vice versa. Most prior research suggests that
Umberson, & Pudrovska, 2013), and times of husbands do not do much emotion work for their
economic uncertainty (Cooper, 2014). These wives (Thomeer et al., 2013, 2015), although
studies asserted the importance of gender in others disagree (Minotte, Stevens, Minnotte, &
shaping the configuration of emotion work Kiger, 2007). Starting with unemployed men
within families in times of crisis, finding that is thus likely more fruitful for understanding
wives do much more of the emotion work emotion work during unemployment.
during pivotal times than husbands. Never-
theless, we do not yet know the connection
between the experience of unemployment and Literature Review
emotion work. Unemployment and Emotion Work in Marriages
Using data collected from 25 middle-class
and upper-middle-class families, this article Recent studies of unemployment have tended
extends the concept of emotion work to explain to focus on the impact of unemployment on
how wives’ emotion work also frequently func- individuals and have paid insufficient atten-
tions as a resource with potential economic tion to how unemployment reverberates within
benefits for husbands. Wives’ emotion work families, especially in terms of managing
here is primarily guided by the urge to help their the emotional dimension of unemployment.
husbands manage the expectations of the Amer- Research has found that unemployment is asso-
ican white-collar job market, which values a ciated with a detrimental impact on individual
cheerful, confident, and positive presentation of well-being, particularly for those in the middle
self (Ehrenreich, 2005; Sharone, 2014; Smith, classes (Anderson, 2009), which lasts for several
2001). As such, these findings elaborate on years even after reemployment (Young, 2012),
previous research on the increased intrusion of and depression, especially for men (Thoits,
the marketplace into intimate life (Hochschild, 1986). In addition, men may also feel anxious
2003a, 2012) by explaining how the marketplace about their masculinity because providing for
shapes marital dynamics around emotion work their families continues to be framed as partic-
during men’s unemployment. ularly important for men (Conroy-Bass, 2015;
Developing our understanding of the Legerski & Cornwall, 2010; Michniewicz,
emotional implications of unemployment is Vendello, & Bosson, 2014; Townsend, 2002),
important because involuntary unemployment although others disagree (see Lane, 2011).
appears to be an enduring aspect of the Ameri- This is despite a rise of female breadwinners,
can economic landscape that a large proportion stay-at-home dads, and other trends in paid and
of the American population of workers is likely unpaid work (Bianchi, Robinson, & Milkie,
to experience at least once in their life (Bureau 2006; Chesley, 2011; Pew, 2013).
of Labor Statistics, 2016). Surprising casualties Recent research has suggested that a key
of these structural economic shifts have been factor that makes unemployment an emotionally
college-educated, white-collar workers who fraught experience for American white-collar
are finding out that their educational degrees workers is the peculiarity of job searching in the
no longer afford them the security they pre- United States today. The American job-search
viously enjoyed (Mendenhall, Kalil, Spindel, process makes extensive emotional demands
& Hart, 2008). College-educated workers now on unemployed workers (Ehrenreich, 2005;
are more likely than their counterparts in pre- Sharone, 2014; Smith, 2001). Unemployed
vious decades to lose jobs (Newman, 2008). American, white-collar job seekers strive to
When they do so, they tend to be pushed into present themselves as friendly, cheerful, and
long-term unemployment lasting 27 weeks confident in addition to having the right skills
or longer (Ilg, 2010) and face steep financial for the job for which they are applying, even
penalties, with many earning far less in a job as they deal with myriad daily professional
after unemployment (Newman, 2008). rejections (for details on the emotional labor
Starting with the case of male workers of the white-collar job-search process in the
and their wives is important because previous United States, see Ehrenreich, 2005, Sharone,
research suggests that emotion work at home 2014, and Smith, 2001). They are advised by
638 Journal of Marriage and Family

experts, such as career coaches, to create plea- As such, these previous studies are less useful
surable interactions as evidence of “chemistry” for understanding the contemporary emotional
with potential employers (Sharone, 2014). As experience of unemployment in marriages.
such, scholars have argued that the white-collar Some recent research attempted to capture
job-search process requires emotional labor. the emotional experience of unemployment and
Usually, emotional labor refers to emotion economic insecurity in families (Cooper, 2014;
work conducted for a wage and is subject Lane, 2011). Cooper’s (2014) qualitative study
to an employer’s control as, for example, in included 50 families divided among three broad
interactive service work (Hochschild, 2003b; social classes that she described as upper class,
Leidner, 1993). Prior research focused primarily middle class, and working class. She found that
on unemployed individuals, so it potentially social class and gender are central in shap-
overlooked how the family may be critical in ing how families contend emotionally with this
enabling this emotional labor. shift toward economic and employment precar-
Some previous research analyzed unemploy- ity. In the upper-class families of Cooper’s study,
ment as impacting the whole family materially which are most similar in terms of educational
and emotionally (Komarovsky, 1940; New- and occupational backgrounds to the families in
man, 1988). In her interview-based study of my sample, the division of anxiety about the
unemployed men in New York City and adults implications of living in an economically pre-
who had grown up in families with an unem- carious world was gendered. The upper-class
ployed father, Newman (1988) found that families frequently fell into neotraditional pat-
the narrative of a booming economy in the terns as they sought to ensure that despite the
1980s when she conducted her research and broad shift toward precarity, their children had
the male-breadwinner structure of the families all the opportunities to reproduce the respon-
meant that men in her sample felt extremely dents’ own privileged class status. As such,
stigmatized. Men’s unemployment negatively the men in these families focused on earning
impacted marriages and children. In her sample, and managing the finances, whereas their wives
the “feeling rules,” that is, unwritten “scripts” expended tremendous effort in micro-managing
that “guide emotion work by establishing the their children’s educational trajectories by over-
sense of entitlement or obligation that gov- seeing homework and conducting research on
erns emotional exchanges” (Hochschild & the best classes, teachers, and schools for their
Manchung, 1989, p. 56), were shaped by the children. Yet these affluent families were not
primacy of the male-breadwinner family struc- contending with unemployment; furthermore,
ture. Wives and unemployed husbands often Cooper did not explain how the upper-class
had a strong sense that men had broken the spouses did emotion work for each other as they
marital bargain by being unemployed. Men in navigated these times. As such, Cooper’s study
Newman’s sample thus tended not to receive was less useful for explaining how unemploy-
emotional support from their spouses. ment shapes the emotional dynamics between
Even earlier, studying unemployment in these couples.
the Great Depression, Komarovsky (1940) did In her study of white-collar, unemployed
not find much evidence of marital emotional workers in the technology industry, Lane (2011)
support in the male-breadwinner families she focused on married, unemployed men with
studied. The findings suggest an absence of wives who were employed. She found that
emotion work from wives during this time. wives’ income served as a protective cush-
Both studies were conducted primarily with ion. Lane argued that these unemployed men
male-breadwinner families, which were more reconceptualized their masculinity as being
prevalent at the time, and when gender norms at ease with having a breadwinning wife and
were, on the surface at least, vastly different than expressing comfort at bearing responsibility for
they are currently. The “feeling rules” governing household chores such as cooking and child care
emotional behavior and expression were thus during their unemployment. She explained that
likely significantly different in these earlier stud- unemployed men had less emotionally fraught
ies than in contemporary times of employment experiences of unemployment, especially when
precarity, which is linked to a magnification of compared with unemployed women. Yet Lane’s
the importance of emotional labor in job search- data and analysis did not consider the role
ing as well as more progressive gender norms. of emotion work in shaping unemployment
Wives’ Emotion Work During Men’s Unemployment 639

