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Compost and Fertilizer Mixer Machine

Myassar AL-dahabı - 1810201014

Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Ahmet Fatih YILMAZ


Benefits of the compost…………………………..7
animal compost………………………………..……..….8
Benefits of organic sealed animal manure……………..10
The areas most benefited from fertilizer………………10
Compost Machine………………………………….11
SOLUTION PROCESS……………………………..14
Description of the system………………………17
How the system Works…………………………..19
Storage and transportation……………….23
Compost and Fertilizer Mixer Machine analysis………24
Blade thermal analysis………………………………..24
Cylinder thermal analysis…………………………..25
And in the end………………………………….28


Compost fertilizer consists of the decomposition of organic

materials by bacteria after collecting animal residues such as
cattle dung and other livestock and stacking them in a clean
place and any farmer can accomplish them on his farm by
means of his potential workers and a tractor cart to collect and
stack waste.
So sprinkled with water weekly and fluctuated every month
once and so for (9-12 months) to ensure its decomposition and
death of herbal seeds if any, and during this period can add
leaves of dry plants, especially pulses, to raise the proportion of
nitrogen , To kill insects and fungi and increase the percentage
of calcium according to the rate of the pile for example a ton
added to it from 2-3 bags weighing 10 kg prose as well as can be
added agricultural sulfur to increase the interaction at the rate of
a bag per ton and spray with water with each process, and after
the end of the period and ensure the decomposition of fertilizer
and its cold

And, compost fertilizer is a natural fertilizer consisting of the
residues of living organisms, and many farmers rely on adding
compost to the soil, avoiding the chemical compost that strains
it. Beneficial microbes are added to the soil so that compost can
disassemble nutrients and turn them into an easy-to-absorb
mineral form by plants, unlike the chemical manure that
supplies the plant directly to the minerals.
Compost is treated before being applied to the ground and plants
naturally by allowing bacteria to break down bonds that die after
they work, then compost is dried in preparation for use, compost
is rich in nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, phosphate,
manganese and sulfur, all of which are essential and very useful
for soil and plants, organic fertilizer is produced from animal
dung in general, bone residues, blood, and dead plant residues
contribute to its formation.

Hence abandon the primordial some era, use in corrode
recycling has been significantly enhanced, creating a huge
demand for compost machines. Compost accommodation
machines are many a time hand-me-down in principle
fertilization and may expand their usefulness with generalized
waste recycling.

Organic compost, which was created based on dynamic

compost, is able to mix straw power, animal dung, and other
sticky and microbiological preparations successfully. improved
aerobic fermentation environment for the substance. suitable for
feces from animals and birds, fungus from mushrooms, and
living rubbish
Compost adds organic matter, improving soil texture and water
retention in sandy soils, as well as drainage in clay soils, and
promotes the growth of beneficial soil organisms as increasing
organic matter also reduces the tendency of many soils to
compress, strip and peel off the surface.

as well as sludge, crop straw, and other organic solids utilized in
industrial fermentation processing, can be employed to handle
the fermentation of feed and other substances.
but warns against the use of animal fertilizer directly where it
contains a high percentage of urea that burns plants or seedlings
unless used on unguarded land and ploughed several times to
ensure mixing with the soil is irrigated,
then plowed again, and then planned and planted, but for
fertilization, it must be fermented and decomposed.

Benefits of the compost:

1. Provides the smallest and largest elements needed for the

2. Increases the soil's ability to dissolve the plant's nutrients.
3. Works to modify acidity in the soil and stabilize it
4. Works to resist plant diseases and insect pests
5. Ventilates the soil because of the movement of
microorganisms and the disposal of toxic substances where the
compost absorbs major elements such as lead and calcium and
installs them in the form of a complex, non-absorbable bond.
6. It keeps water in the soil, which reduces the addition of water
and saves money.

7. Rich in organic matter, which is the main process room that

feeds the plant
And there are a lot of types for compost so we're going to
talk about animal compost .

Animal compost is a manure produced from animal dung, and

animal manure is a natural organic fertilizer used to feed plants
and trees and to improve soil strength.

What animals can use their dung as animal organic fertilizer?

Dung can be used as animal organic fertilizer: chicken dung,

pigeons, cows, sheep, goats, horse, and pigeons.
Cat and dog dung is not used as fertilizer because its dung
increases the likelihood of human exposure to pathogens more
than the rest of the animal's insidicy. And because the dung of
these animals attracts certain animals, such as snakes and

rodents, and because the dung of those animals emits a bad
smell during fermentation.

