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Here are a few keywords to get you started:

1 – (Aces) New beginnings, opportunity, potential

2 – Balance, partnership, duality

3 – Creativity, groups, growth

4 – Structure, stability, manifestation

5 – Change, instability, conflict

6 – Communication, cooperation, harmony

7 – Reflection, assessment, knowledge

8 – Mastery, action, accomplishment

9 – Fruition, attainment, fulfilment

10 – Completion, end of a cycle, renewal

It also helps to know a little about each of the Suits in the Tarot:
Cups (element = water): Emotions, creativity, intuition, relationships

Pentacles (element = earth): Material wealth, money, career, manifestation

Swords (element = air): Communication, truth, intellect, thoughts

Wands (element = fire): Inspiration, energy, enthusiasm

Now, combine what you know about the numbers and what you know
about the Suits, and you'll be able to determine what each of the 40
numbered cards mean.

For example, the Five of Cups is about conflict (5) in love and relationships

And Four of Pentacles is about stability (4) in finances (Pentacles).

See – I told you it would be easy!

Upright Two Of Cups

If the Ace of Cups represents the flow of love from within, the Two of Cups
is the flow of love between two people. With this card, you are creating
deep connections and partnerships, based on shared values, compassion,
and unconditional love. While these relationships are still in the early
stages, they have the potential to grow and develop into something deeply
fulfilling and rewarding in the long-term. You have mutual respect and
appreciation for one another, and together you reach higher planes of
consciousness and understanding.
When the Two of Cups card appears in a Tarot reading, you may enter a
new partnership, perhaps with a lover, friend or business partner. You are
both focused on creating a relationship that is mutually beneficial, one that
will create a win-win situation for both parties. You see ‘eye to eye’ and
appreciate what each other can bring to the table.
In a romantic relationship, the Two of Cups shows a blossoming new union
based on mutual attraction. There is both a physical and soul connection
that leaves you giddy and weak at the knees. You bring out the best in each
other and lift each other to even higher levels of potential. The exchange of
emotion is heartfelt, and you are both willing to do whatever it takes to
support one another. In some cases, the Two of Cups can refer to a
marriage, proposal or engagement.
In a business partnership, the Two of Cups is a sign you are both on the
same wavelength and share a similar vision for the venture you are
creating together. You may not have the same skills as each other, but you
create a beautiful synergy when you work together. For example, one of
you may be talented at sales and marketing while the other excels at
managing the business's operations. A partnership like this – built on trust,
harmony, and mutual respect – is likely to succeed so long as you continue
to communicate with one another and focus on your shared alignment.
(Though, it never hurts to have a contract or agreement in place to ensure
this dreamy business partnership continues this way.)

Reversed Two Of Cups

At its essence, the reversed Two of Cups is about self-love. Love, in any
form, starts with love for yourself. When you love yourself unconditionally,
you accept and appreciate who you are, and you respect and honour the
most authentic version of yourself. You welcome a life of happiness because
you fundamentally believe you deserve it (and you're right!). When you
come from this place of self-love, self-acceptance, and self-respect, you will
have more fulfilling, loving relationships with others. It all starts with self-
Here’s the thing: if you don’t love yourself, you’ll end up projecting that lack
onto others, becoming clingy and attached, attracting the wrong kinds of
relationships to you, or worse, ending up in harmful situations. Here is the
shadow side of the Two of Cups reversed. So, before you seek out your
Prince Charming or tie the knot with your lifetime love, make sure you’ve
filled your cup with all that beautiful love juice for yourself first. To find
fulfilment in your life and relationships, find the love within you and give it
to yourself. No other person, material possession, or accomplishment can
do it for you.
The Two of Cups reversed can sometimes signal a break-up or a falling out.
You are out of sync with each other and don‘t share the same emotional
connection you did in the past. You may notice a lack of trust and being
open with one another is proving difficult. Communication may be
restricted or withheld, and the energy flow between you stifled. To turn
this situation around, open up, share, and hold a safe space for one another
to express your feelings. Even with one conversation, you can shift the
energy flow dramatically.