experiences. She did not consider how, just self-focused emotion work or other-focused
as wives’ income may be a resource during emotion work. Self-focused emotion work
unemployment, wives’ emotion work too may occurs when an individual focuses on suppress-
be a helpful resource for unemployed men. ing or manipulating his or her own feelings (or at
Furthermore, the ease that men in her sample least the embodied presentation of their feelings)
felt about being unemployed was surprising to maintain another’s emotional equilibrium. In
and differs from the results of other research, contrast, other-focused emotion work occurs
including this study. when individuals focus on actively inspiring
specific feelings in another (i.e., happiness,
reassurance, confidence). This distinction exists
Wives’ Emotion Work as a Resource in Hochschild’s (2003b) original articulation
in Marriages of the concept itself and has been applied in
To understand how emotion work may be a research on emotional labor. Emotional labor
resource for some within marriages, we first is distinctive from emotion work as the former
need to understand what sociological research is guided by employer expectations and done
currently establishes about emotion work in for a wage (for more on self- and other-focused
marriages. At the crux of emotion work is emotional labor, see Pugliesi, 1999; Wharton,
the discrepancy between what people really 2009). Research on emotional labor has used
feel and the feelings they publicly display this distinction partly to parse out the job stress
(Hochschild, 2003b). Emotion work is gen- and mental health outcomes of these two differ-
dered, as it often “affirms, enhances, and ent types of emotional labor. Some suggested
celebrates the well-being and status of others” that other-focused emotional labor can have
(Hochschild, 2003b, p. 165), and these tasks positive impacts on workers, and others sug-
are usually considered feminine. Heterosex- gested, in contrast, that self- and other-focused
ual marriages are gendered, including around emotional labor are linked to higher job stress
the expectation that women act as nurturers. and reported distress (Pugliesi, 1999). This
Performing emotion work in their families is distinction arises from scholars’ conceptual
intrinsic to how women create, on a daily basis, interest in understanding how the marketplace
their gendered identities as wives and mothers regulates workers’ feelings and well-being
(Ilta-Garey, 2011; Reay, 2004; Ruddick, 1980). but has rarely been applied in emotion work
As the “emotion experts” (Thomeer et al., in families.
2013, p. 153) of their families, women draw on When it comes to the private realm of family
their emotional resources, including patience, life, some research has examined the deep pene-
encouragement, love, and support (Reay, 2004), tration of the marketplace into the intimate areas
particularly during stressful times. In the study of life, such as dating and courtship, pregnancy,
of marriages, emotion work is most frequently and caring for elderly kin (Hochschild, 2003a,
viewed as the micro-level management of 2012). These are ostensibly personal activities
feelings, usually women’s, geared toward rec- that can easily be bought and sold as mon-
onciling, upholding, and perpetuating normative etary transactions. Yet this previous research
expectations of gender. has not typically focused on how the market-
Studies have suggested that embodying mas- place may also shape the emotion work between
culinity, in contrast, means that men project spouses.
an emotional ignorance (Pfeffer, 2010). There Regardless, research on marriages has implic-
is some evidence, however, that when emotion itly suggested that wives do more of both types
work is necessary to uphold normative notions of emotion work. Hochschild and Manchung
of gender and sexuality, men do some emotion (1989) found that women in dual-earner fam-
work. In their study of long-term couples, Elliott ilies dealt with the burden of the second shift
and Umberson (2008) found that both men and by suppressing their feelings of being dealt an
women do emotion work around sexual desire, unfair hand. Hochschild (2013) explained how
frequently with women trying to increase their the wives of diplomats managed their emo-
sexual desire for husbands and men trying to tions to help maintain and develop their hus-
decrease their sexual desire. band’s diplomatic reputations and careers. Ortiz
Generally, studies have suggested that emo- (2011) similarly explained how the wives of
tion work occurs in two, subtly distinct, forms: professional athletes saw their own emotion
640 Journal of Marriage and Family

work as shaped by marriages dominated by their These studies did not explicitly concep-
husbands’ careers. The wives of professional tualize wives’ emotion work as also being a
athletes suppressed their anxieties about their resource for men. Emotion work can be consid-
husbands’ potential infidelity during the athletic ered a resource if it extends beyond upholding
season to ensure that their husbands focused gendered norms in marriage toward potentially
on the game. Yet these important works can having economic benefits. We thus need to
be further developed to more comprehensively understand how a spouse’s, usually a wife’s,
explain whether wives perceive their emotion emotion work may be a useful resource for
work as a helpful, indeed necessary, resource his or her partner. Indeed, emotion work has
for their husbands’ careers and how they mar- been conceptualized as a cultural resource in
shal their emotions to make them a resource the mother–child relationship. In her study of
for husbands. Studying this in the context of middle-class and working-class mothers in Eng-
unemployment—an acute example of employ- land, Reay (2004) explained how middle-class
ment precarity—is particularly important in our mothers had the luxury of time, which enabled
historical moment. them to be more emotionally present to guide
Wives also do more other-focused emo- their children through school-related activities.
tion work by listening to and comforting their Working-class mothers, however, were pre-
spouses more than their spouses do for them occupied with meeting basic material needs
(Erickson, 2005). For example, Pfeffer (2010) such that they could not do the emotion work
found that women were expected to provide that middle-class mothers did for their children
emotional support to their transmen partners and which often has greater payoff in terms of
during the challenging period of the sex and educational performance. In marriages, too, it
gender transition, but transmen were not as bears understanding whether and how emotion
sensitive to the emotional impact their transition work may be a resource with economic benefits.
In sum, the previous literature on unemploy-
had on these women. A study of how emotion
ment, although valuable, has tended to focus
work is gendered during a spouse’s physical ill
on the individual experiences of unemployment
health (Thomeer et al., 2015) found that women
without sufficient attention to how unemploy-
do more emotion work when spouses are ill
ment resonates within the marriage. Likewise,
as well as when they themselves are ill. When
research on emotion work has implied that
wives were ill, they did emotion work for hus- wives’ emotion work may be a resource for
bands by suppressing their own anxieties and their husbands, but this conceptualization needs
concerns about their health so as not to worry development. I therefore ask the following two
their husbands. Husbands, in turn, explained main questions: What emotion work do wives
their lack of emotional support by saying they do during their husbands’ unemployment? What
did not know how to provide support. In the few is wives’ and unemployed men’s rationale for
cases that men did provide emotional support the provision of this support? To preview my
for their wives, they framed it as fulfilling the argument, after a methodological discussion, I
masculine role of protecting their families. discuss my findings. I first describe the emotions
Similarly, a couple-level study of depression that unemployed men experience as they search
(Thomeer et al., 2013) suggested that depressed for a job and then focus on wives’ emotion work
men received far more emotional support from as they strive to help men manage their emotions
their wives than depressed wives did from to better align with the expectations of potential
their husbands. Couples with depressed men employers and thus find reemployment. My
communicated extensively, including making findings explain how unemployed men and
decisions together about medication. In con- wives perceive wives’ emotion work as a useful
trast, when wives were depressed, marriages resource with potential economic benefits in
often became tense and filled with negativity terms of the men’s reemployment. This concep-
and hostility, including silence around dis- tualization extends our understandings of the
cussing women’s depression. The authors of function of emotion work in the private realm
both studies used their findings to explain how of the family and illuminates the penetration
the experience of these different kinds of ill- of the market into marital life to shape wives’
nesses was shaped by marital dynamics around emotion work. In addition, in distinguishing
emotion work. between self- and other-focused emotion work,
Wives’ Emotion Work During Men’s Unemployment 641