Benefits of organic sealed animal manure

The benefits of manure of cow dung, chicken, sheep and goats

for agriculture are:
Increase the crop.
Animal manure reduces the purchase of chemical fertilizers.
Animal manure provides food for the plant.
Well fermented animal manure (compost) reduces the growth of
weeds when placed in a thick layer around the plant away from
the leg.
Soils become more water retainable.
The soil shouts less stacked.

Non-fermented animal manure damage:

Animal dung contains annual grass seeds and hookah roots.

Animal dung contains fungal pathogens causing the roots of the
plant to rot.
Animal dung contains nematoda larvae.
Non-fermented dung contains human pathogenic bacteria such
as salmonella and E. coli bacteria.
The new animal dung situation, particularly chicken dung,
causes the plant to die because it contains a high percentage of
Biopyths may contaminate drinking water if placed close to
water sources (wells, ponds, rivers).

Cow fertilizer has many benefits besides getting rid of harmful

ammonia gas and pathogens such as E. coli, as well as weed
seeds, cow dung converted to compost and It's beneficial to ,

Adds large amounts of organic matter to the soil by mixing this
compost into the soil, and you can improve its ability to retain
moisture as this allows you to water less.

Plant roots can use extra water, nutrients when needed, and will
improve ventilation, helping to break up compressed soils.
Cow fertilizer also contains beneficial bacteria, which convert
nutrients into easily accessible forms so that they can be
released slowly without burning the roots of thin plants, and
result in cows' dung being composted by about a third of
greenhouse gases, making it environmentally friendly

The areas most benefited from fertilizer:

Areas where water is not available, and their land depends on

Shallow lands or water-hungry soils or quick drainage of water.
Heavy sandy or clay soil.
Soils containing small amounts of carbon.
High or hilly land where it is fast drainage, reduces available
water and consumes large amounts of water.
Soil is poorly fed and poor basic elements.

Compost Machine:

So, I read on the internet about systems I can design and
problems that I can fix

I found that there is a problem that students can search and

design about in farming and livestock filed, so I decided to
design a recycle system that can helps us make a compost from
animals and in the same time store this compost.

As we know making compost in easy ways can help us from a

lot of things

1. getting rid of greenhouse gasses

2. getting rid of infectious diseases
3. reduce time and effort, as we know making compost in the
tradition ways takes a lot of time so this system will help us to
reduce it

This system will work like this

First entering the waste to the system after that store it for
temporary time after that we get the compost.

Also The waste problem we are experiencing today is a really
big problem for humanity.

Although waste is recovered as energy by large-scale recycling

in certain areas, in some areas it is essential to carry out
necessary studies especially in the department of agricultural
and livestock wastes.

Although the wastes are collected as fertilizer especially in

livestock farms, the ways followed to control and dispose of
these wastes constitute a problem, especially the accumulation
of wastes in the form of a pile in the open area creates great
problems in the local areas of nature and settlements close to the
settlements of disease carrying micro-macro assets

Not only this, but also the need for personnel for this storage
disposal and intermediate operations within the enterprise
causes material, hardware, time, and effort loss within the

So Today, we will introduce a system that can be integrated into

the fertilizer production system in large cattle and small cattle
farms that we have made with you.

In addition to this production, this system provides energy to the

water heating used within the enterprise and to the heat routers
within the enterprise.



1. Bulk storage in open space

2. Loss of effort and time in the business

3. Waste treatment and problems

4. Fertilizer manufacturing process

5. Environmental problems «greenhouse gasses. »

6. Epidemics in residential areas in the region

7. Easy integration of the system into enterprises

8. Processing processes and procedures of agricultural

and livestock waste


We have developed this system that we will present

within the framework of the work done around all these
limiters and problems.

Description of the system:

This system is a fully automated system that can be

integrated into all kinds of small and large
enterprises related to the relevant area, which will
reduce the waste of time loss and increase
the production capacity and provide ease of
operation in the enterprise, convenience in
compost, fertilizer production, waste operations,
storage, temporary storage processes.

How the system Works :

first component coil transmission unit.

The second component is the reactor.

The third component is the packaging unit of the
material produced, were the screw transmitter will
be used, this component will be made according to
the location of the institution and the operation

first component coil transmission unit :

Features of this unit and the tasks it undertakes.