Upright Two Of Pentacles

When the Two of Pentacles appears in a Tarot reading, it’s safe to say you
are juggling your priorities, roles and responsibilities. For example, you
may be a working parent, a general manager of a business, an
administrative assistant in a busy office, or someone who works multiple
In the upright position, this card notes you are doing an excellent job of
balancing these different priorities, and you can take on whatever life
throws at you; but this Two reminds you that the line between coping with
these demands and losing control is thin. You need to manage your time,
energy and resources carefully so you do not lose your balance.
The Two of Pentacles often appears when you are busy, rushing from one
thing to the next, with little downtime in between. You may tell yourself
that you haven‘t got enough time or you’re in a rush. However, remember
that you don’t have to be busy to get things done. Sometimes taking a break
is the most productive thing you can do. Similarly, the Two of Pentacles can
appear when you are getting caught up in the day-to-day demands and
losing sight of the bigger picture. If this resonates, ask yourself: What life do
I want? And how can I reorganise my schedule to create the life I desire?
The Two of Pentacles invites you to manage your time and your priorities
carefully. Your workload is high right now, and to get everything done, you
need to stay focused and productive. You may benefit from a ‘to do’ list,
better calendar management and a stricter schedule. You may even enlist
the support of an assistant or business coach to help you make the right
changes. Basic time management is crucial to your ability to juggle these
various priorities and keep your head above water. This card also reminds
you to pay special attention to your general administration, including
paying bills managing finances, staying on top of your commitments and
maintaining your diary. Be careful that you do not miss important
deadlines, meetings and other obligations.
This card calls your awareness to the concept of balance and those parts of
your life where you have it (and those where you don’t). While you can
strive for equilibrium, nothing ever stays in perfect harmony. For example,
stabilising your work and family commitments sounds fantastic, but in
reality, your family might be more high-priority one week, and work the
next. So, when the Two of Pentacles appears in a Tarot reading, see it as a
reminder to be patient, flexible and adaptable as you try to juggle your
responsibilities with your family, friends, work, finances, health and new
challenges. Be ready to swap around activities or accommodate last-minute
requests. And know that if you are succeeding in one area of your life, it’s
likely you’re struggling in another – that’s just a part of the balancing act!

Reversed Two Of Pentacles

In an inverted position, the Two of Pentacles warns that you are

overcommitted and, at times, struggling to maintain your overloaded
schedule or stay on top of your bills. Others might not see it yet, but the
stress is getting to you and you may even catch yourself dropping the ball.
Follow this card’s lesson and get organised. You may need to bring more
structure to your responsibilities through budgets, to do lists, forward
planning or a diary and effective time management. Turn down
opportunities that are no longer in alignment with your goals.
The reversed Two of Pentacles can also be a sign you are over-investing in
one area of your life at the expense of others. For example, you may excel in
your career, but have little time for your family or your partner, leaving
them feeling disconnected and alone. While you may get away with a few
late nights at work, there will come a time when enough is enough.
Something has to give.
The reversed Two of Pentacles invites you to reassess your priorities and
goals and decide where you want to spend your time and energy.
Distractions are plenty, and it will take every ounce of your concentration
to stay true to your goals. Choose the one thing you need to focus on so you
can give it your undivided attention and you will reach success.

Upright Two Of Swords

The Two of Swords indicates that you are facing a challenging decision, but
you are unclear about which option to take. Both possibilities may seem
equally good – or equally bad – and you are stumped about which will lead
you to the best outcome. You must be able to weigh up the pros and cons of
each choice and then make a conscious judgment. Use both your head (your
mind and the intellect) and your heart (your feelings and intuition) to
choose the path that is most in alignment with your Higher Self.

In a reading, it may be helpful to draw a further two cards for either side of
the Two of Swords to show what it is you are trying to decide upon or
balance. You may also like to draw four more cards, for the pros and cons of
each choice.