Table 1. Descriptive Data on Unemployed Men and Inclusion criteria, sample characteristics,
Families (N = 25) and recruitment methods. The sample was
Educational attainment of unemployed men
recruited through professional associations and
Graduate degree (12)
job clubs catering to unemployed professionals
Bachelor’s degree (11)
from a metropolitan area in the northeastern
Some college (2)
United States. The sampling strategy for con-
Age of unemployed men
ducting the original interviews was snowball
Median = 49 sampling. The inclusion criteria required men
Range = 37–58 to be currently unemployed or to have been
Annual household income before unemployment unemployed until at most 3 months prior to the
Median = $150,000 original interview, have at least a bachelor-level
Range = $80,000–500,000 degree, be married to a spouse who worked at
Race/ethnicity of unemployed men least 20 hours a week, and have children aged 22
Native-born White (20) years or younger. These criteria were designed
Native-born Black (2) to capture the experiences of male unemploy-
Nonnative born citizens (3) ment in middle-class and upper-middle-class,
Duration of unemployment at time of first interview dual-earner families.
Median = 6 months The men I interviewed were professionals
Range = 2 months–13 months who had held a variety of positions until they
Years married lost their jobs, including information technol-
Median = 17 ogy analysts, program managers, engineers, and
Range = 5–27 financial analysts. Two participants had only
Spouse’s employment status some college. To maintain anonymity, at times
Works full-time, earns the same as husband prior to his I do not use their real profession and instead
unemployment (7) I select one close to it. They are included in
Works full-time, earns more than husband prior to his the sample because despite their educational
unemployment (3) attainment, their income and occupation when
Works full-time, earns less than husband prior to his employed made them a part of the upper-level,
unemployment (10) white-collar workforce this study aimed to cap-
Works part-time, earns less than husband prior to his ture. The original interviews averaged 2 hours
unemployment (5) and were conducted in person except with one
unemployed man and three wives. Original inter-
views were conducted between 2013 and 2014.
The findings also draw on follow-up inter-
I point to the costs entailed by each type of views conducted with 11 of the men and seven
emotion work. wives. Follow-up interviews were conducted
approximately 6 months after the first inter-
Method view, with purposefully selected participants.
The selection criteria for the follow-up inter-
Sample and Recruitment views divided the participants into one of the
This article uses data from a multitiered data following three broad groups: those who had
collection approach. The data include interviews appeared to be having a relatively easy unem-
with 38 participants (Table 1). Of these partic- ployment experience, those who had seemed to
ipants, 25 were unemployed men and 13 were be having a relatively challenging unemploy-
the wives of these men. I completed a total of ment experience, and those who had seemed to
56 semistructured, in-depth interviews because I be having a neutral experience. The follow-up
conducted follow-up interviews with some par- interviews investigated whether, and how, the
ticipants. I also conducted intensive participant experience of unemployment evolved over time
observations in two families. This study’s design for the unemployed individual and his families.
privileges data and theoretical saturation and the Follow-up interviews averaged an hour, with
collection of qualitatively rich data to develop approximately two thirds being conducted in
conceptual arguments (Roy, Zvonkovic, Gold- person. Follow-up interviews were conducted
berg, Sharp, & LaRossa, 2015; Weiss, 1994). between 2014 and 2015.
642 Journal of Marriage and Family

Participant observations. To supplement the spouse), (g) ending (space for the participants
interviews and following in the methodolog- to make general comments). The interview
ical footsteps of previous studies on families protocol did not specifically ask about emotion
(Cooper, 2014; Lareau, 2011), I conducted work, but the questions, particularly those about
observations with families of two unemployed emotions and support, were designed to facili-
men to better understand what people say about tate responses on emotion work. The interview
the emotional experience of unemployment as guide for spouses covered the same materials as
well as how they experience it (Jerolmack & that for unemployed individuals.
Khan, 2014). Although in this article I do not The follow-up interview guide was divided
present field notes from my observations, the into the following four main sections: (a)
family observations were nevertheless instru- job-searching activity, support received, and
mental in ensuring that I probed deeper with feelings around it since the original interview;
my subsequent interviews. I spent more than (b) life at home, particularly the relationships
60 hours during a 2- to 3-week period with with spouse, children, time use, and division
each family, visiting several times a week. Each of household labor; (c) finances; (d) hopes and
family had children younger than the age of 6 at expectations in terms of career and family life
the time of observations, and both wives were and goals for the near-term (i.e., 1-year period)
employed full-time. and long-term (i.e., next 5–10 years) future. The
follow-up guide was individualized to check on
outstanding moments and comments from the
Data Collection, Analysis, and Sample original interview.
Interviews with unemployed men and their Sample limitations. I attempted to interview
spouses were conducted separately because the wives of all of the men in this sample,
individuals often experience marriages diver- and ultimately completed interviews with 13
gently (Bernard, 1972). Interviews were usually wives. Spousal interviews are generally difficult
conducted in public spaces such as coffee shops to obtain. Because most studies of family life
and restaurants. Interviews were semistructured, draw on information collected from one family
allowing me to ask participants the same broad member, having reports from both spouses
questions but also enabling flexibility to pursue in this study provides valuable insights. The
individualized lines of questioning depending interviews with wives were particularly useful
on responses. in understanding two aspects of the emotional
experience of unemployment. First, the wives
Interview protocols. The original interview provided richer details about emotion work
protocol was divided into seven sections. than did the unemployed men, and, second,
These sections were the following: (a) general wives’ interviews also illuminated the chal-
background (information about the participant lenges of emotion work, which would have been
including age, race, religion, education, social underappreciated if I only had husbands’ reports.
class of origin, and essentials on their marital I compared the narratives of the unemployed
situation), (b) career history (types and duration men whose wives participated in the study with
of employment in the past decade, work, and men whose wives did not participate in the study.
identity), (c) the process and aftermath of job These sets of wives did not appear to be system-
loss (first reactions, discussion with her or his atically different from each other, and no partic-
spouse and children, how they started spending ular aspect of unemployment seemed to explain
their days, job-searching activities, division the decision of some wives not to participate.
of household labor), (d) family finances (an It appears that wives who chose not to partici-
overview of the couples’ income, assets, expen- pate did so for reasons unrelated to their spouses’
ditures, and debts and lifestyle changes), (e) unemployment. I requested participants to set
mental and emotional health (questions about aside 2 hours for the interview, which may have
mood, drug and alcohol usage, sources of emo- seemed like an extensive time commitment for
tional support), (f) life at home (gender roles and some of these wives.
employment, marital quality, how unemploy- It is important to note that in the 12 cases
ment has impacted marriage and relationship in which wives did not participate, the article
with children, intimacy, fights, support from analyzes the perceptions of the unemployed
Wives’ Emotion Work During Men’s Unemployment 643

men of their wives’ emotion work. Combined, understand how prevalent each form of emotion
the complementary elements of this research work was in my sample, I also present per-
design—interviews with unemployed men, centages. These percentages are typically a
interviews with approximately half of the wives, fraction of 25, as this data provides insight
follow-up interviews with strategically selected into the emotional experiences of 25 marriages
participants, and family observations— enable of unemployed men. For men whose wives
an understanding of emotion work during men’s did not participate in the study, I used men’s
unemployment. reports of their wives’ emotion work. For those
13 couples in which husbands and wives both
Data analysis. Interviews were transcribed. My participated, I cross-checked what both partners
goal in analyzing them was to understand how said about emotion work. In my findings, I
emotion work is configured during this charged analyzed the points where similarities and con-
time, the directionality of it, and how partic- tradictions between spouses’ accounts occurred.
ipants explained it. I coded transcripts using In the section on wives’ concealing their own
grounded theoretical methodology (Glaser & concerns, I drew on data from only the wives
Strauss, 1967). I reread each transcript several because husbands’ interviews did not reveal this
times. In the first round, approximately 10 to form of emotion work. These percentages are
15 broad coding categories emerged through an approximation to guide the reader.
this inductive process of line-by-line coding.
Examples of these categories include “division
of household labor” and “emotions and emotion Results
work.” Coding in the next two rounds was more Men’s Emotions
fine grained as I refined my coding categories,
Unemployment is emotionally fraught. Pre-
for example, separating “emotion” from “emo-
vious research (Ehrenreich, 2006; Newman,
tion work.” To refine the categories even further,
1988; Ehrenreich, 2006; Sharone, 2014) sug-
I then combed through each category, again
gested that unemployed Americans, particularly
reading the data line by line for each category. I
white-collar workers, deal with feelings of
further demarcated these into subcategories. For
rejection at being unemployed, which are com-
example, in pulling out data from the “emotion
pounded the longer it takes them to find their
work” category for wives, I divided this into
next job (Sharone, 2014). Feeling rejected was
data that fit under subcategories such as “hiding
a commonplace experience for men in my sam-
their feelings,” “motivation,” and “professional
ple. Dave Dunn (all names are pseudonyms), a
reinforcement.” After I divided each code in
respondent who had decades of experience as
this manner, I rechecked my division of subcat-
an editor, explained how the rejections he faced
egories by rereading the data in each code. My
in his job search shook his confidence.
aim was to weed out redundant subcategories.
Finally, I checked for disconfirming evidence.
I had gotten to the point where I was just starting
Because my disconfirming evidence—when to question my experience.… I started going “Did
wives do not do emotion work—was not usu- [my editor] assign things to me and then just redo
ally in the “emotion work” category, I combed everything because it was so shitty? And I didn’t
through the transcripts, focusing on the section really do that good of a job for twelve years?”
of the transcripts on family life and emotional No, that wasn’t the case. But you start questioning:
support to see what wives and unemployed men Maybe I really don’t know how to do this.
had to say about wives not doing emotion work.
This data, incorporated in the Results, provides For these men, their professional worth was
a holistic view of wives’ emotion work during also tied to how they felt about themselves as
men’s unemployment. husbands and fathers. In normative ideals of
American masculinity, men enact their father-
A brief note on the presentation of findings. hood and their roles as husbands by providing
In the Results, I draw on quotes from my financially for their families (Townsend, 2002).
participants to demonstrate each form of emo- Unsurprisingly, these unemployed men ques-
tion work. The aim of qualitative research is tioned their value to their family and their place
to develop conceptual arguments from care- in the world. Jim Radzik, who had been search-
fully designed samples. To help the readers ing for a position as a marketing executive for
644 Journal of Marriage and Family