Takes over the transmission and transportation
process, saving effort and time in the enterprise,
Providing temporary storage and accumulation
space , Main reactor supply , Undertaking the
preparation of composting raw material for burning
or composting in manure and Mixing of raw

The second component is the reactor:

The tasks undertaken by this reactor are:

1. Will enable fertilizer and compost production.

2. The entire process and the point at which its
production takes place.
3. As much as needed acting as a grinder.
4. Mixer as much as needed.
5. Undertaking the task of heat conduction agent.
6. It will handle many more tasks, such as taking
on the main storage space task.


1. First, the waste will accumulate on the screw

2. Then there will be temporary storage and
accumulation of raw materials for the reactor will
be made.
3. Then the reactor will be fed and the reactor will
4. Humidification irrigation and mixing will take
place in the reactor
5. And the process will be repeated in the specified
amounts within the specified periods
6. Finally, the main products and by-products will
exit the reactor.



Solving the landfill problem reduces the amount of

output waste and the mass of waste generated
Effort, time, and material waste reduced
Benefiting from waste to produce extra products
and benefit and benefiting from waste to
produce extra products and benefit.
The compost machine is made to meet strict
requirements for accessibility and hygienic
The equipment is simple to maintain.
All wearing parts are with soild materials.
It tries to produce materials that are recyclable or
made from recycled materials.


1.Compost depending on the situation

2.Condition-dependent fersiziler

3.Heat generation


1. Fertilizer production is known that the burning time of

fertilizer is long, so that by shortening this process, both waste
management is provided, and the effort and financial losses of
the enterprise are prevented.
2. Environmental problems and health diseases are prevented.
3. Streamlines waste processes.
4. The mass ratio of the product with yield in terms of fertilizer
to the raw material is approximately 70%.

5. Compost production: contrary to what is known, the only

waste coming out of animal care farms is not animal feces, but a

certain amount of green fattening material grass and dry
fattening material output from cattle and small head farms, and
with the control of their ratios, the green and brown matter
required for compost is released as desired, so that compost
production is provided in this system.

6. The yield of compost is relatively high because a certain

amount of mass drop occurs in the composting process.

7. And this decrease does not affect the yield of the estimated
ratio of the output product to the input raw material can be
determined experimentally.

8. Heat generation in this system will be provided with infinite

length insulated surface method according to the system of
expanded surface fins will be provided heat conduction with

9. The ratio of the sum of the heat conduction amounts per fin to
the heat we use for this thermal conduction will give us the
thermal efficiency.

10. 17 w energy per fin is provided under continuous regime

11. Each cylinder has 90 blades and a total energy input of 1.53
kw, and in addition, the wall thickness and material of the

cylinder provide us with an approximately hemogenic thermal
12. Produces 3.06 kw of energy.

13. On the other hand, the amount of energy we obtain from the
cylinder is about 24.5w from a 100 mm slice

14. If we consider that the 2 cylinders have a total of 12 m, it

will give about 2940 waat of energy and the thermal efficiency
is approximately 96%.

15. Again, the roller is used to stir and aerate the compost in this
instance, but this time, the action takes place behind the compost
turner, beneath the machine.

Storage and transportation:

The compost is stored to protect it from sunlight, wind

and rain by covering it with straw or straw with a
moisturizing durance from the outside with a good press
to reduce its size.

It is transported in plastic bags or even loosely

Compost and Fertilizer Mixer Machine analysis

1. Blade thermal analysis

2. Cylinder thermal analysis

Blade thermal analysis

Cylinder thermal analysis




1. Livestock farms usually each hingar has an average area of 1

dying area.
2. Each 1 of the population is 1000 m^2, and for each head an
average of 16 to 20 m^2 of habitat is allocated, making an
average of 50 cattle in one pond.

3. A milking cow produces waste of up to 8% of its average live

weight per day (a cow with a live weight of 600 kg produces 48
kg of feces and urine).

4. In addition, daily weed, and hay culling causes about 50
kg. of waste.

5. This shows that if a reactor has a volume of 8.64 m^3, two

systems are sufficient for a hangar.


1. The entire system can be produced at different scales

specific to the situation with a flexible architecture.
2. The fact that the production technique is steel
construction gives us ease and flexibility of variability in
3. It can be produced in all places and conditions, and
provides ease of assembly.

And in the end
creating compost in simple ways can benefit us much.

eliminating greenhouse gas emissions

Getting rid of infectious diseases requires less time and effort,
and since the traditional methods for generating compost take a
long time, this approach will enable us to speed up the process.
This is how the system will function.
The waste is first introduced to the system, then it is temporarily
stored before being turned into compost.

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