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the cat

Caramel the Cat was strolling in the park. Her beautiful ginger fur shone like gold in the sunlight and her blue eyes sparkled.

Caramel was playing with a butterfly when a small house, nestled in some trees, caught her eye. She walked over to have a look.

A delicious smell wafted from the house towards her little pink nose.

The window was slightly open. She jumped up onto the window ledge and squeezed through the gap into the kitchen.

On the dining table there were three plates of succulent white fish.

Caramel went straight to the biggest plate and started to munch but her teeth went crunch as she bit down on a fish bone. Ouch.

She abandoned the big plate and moved on to the medium sized one. After one lick of the fish Caramels face wrinkled up because it was too salty.

The fish smelt so good she just had to try the fish on the small plate. She took one bite and it tasted just right. Not too salty and no bones. Caramel chowed down until every last scrap was finished.

Caramel licked her lips and paws and yawned sleepily. She was tired. She looked around for the best place to curl up and sleep.

She tried the bathroom but it was too cold

Then the living room but it was too cluttered..

She poked her head round the door of a lovely cosy bedroom. Jackpot. She jumped up onto the bed and spread herself out on the big blue pillow. But it was too hard and uncomfortable.

She tried the medium sized pillow, but it was too soft. She rolled off that pillow and onto the small fluffy one, which was just right. She nodded off straight away into a deep sleep.

Just at that point the family came home. Theyd been collecting tomatoes from the end of the garden to have with their meal.

The little girl, Tilly, noticed that her fish was gone. Tillys mum and dad checked their fish and saw it had been nibbled too. They looked around the house to see if anything had been stolen but everything was where it should be.

The little girl suddenly heard a loud purring sound. Its in the bedroom. Whoever ate my fish is in the bedroom. They rushed upstairs to find Caramel stretched out across Tillys cushion.

Mummy, Daddy, it was a cat who ate all my fish. And now Shes sleeping on my pillow. Shes so cute. Can I keep her? Shrieked Tilly.

Tillys mum and dad were surprised to see the cat but agreed that Tilly could keep the cat if it wasnt reported lost or stolen at the vets.

Caramel opened her eyes lazily, woken up by the excitement in the room. She padded over to Tilly, who was sitting on the bed, and snuggled up on her lap.

the end

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