the past year, wistfully wondered “if there’s a Because job seekers are usually not particu-
place in the world for [me] to embrace.” This larly cheerful or positive during this time period,
unmoored feeling was common in my sample projecting cheer became challenging for most.
and disorienting for men as they struggled to Brian Bader, another respondent, was visibly
think of themselves as unemployed profession- annoyed at the presumed importance of network-
als. For some, this sense of displacement was ing. Brian said that “[you have] to sit there in
experienced very concretely. Marcus Neals, an an interview and try to bullshit why is Brian the
information technology professional with a mas- greatest employee ever? That part just for me is
ter’s degree in business administration from a very probably the worst part of the whole thing.”
top-20 business school and two children in ele- He added that he can only network “On a day
mentary school, said the following: when I feel good about myself.” Brian acknowl-
edged that networking only on days when he felt
I kind of feel that I’m failing in my part to provide good was limiting: “So I’ve got to work on that.”
for my family because we’re just relying on my Thus, at times, the emotional labor of presenting
wife’s salary and her health care and everything. oneself as cheerful and confident, even though
And I’m not really providing anything financial for one felt rejected, meant difficulty in remaining
a while for the family. So I feel that I am failing in motivated to continue searching for a job.
a sense by not having a job and providing for the The unemployed men in my sample thus
family. experienced a variety of emotions. Prominent
among these were sadness, despair, shame, dis-
The sense of rejection experienced during couragement, and a lack of confidence. These
unemployment was compounded by feeling of emotions were detrimental to the men’s overall
failing at fulfilling the masculine role of provid- sense of self and were also obstacles to remain-
ing for their families. William Smith, in his late ing motivated in searching for a job. The wives’
30s and with a 4-year-old son, explained how his emotion work in response to their husband’s
unemployment gnawed at him through everyday emotional state, as I discuss next, was driven
activities. He recounted spending time with his by the underlying emotion of fear. The wives of
son recently. these unemployed men did emotion work pri-
marily in an attempt to encourage their hus-
We were members of a pool, and I would take [my bands to continue job searching. Although wives
son Alex] to the pool during the day. It would be were also concerned about the general mental
like 20 moms, you know maybe 30 kids, and then well-being of their husbands and with maintain-
there’d be me, the guy. I mean I just felt like I’m ing an emotional equilibrium in their homes,
that guy, … like I’m an out-of-work dad playing their emotion work was focused on encourag-
housewife. ing husbands to remain cheerful and optimistic
in the face of rejections that are endemic to
As William indicated, for these men, staying job searching in the American context. Wives
at home and searching for a job were a constant explained that their emotion work had an instru-
reminders of how they, as men, did not belong in mental goal: It was meant to help their husbands
the home. end this period of unemployment as quickly as
Although these men were questioning their possible.
own professional capabilities and their sense of
self, in the American context of job searching,
they were expected to exude optimism and cheer Wives’ Other-Focused Emotion Work
as they tried to convince potential employers Wives’ emotion work that sought to actively
that they were the perfect fit for a position (for encourage their husbands to persevere in job
details on the emotional labor in the American searching can be categorized as other-focused
white-collar job-search process, see Ehrenreich, emotion work because it focused on molding
2005; Lane, 2011; Sharone, 2014; Smith, 2001). husbands’ emotions. One of the key emotions
Gary Archer, a chemist who was out of work that the unemployed men faced was a lack
for 5 months, explained that “you have to be of confidence in their professional abilities.
in the right frame of mind to actually persuade Although lacking self-confidence was unfortu-
people to hire you. You have to be energetic and nate in itself, a practical consequence for these
up-tempo.” men was that it could be an impediment to
Wives’ Emotion Work During Men’s Unemployment 645

remaining motivated to search for a job. The go in for interviews. It’s just you haven’t found the
combined reports of the unemployed men and right thing yet.” I would always try and talk him
their wives in this sample indicated that 68% of through that. … “This doesn’t mean you’re not get-
wives (17 of 25) did other-focused emotion work ting anywhere.” And I sort of tried to help him see
incremental progress.
for the sake of encouraging their husbands to
continue searching for a job. Wives tried to alter
Tamara viewed the other-focused emotion
their husbands’ feelings to being cheerful, con- work she did for Kevin as gendered and an intrin-
fident, and optimistic so that they could search sic part of being a wife. She explained,
effectively. Wives did other-focused emotion
work in two ways. First, wives attempted to If you’re going to be married and you’re a woman,
encourage their husbands by reinforcing their you just better be prepared to be the one that is the
professional worth. Of the wives, 44% (11 of linchpin because, fair or not, most women that I
25) did this. Second, the wives encouraged their know, that’s the way it is. So I sort of knew that
husbands to continue searching by creating a things were going to fall apart if I didn’t hold them
sense of partnership—that the emotional and together.
practical challenges of searching for a job were
for the couples to bear together. The partnership Similar to Tamara, women viewed their emo-
approach emphasized to unemployed men that tion work as a practical necessity but also as a
they were not alone in their unemployment and wifely obligation. On his part, Kevin described
that they could lean on their wives. Of the wives, how it was helpful for him that Tamara worked
28% (7 of 25) did this. emotionally through every step of the job-search
process with him, supporting him.
Reinforcing professional worth. Based on the
Often I’d make it all the way into the final inter-
reports of unemployed men and wives, wives view and at that final interview they would just
stepped in specifically to reinvigorate their make some other decision. But she has offered
husband’s lost confidence. Tamara, an asso- … unfailing positive support. I think that’s really
ciate professor in the humanities, was married what’s gotten me through. I’ve shared my plans,
to Kevin Goldberg, who was a manager in a what I was doing and planning to do, to navigate
pharmaceutical company. They were in their through this thing. And it was … a team effort and
40s and had been married for 17 years and we managed it together.
had two children, a 6-year-old daughter and
a 13-year-old son. In the job he lost, Kevin These data cannot reveal whether there was
had earned $150,000 per year, along with a a direct link between Tamara’s emotion work
sizable, performance-based bonus. Tamara designed to reinforce Kevin’s professional worth
brought in more than $70,000 per year from and the ultimate outcome, whereby Kevin gained
her own, highly secure job as a tenured faculty a lucrative consulting position that offered him
member. Because of Tamara’s job, they still had a similar remuneration to the job he had lost.
access to health insurance. Tamara reinforced What these data tell us, instead, is that for
to Kevin that losing his job was not his fault, Kevin, Tamara’s emotion work was instrumen-
and she continued highlighting his professional tal in instilling professional confidence, which
skills to him as Kevin went through rounds of he felt he needed to continue searching for a job.
job applications and interviews. Tamara con- Emotion work in the form of reinforcing their
sciously strove to boost Kevin’s self-confidence husband’s professional worth was not always as
by playing up small victories to highlight his smooth and ultimately successful as for Tamara
professional skills. This was a means of making and Kevin. Emily Bader was married to Brian,
sure that Kevin stayed engaged in his ongoing a product manager who had been out of work
job search. She said the following: for 4 months. Emily’s annual income was a
third of the $90,000 a year that Brian’s job used
I would say to him all this time “You know …
to bring in. Brian, quoted earlier, was feeling
all these people said they applied for things for particularly discouraged as he searched for a job,
months and months and months they don’t even something that worried Emily: “He doesn’t have
get a callback. So clearly you’re doing something the get-up-and-go to go do it [the job search].
right. Clearly you have skills. Clearly you’re valu- ’Cause he’s in such a dump. So I am trying to still
able because these people call you back and you be very positive.” Emily explained her concerns
646 Journal of Marriage and Family

