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Name: Maxene S.

Gabinete Grade & Section: STEM 12-A


Exercise 1: Warm-up Exercise

Parts of the Exercise

1. Head  Head tilt
 Side bend
 Rotation
 Shoulder pull
 Flexion
 Upper Trapezius Stretch
 Levator Scapular Stretch Neck retraction
 Head drop
 Head turn
2. Neck  Doorway Stretch
 Chin Up & Down
 Cervical Retraction
 Wall Push Up
 Prone Rows
 Shoulder Scapular Squeeze
 180 degrees Neck Rotation
 Theraband Rows
 Back and forward bend
 360 degrees neck rotation
3. Shoulders  Prone T
 Crab walk
 Thoracic extension stretch
 Wing span
 Push ups
 Incline bench press
 Lateral raise
 Overhead press
 Standing cable pulley fly
 Shoulder shrug

4. Triceps  Kickbacks
 Push-ups
 Lying triceps extensions
 Triceps extensions
 Triceps pushdowns
 Rope pushdowns
 Bar pushdowns
 Close grip bench press
 Diamond push-ups
 Triceps dips
5. Biceps  Hamme curl
 Cable concentration curl
 Cable curl
 Concentration curl
 High cable curl
 Chin-up
 Cable hammer curl
 Barbell curl
 Incline dumbbell curl
 TRX suspension curl
6. Waist  Plank hip dips
 Side crunch
 Heel touchers
 Oblique crunch
 Russian twist
 Bicycle crunches
 Triangle crunch
 Dumbbell side bend
 Side plank hip lifts
 Waist slimmer squat
7. Thigh  Single-leg circle
 Ballerina plie
 Plyometric Squat
 Attitude to side extension
 Weighted inner-thigh lift
 Side shuffles switch
 Low lunge with isometric adduction
 Side lunge sweep
 Lunges with dumbbells
 Dumbbell squat
8. Knee  Wall squats
 Quadriceps stretch Straight leg raises
 Side leg raises
 Leg presses
 Heel and calf stretch
 Set-ups
 Hamstring curls
 Prone straight leg raises
 Calf rises
9. Ankle  Standing heel raise
 Toe pull
 Towel curls
 Ankle alphabet
 Calf raise
 Towel stretch
 Golf ball roll
 Ankle circles
 Achilles stretch
 Standing calf stretch
10. Feet  Toe curls
 Golf ball roll
 Toe splay
 Toe raise, point, and curl
 Marble pickup
 Sand walking
 Toe extension
 Big toe stretch
 Achilles stretch
 Bottom of foot

Exercise 2: How to execute?

1. Basic Arm pull in swimming free style

- Entering the arms a natural distance straight in front of the
shoulder and pulling in a straight line from that point to the side
of the hip is how the basic arm pull is done. The elbow pops up
and to the side as the hand draws back.
2. Basic leg stroke in swimming free style
- The legs perform a flutter kick in the freestyle stroke. This
means they move in short, quick movements with their feet
spread out and their hips and knees bending slightly.
Alternating and opposite movements are used in the flutter
kick. One leg rises while the other descends, and vice versa.
3. Basic body position in free style
- Try to glance down and focus your attention on the pool's
bottom when swimming freestyle. Your neck and head
should be straight above your shoulders in a neutral
position. You should not gaze up in front of you or lift your
head. Your hip position is directly influenced by your head
4. Breathing techniques in swimming free style
- When swimming freestyle, use bilateral breathing. You should breathe on
both your left and right sides in between strokes. It is not a good idea to
breathe by lifting your head and facing forward. Every swimmer is different.
Some swimmers breathe every other stroke, while others breathe every 3-5
strokes. I recommend taking a deep breath after every three strokes.

Exercise 3: Performance Tasks: Paste or draw in a long bond paper (4 pics in one
bond paper)
1. Clippings/Drawings/Pictures of different aquatic recreations




1. Clippings/Drawings/Pictures of different Type of Floats



3. Clippings/Drawings/Pictures of different Type of Swimming Strokes




1. How do you think the absence of leisure affects the quality of
life? Think of a time when you spent of your time
accomplishing school tasks, to the point that you barely had
time for rest and leisure. How did you feel?
- Absence of leisure really affects an individual’s quality
of life, especially to the mental health and socialization.
There’s this happening that I am chasing deadlines,
simultaneous subjects are being made, I was cramming
and I feel like I’m not happy with what I’m doing
anymore but it’s still worth it in the end.

2. Among the aquatic recreations discussed, which do

you find most interesting? Why?
- I find swimming more interesting. I don’t know how to
swim but I wanna learn and I’m amazed with different
floats and strokes.

3. Recall a time that you got hurt or injured because of

carelessness. What did you learn from this experience?
- When I was a kid, I saw my brothers riding a bicycle. As
an innocent being, I’m curious on what was the feeling in
riding a bike and I convinced my mom that I want to
learn how to ride it. My brothers helped me and suddenly
they let me do it myself because they thought that I can
do it already and unfortunately my leg was badly hurt. I
learned in this experience that everything takes time and
it doesn’t mean that you like it, you can have it

4. Do you know how to swim? What style of swimming can you execute?
- I don’t know how to swim.

5. How do you maintain safety in swimming?

- I maintain safety in swimming by having someone with me
who knows how to swim and to test the water level to my

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