The woman in this card wears a blindfold, indicating that she cannot see
the entirety of her circumstance. You may lack the information you need to
make the right decisions. You may be missing something, such as the
threats or potential risks, alternative solutions or critical pieces of
information that would help guide you in a particular direction. Once you
remove the blindfold and see the situation for what it really is, you will be
in a much better position to find your best path forward. Research your
options more, seek outside opinions and feedback and ask yourself what
you might be missing.

It is also possible that the woman in the Two of Swords has intentionally
chosen to put on the blindfold to avoid making a choice. Are you trying to
hide from a challenging situation or impending decision, hoping that if you
ignore it long enough, you won’t need to worry about it? Unfortunately, the
issue is unlikely to resolve itself, and the longer you delay, the longer you
will prolong this present situation.

Similarly, the Two of Swords can reflect indecision and an impasse on an

important matter. Again, you can only put it off so long; at some point, you
have to make a move.

The Two of Swords comes as a reminder that many of life’s decisions are
difficult ones and rarely come with clear-cut answers. The invitation is to
make your choices with your best intentions, fully aware of the possible
consequences. Avoidance will lead to greater conflict and stagnation.
Upright Two Of Wands

The Two of Wands takes the spark of inspiration from the Ace of Wands
and turns it into a clear action plan. You went through the discovery phase
and know what you want to manifest – now you need to figure out how.
You are exploring your options and carefully plotting out the path ahead,
accounting for all possibilities and potential challenges. You are open to
growth and exploring new territories, so long as you maintain a level of
certainty that your efforts will work out in the end.
When the Two of Wands appears in a Tarot reading, you are not ready to
make your move – it is more important that you establish a clear plan
before proceeding. The Two of Wands is also about discovery, particularly
as you step outside your comfort zone and explore new worlds and
experiences. It may take courage to set out, but this card gives you the
confidence of self-knowledge. You know what your goal is and are sure of
its eventual fulfilment. Let your intuition and passion guide you as you
confirm your next steps.
The Two of Wands indicates that you are considering your longer-term
goals and aspirations and are ready to plan for what you need to do to
achieve them. You have already come so far, and now you feel ready for a
change – this time with your long-term future in mind. You may be
contemplating overseas travel, further education or a significant career
switch to expand your horizons beyond your immediate environment. With
careful planning and a moderated approach, you will set yourself up for
The Twos in Tarot often represent decisions of some sort. With this two,
you may make a choice between sticking with what you know or taking a
risk. You understand the world has something bigger or more meaningful
to offer you, yet you also realise that you must leave your familiar grounds
to capitalise on this opportunity. Even though you already invested a lot
into your current circumstances, it is imperative that you step out and
explore your options.
Reversed Two Of Wands

The Two of Wands reversed encourages you to draw your attention

inwards and focus on your personal goals. Consider what is truly important
to you and what lights you up. You may have headed in one direction, only
to realise it wasn’t in full alignment with your deeper values and purpose.
This card invites you to go back to the drawing board and reconnect with
your dreams and ambitions, then make the necessary adjustments to your
path ahead.
At times, the Two of Wands reversed may indicate that you have a fruitful
idea, but lack a clear strategy to move it forward. As a result, you are
working haphazardly and inefficiently and not reaching your desired
destination as quickly as you would like. As French poet, Antoine de Saint-
Exupéry, says, “A goal without a plan is just a wish,” so make sure you have
a clear plan in place to manifest your goals. Go back to your original
intention, and the energy and enthusiasm you felt at the beginning. Let
them guide you to the next step.
If you are at a crossroads about which direction to take to fulfil your
dreams, ask yourself: What do I really want? And what’s keeping me from
getting it? You may have been opting for the easy path, when it is, in fact,
the more difficult one that gives us the best opportunity for growth.
Similarly, the reversed Two of Wands can highlight that you are reluctant
to step out into unknown territories despite the enormous potential,
instead preferring to stick with what you know. You may be ‘the big fish in
the small pond’, enjoying the feeling of success in this safe environment.
Reconnect with your vision and why you are here and know that you will
need to explore new fields to reach your highest level.

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