about Brian’s attitude, saying that she tried to Pierre Miot, who had a background in finance
convince him of his professional worth by telling and worked at a bank, similarly explained how it
him that “he has many skills. He’s so dedicated. was encouraging to him when his wife expressed
He’s so loyal. He works really hard and any her conviction of his professional abilities: “My
company would be happy to have him.” Similar wife will say, ‘You will find a job. You will get
to other wives, Emily expected that she could a job.’ It’s encouragement.” His wife’s encour-
play a role in shaping his feelings into positive agement was important to him because Pierre
ones. already felt an immense amount of pressure to
find a job saying, “The pressure I put on myself
So recently I told him I said that I was worried and the society already puts it on me, that I need
about his inactivity and I felt like his search is to find a job.” Pierre alluded to the idea that his
too passive. You can’t just sit at a computer. But professional self-worth mingles with normative
I always have to do it in like a positive way, right? ideas about masculinity to make the experience
So I always say, “Oh I heard you talking on the
phone today. That’s great! You need to be talking
of searching for a job high stakes.
more. You need to talk.”
Partnership approach. When Terry Clarke,
Despite this, Emily added: an engineer in his late 50s, lost his job 6
months ago, it was so emotionally difficult
I’m very worried about him. I am. If he thinks for him that he compared it with death, say-
that he’s nonemployable, then he won’t be. You ing, “There’s the discouragement part because
are what you think, right? So if he thinks that, he [being unemployed is] dying in a sense.” After
projects that, it’s not going to happen. … It’s very he lost his job, which used to bring in about
scary. I sit up in the kitchen and I think “We’re $140,000 a year, Terry apologized profusely
going to have to give up this house,” you know to his wife of 27 years. His wife, Sandy, was
what are we going to do? We’re going to rent some a paralegal-cum-office manager who earned
shitty little apartment?
$80,000 a year in her job. Terry told Sandy that
“I feel like I’ve failed you.” Although Terry
As she explained, for Emily the material
alluded to his sense of failure in providing
stakes were high if Brian continued thinking
for his family, his wife Sandy responded by
of himself as nonemployable. As professional
reassuring him, saying “Well, I don’t view it
workers and a dual-earner couple, Brian and
that way at all. I don’t see that you have done
Emily, similar to the rest of my sample, did
anything that would have caused me to see you
not face destitution. What worried them was the
as a failure. It just happened.” In her interview,
potential for some, even if minimal, downward
Sandy contrasted this layoff with a layoff that
mobility, and the possibility of a diminished
lifestyle. In addition, for Emily, Brian’s way of Terry had undergone 5 years ago, explaining
searching for a job and his emotions depicted a that then she had to “be very guarded in what
lack of manliness. I [said] to him. But now I really feel that there
is far more freedom because he’s willing to
But he is not a strong like a man like who just
talk about this job loss. So I feel like I’m more
says, “Oh I don’t care. I’ve been fired? I don’t care. an ally to him than I have been in the past.”
Screw them. I’ll go find another job.” … He is very This shift motivated Sandy to do emotion work
sensitive and emotional. And he’s like a girl! Like for her husband. Sandy’s emotion work aimed
man up! … Be stronger. Have a harder shell. Let it to protect Terry’s masculinity by encouraging
roll off. Have confidence. him in his job search and doing so in a way
that reassured Terry that in her eyes he was no
As Emily’s quote illustrated, wives’ emotion less a man, a husband, and a provider than he
work here also aimed to encourage a more had been. Sandy and Terry both agreed that
stereotypically masculine response of confi- this time around their marriage was stronger
dence despite the rejections that these men than it was prior to Terry’s unemployment.
faced. By worriedly questioning, “How’re you Terry said,
going to find a job when you have no confidence
and are very emotional?” Emily drew an explicit I would say [our marriage] was stressful…. It was
link between Brian’s feelings and his success in just living on the edge of anger. I think that’s
finding his next job. mellowed over time. … [Now] it’s consistent, it’s
Wives’ Emotion Work During Men’s Unemployment 647

positive. Our relationship is better now than it’s another meeting today.’ So she’ll help.” For
been in a long time. … In this time of stress she these men, their wives’ checking in was a form
has been perfect. of support. For wives, providing this emotional
support was emotion work because it involved
This change shaped Sandy’s ability to deploy privileging their husbands’ emotions over their
the partnership approach as well as Terry’s own anxieties.
ability to respond favorably to it. By being Sandy explained that her daily phone calls to
an ally, Sandy metaphorically held Terry’s
Terry would be challenging for her. “Being in
hands as he went through the ups and downs of
the car for the call is good. If it’s bad news it
searching for a job.
allows me to decompress before I get home, so
When Sandy’s workday was over and she
drove home from her office, she called Terry he doesn’t have to see me worry.” As I elaborate
from the car to catch up on what he had accom- later, wives consciously strove to make sure that
plished in his job search that day. their husbands did not see the extent of their
worry. For the Clarkes, as Terry searched, Sandy
It’s kind of like taming the little creature in The focused on boosting his spirits.
Little Prince: You meet at the same time every Not all attempts at a partnership approach
day and you’re expected to be there. I don’t know were as successful as the Clarkes. Some hus-
that I’ve tamed him or whatever [chuckles] but [the bands perceived their wives’ check-ins as tanta-
call] is something I look forward to. ’Cause I like mount to nagging. Laura and Robert had been
to hear what he has to say. It’s an important call married for 5 years and had a 4-year-old and
for me. a 2-year-old. Until Robert lost his job, they
each earned a six-figure salary. They lived in
For both Sandy and Terry, this phone call an upscale neighborhood in a house that Robert
was emotional. In his follow-up interview, Terry bought prior to meeting and marrying Laura.
explained that, for him, Sandy’s reassurance was
They had a full-time nanny (whom they retained
important in enabling him to remain motivated
during Robert’s unemployment) to take care of
despite rejections in his job search. Terry appre-
their two children from 9 in the morning until
ciatively acknowledged the following:
6 in the evening on weekdays. Robert, a pub-
She was always very, very positive. Frequently she
lic relations professional, had been out of work
would call me on her way home from work and say, for 7 months. Laura, a successful radio pro-
“What did you do today? How was your day?” It ducer with degrees from two Ivy League uni-
was: “How was your day?” And that allowed me versities, worked full-time. Despite her own
to, without any defensiveness—she didn’t ever put time-consuming career, Laura was trying to be
me in a corner—to say, “Well, this is what I did, emotionally present for her husband to help him
this is what I learned, this is who I met.” So, it find reemployment quickly. Just as Sandy called
was always an interchange or interaction that was Terry daily, Laura e-mailed Robert each day.
positive and encouraging. So that was extremely
important for me.
Laura explained that she went to great lengths to
encourage Robert without being overbearing in
For Sandy and Terry, their partnership the process, but this was challenging. Describ-
approach remained consistent through the ing a recent conversation she said: “I was talk-
duration of Terry’s unemployment. Sandy and ing about how Samuel L. Jackson accepts every
Terry’s case also illuminated how forms of movie offer that comes his way. But Robert took
emotion work can shift over time, depending on this as a critique of himself.” Laura had shaken
the marital dynamics at that point in time. her head and emphasized that although she had
Scott Mandel, an engineer with a master’s just been making small talk with Robert, he sen-
degree in business administration, similarly sitively interpreted her words as a personal cri-
asserted that his wife’s “active interest” in tique of his not being proactive enough in his
his job-searching activities was emotionally job search. She had explained their misalign-
encouraging to him because he felt that he was ment on this conversation saying, “I was having
not alone as he searched for a job. He added, a People magazine conversation, and he was hav-
“It’s hard to explain everyday what you’re doing ing a conversation on The Atlantic!” A comment
and how she can help. But without boring her that Laura had considered trivial had neverthe-
with all the details [I’ll say] ‘Well I went to less pierced Robert. Indeed, in his own interview,
648 Journal of Marriage and Family

Robert had described Laura’s efforts as being when he had worked. For Amelia, this unsta-
“draconian.” ble unemployment history and the emotional
Unlike Terry, Robert was unable to fully roller-coaster it entailed had made her place lim-
acknowledge and appreciate Laura’s efforts. its on the emotion work she does to help Jim.
Still, despite these glitches in communication,
Laura tried to provide emotional support to her I tell him now, ‘I can’t get emotionally involved
husband by “boosting him up,” but this meant in anything anymore. Like, I can’t get excited
“tempering my normal, blunt way of speaking. about an opportunity for you anymore. … I said,
This is just how I am—I am blunt so I need to “I honestly only want to hear, ‘Oh by the way,
work on it, particularly now.” Laura added that tomorrow, I’m going to work at this company.’ I
“Robert asked me to be less condescending, he can’t take the emotional ups and downs anymore.”
… The hardest part for me is probably staying
asked me to be more empathetic when I talk to
positive for him, … always having to be his support
him about the job search and getting on top of system.
his job applications.” She added that tempering
how she talked to Robert about his job search
“takes a lot of hard work! … Being empathetic Amelia’s case highlighted the unsustain-
is not the problem, it’s more how I convey it.” ability during a longer time of other-focused
In his follow-up interview, by which time he emotion work, such as reinforcing profes-
had gained full-time employment after being sional worth or the partnership approach. At
unemployed for a total of 9 months, Robert these times, wives sometimes thus disengaged.
reflectively explained why he had sometimes Similar to other wives, Amelia specifically men-
found Laura to be condescending, “One of the tioned that any emotion work she did for Jim’s
things you feel when you’re unemployed is benefit came on top of other responsibilities.
you’re hypersensitive to disrespect much more “From an emotional perspective, it’s really hard
because you’re feeling like you’re not appre- on me to always be the positive one for him. You
ciated. You’re not respected because clearly gotta be ‘on’ at work all the time. So then when
nobody wants you on the [job] market. You’re I come home, I feel like I gotta be ‘on.’ So, from
unemployed. You’re constantly struggling with a wife perspective, it’s very demanding.”
self-respect, identity issues on a daily basis.” Although the wives did not discuss emotion
Thus, although at times wives’ efforts to provide work they did for their unemployed husbands as
emotional support were not received positively having detrimental consequences for their own
by husbands, many wives, similar to Laura, paid employment, they did express feeling pres-
nevertheless persisted in trying to emotionally sured to make sure their own jobs remained safe
support their husbands. and protected while their husbands were unem-
ployed. For Amelia this meant putting up with
a boss she dislikes. Sylvia Neals, an upper-level
Wives’ Abstaining From Emotion Work: The manager at a telecommunications company who
Costs of Other-Focused Emotion Work earned a six-figure salary, equal to the salary her
Particularly in cases in which unemployment husband had earned, added the following: “I felt
had been long term, some wives found that the weight of the family was solely on me. …
doing other-focused emotion was too emotion- The pressure of ‘I can’t lose my job’ because
ally costly and so they abstained from doing it. … both of us can’t be unemployed. … made it
Of the wives, 24% (6 of 25) disengaged at times stressful.”
for their own well-being. Amelia Radzik’s hus- Abstaining from doing emotion work
band, Jim, a marketing professional, had been was often the only way that wives, such as
unemployed and searching for a job for the past Amelia Radzik, could protect their emotional
year. Amelia has worked as a sales manager at well-being. Still, unemployed men sometimes
a large multinational company for more than experienced this disengagement as uncaring.
20 years. In recent years, her own salary had Jim Radzik, for example, euphemistically said
been approximately $200,000 per year. Unlike of Amelia, “Her way of supporting and encour-
Amelia, Jim had an unstable employment history aging somebody is probably very different than
during the course of his career. For the past 14 how you support and encourage somebody and
years, he had not worked for more than 2 years at how I do it.” Frank Amara, who worked in the
a company, earning more than $100,000 per year insurance industry and had been unemployed
Wives’ Emotion Work During Men’s Unemployment 649

for 4 months, elaborated on this issue by saying emotional well-being rather than also worrying
the following: about how their wives are faring emotionally.
This was meant to enable men to direct their time
We can’t talk about the employment situation. I and emotions to searching for work.
can’t even talk to her about the frustration of “Geez
here’s a job that I thought I was qualified for, Wives’ concealing their own concerns. Wives
applied for, I can’t get called on.” So that’s tough. did emotion work during their husbands’ unem-
You sit there sometimes you just have silence. ployment to create an atmosphere that enabled
There’s nothing to talk about.
husbands to continue searching. Yet they did
so frequently despite their own anxieties, which
Yet for wives, disengagement frequently they hid from their husbands. This form of emo-
emerged out of necessity, especially when tion work was only revealed through interviews
unemployment became long term, extending with the wives. For the most part, husbands
beyond 6 months. Alice Easton, who works for remained unaware that their wives hid their anx-
a nonprofit, said that her own other-focused ieties. As such, in cases in which I interviewed
emotion work for her husband, who had been only the unemployed men and not their wives,
out of work for close to 2 years, shifted from I did not get data on whether their wives con-
trying to encourage her husband to search for cealed their emotions. Thus, the proportion of
employment to disengagement: wives who concealed their concerns was better
understood as a fraction of the wives I inter-
I would ask questions: “Did you network today? viewed, with 62% of the interviewed wives (8
Did you make calls today?” Just kind of check in
and see where he was, what he was doing. It kind of
of 13) doing this.
evolved over time where the more frustrated I got, Maeve Gura’s husband Nate was a former
the less I engaged. Because really, ultimately me executive at a multinational company. He had
questioning him, I’d get frustrated enough where I been unemployed for the past 2 years. The Guras
kind of tell him my frustrations. But I’ve learned were financially comfortable. They lived in a
to be able to kind of cope with this [by] just million-dollar house. When employed, Nate’s
sit[ting] back and ask[ing] other people to hold him annual income had ranged from $200,000 to
accountable [for searching]. $300,000, depending on bonuses. Yet Maeve
was nevertheless concerned about her husband’s
One of the worries wives had in terms of reemployment prospects, but she hid this from
remaining engaged emotionally with their hus- him because “I can’t control how he’s going to
bands vis-á-vis husband’s unemployment and take me being worried. So, I don’t tell him that
searching for work was the fear that wives I’m worried.” Although Maeve and Nate, sim-
would be unable to conceal their own concerns. ilar to other couples in this sample, were afflu-
Abstaining from emotion work gave wives much ent by any standards, they had built a lifestyle
needed emotional space to themselves, often to around both incomes. Much like the upper-class
not burden their husbands with their own wor- families in Cooper’s (2014) sample, my partic-
ries. The experiences of cases in which husbands ipants were not concerned about going without
had been unemployed for a long term suggested food, heat, or electricity. Rather, their “upscaled”
that the toll of the other-focused emotion work (Cooper, 2014) anxieties revolved around main-
of encouraging husbands manifested in wives in taining their lifestyles and avoiding “relative
a longer term. deprivation” (Newman, 1988).
Connie Mandel explained that in concealing
the extent of her anxieties from her husband
Wives’ Self-Focused Emotion Work
Scott “I get really worried. I internalize stuff.”
Wives did self-focused emotion work when they Although Connie’s words hinted at depres-
managed their own emotions, for example, when sion, she herself did not link her emotion work
they managed their fears or worries about how directly to depression. Other wives talked about
long their husband’s unemployment would con- gaining weight and losing sleep. Sylvia Marcus,
tinue. Wives did two types of self-focused emo- for example, explained that she had gained 30
tion work: concealing their own concerns and pounds during the year-long unemployment
giving space. Wives did this self-focused emo- of her husband, which she attributed to stress
tion work to free husbands to focus on their own eating. Others too discussed emotion work
650 Journal of Marriage and Family

as one aspect among many of this stressful their unemployment was thus framed as the time
situation that may impact their mental health. and emotional energy this detracted from hus-
Emily Bader, who had earlier described losing bands’ job-searching efforts. So it was unsur-
sleep as a result of her husband’s unemploy- prising that in their own interviews, husbands
ment, explained how she concealed the extent were frequently unaware that the encouragement
of her worries from her husband Brian as she from wives was coming at some cost, particu-
encouraged him. Emily expressed her sense of larly the cost of concealing their own anxieties.
uncertainty and fright when she said: “[Brian’s] Shannon Smith reflectively pointed out that “I
like just this total zombie and I’m riding down mean I don’t think Will realizes the impact [his
the river with him.” That wives downplayed their unemployment] has on me.”
own anxieties to avoid burdening their husbands Interestingly, wives did not express doing
sometimes took a toll on their own well-being. emotion work to conceal any concerns about the
Although Sandy Clarke had successfully set persisting unequal division of household labor
up an emotional partnership as her husband during this time. Both unemployed men and
Terry sought a job—in which she reassured their wives generally agreed that unemployed
him that his unemployment and job search- men’s time is best used for searching for a job
ing was something they would get through than for taking over household chores. Robert
together—this nevertheless was difficult for Jansson explained, “It [division of household
her at times. She softly explained that “I tried chores] hasn’t changed as much as you’d think
never to really show him when I was having it should.” He added a refrain that I heard from
doubts.” Sandy privileged Terry’s feelings over most men and wives that “I deal with all the
her own, focusing on boosting his spirits. Sandy outside stuff and she deals with a lot of the
elaborated on her anxiety, saying: inside stuff.” This lack of a shift in the divi-
sion of household labor was the norm in this
There would be days where it would be just hard. sample. Even Frank Amara, whose household
And I have a very dear sister who is able to take income of $80,000 a year placed him at the bot-
me off the ledge. And she would encourage me. tom of this sample, put his youngest daughter
I would call her when those days happened. And in full-time daycare that costs $900 per month
I would be like “I just don’t know. I don’t see
so that he could continue searching for a job.
anything happening.”
His father, retired and affluent, helped out with
Sandy continued encouraging Terry despite the daycare payments. This lack of a substantial
her own misgivings. shift around household chores for unemployed
The fact that it is important for unemployed men has been corroborated by quantitative data
husbands and wives that the wives keep their (Gough & Killewald, 2011).
anxieties to themselves was best revealed when Similar to other men and their wives, Robert
wives failed to do so. James Peterson, an unem- and his wife Laura agreed that Robert should
ployed man, explained: treat his job search as a full-time job. So at
about 9 in the morning each weekday, Robert
I think Karen gets to what you and I might refer to
used to go down into his basement office, com-
as a little bit of a breaking point. It’s not a 100% ing upstairs for lunch, then staying downstairs
directed at me. It’s directed at the circumstance. So until 4 in the evening. His children, aged 2 and
some anger, some tears, some pent up frustration. 4 years, were often in the house during this time
Really wrapped in the uncertainty. but remained with their nanny. The relative lack
of friction over the household division of labor
For James, the cost of his wife, Karen, not during this time, which has also been found else-
doing the self-focused emotion work to conceal where (Gush, Scott, & Laurie, 2015), appeared
her concerns was apparent: “And while those to be mediated by several factors. These couples
moments are important to her to have, they occa- believed that searching for employment at their
sionally are a little bit of an alternative use of level was a time- and emotion-intensive process
time for me.” James was saying that having to that required unemployed men’s focus. In addi-
tend to his wife’s emotional well-being took tion, many of these couples outsourced much
away from the time and energy he should have of their household work, including cleaning and
spent on trying to get reemployed. The cost of child care. Most continued to do so during unem-
husbands being privy to wives’ anxieties over ployment. In fact, most had not dramatically
Wives’ Emotion Work During Men’s Unemployment 651

changed their lifestyle to become more frugal. If of their father’s unemployment. Peter Scotts said
they did, it was only after many months of unem- the following:
Of the 25 unemployed men and 13 wives When the severance package became a reality we
I interviewed, I only encountered three cases sat down with them and we told them all the
of wives’ emotion work in dealing with the details. … They knew I was going to get paid
tension of divergent expectations over house- for such a period of time, we’d have insurance
hold chores. Connie Mandel, married to Scott, coverage and everything. So that really wasn’t a
a former project manager in a pharmaceutical stressful situation at all … for them. I mean they
certainly never showed any negative emotions or
company where he had worked for more than 20 worry or fear or anything.
years, explained her feelings when she wanted
Scott to take over some of her chores after he
lost his job. The emotion work that wives did was primar-
ily to encourage their husbands rather than also
to shield their children from the potential stig-
Like, no, this isn’t me anymore! I know that for a
long time you were the primary job and it was me. mas of unemployment.
It’s not me anymore. You need to take ownership of
this. Until you get a job, you’re taking ownership Giving space. Another way that wives tried to
of all this stuff. … But it’s not that you’re helping
me out. I’m helping you out.
ensure that husbands were emotionally unbur-
dened was by choosing stretches during which
they strategically “gave space” to their hus-
Scott was not fully aware of the extent of
bands to deal with rejections in their job search.
Connie’s frustrations over how they divided up
Although wives frequently wished that husbands
household chores. In his own interview, he said
would continue seeking employment without
that he contributed more to household chores.
losing time to these emotional setbacks, they
chose to prioritize their husbands’ emotional
At least one and a half times more work. Because well-being. Of the wives, 53% (13 of 25) did this.
you know you’re home. You can keep the laun-
dry going, while you’re home, do the shopping,
Before James Peterson, a project manager in
while you’re home. That’s like wink wink, “I know the health care industry, lost his job, he and
you’re looking for a job but I work out there and his wife, Karen, had a combined annual income
you’re here.” It’s fine. I don’t have a problem of more than $200,000 per year. In their late
with it. 50s, they had two sons whom they continued
to support with college expenses. James was
Connie was irritated at Scott about the lack out of work for 4 months at the time of the
of a shift in how they divided household work, interview with Karen. Karen explained how she
but her frustration over this was anomalous. Still, gave James space to deal with rejections in the
even Connie’s bigger concern was how Scott’s job-search process: “So if he had a day where
moods might affect their children. Her two chil- he was dwelling on it, that probably irritated me
dren would sometimes ask her, especially right but not to the point I like really let him know
after Scott was laid off, “They would say, ‘Why it. … Someone’s having a bad day, you let them
is dad being so mean?’ Or ‘Why is dad being have the bad day.” Karen considered it better for
such a grump?’ I’m not sure they said the same James’s ability to search if she suppressed her
thing about me when the stress is bad.” Unlike own impatience in favor of letting James exhibit
earlier studies (Newman, 1988), in my sample and deal with his own emotions, particularly dis-
children were a far less important factor in why appointment, because his emotional well-being
wives did emotion work. Only 23% of wives was tied more directly to his ability to search.
(3 of 13) and none of the husbands mentioned Giving space can be seen as one specific way of
being at least somewhat concerned about how wives concealing their concerns.
their children were faring at this time. Unem- Shannon Smith elaborated on negotiating the
ployed men and their wives explained that their tricky terrain of trying to be supportive and moti-
financial resources and the fact that they only vating her husband. She acknowledged his right
minimally altered their lifestyle meant that their to be disappointed when job interviews did not
children were protected from the consequences translate into job offers.
652 Journal of Marriage and Family

I always ask him, you know, “What’d you do These findings develop recent research on
today?” or, but I don’t want it to come across like emotion work within marriages (Elliott &
“Did you do anything to find a job?” you know. Umberson, 2008; Ortiz, 2011; Pfeffer, 2010;
And I’m just trying to make conversation, where Thomeer et al., 2013, 2015) by illuminating
I’m sure he’s thinking “Just get off my back.” So,
that’s been hard.
how wives, and to an extent husbands, perceive
wives’ emotion work as a resource with poten-
tial economic benefits. The increased vagaries
In detailing her own way of giving space,
in the American labor market, including for
Shannon pointed out how she was conscious of
white-collar workers, have meant a greater
her tone and of trying to make sure she came
emphasis on job candidates’ use of emotional
across as supportive, rather than haranguing, to
labor to project a cheerful and confident outlook
her husband, William. William himself did not
and create a sense of chemistry with employers,
express any such sentiment, but I did see that
as employers can choose from among many
in the case of the Janssons. Shannon explained
similarly skilled workers (Sharone, 2014).
the importance of maintaining a distance from
Wives’ emotion work is aimed at helping hus-
William’s job search at times: “I just kind of
bands comply with employer expectations.
gave him space. I know how it is to lose a job. As such, we see how the emotionally charged
[I give him] three or four days, and we do this experience of unemployment and job searching
[for] each other ‘All right, it’s time to move reverberates within families and is managed
on,’ you know.” Wives viewed this as a way of not just individually by the unemployed people,
allowing their husbands to recuperate from dis- but by their spouses as well. This manage-
appointments in their job search. And husbands ment can have emotional costs to wives; the
appreciated this, with one who said of his wife, costs of other-focused emotion work appear to
“She doesn’t nag. She doesn’t say ‘You’ve got take a longer time to germinate and bear out
to get out and get a job.’ I mean, she could make as emotional exhaustion in the longer term,
it very, very painful and she doesn’t. And that whereas self-focused emotion work seems to
makes it a lot easier to take initiative and go out have short-term emotional implications, which
[networking].” As the wives’ quotes suggested, are internalized by wives.
not nagging, or at least not appearing to nag, That emotional labor—in the realm of paid
required these wives to suppress their own feel- employment—is shaped by employer expecta-
ings and to carefully consider their words, ques- tions is not new (Hochschild, 2003b; Leidner,
tions, and tone, particularly as this was a time 1993), but emotion work in the private realm of
when the men were especially sensitive. Doing families has been typically seen as being uncon-
so also allowed husbands to remain focused on nected to prospects of monetary gain. A major
the job search. concern about emotional labor is how, partic-
ularly under conditions where the marketplace
has primacy, human feelings are commercial-
ized because they are shaped by the demands
Unemployment is a stressful experience for of employers (Hochschild, 2003b). That wives’
individuals and for families, even for advan- emotion work is seen to have potential material
taged families who have the material resources gains here suggests that wives’ emotion work,
to weather unemployment without immediate although not directly controlled by husbands’
material hardships. In this article, I offer an prospective employers, too appears to be shaped
understanding of how unemployed men and by them. The experiences of this contemporary
their wives navigate this emotionally strenuous group of couples illuminate the wide reach of
terrain. Men’s own emotions, ranging from the marketplace into these American marriages
grief and disappointment to discouragement to the extent of shaping emotional dynamics
and feelings of rejection, are typically shaped between these couples.
not just by the fact of being unemployed but These findings contribute to our understand-
considerably by the demands and experiences ing of emotion in marriages during a context of
of the job-search process (Sharone, 2014). The economic uncertainty. In her study of economic
wives attempt to alter men’s emotions into more insecurity among families in the Silicon Valley,
positive ones such as confidence and optimism Cooper (2014) found that, in her upper-class
so that husbands remain encouraged to search. families, the group of families in her study that
Wives’ Emotion Work During Men’s Unemployment 653

are most comparable with my sample, husbands 1988) suggested that husbands’ unemployment
and wives adopted a neotraditional division of was seen as breaking the marital bargain, which
labor in emotionally managing anxieties. In her could explain the lack of emotion work from
study of white-collar unemployed individuals, wives. In the dual-earner families of today, and
Lane (2011) found that unemployed men often in this sample, the marital bargain is not as pred-
adopted a new masculinity, where job searching icated on male breadwinning. Wives’ emotion
was not a priority. My findings, on the contrary, work for husbands in this study appears to be
show how gaining reemployment is paramount unfolding under a different set of feeling rules.
to these men, with wives becoming the emo- If feeling rules have changed, then the anger
tional bulwark in this process, privileging their and disappointment that the wives of unem-
husbands’ feelings over their own anxieties. ployed men in previous generations exhibited
The findings presented in this article suggest toward their husbands’ unemployment would
that economic insecurity and unemployment, be less fitting in our times because those feeling
although related, have distinctive implications rules were contingent on different norms about
for marriages. Trends in marital homogamy marriages and gender roles.
(Schwartz & Mare, 2005) mean that these pro- A question to consider is whether these
fessional, unemployed men are often married unemployed husbands do emotion work for
to professional women. Wives’ emotion work their wives. My findings do not suggest that
in support of their husbands’ job searching husbands were doing emotion work to allay
highlights how even their own economic suc- their wives’ concerns about their unemploy-
cess does not lessen the obligation of doing ment. The focus in these marriages, as my
emotion work that props up gender norms findings suggest, was on men’s emotions and
(Elliott & Umberson, 2008)—where men’s on altering these into more positive ones. Often,
unemployment is understood to be inimical to husbands were not even aware of the extent
masculinity—even as the material conditions to which wives were concerned about their
for that ideology falter. Indeed, in line with unemployment and job-searching activities.
previous research (Elliott & Umberson, 2008; These findings about husbands’ lack of emo-
Thomeer et al., 2013, 2015), we also see that, tion work during this period are in line with
despite greater ostensible gender equality in previous research that suggests that in mar-
marriages overall, there is an inequality of riages men tend to do less emotion work for
emotions here where wives’ feelings matter their wives (Erickson, 2005; Pfeffer, 2010;
less. In fact, wives’ emotion work has emotional Thomeer et al., 2013, 2015).
costs to them, which are not always known or Although all of my participants had children,
acknowledged by husbands. the wives emphasized that their emotion work
Some earlier, key studies, specifically was for the benefit of their husbands rather than
Komarovsky’s (1940) The Unemployed Man also being a way of shielding their children from
and His Family culled from data collected dur- worries. This is in contrast to earlier studies
ing the Great Depression and Newman’s (1988) (Newman, 1988) that found that parents did
Falling From Grace, provided insights into the much to ensure that their children did not have
emotional tenor of unemployment. Economic to reveal their downward mobility to peers.
trends since these studies have shifted toward The difference between this earlier study and
greater overall precarity in work (Kalleberg, the findings here may lie in several factors.
2009), where emotional labor has become a First, the trauma for children that Newman
significant feature of gaining employment, found was vested in the downward mobility
particularly for unemployed job seekers as they that their father’s unemployment implied as
strive to present themselves as personable and well as in the stigma of unemployment in the
cheerful candidates (Ehrenreich, 2005; Sharone, 1980s. Unemployment among my elite group of
2014; Smith, 2001). The male breadwinner workers is far more common now and arguably
families of these earlier studies also tended to less stigmatized than it was when Newman
espouse gender traditional norms, and so, on the conducted her study. Second, because of the
one hand, we could have expected to see wives current norms where employment at a company
doing a great amount of emotion work to com- is not perceived as being for life (a significant
fort and support unemployed husbands. Yet we change from Newman’s study), these workers
do not see that, and the authors (i.e., Newman, often factor in this contingency in their financial
654 Journal of Marriage and Family

and savings plans, which means that they can findings also extend the conceptualization of
maintain their lifestyles even for several years emotion work to explain how, in these market
without extreme changes. Last, as these are all times, wives and, to an extent, husbands see
dual-earner families, unlike the families that their emotion work as a resource with poten-
Newman studied, they already have a built-in tial economic benefits in terms of husbands’
financial buffer. Most of my respondents explic- reemployment.
itly mentioned that children are not troubled
by their father’s unemployment because they
have experience with the unemployment of
friends’ parents. Combined, these factors may I thank Annette Lareau, Robin Leidner, Kristen Harknett,
Randall Collins, Demie Kurz, Patricia Tevington, Rachel
explain why unemployed men and wives do not Ellis, and Junhow Wei for their helpful feedback on earlier
report doing emotion work for the sake of their drafts of this article. The research was supported by the
children. Ortner Center, the Trustees Council of Penn Women, and the
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